New Legacy Beta Testing Guide

Wiki > New Legacy Beta > New Legacy Beta Testing Guide

New Legacy Beta Weekends will begin on July 26, 2024 and continue through launch day.  Each week we will bring the server up on Friday afternoon and you’ll have until 9 AM ET Monday morning to participate in the beta.

The shard is still a work in progress as we refine and tune various areas and systems and areas.

This Britannia is different and we invite you to check out the Beta FAQ which provides an overview on the major changes.

Each weekend we will ask beta testers to focus on specific testing elements and provide feedback and make bug reports through our contact form and selected “New Legacy Beta Feedback / Bug Report”.  You can also email us at 

Beta Testing Weekend 8 – 9/13/2024 through 9/16/2024

  • We have made updates and are looking for additional testing and feedback on the following systems.  For full details please check out the latest dev diary,
    • Treasure Maps
    • Farming
    • Custom House Names
    • Veylara

Beta Testing Weekend 7 – 9/6/2024 through 9/9/2024

  • New encounters are available for testing your battle prowess
    • Manticore
    • Veylara the Thoughtshaper
  • Dungeon Outposts are now open to all guilds, not just those involved in VvV
    • Open PvP flagging will only apply during the Dungeon Outpost
  • The Quaderact
    • Additional feedback is needed on the Quaderact Encounter

Beta Testing Weekend 6 – TBD through 9/3/2024

We will be expanding the testing window due to the Labor Day Holiday on 9/2/2024.  Please continue to test existing systems & encounters and provide feedback for balancing and report any bugs you may encounter.  Happy testing!

Beta Testing Weekend 5 – 8/23/2024 through 8/26/2024

  • Moonglow Yacht Club Pumpkin Regatta
    • Calling all skippers!  Visit the Moonglow Yacht Club to signup and take to the seas!
  • Assassin Advanced Narrative Line
    • Visit the Arcanist Emissaries in Moonglow, Trinsic, and Skara Brae to embark on this deadly adventure!
  • Guild Objectives
    • All guild objectives, guild leveling, and guild housing are available for testing and feedback.  Grab your guildies get your guild to level 2!
    • 40x increase on Prestige Tokens (wow! such rewards!) will unlock the coveted guild banner builder faster as well as access to PREMIUM guild housing.
  • Crafting Updates
    • Repair crates now offer a secure way for crafters to repair equipment for other players!  Purchase these from NPC Crafting Guildmasters.
  • Pet Bonding gates have been placed at stables in major cities for testing purposes only.

Beta Testing Weekend 4 – 8/16/2024 through 8/19/2024

  • Lycaeum Event
    • Visit the “Congiarum Coordinator” in various magical shops throughout Trinsic, Skara, and Moonglow to learn more.
    • In the previous beta weekend, the congiarium was upgraded and thusly higher level loot properties are available throughout the realm.
  • Guild Objectives
    • All guild objectives, guild leveling, and guild housing are available for testing and feedback.  Grab your guildies get your guild to level 2!
    • 20x increase on Prestige Tokens will unlock the coveted guild banner builder faster as well as access to PREMIUM guild housing.
  • Crimson Dragon & Solen Matriarch
    • Test your mettle against these daring encounters!
  • Crafting
    • The Congiarium has unlocked new crafting abilities, grab your tools and make some noise!

Beta Testing Weekend 3 – 8/9/2024 through 8/12/2024

  • Lycaeum Event
    • Visit the “Congiarum Coordinator” in various magical shops throughout Trinsic, Skara, and Moonglow to learn more.
  • Loot Gates & Item Enhancements
    • Through the Congiarum the collective knowledge of magical properties throughout the realm is increased, leading to more powerful magical items!
  • Quaderact
    • Grab your guildies and test your mettle against Britannia’s most challenging foes.  Visit the Promoter in taverns located in Trinsic, Moonglow, and Skara Brae.
  • Skill Customization
    • Visit Advanced Skill Trainers once you’ve completed your primary narrative lines to unlock new skill choices.
  • Titanweave Spider Encounter
  • Resisting Spells Skill Line
  • Special Pet / Rare Pet Lure
  • Divergent Path

Beta Testing Weekend 2 – 8/2/2024 through 8/5/2024

  • Advanced Narrative Lines
    • Taming
    • Barding
    • Alchemy
  • Town Objectives
  • Player Housing
  • Farming
  • Dungeon Outpost

Guild Progression

Guild UI Updates:

The user interface for guild management has been revamped for improved navigation and functionality. Players will find it easier to track guild progress, member contributions, and upcoming events.

“Call to Arms” 

A new way to handle Champion Spawns in Ultima Online. It introduces coordinated goals for VvV Guilds, which encourages exciting PvP battles and interactions among players.

New Guild Level System:

This system revolves around completing guild objectives, fostering teamwork and collaboration among guild members.

How Does it Work?

Guild Objectives: Guilds earn experience points (EXP) by completing various objectives, such as town objectives, participating in hunts and events, and engaging in guild wars. Member Contributions: Each guild member’s participation contributes to the guild’s EXP, encouraging active involvement from everyone.

Guild Activity: Completing objectives earns Guild Prestige Tokens, which are converted into weekly EXP for the guild. The more active the guild, the faster it levels up.

Leveling Milestones: Guilds level up by reaching specific EXP milestones, unlocking benefits such as increased member capacity and access to better rewards and resources.

Maintaining Active Membership: Guild leaders must keep a roster of active members to ensure continuous progress. Inactive members hinder the guild’s advancement.

Weekly Activity Points Cap: There’s a cap on the amount of Guild Prestige Tokens (PT) members can earn daily and weekly. Once reached, further EXP and PT accumulation halts until the weekly reset (Sunday).

Beta Testing Weekend 1 – 7/26/2024 through 7/29/2024

  • Player Introduction Period – Ocllo Starting Area
  • Primary Narrative Lines
    • Warrior
    • Mage
    • Ranger
    • Blacksmith
    • Tailor
    • Carpenter
  • Legacy System
    • Unique Surname
    • Character Portrait
    • Legacy Journal
    • Legacy Sash
    • Legacy Awards
    • Memberships