Publish 117 Updates

Good Afternoon everyone,

I wanted to get everyone up to date with the Publish of 117 and the New Legacy Beta Publish. We had published an update to 117 which caused some unexpected results that resulted in some necessary reverts. As far as the return of the items purchased with Sovereigns, please make sure you inform me or support. We are compiling a list of the Sovereigns that were involved in the revert and will be replacing the Sovereigns to your account that were used during the revert. Claims for missing sovereigns must be submitted by Tuesday, July 30th at 11:59 PM ET. We have corrected the issues and will be publishing and update to Publish 117 by Wednesday July 31st,.  In the meantime, please remove any exploited tabards off mannequins or they will be unequipped to the ground. Those equipped by players will be unequipped to the backpack if there is available backpack space. Please know that if you are wearing a converted tabard that was not exploited the publish will not affect those items. Those players who have exploited tabards that are no longer equip able have the option to keep it as deco or contact support to receive a complimentary transmogrification potion.

This Friday will also be our first New Legacy Beta weekend, more details will be available when the beta shard launches Friday.

See you in Britannia,
Bonnie “Mesanna” Armstrong