UO Herald - Special Announcement

New Legacy Beta Test Weekend #1

7/26/2024 Greetings, We are pleased to announce the Ultima Online: New Legacy Beta Testing Weekend #1 will commence today at 12pm ET and conclude Monday, July 29th at 9 AM ET. In anticipation of this release, a new patch is available for both the Classic & Enhanced Clients.  The patch is mandatory and all players will need to update their clients before accessing New Legacy or Production Servers. We invite you to please visit the New Legacy Beta Testing Wiki for Testing Guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions.   See you in Britannia, UO Team

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Publish 117 Updates

Good Afternoon everyone, I wanted to get everyone up to date with the Publish of 117 and the New Legacy Beta Publish. We had published an update to 117 which caused some unexpected results that resulted in some necessary reverts. As far as the return of the items purchased with Sovereigns, please make sure you inform me or support. We are compiling a list of the Sovereigns that were involved in the revert and will be replacing the Sovereigns to your account that were used during the revert. Claims for missing sovereigns must be submitted by Tuesday, July 30th at […]

UO Herald - Special Announcement

New Legacy Beta

7/22/2024 Greetings, We want to thank everyone who expressed interest in the Ultima Online: New Legacy beta!  Since the release of the Gameplay Trailer the response has been overwhelming!  We want to give everyone an opportunity to join in on this journey together! We are pleased to announce the first  New Legacy open beta period will begin on Friday, July 26th 2024 and conclude on Sunday, July 28, 2024.  Beta testing weekends (Friday-Sunday) will then continue until launch day. These sessions will allow us the opportunity to provide targeted testing, systems validation, and feedback across New Legacy.  With each open […]

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Ultima Online: New Legacy Beta

7/11/2024 7/17/2024 – Update We want to thank everyone who took the time to complete the Ultima Online: New Legacy beta survey!  The survey is now closed.  Stay tuned to UO.com for updates as to when beta testing begins.  Thank you! Greetings, We are pleased to announce the beta testing period of Ultima Online: New Legacy will be launching shortly.  We invite all those interested to please complete a brief survey here. See you in Britannia, UO Team

UO Herald - Hotfix

Publish 117 Hotfixes to Origin

5/8/2024 Greetings, We have deployed the following hotfixes to Origin.  Character transfers will be disabled to/from Origin until all shards are published.  We will update the deployment schedule for all shards to receive these hotfixes when available. Resolved issue where hedge type could not be placed in greenhouse Resolved issue with counts of lobsters & crabs available on merchant ships Restored functionality of the Enchanted Gardening Shears Resolved server crash See you in Britannia, UO Team

UO Herald - Hotfix

Shuriken Hotfix

4/23/2024 Fixed an issue where Shurikens and Darts could ignore the throw timer, and the item wouldn’t reset properly after being used. See you in Britannia, UO Team

Publish 117 World Wide

Greetings, We are pleased to announce that Publish 117 will be released world wide with each shard’s normally scheduled maintenance beginning with our Japanese server on April 18th, 2024.  Please check out the Publish 117 patch notes for full details. With this update, vendor search will be going through maintenance and will be unavailable temporarily while we perform this work. See you in Britannia, UO Team