Account Center – Credit Card Subscription System Upgrades



The account center will be coming down today at 4pm ET today for a brief update.  Following this update only new credit card subscriptions will be disabled while the payment system goes through an upgrade.  We expect this work to conclude on Thursday, February 6, 2025.

Update February 7, 2025: we expect this work to now conclude on Tuesday, February 11th, time TBD.  We will update as we have additional details.

During this time existing subscriptions and renewals will not be impacted. 

Only new credit card subscriptions will be temporarily disabled.  This includes reactivating closed game accounts and upgrading Endless Journey accounts via credit card payment.

Game time codes may still be used to reactivate closed accounts and upgrade Endless Journey accounts, you may still add game time to existing active accounts.  If you have a game time code you may visit the Account Center to activate it.  If you need to purchase a game time code, please visit the EA Store.

See you in Britannia,

UO Team