UO Herald - Lore

The Silver Gate


In anticipation of the release the Time of Legends we are kicking off a series of in-game live events to shepherd in this exciting time within Britannia! Check out shard Event Moderator websites and in-game town criers to find out when these events will be held. Without further ado we present,

The Silver Gate

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Attention: Players Wanted for Focus Group

Greetings Everyone, We are happy to announce we are ready to open the Time of Legends focus group. We would like to have approximately 250 players to take a first look at the Time of Legends and give us constructive feedback. If you have an active account and would like to join this group these are the steps to follow: Email mesanna@broadsword.com with your account name and a valid email address to use for the internal forums. You will then receive a link to fill out a Non-Disclosure Agreement and a Survey to give us a better insight to your […]

UO Herald - Support

New Support for Japanese Shards

こんにちは皆さん。 わたしたちはもう一人、日本シャード向けにPlayer Event Coordinator (PEC) を増員することをお知らせできることを嬉しく思います。彼は5月1日にイベントを行いたいすべてのプレーヤーを支援するために業務をスタートさせます。彼の名前は Naniwa (浪速) です。ご依頼は pec.naniwa@gmail.com まで日本語でどうぞ。ルールは従来のものが適用されますが、彼がすべてのプレーヤーを支援できるよう、依頼は2週間前までに送るようにしてください。 どうもありがとう。 Greetings Everyone, We are happy to announce the addition of another Player Event Coordinator to work with the Japanese shards. He will start the first of May to help any players with their events. His name is Naniwa and you can contact him atpec.naniwa@gmail.com<mailto:pec.naniwa@gmail.com>. The same rules apply, please contact him 2 weeks in advance so he can schedule his time to assist everyone. Thank you, Mesanna

UO Herald - Hotfix

Origin Issue & 30 Day Game Time Codes

Good morning everyone, We are aware of an issue with purchased 30 day game time codes.  Origin has currently stopped selling them until we can replace their codes on file.  We are sorry for the delay,  but this issue should be resolved by tomorrow. Thank you, Mesanna

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Contract Position Open

Happy Friday Everyone,

We are looking for someone in the Herndon, VA. area that would like to come work with the UO Team 15 hours a week. We would need this person to be in the office with us. Below are some of the requirements necessary:

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Answers and Changes

Happy St. Patrick’s Day Everyone!!! I wanted to address a few things from Stratics regarding IDOCs. I would also like to tell you about a few changes we are going to make. Currently in game, once a house goes into IDOC we had stated it would drop on the 5, 10, or 15th hour instead of 20. What was not said is it had to wait for a decay tick after those times. I will take blame for the miscommunication on this fact. We are fixing it so it will not wait for the decay tick and it will fall […]

UO Herald - Community

How to Contact the Player Event Coordinator (PEC)

Happy Friday Everyone, We have had several of our players use the PEC already and they seem to be enjoying enhancing their events with her help.  For those that do not know how to contact the PEC, you can email her at wraithbroadsword@gmail.com. or yo ucan leave a message at the small house by the Event Moderator hall near Blackthorn’s Bridge in Britian.  You are also welcome to leave a message for her on the bulletin board if you like. All player events that she assists with will be advertised on Facebook and pictures of the event taken and posted […]

UO Herald - Hotfix

West Coast Shards Down

All shards are now up and running.  Thank you for your patience with us while we corrected this problem. Mesanna Good morning, We are having some technical issues with the cloud servers, which is the reason why the West Coast shards are currently down.  We hope to have this issue resolved and shards back up in approx.2.5 hours. Thank you, UO Team

UO Herald - Support

New Callback Service Offer

Greetings everyone, In an effort to increase the quality of support and streamline assistance for certain account and billing-related issues, Broadsword is now pleased to offer a new phone callback service to help resolve complex account and billing issues. Please be aware that in-game issues are not part of this new initiative. Our Support team will attempt to resolve all account and billing-related issues via email first. The callback service will only be offered in situations where all attempts to resolve the issue via email have been exhausted. Our aim is to lessen the amount of back and forth sometimes […]