UO Herald - Special Announcement

Future Contest Through Newsletter

Greetings Everyone, I would like to give advanced notice that we will be running contests for those that have signed up for the Newsletter.  The reward for the one that will be described in detail in our March mailing is for a Lithograph!This is the first of many contests we are going to sponsor so please take a few moments out of your day to sign up for the Newsletter.  We are excited about some of the items we are giving away and we are sure you will be also.   Mesanna      

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Hiring 6 new Event Moderators

Greetings everyone, We have 6 openings on the EM team, three (3) on Japanese shards and three (3) on US shards.  If you would like to apply for an Event Moderator position please send an email to mesanna@broadsword.com with a write up of an event you would like to run, including what type of reward you feel is correct for the event.  I will need you to give your account names and what shards you play on.  Please understand you can not EM on a shard you play. Thank you in advance for your interest in the team and I look […]

UO Herald - Hotfix

Auction Safe Bug Fixes

Greetings Everyone, We have published a fix for the following issues regarding the Auction Safe:  Blessed tag will no longer be removed. Resolved  issue where auction item would not be delivered if player was not on the same character that placed the winning bid. All shards except the Japanese shards have these fixes, it will be published to Japanese shards during maintenance today. Thank you, UO Team    

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Turning off Vendor Search

We have resolved the issues related to Vendor Search that everyone was experiencing and have turned back on Vendor Search.  Please do not hesitate to contact us if you encounter any other issues. Thank you, UO Team     Greetings Everyone, Due to reported issues in game with character transfer, vendor search, log in server issues, and various other applications we are turning off Vendor Search  until further notice to try to track down the cause of these problems. We will keep you informed and thank you for your patience. UO Team    

UO Herald - Special Announcement

「ウルティマ オンライン」関連コードの払戻し終了のお知らせ

お客様各位 平素はウルティマ オンラインをご愛顧いただき、誠にありがとうございます。 この度、平成27年10月21日を持ちまして日本国内で販売されたウルティマ オンライン関連コードの返金サポートを終了させていただきました。 ウルティマ オンラインのゲームは引き続きお楽しみいただけます。 今後ともなにとぞよろしくお願い申し上げます。   エレクトロニック・アーツ株式会社

UO Herald - Support

【重要】日本国内販売ウルティマ オンライン関連コードの

【重要】日本国内販売ウルティマ オンライン関連コードの サポート終了のお知らせ お客様各位 平素は「ウルティマ オンライン」をご愛顧いただき、誠にありがとうございます。 この度、「ウルティマ オンライン」をご利用のお客様向けに日本国内で販売された関連コードにつきまして、平成27年7月31日23時59分をもちましてサポートを終了させていただくこととなりました。 これに伴い、日本国内で販売されたウルティマ オンライン関連コードは上記日時以降、全て無効化されご使用が不可となります。つきましては、対象となる未使用コードをお持ちの場合はサポート終了日時までにコードの適用をすべて完了していただきますようお願いいたします。対象コードの詳細につきましてはhttp://help.ea.com/jp/article/uo-jp-support-codes をご参照ください。本件につきまして続報がある場合もそちらでご案内いたします。 お客様へは多大なご迷惑をおかけしますことを心よりお詫び申し上げます。 なお、「ウルティマ オンライン」のサービスは終了せず継続いたしますので、ご安心ください。 今後もサービス向上に努めて参りますので、末永くご愛顧賜りますようお願い申し上げます   [Important Notice] End of Support of Ultima Online codes sold in Japan Dear Customers Thank you very much for playing Ultima Online game. We are writing to inform you about termination of support of Ultima Online codes sold in Japan as at 23:59 July 31, 2015 and such codes will be deactivated and cannot be used after this date. We would therefore like you to apply your unused codes until the support end date. Please kindly refer to the list of codes subject to […]

Publish 89.1 – Update

Update 04/02/2015 5:03pm ET: The classic client patch issue has been resolved. Good Afternoon Everyone, Today everyone will receive a new client that is mandatory.  You will need this client to log in and see the new art.  By Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 12:00pmET you can head to the City of Britain and look for a pretty pink squirrel that you can double click to get one of two types of new potted plants.  We have put in 2 rare hues and 16 other hues.  We hope you enjoy them. Below are a few bugs we have also wanted to […]