UO Herald - Game Updates

Orgin Store Issues

I was just told by Origin that they know what the problem is that resulted in multi codes not being sent.  The good news is the charges for the 2nd and 3rd item failed .  They are removing the ability to purchase the Kings Collection and should be back up and fix after 5 pm EDT.  At the return of the store everyone that purchased more than one code will be sent their codes.  So please wail till tomorrow to insure you get an email if you do not then please let me know. I am sorry for the inconvenience […]

UO Herald - Game Updates

Origin Store Issues

Hello everyone,    I wanted to let everyone know that the issue with not getting your codes has been reported and I have someone working on it right now.  After speaking with my contact at the Origin store the 2nd and 3rd Theme packs purchases did not go through even though they appeared as they did.  There was an error in the labeling of the Theme pack and until this is corrected please do not buy more than one code per Origin account.  As soon as this is fixed I will let you guys know.

UO Herald - Game Updates

Kings Collection In Game Codes

For those that have purchased the Kings Collection from the Origin store and are having issues getting the code to be recognized in game please do the following.  After the first 6 digits put in a dash, then after every 5 digits put in a dash.  If for some reason you are still having issues please feel free to contact support@ultimaonline.com or myself. Happy Monday everyone!!

UO Herald - Game Updates

Publish 82

Publish 82.0.0 Publish 82 is being published on TC1 today, it will be on Origin and Izumo on Thursday/Friday during their maintenance.  The publish will go live on Monday June 24th during morning maintenance. King’s Collection Theme Pack • The King’s Collection theme pack will be available for purchase from the Origin store on Monday, June 24th, 2013. • The King’s Collection provides an entitlement code to be applied to your account and also a code to redeem a token to claim in game items. • Your account must have the King’s Collection entitlement to use the King’s Collection token […]

UO Herald - Game Updates

Voting Fix

Greetings everyone,     We have put out a fix for the voting issuethe players have been experiencing.  After maintenance tomorrow the issue should be corrected.  Thank you for your patience while we fix this problem. Good luck everyone!! UO Team

UO Herald - Game Updates

Hiring Event Moderators

I am looking for several active players that are creative and would like to see your ideas come to life.  I have several openings that I am looking to fill at this time,  If you are interested in joining a great group of people please fill out the application below and return it to barmstrong@ea.com. This is a contacted postion, that requires you to put in a max. of 24 hours a month.  If you have already applied please reapply to let me know you are still interested in joining.  You must be 18 years of age, and have an active account […]

UO Herald - Game Updates

Ask and Answer

1 UO Stratics Regarding the loot table for Charybdis, at present the few we’ve been able to do seem to only ever give a Regeneration Piece drop to the summoning fisher. As that’s usually me, I don’t know what happens for the others, but they’ve reported seeing a message that I get the drop. Does this mean there’s nothing special on Charybdis for those who help kill him, or are there mysteries still to be found deep within the wobbly bits of this most rare of encounters? (Adol )  Misk- Aside from the standard loot found on the corpse of […]

UO Herald - Game Updates

Ask and Answer

1. UO Stratics From Pub 81 : – The looting rights threshold has been lowered for all mobs. Can you give us some more details on this change? How it works in compare now then before pub 81. With some % would be nice to make us better to understand. (Kelly O’Brian of Drachenfels.) Bleak: As mentioned before loot rights are broken up into three separate totals (damage dealt, healing done, and damage received ) which are combined to equal the players looting right score. The looting right threshold is based on the highest looting right score which is use […]

UO Herald - Game Updates

Bug Fixes

We are putting out a fix for the following issues, European shards will see this tonight everyone else will get it during their normal maintenance times tomorrow, 4/27/2013. Corrected issue which prevented armor ignore damage when hit lightning effects were triggered.             Corrected issue which resulted in players receiving extra DCI.