UO Herald - Game Updates

Call to Arms on Video

Did you witness the downfall of Exodus during the weekend? UO in action has collected some impressions of the action on Catskill, Atlantic and Pacific and is looking forward to bringing you more videos from other shards to. See if you can find yourself in the crowd.

UO Herald - Game Updates

Essential Maintenance for Atlantic and Legends – 02/10

Update 11:30 am EST: Atlantis is back online. Update 8:45 am EST: Legends is back online. Greetings! We will be bringing the shards Atlantic and Legends offline tomorrow, Friday February 10, at 8:00 am EST (13:00 GMT) for an essential hardware maintenance. At this time we anticipate that both shards will be back online no later than 1:00 pm EST (18:00 GMT). Please be sure to check the Herald for updates regarding this downtime.

UO Herald - Game Updates

Letter from the Producer

Hello everyone,   First off I would like to thank everyone for their kind words to me regarding my promotion. I am writing this because some of you wanted an official Producer Letter so here goes.  First I would like to address the Exodus Event reward.  The +5 stat scroll will be put in the game as a permanent drop. This is something that was discussed as a team from the very beginning, so if you did not get one at Exodus or were not able to be at the event, you will  be able to get it later. The second […]

UO Herald - Game Updates

The Awakening – Act V, Part 2

Written by the EM Team     Dupre’s gleaming platemail was scarred and battered as he approached the walled sandstone city, great strips of it ripped away by the attacks of the vicious mechanical beasts. He’d left too many men, elves, and gargoyles dead in the final struggle to rid them of the foul beast Exodus…and despite Sacrifice being a virtue, he wondered if it hadn’t taken more than its share this time. And why did it seem that those younger, faster, and stronger than he were so oft chosen while Sacrifice had merely passed him by all these years? Or […]

UO Herald - Game Updates

Call to Arms

As I am sure most of you have noticed there is an uneasy feeling in our world. This is an official notice for a Call to Arms…please check the times below for your shard and support Lord Dupre!   Shard Date Time EDT Legends  6/25/2012  9 EDT Atlantic 6/22/2012  9 EDT Lake Superior  6/25/2012  8EDT Great Lakes  6/23/2010  9 EDT Chesapeake 6/23/2012 9 EDT Catskills 6/22/2012  7 EDT Siege 6/23/2012 3 EDT Origin 6/22/2012 6:30 PDT Pacific  6/22/2012  8 PDT Sonoma  6/25/2012 9 EDT Lake Austin  6/23/2012  9:30 CDT Baja 6/24/2012 10 EDT Napa Valley 6/23/2012 10 EDT Drachenfells  6/24/2012 […]

UO Herald - Game Updates

Account Center Maintenance – 02/09

Update 11:15 am EST: The maintenance ended, the account center is back online. Greetings, We will bring down the Account Center for a short maintenance today, Thursday February 9th, at 10:45am EST (16:45 CET). During the maintenance you will not be able to change subscription or redeem game codes. At the moment we anticipate the Account Center to be back online at 11:45am EST (17:45 CET). Thank you for your understanding.

UO Herald - Game Updates

Publish 77.0 Comes to TC1

Greetings all, In this publish we are having an issue with our patcher which increases the size of the patch. Please do not be alarmed. You are going to see a 411 MB classic client patch and a 112 MB patch for the Enhanced client. We are working on a fix for the patcher so it will reduce the size of the patches you will be receiving in the future. We are sorry for any inconvenience.   Publish 77.0.0 City Loyalty In addition to assisting to quell the still ongoing unrest throughout Britannia three new ways to gain City Loyalty have been added: […]

UO Herald - Game Updates

A Token for the Patient Ones

Monday night, a long and unexpected issue prevented Ultima Online players worldwide to spend their time in Sosaria. In appreciation of your patience during that time, you will be able to claim a small token tomorrow, June 20 afternoon EDT. Keep an eye open for a chest appearing near the Moongate in Luna. It will be around from Wednesday to Friday. Make sure to get your gift – but keep it safe, it’s too easy to exhaust. See you in the game!