UO Herald - Game Updates

Official Notice

Greetings all, On www.broadsword.com you will find a message from Broadsword leadership about the recent events regarding EA Mythic. I would like to assure our players that this in no way affects our relationship with Electronic Arts. Everything that has been stated with UO will continue as promised. We look forward to our continued partnership with EA to ensure a bright and exciting future for Ultima Online. Bonnie “Mesanna” Armstrong UO Producer​ 皆さん こんにちは。 EAミシックについての最近の出来事であるブロードソードのリーダーシップについての記事はこちらのリンクwww.broadsword.comで読む事ができます。 エレクトロニックアーツと私達の関係に全く影響が出ない事をプレイヤーの皆さんに保証します。ウルティマオンラインでの約束はそのまま引き継がれます。 私達はウルティマオンラインの未来が明るく楽しく続けられる為、EAとのパートナーシップを継続いたします。 Bonnie “Mesanna” Armstrong UO Producer

UO Herald - Game Updates

Log In Servers are Down

11:14 pm EDT update: You are currently able to log in with both clients, we are still seeing lag when you try to log in. We are still looking into this and I will update you on any progress tomorrow. Thank you for your patience while we get this issue resolved. UO Team 9:35 pm EDT update: While in the process of fixing the Enhanced Log in servers we are having to bring down the Classics log in servers also. We are still working on this and I will update when I hear anything. Sorry guys! Update: Players can log […]

UO Herald - Game Updates

Publish 85.5

We will be putting out a patch starting this afternoon with Oceania, everyone else will get it with your with normal scheduled maintenance. Publish 85.5.0 Governor System Updates The following changes have been made related to the Governor System, • Funds from the purchase of City Banners and City Titles will now be deposited to the City Treasury. • City Bulletin Boards have been made more functional to allow Governors to post news. o Governors may set a Headline and an Article by using the context menu on their City Bulletin Board. o Headlines will be displayed when a player […]

UO Herald - Game Updates

VvV フォーカスグループ参加者募集!

皆さん、こんにちは! 来るフォーカスグループに興味のある参加者を13人から15人募集します!   参加応募資格: ・現在有効(使用中)そして過去に違反の無いウルティマオンラインのアカウントがあること ・PvPの経験がある事、そしてそれに対して熱意があること ・守秘契約にサインをする意思があること ・批判や批評であっても大人な態度で敬意を持ってコミュニケーションが取れること 応募の際には、アカウント名(パスワードは絶対に含まない事!)と何故自分がこのフォーカスグループに選ばれるべきかを簡単な説明と共に下記の宛先まで送ってください。 Mesanna@broadsword.com

UO Herald - Game Updates

VvV Focus Group Needed

Greetings!! We are seeking 13 to 15 interested individuals to participate in a focus group for our upcoming feature, Vice vs Virtue!  Interested individuals should: Have an active, Ultima Online subscription free of any past infractions A passion for, and experience with, Player vs Player combat in UO Be willing to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement Be able to communicate and critique in a respectable and adult manner If you are interested send your account name (no passwords ever!), and a brief description of why you would like to be considered for this focus group to Mesanna@broadsword.com .  See you in Britannia, The […]

UO Herald - Game Updates

Character Transfer Back on

Greetings Everyone,    Character transfer is back on.  If you have a character that has not completed the transfer please page a GM and he will be able to fix your character and give you back your items.  You have to be online to do this though.  Thank you for your patience. UO Team and GameMasters

UO Herald - Game Updates

Bugged Character Transfer Issues

Greetings Everyone,    We have resolved the issue that caused the bug with the incomplete character transfers.  If you have a incompleted transfer that you are unable to unpack please page a GM.  If your character transfer has not completed the cycle please do not panic we have not turned it back on yet.  We hope to have it back on by Monday.  I will post again on Monday and give you an update on when we might be able to turn it back on.   Thank you for your patience and have a great weekend! UO Team  

UO Herald - Game Updates

Job Opening – Engineer

Ultima Online is looking to increase our team again!! As a software engineer at Broadsword, you will build and maintain some of the longest-lived MMO’s still running. You will work on client and server code, networking, databases, and UI/UX among many other tasks. The ideal candidate is a passionate gamer with a C++ background, strong English language communication skills and experience with both Linux and Windows development. If you are interested in applying please send your resume to Careers@broadsword.com.

UO Herald - Game Updates

Character Transfer Issues

Attention We are aware of an issue with character transfer. In order to fix this issue we are going to turn it off for the time being at 1 pm ET 5/1/14. We will keep you informed of our progress and will get it turned back on as soon as possible. We are sorry for the horrible timing and appreciate your patience. UO Team ご注目をお願いします!! 現在キャラクター転送システムに不具合が生じております。 この問題を解決するためにキャラクター転送システムを一時閉鎖させて頂きます 閉鎖開始時刻は5月1日午後1時米国東部標準時間よりとさせていただきます 問題が解決し次第再開となります 随時調査報告が出来ればと思っております ご不便をおかけし心よりお詫び申し上げますご理解とご協力に大変感謝いたします UOチーム

UO Herald - Game Updates

Vendor Search On Origin and Izumo

Vendor Search is being turned on today on Origin and Izumo after their normal maintenance cycle.  Pending any disasters Vender Search will be live on all shards tomorrow after normal daily maintenance. Improved overall search speed Search results now return up to 60 items Searches can no longer be canceled Customizing houses will remove opted-in vendors from search results for up to 30 minutes Upon shards being published with update it will take approximately three hours for the vendor database to update.  If you do not find your item please check back after that time frame,  After the initial database update […]