Events for July 16, 2024
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8:00 pm
Legends- The Rescue of Chester
Who has taken Chester, a old retired Royal guards old horse? Can he be rescued in time before they make glue out of the old horse?
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This Royal Britannian Guard mission has the codename "Tym Vol-te". To attend, go through the moongate inside the Britain Counselor Hall.
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Drachenfels: Summer | Sommer Party
Time: 8:30pm CEST (UTC+2) Event: Summer party (t-map/scalis or Void Pool hunt, games, tavern/story night - attending players may chose) Location: EM Reward Museum, Malas Zeit: 20:30 Uhr CEST (UTC+2) Event: Sommer Party (T-Map/Scalis oder Void Pool Jagd, Spiele, Tavernen/Geschichtenabend - teilnehmende Spieler können wählen) Ort: EM Reward Museum, Malas
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