The Herald

UO Herald - Game Updates

Blast from the Past

Anniversaries are always ripe with memories of a time past. The original producers of UO recently shared their memories of the early beginnings of Ultima Online at the 2012 Game Developers Conference. Gamasutra did an interesting summary of a few of those memories here.

UO Herald - Game Updates

Memorable Moment Winners – Catskills

Though we enjoyed all of the entries we received from the Catskills shard, we had to force ourselves to only select half of them.

Here are the 5 winning entries from Catskills:

Author: Ludes

Title: The Discovery of Illshenar

         Ludes puffed contentedly on his pipe as he sat on the porch of his first home..  It was a small marble workshop south of Minoc, close to the bay.. It had taken almost a year for him and Lady Kyra to buy it.. but at last it was his.. an actual home to store his things and be a base for his new guild.  The guild was barely a week old and the guildstone still gleamed with freshly cut corners and sharp lettering.  He had one guild member, Garion. A capable fellow he had met near Brit smithy while we waited in line to get our armour repaired.

  As Ludes puffed away considering his plans Garion rushed up to the house..  “M’Lord!” He exclaimed..” They have discovered a new land!” Sitting up in excitement Ludes drops his pipe and say “What?.. Where?”  Garion reaches down and picks up Ludes’s pipe.. ” The Moongates are tied in M’Lord.. Come, lets go see!”

  So off Ludes and Garion head to see the new lands.. upon reaching the moongates Garion quickly tells his Lord.. “The Compassion moongate in the new lands of Ilshenar seems to be fairly in the center Sir..” Ludes checks his sword and bandage supply as he says.. “Lets go check it out my slalwart friend!” 
Excitement abounds as the two worthy warriors stick back to back. Healing each other and letting no foe approach. They work their way through lava fields and molten rock waterfalls.. eventually finding a city. Scouting this strange metropolis in the middle of nowhere they see it is occupied by gargoyles who seems to be trying to go about the daily business of living.. but there are also Overseers and Golems everywhere who seem to be in a position of authority.  “What do you think my friend?” Ludes looks at Garion warily.. Garion grins and says “Lets go see..”

Staying shoulder blade to shoulder blade the two warriors enter the city and work their way to the center.. With swords smoking and nicked they find themselves in a room with strange machinery in the center..  Curiously they study the equipment but the golems continue to press close and the Overseers keep calling for reinforcements even as they fall to the deadly swordplay of the two men.

  “We can always return to study this further.” Ludes yells.. “Lets fall back and rest.”
Garion nods as they slowly back out of the city.. walking south they slowly leave the area of the city and walk out into a beautiful plain covered in fruit trees and other lush plants.
  Ludes grabs an apple off one of the trees and loosens his armour.. “These new land seemed filled with both challenges and rewards my friend!” he wipes juice off his chin as he speaks..
  Suddenly a whirring sound startles both men. A bola comes whipping through the air and wraps itself around Ludes’ legs.. ” Uuuhh” is all Ludes can say as he stumbles forward and falls, his legs wrapped firmly.
Steel appears in Garions hand as he quickly looks around and with a backhand slice frees his guildmasters legs. Mounted savages appear and surround the two men. Once again they go back to back as they defend themselves.. in a few short minutes they pant as they survey the scene.. over a hundred slain savages lay around them. “Now what?” Garion says between breaths.. ” Look bro..” Ludes says with a evil grin.. “Lets pile these bodies around the fruit trees and come back in six months and collect the fruit..”  Garion grins and says.. ” Aye, good plan.. every six months we’ll come back and feed our fruit trees.” 
  With a chuckle Ludes wearily mounts up and they slowly head back to the moongate..

Author: Mon-t

What captured my interest and long term interest in UO has been the community and houses especially. UO was the first MMO I’ve tried and it offers a few things that others don’t offer: Extreme template Customization and Housing. I’d like to just focus on Housing and the Community. My first house I did not own alone. I was Co-owned with a friend, we had to split the cost of gold after a couple of months of farming, selling wares, and selling pets at West Brit Bank. Our house was a Log Cabin east of Covetous; and it came with a house key – and you know how important this was if you remember. After several months another friend, Duke, helped me get my own house; a two-story villa next to a mountain good for mining, especially since I loved mining ore elementals and most things crafting in general. Mind you, this was before the large Malas expansion (my how much they’ve added to UO since its Launch) – so housing spots were few and far between (or close and extremely packed). I believe I still even own a rune for that spot on one of my initial characters. Once Malas was added I was one of the first prospectors to get in on the ground breaking (I have the sandals and robe to proof it!), and got a great location as an 18*18. It was right at the entrance to the snowy part outside Luna with mountains all around me. Now why this 18*18 was important to note, was the simple fact this house was the largest you could place and use Ultima Online’s new feature: House CUSTOMIZATION. So now not only can you decorate your house with the treasures you acquire, rare items, favorite items, and decorative items; you can also customize how the house itself looks by changing the floor, walls, roof, and everything in-between.

Back then we actually interacted with neighbors. I joined their rag-tag guild and stayed in it for several years and met many new friends to get where I am today, 108 months later (as of September 15th 2012 my paper doll updated to 108).

Today, I’ve build up my “empire” and own a keep and castle (which I finally acquired this year with the help of a dear friend). We have a very close and trusted guild – as is much of UO actually. We do spawn together and peerless together, and we help each other with suits and templates – there is not much more I could ask for.

Ultima Online has had its up and downs – but what has kept me here and playing are the houses and the tight-knit community.

Author: Dante Signas/Baudwin Wulf

Title: A new shade of friend.

              I was instantly hooked when my then girlfriend introduced me to Sosaria.    As I began playing Ultima Online I was mainly interested in killing monsters and crafting items to sell to the denizens of the land.  However it was the social aspect of the interactions I had that really grabbed me. 

             One day, I was out in Felucca and was doing some looking around for the first time as I heard so many stories of murder and chaos, I was afraid to in the past.  I happened upon a fella in Moonglow who was decked out in the finest of armors and whose name was a sparking shade of crimson.  I was scared stiff and ready to run but then realized I was safe in town because of the guards. However, I still had my finger over my “Vendor Bank Guards” macro just in case….  So he made a comment about my armor and how it wasn’t very safe to run around in the old lands with such low resist on my gear and that rolled into a conversation about the finer points of armor and stat thresholds.  I was quickly enthralled with the scientific formulas that folks like him and others had come up with for their characters builds and suits.  I never realized the community and culture of Felucca was so rich and involved due to my fear of getting killed. I figured it was all delinquents and ruffians!  But from that day on I was no longer afraid of Felucca and no longer afraid of those with crimson names as I had made a friend who I hold dear to this day.    That was 9 years ago and we continue to enjoy each other’s friendship even today. 

              The one thing that Ultima Online has given me that other games never could is a sense of real community.  From stranger s, from friends, from new and old players, this game seems to bring out the best in people as far as I have experienced and that is why I will be here as long as the servers are running!

Author: Sindee

I had been playing Ultima online for only a short wile and my skills as a swordswoman were still in there master stages, Most of my time was being around the small town of Heaven back before it was distroyed by blackrock I made alot of good friends just by sitting around the banks and hearing about there storys of battle with dragons or of murderist bands of players on the other side of the red moongates that i would see pop up every now and agin. But on one afternoon I cought wind of monsters attacking players near the west bank of britian and when I heard they were only groups of lizardmen I knew I could handle my own and went out to see what was going on, I had no idea it was a full scale Invasion of the city! I never seen myself as a solider or hero I looked up to alot of other players with there amazing powers with magic or weapons of great stranght of the warriors or archers but when I see them rushing to meet the monsters head on I felt a fire burn inside me and drew myself to run along side them in the thick of it. It was sheer madness there were bodys of my fellow friends and hero’s of the relam alisde the monsters and there Generals that poured from the depths of Despise dungeon. It wasnt long before I fell to the numbers and woke up back at the healers building in the city and wile I was there players who knew we were loseing started handing out what ever weapons they could to help out. I rember being a mystic scimitar by a fencer that did not need it and was told to take care of it for its powers ( stats ) were a weakness to the siders that often traveled with the lizardmen armys and I felt so over whelmed when I weilded it in battle ( i really didnt much as far as good itmes back then) I made sure to insure it and I still have it to this day in my bank box. A few days later the event was over and most of the players that I used to see now traveled to Luna to the holy city to spend there free time in safty but I now had a feeling of pride over myself I was no longer a bystander who used to hear the tales of valour and heroisum, I was that I had my own tale to tell about how I was a simple solider that fought to defend the great city of Britain from evil and the friends i made as well as the tropies i resived. I would have many more events and friend through out my time in UO and I’m pround to not only say I play the game but I was part of its long histroy.

Author: Nails Warstein

This is my entry for the contest.  It was hard to choose a singular memorable moment.  Yet it was easy to pick moments to explain their significance as to why I play UO.  I felt it was best to be sincere and meaningful whether I win or not.  Thank you for your time and consideration.

“I had just started my second year in law school when I learned that my Father had been given 6 months to live.  Growing up my Father and I were never that close, mainly because he was always such a workaholic.  Now that he was ill, he needed to live life a little easier, so I came home to take care of him, and suddenly found that I had some extra time on my hands.  I had always enjoyed role playing games over the typical game consuls, and I began experimenting with these new MMORPGs. 

My most memorable moment is when I tried UO for the first time, I was exploring around Haven when suddenly this player shows up, and I get this message, “A friend has arrived to help”.  He was riding a horse, dressed like a ranger with a bow.  Although I can no longer remember his name, I do remember him explaining how to use this “A Young Player Ticket” with another player in the trade window, and I remembering getting “Studded Sleeves Ranger Armor” while the other player got “A Coupon For A Free Hair Restyling”.  This “Companion” stayed to answer any questions we both had, and follow us as we teamed up together to help heal us as we killed these tough Mongbats.

We never did see him again, but that moment had sparked a 6 year friendship of teaming up together to fishing, treasure hunting, and exploring dungeons together in UO.  Even though he left to start a new family, I still email him every September to try UO when Return to Britnannia is active.  Now that his kids are older, maybe this year will bring him back.

Anyhow, as my Father’s illness got worse, UO was a place I could escape from the reality I was desperately trying to avoid, a place where death was a very common occurrence, yet your character never truly dies.  Despite this, I still didn’t handle dying very well.  I was always fighting the “Lag Monster” as a horde of “uglies” as I would called them would easily run me down.  Granted I did take too many risks.  If it wasn’t mobs of creatures killing me, it was some egotistical red named player “PKing” me.  As a result, every character I created had the skill “hiding” in hopes of avoiding death.

My Father did live a whole extra year longer than expected, but when he died, I created and named a character after him that I still play to this day.  I made him a crafter so that his name would live on in everything I made.  When mourning him, I would spend several hours a day killing the liches that spawned in the cemetery near Cove.  Ultima Online is still therapeutic for me today.  A great game to release stress, and give me time to heal.  I honestly do not know what I’d do in my free time without it.”


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Memorable Moment Winners – Baja

We received many stories from Baja and our winners shared some inspiring memories of camaraderie.

The top 5 most memorable UO moments from Baja:

Fig The Ancient

I struggled with this one for a while…their are so many good moments to remember but this one touched me deeply, and also gave me insight to the folks that played on our server.

It was a few months after guilds were introduced into the world. It was during the times when houses were often vandalized by red characters. They would often kill members and steal the keys to your home then empty it of all its inventory. Because of this I had instructed my guild members not to carry their keys to the guild house, unless they were coming straight from the bank to the guild house.

It was late night and I was escorting our latest member into the guild house as we were about to enter the house we were attacked by three red chars. I instructed the new member to run for his life, while I attempted to hold off the red hoard.

He managed to get a recall off just in time to escape, while the three reds proceded to hack my body into little pieces, and gained the keys to our guild house. It was late at night so most of the guild was gone for the night, so I could not even call for help. I stood by dead and impotent, watching while the reds started loading up the goods stored in the house by my guild brothers and sisters. I was not a happy camper, esp since I had just instructed my guild to never carry their keys with them. I watched sadly as all of my guild assets were being carted off.

I was then surprised as as first one gate then another appeared outside my house.

Through the gate poured every person I had ever helped in the game since I started playing….no less than 25 folks showed up and started fighting the reds who then sent a call to their brothers and sisters until it became one of the biggest battles I had ever watched.  The battle was so bloody I never got the chance to be rezzed until the battle was over, so i didn’t know what or how all this had happened.

Turned out the person I had saved, recalled to Trinsic, and ran around the city telling everyone that Fig’s house was under attack…the word spread and the battle cry was issued.

A tear rolled down my cheek as I watched them fight for me. The battle raged for what seemed like a lifetime. When all was said and done, ninety percent of my guilds resources were returned, the reds were defeated and driven back to their house which was raided for all the gear they had stolen, and was all returned.

Just goes to show you… never know if the person who you helped, will one day return the favor. In my case they all did…it was a great day.

Trinsic, with its fortifications, battlements and walkways, would seem the least likely place for an invasion, and yet… and yet here we were, chasing Juo’nar the undead paladin and his accomplice the traitorous girl Malabelle across the rooftops and around the city.

Down below, in the streets, the faithful Britannians were fighting off scores of undead.  From the rooftops I could hear the clang of sword upon sword.  The stench of the undead and the coppery tang smell of blood reached up even this high.  Oh the carnage!

Malabelle paused to face her pursuers for a moment, and another Britannian bit the dust.  Haunting laughter drifted back from Juo’nar who was farther ahead still.

The evil pair descended down to street level, and I lost track of them in the melee.  I was swinging my Exceedingly Accurate Silver Halberd of Vanquishing, dropping zombies and rotting corpses and walking skeletons left and right.  Piles of re-dead bodies reached mid-thigh level.  Hours went by, and it was late in the night.

People were shouting about something going on at the town center.  I fought my way there slowly, at times joining other groups of Britannians.  The United Tamers of Britannia group were holding the central park.  The Golden Knights from the Golden Brew Tavern were holding the south gate — they did not come after me although I was “kill on sight” to them.  The Mage Tower and Dark Tower had a temporary truce while fighting the common foe.

Atop the town hall, something had been built of dark brick.  A gate briefly shown, and then a Casiid dragon stepped through.  I’d never seen the like — a black dragon!  and strong!  Everyone who went against it fell.

Then, suddenly, waves of undead rotting corpses overwhelmed the Britannian defenders.  I fell, and all was shades of gray, and then I knew no more.

In the morning, having found a wandering healer, I ventured back to Trinsic.  Most of the city was sealed off behind wicked sharp-pointed palisade, decorated with the bodies of those who had attempted to scale them.  Trinsic had fallen.  We had lost.

Outside the city it was as if the whole world had turned barren — all the trees were leafless.  I came upon an odd moongate on the road.  Next to it there was a sign reading:
“Britannian citizen, this is a time of sorrow. We abandon this, our world, to Minax, and go to another place. Step through this moongate to join us. By order of His Majesty Lord British.”

And, it was with heavy heart, that I abandoned the Sosaria that I knew and loved and stepped through into a whole new world that was strangely reminiscent of the old and yet not the same.

Epilogue:  Now and then I visit the bones of Malabelle where they lie, north of Vesper.  I give them a good kick.


Anyone Want To Do An Ancient SOS? A Tale Of Chaos and Pandemonium

So this morning I was just finishing up a cup of coffee and going through my fisher’s backpack and noticed that the White Ancient SOS was still sitting there being ignored. So I decided it was time to do it and figured, heck, I’ll ask in general chat if anyone wants to come along since the last one I did one I died a few times and had to bother the Count of Berg (my real life husband that I met in game) to come rez me.. again….

So ask I did and I got a few folks who said sure, including one who said ya know they’re pretty tough, bring the cannon, greater dragons etc. I’m thinking to myself, okay, I think I’ve listened to this guy in General Chat before and he and seems like a tough guy. I snicker saying to myself I guess not. A Kracken and a few of it’s friends is pretty easy.  As I’m getting ready I’m hearing these guys in chat talk about cannon and Greater Dragons still and I’m smirking to myself.

We meet up at Buc’s Den docks for the deep water and then I realize this is a map that we have to sail to. Yeah, I forgot we had to do this. It’s been a while since I’ve done one. So we get into a few dragon ships and sail to the coords to fish up the map. While I’m fishing up the map I’m thinking that the kraken et all is going to spawn but instead I fish up a chest. Aha! The white net is inside the chest!! Now I remember…

So here we are…(note that the font starts to get smaller) 5 or 6 people, one dragon… on two dragon ships… I toss the net…… into the ocean…. far from land.

I’ve been invised… Good people around me! They thought of me!

The net sinks.. the waves splash around… the seconds tick by….

This ain’t your Mama’s kraken! This ain’t your Papa’s kracken! I’m getting hit hard by I don’t know what, I’m dying, everyone around me is dying. Snakes all over the place… this big blue thing has spawned.. I’m hearing in chat something about a 25% chance of something or other spawning in Tram. I don’t know.. I just know I’m confused and bewildered and trying to stay alive.

Well it starts to sink in that this is Scalis… I swear I didn’t know(font gets even smaller)! We die. We move our little dragon ships away… we rez, we go back and attack a few more times(how many times does it take for one to realize that this is a battle you don’t have a chance of winning?).

Someone says(probably the one who said so at the start) that we should get our ships and cannon. So after what seems forever we now have a ship with cannon and a few more players have signed on. That same someone says we should head for land and fight from shore. So we sail backwards all the way to Moonglow shooting our front cannon filled with heavy grapeshot as quickly as we can reload and everyone shooting away trying not to die from what I’ve now identified as eels. I HATE eels. But that’s another story.

We FINALLY get to Moonglow where we disembark and fight like dogs and not making any headway with Scalis. His life bar declines just enough to be able to see that we’ve done some damage only to have it return to full health a few minutes later.

More people arrive.. more greater dragons more cu’s. I look at the time.. It’s 2:30CST.. It’s 4 hours after we started!!! And we haven’t put a dent in it. Some of us try different chars to see if that will make a difference. Nada. What was suppose to be a simple kracken and a few of its buddies has turned into a relentless death fest with no end in sight. At some point most of us threw in the towel including myself.

Some did not. For the rest of the story I let those that are stronger willed than I tell their story. I only know that sometime after 6:00CST this evening these fine people finally beat it down.

I do not mention any names because I don’t want to leave anyone out and I’m sure if I did mention names I would forget someone. There is only one that I’ll mention and that is Roac Zoroff and his pet THOSAS. The reason is that tonight he showed me the treasure he received for his day long battle. I don’t know if anyone else received anything. I can only hope you did.

In the mean time I hope you’ll forgive an old Lady. I really didn’t know that there was a chance this would happen. To those of you that tried to tell me that we really should have brought cannon etc at the beginning I apologize for not listening and thinking those very silly thoughts about you.

I don’t remember now how long ago it was, perhaps 5 years, perhaps more, that Inu the Crone was kidnapped and imprisoned in an ante chamber under the Etheral Fortress. Early in the day, a small group of adventures banded together to solve the secrets to reach Inu in her cell. Only the brave who would be able to heal themselves and invis themselves were able to travel to the small hallway marking the entrance to the cells. We were a determined bunch… as our passwords, our supplies and our patience were tested beyond all measure.  We worked each room as a group ensuring the weakest could advance while the fighters kept the evil and craven defense lines at bay. We managed to make it to the small hallway… I’d wager no more than 20×3 tiles in all. Impossible to just find… one needed to scratch, claw and outwit the vast defenders.  We broadcast the secrets to the rest of the shard. We had found INU, and laid out the trail for others to follow. Most arrived bloodied, bruised and without so much as a single morsel to feed themselves on.
Everyone threw themselves into the fight at one point or another. Archers and dexers seemed to have little to no effect. Mages and Necromancers also failed to make any serious dent. Our foe would raid our downed bodies for supplies to regain his health, stamina and dexterity. Our own medicinal concoctions were turned against us! Tamed creatures great and small were thrown at the kidnapper and much to everyone’s horror; the foe rejuvenated all his health to the point of causing us to weep over the loss of progress.
The day wore long, and as night started to fall, one by one, Baja’s best renewed their determination to succeed, only to emerge moments later into that long cold hallway a ghost. A strategy was a must. The best minds began to brainstorm. A division of labor! The weaker mages and healers would remain in the tight hallway, healing and rezzing the warriors as fast as they were able. Food was conjured. Stealthers ferried supplies in, some making dozens of trips and bringing thousands of band aids and arrows. Some warned new fighters to leave their mounts and summons and pets outside, else all progress would be halted. The call went out to all warriors, hit the foe twice then leave immediately. Take only 25 band aids inside.  Leave all potions and supplemental items behind.
The battle waged all day and all night. After what seemed like an unwinnable fight, the entire Baja shard came together with their best and brightest to defeat the kidnapper. Inu the crone was freed. A community bonded tightly together and the ale ran plentiful long into the morning hours.  United by a common foe, forced to work together great and small, Baja became a community that day.

A group of about 10 of my friends would gather together almost twice a week at my house to play D&D.  It was hard for us to find a time we could all meet up until one day, one us learned about this new game where any of us could meet up any time of the day, any day of the week to role-play like D&D over the internet in this game called Ultima Online.  After getting us all signed up, we started to incorporate the storyline of our D&D sessions into UO.  It was a lot of fun, and this is my most memorable moment with them.

It hadn’t yet been 6 months, and most of us were still not fully trained, but when evil threatens the peaceful citizens of Britain, our guild the “Circle of Friends” decided we must respond to defend the weak and innocent.  Help give safe passage for players who like us enjoyed slaying monsters instead of players.  However it was clear that in our own time, we could rarely venture forth without some red named player interrupting our fun, and leaving our packs empty.

In the beginning, one bandit in particular named “Errol” was a constant thorn in our side.  He preyed upon new players travelling alone.  He was quite skilled at stealthing along the road between Vesper and Britain.  Rarely could you hunt monsters, dig up treasures, mine ore or chop wood without this murderer ruining your day.  It wasn’t so much as he killed you as that he taunted you with vulgar epitaphs.

In one such instance this terrorist would kill me then wait until I found a healer, watch me run back to my corpse, and killed me again.  He would remove the contents of corpse, and leave them like bread crumbs along the road and forest.  Maybe stuff he didn’t value, but stuff you worked hard to acquire like my precious valorite platemail armor.  I knew I should have left it in the bank.

Anyhow my guild finally decided to take the law into our own hands.  We placed a bounty on his head, and laid a trap for this villain of infamy.  While the bravest and most skilled of us caught the attention of Errol, the rest of us waited instead the first entrance to Covetous.  He never knew what hit him.  The excitement of killing him and the trophy owning his head gave us the inspiration we needed to make sure his like would think twice before preying on innocent victims again.

Although we no longer play D&D, and I alone still play UO to this day.  In remembrance of them, on occasion I will venture forth into felucca to observe if these unsportsmanlike tactics are still employed, and meet out justice whenever I can.

We have more winning entries coming soon. As always keep an eye on the Herald for some more great UO moments!

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Ask & Answer No. 5

It is time for another Ask and Answer and this week we answer a lot of great questions from UO Mania.

UO Mania clorenz – Are there any plans to add books to store Scrolls of Alacrity or Powerscrolls similar to the books for Scroll of Transcendence?
Mesanna:  When we did the SOT book we had planned to add these other ways to store items.  There are just so many things we want to get done we have to take them one at a time.  Please be patient they are coming.

UO Mania clorenz – Are there any plans to add jewelry boxes to store rings and bracelets similar to the seed boxes?
Mesanna:  This is something the team as talked about several times, but it’s not as simple as the seed boxes.  As soon as we can figure out a way to do this correctly to everyone’s satisfaction we will give you guys a jewelry box.  The best part about this is I found a wonderful antique jewelry box that would be fitting for the art.
UO Mania clorenz – Can we have a preview of the 15th year Veteran Rewards? Are they useful or decorative?
Mesanna:  All the 15th year vet rewards are useful except for the new statues we have added this year.  (But the statues are pretty sweet)  We will post some pictures close to the publish date for everyone.

UO Mania Bl4ckFir3 – Why do we still have to pay a monthly subscription, while many games have moved to a free-to-play model? Have you considered going Free-to-play with extra features and expansions for sale and the possibility to earn currency in-game to unlock them?
Mesanna:  The option to take UO free to play is not up for discussion at this time.

UO Mania Wanderer – are you planning to provide some improvements for thieves in PvP?
Mesanna:  Honestly no we don’t have any specific plans, but we do want to start the Topic specific HOC’s soon,  PVP will be a topic we are going to want to talk to you guys about.  I will say that the team wants to give thieves things to do in and out of PVP.

UO Mania Sir Bolo – the Singing Balls and Secret Chests are only available on the UO store in Japan at the moment. Are you going to make them available for sale also on in the US and in Europe?
Mesanna:  I can add the Secret Chest in the future when I have other things to add to the origin store.  I need everyone to understand this is a normal chest that has the ability to have a combo lock on it thus a great role playing tool.

UO Mania Sir Bolo – codes for the 15th Anniversary Commemorative Robe were handed out to players at the anniversary party in Virginia, and to the winners of the Memorable Moments contest. Are we going to get other opportunities to win the promotional codes for this robe?
Mesanna:  Not at this time, we do not have any plans outside of the contest and the party to distribute the robe.

Recently, the veteran rewards are overflowing with Sosaria.
How about “Re-activation of vet rewards”?
I mean, a reduction point is decided according to years of rewards and it returns to the acquisition point for a new rewards. For example, “1 year vet rewards” is 0.1point and 10 “1 year vet rewards” will be point for “Getting one 1 years vet rewards”.
Thank you for your time. (Peil)

Mesanna:  I can see pro’s and con’s to this.  This is not a decision that can be made lightly but we will bring this up at a later date for discussion. 

Do the devs have any plans to make Gargoyle Clothing (Gargish Robes, Gargish Wing Armor, Gargish Talons) able to be used with a Arcane Gem to create Arcane Clothing for Gargoyles? The only Arcane Clothing that a Gargoyle can use right now, is the Arcane Robes, which there’s quite a few Robe slot items nowadays which are better (Conjurer’s Garb, Shroud of the Condemned, etc). (PlayerSkillFTW)
Phoenix:  : Right now we don’t have plans to create Gargoyle versions of Arcane Clothing, because there are alternatives on equipment that make all spellcasting reagent-free.

Is it possible to change the color of the font on the menu for the peculiar seeds? The font is dark and the background is dark. Its hard for my old eyes to see how many resources there are on the plant. On the plain plants the font is white with the black background. Can the pecular seeds be changed to what the plain plants are. Thank you. (Sara Dale)
Kyronix: This is something that can be adjusted, I’ll go ahead and submit an unconfirmed bug report into the system so it can get added.

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Memorable Moment Winners – Atlantic

Choosing winners from the Atlantic shard was extremely tough. We had received 22 entries from the shard and enjoyed every one!

We hope you enjoy our top 5 winning selections:

The Kindness of Friends & Strangers.

There has been so many memorable moments in my years of playing Ultima Online that it is difficult to pick only one.

Foremost in my mind are the friends and just random people that I have met. These people really enhance the experience of this world we call Sosaria.

During the Earth Year 1998, my goal was to place my first house. Placing even a small house on the Atlantic shard was almost impossible back in the old days before the Trammel/Felucca split.

I was siting up one night waiting for a large forge house to collapse. A large forge spot was large enough for almost any home. I was chatting with a few people there at the time, not really knowing what to expect, because I had never really done a house camping before. Nor, did I didn’t expect all the mayhem that was to follow due to hidden and red people.

A very long night rolled around to 7:30 in the morning. The house finally dropped shortly afterward, and to my surprise people came seemingly out of nowhere.

I wasn’t concerned about any of the items that people were hurriedly gathering up. I was more focused on trying to place my new house once the items and people were cleared from the area.

A group of reds arrived and started killing everyone to clear the area to get it for themselves. A tremendous battle ensued with people still picking through the fallen belongings.

Later that morning, a few of my friends started to wake up and I asked for assistance. I informed them of my situation; that I was in the midst of an ongoing battle without any support.

Luckily, the spot was well known and many had runes marked for that location, and within minutes 20, members from the Lost Order of Akalabeth (LOA) guild and a few others poured through the gates and cleared the area of hostiles so that I could place my house.

I took a deep breath and clicked the deed, and there appeared a house. Sadly for me it was not my dream home. Someone hidden in the house just south of the spot had taken my hard earned placement spot; I was crushed.

Even with the unexpected and impressive support from my friends, our efforts were for nought. All night I had stayed awake hoping for a home.

The guy that had place his house on my spot asked me why I wanted it so much for so many people to show up.

I responded that they came to help me place my first house.

He looked at me thoughfully and to my surprise took me to a little house north of Vesper and handed it over to me.

He said to me with a smile, “There is your first house.”

I guess my memorable moment wasn’t so much a “moment” as it was a period of time. My sister had been working in Sweden for a couple of years as an interior designer. I didn’t get to see her much, but we would talk on Skype and such now and again. Not too often, she was really busy out there.

Then she was diagnosed with cancer. Work was put on hold, and she had a lot more online time. Online especially because insurance woes wouldn’t let her return to the United States and she wasn’t really close to many people out there. I managed to get out there once, but only for a little while. I’m not filthy rich, I have a family and a job, I couldn’t jet off to Europe for long periods of time.

We talked a lot more on Skype and all, but she needed a distraction and we needed something else to talk about besides hospital trips and chemotherapy and such. So I reactivated a couple of old Ultima Online accounts, had her download the client, and passed her the information for one.

Now she is totally not a gamer at all, so it took her a little while to get the hang of what was going on. She did get the hang of it though, especially when she realized she could have a house and design/decorate it however she liked. There was some complaining about not being able to get objects to sit exactly where she wanted, but once she got into the groove we had some very tastefully decorated UO homes.

It gave her something to do that wasn’t too physically demanding. Sometimes after chemo or surgery her hands were really shaky and her reactions were slow, and she couldn’t really handle anything like combat. But stuff like house decoration and growing plants gave her things to do that she could handle.

There isn’t really any climactic ending to this story. She got really really sick for a while, to where she did have to quit playing or doing much of anything, then thankfully she finally got better. She’s back to work now. She’s not on a lot, but she keeps the account paid up, and every now and then logs on to move all the furniture around in her UO house. Even if I don’t see her online, I stop by her house every now and then and see everything moved into different places.

Well, I guess I could start from the beginning. I started playing UO right around Age of Shadows along with a good real life friend. I named my first character Miximus, He named his character Norman. Well, now it was time to start training. I think we killed 8 billion Ettins over a couple weeks time. It took awhile but finally we were trained warriors! Now it was time to move on, we needed money for better suits. We ended up getting in the leather business. We farmed leather from lizard men, drakes, and dragons every night. There was a tailor who would buy every piece we got, every week we would meet up at Umbra bank and sell our goods to him. We ended up making a pretty good living doing this. Ok, so we had trained warriors, a job, and money, now we needed a place to live. This brings me to one of my most memorable moments. My buddy and I shared a home at first, it was in Felucca. Now keep in mind this is a real life friend.  Well, He was logging in one day. I assume he recalled to the house and bam, there were 4 reds there waiting for him. He managed to get into the house safely. He could have recalled from inside the house to a safe area, but we were still noobs and were not completely hip on the whole process yet. Well, I got a phone call. It was my buddy, he was freaking out. He starts yelling into the phone “Dude, you gotta log in quick”. Ok I say, what’s going on? “There’s Reds everywhere and they are trying to burn the house down and get me”. Oh damn I said. Ok I am logging in now, be there in a few to help ya. “Hurry man, they are taunting me and calling me out”, “I think they are gonna get in and kill me”. Ok, so at this point he is in a frantic yell. I manage to get logged in, I was at a bank, can’t remember which one. I ask him, ok where they at? I am getting ready to recall in, have the door ready to open. “They are in the front of house, be quick so they don’t kill ya”. Now I am panicking, we have never PVP’ed before. Four people against two noobs, this should be interesting. Ok, here we go I tell him, I hit sacred journey. Bam, I am at the house and see the red names pop up. When I got there and seen the characters, I almost lost it. They where NPC reds! This whole time he thought they were real and trying to burn him outa the house. We had a huge laugh out of this for weeks every time we saw a group of brigands.

You know what’s weird about life? The way the stupidest most random little decisions turn out to be the most important.

It’s years ago and I’m walking through Trinsic at about three in the morning for some reason. To my surprise, someone else is up this late and hanging around Trinsic, specifically a girl in a red dress. Not having anything better to do, I say hello and we begin to chat. After a minute or two she asks if I want to go sit in the tavern. There’s something odd about the way she’s talking, but whatever, I say yes.

After another minute or two sitting in the tavern it dawns on me: This girl is roleplaying or something. Either that or she’s got deep mental issues, because she’s seriously talking to the NPC tavernkeeper before buying a bottle of wine. But whatever, I can play along. So we sit there chitchatting for a while about, you know, the issues of the day. Orcish rights and whether drow should be allowed to adopt, or something. I don’t remember really, it was a long time ago. I just smiled and nodded and chimed in where I could, because listening to this girl go on about the price of tea in China (or the price of mandrake in Moonglow) was a lot more oddly entertaining than anything else I was going to do at three in the morning on a Thursday.

Then I get a little party invite message from her at the bottom of my screen. She says hello in an out-of-character sort of way, we chat like that for a minute or two, and then she gets to the point. She explains that her character is secretly a vampire, and that she’d like to lay the bite on me. In all my life this was the one time I had ever looked at my screen and literally said the word “LOL” out loud.

And then a little mental conversation with myself takes place. I say to myself, you know, silly as it is… why not? It’s three AM, it’s the internet, who’s gonna know? Then I say back to myself, you’ll know, and what’s more you’ll know that there’s at least a 75% chance that this is a man. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, it’s just not my cup of tea and the idea sort of kills the mood for me.

What to do? Yes or no? Little did I know tis would turn out to be one of those stupid random decisions that ends up being really important.

As it turns out, my little vampire friend was in fact a real live female.

Our daughter is three years old now.

I occasionally let her walk my tamer around in circles with a dragon following. Her mother snickers when I tell her to look out for vampires.

It had to have been late when I finally walked into Moonglow. I wouldn’t have imagined that I’d log into UO that day at all, but the Red Cross had already turned away my friend and I in our attempt to give blood, and one can only watch the same thing on television for so many hours before needing to do something, anything else. What I saw in Moonglow violated everything I knew about the game.

There are two ironclad laws in Ultima Online. One is that if you spin around in place for long enough while standing at the bank, eventually others will start spinning as well. The other rule is that if you place an object on the ground for any purpose other than disposing of it, someone will run by and pick it up. Put down a chair and sit in it? Someone will run by and grab it. Spell your name on the ground in fish steaks? Someone will come along and pick them up just to be a nuisance. Build a little tower out of discarded furniture for no reason? Someone else will walk up and disassemble it just as pointlessly.

So I was quite surprised to see a massive torchlit American flag decorating the grassy field between the Scholar’s Inn and the Second Defense Armory, built from dyed pieces of cut cloth and bandages. Or rather, I was surprised that no one had come along to dye it green and cart away random pieces of it. It stayed there, quite intact, surrounded by chattering people, for several hours at least, until I finally decided it was time for bed.

To my knowledge the only time in fifteen years the second ironclad law of Ultima Online was ever broken was that particular night, September eleventh, eleven years ago.

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Coronation of Lord Blackthorn

Please join us in witnessing the Coronation of Lord Blackthorn the New King of Britannia, on your resident shard.  This re-enactment is for all the citizens that were not able to join us for the live party in Va.

Baja 10-10 @ 10pm EST

Catskills Not Announced Yet

Chesapeake10-10 @ 8:30pm EST

Lake Superior Not announced yet

Legends Not announced yet

Napa Valley 10/09 @ 7pm PST

Pacific 10/11 @ 7pm PST

Siege 10/14 @ 3pm EDT

Sonoma 10-8 @ 9pm EST

Drachenfels 10-10 @ 2pm EST

Oceania 10-14 @ 6am EST

Please check with your town crier for additional information regarding your shard’s events.

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Memorable Moment Winners – Oceania

The Oceania shard’s contestants remind us that though some moments are full of strife, it’s the people with which we share the challenge that make the moment special.

We had three entries from the Oceania shard so all of them are winners!

Most Memorable Moment in UO

In all my time of playing UO, there have been quite a few memorable moments,
But to be honest nothing really captures the very first time I logged in (On my very first account – way back in 1998)

It was Chespeake, the shard I first played on; because Oceania didn’t exist yet. I remember installing the game, downloading the patches, and eagerly logging in to see what I bought.

I remember reading the back of the box, and it saying “you can do whatever you want to do in UO – or words to that affect” – and I wanted to steal things.

I spent my first 3 days in UO basically in a grey robe of death, because I couldn’t quite work out how every time I tried to steal something from a person, or a guard I’d end up dead? – I mean the back of the box said I could do it right?

It was a brave new world in my time of gaming, I was young back then, I was on a 56kbps dialup- because anything faster just didn’t exist.

It was 3 days of UO before some kind soul (that I had tried to rob), had finally taught me a little of UO, I honestly can’t remember his name but he was a member of the Chespeake player run town north of Britain. His help enabled me to mine and sell my ingots in order to buy my first tent (which of course was the pauper version of a house back then), I eagerly placed my tent, and got gated back to the bank, where sadly the key was stolen (Irony right?)

I think from that moment, having my keys stolen made me want to learn about the game more, and even though player versus player interaction was hard for me on Chespeake due to latency problems (Until Oceania came along), it made me want to strive to learn the game better.

I must admit I also looked forward to DD’s (Designer Dragon’s) posts on Stratics. So I guess my most memorable moment in UO, is having my first ‘house’ stolen from me (Back when you needed keys) in a fit of Irony after what I had been trying to do to people – Karma right?

My memorable moment was when our player run event group (Fox-Emporium Events) ran a ‘Survivor’ competition over 4 weeks in April 2006. 

The event was open to all players on the shard.  We had approximately 30 players attend and they met in our Luna HQ.  They were told they would be participating in a ‘best of three competition’ to determine the twelve contestants who would form two opposing ‘survivor’ teams to compete over the following three weeks.

The first selection event was called ‘Click go the Shears’.

We built a woolshed and had our tamers taming sheep and transporting them to the woolshed all day prior to the start.  We ended up with over 500 sheep in our shed. 

Competitors were issued with a dagger and gated to the woolshed. Outside they were given instructions, they should stand at the woolshed steps, we would ‘open’ the doors and they would run in to the teleporter’s in the entrance chamber.  They were to shear as many sheep as they could, and then ‘pen’ themselves in the sheep pens on the roof to await the wool count.

It was absolute chaos once they all got in and all started running like mad to shear the sheep.  The smarter players ran to the second and third floors first so that they had less competition to get to the sheep.  Watching the shearing proved to be highly amusing! 

Once all players were penned the wool count began.  Players were listed from highest to lowest on their wool collection.

The second selection event was called ‘Mushroom Madness’. 

Players were gated to another venue.  Here we had built a ‘mushroom’ cave, consisting of various types of mushrooms, varying from single mushrooms to stacks of ten. 

The competitors had to ‘count’ how many mushrooms were in the cave, note their answer in a book and hand it to one of the Fox organizers.  The answers were ‘ranked’ from closest to the actual amount to the lowest and were given points accordingly.  This was ‘hard’ as with so many people running around counting was challenging!

The third selection event was called ‘Brenna Says’. 

As with all games of ‘Simon says’, players had to follow Brenna’s instructions or be ejected from the house. Once ejected they could return to cheer on the others! The order of ejection determined the overall point scores for the competitors.

Competitor’s scores for the three events were then combined and ranked.  The top two scorers became ‘team captains’ and were issued a robe. The next ten top scorers were announced, and the team captains ‘picked’ from them (in turn) to form two teams of six. This formed our teams for the next 3 weeks of events!

This first day of ‘Survivor’ selection was especially fantastic, and is a day I will always remember! 

Lady Kat leader of the ‘red’ team went on to ‘win’ the series, became Oceania’s first Sole Survivor and was awarded the $5 million dollar prize!


Pixelated Friendships

            Rushing home after a long day of work, I came home and cracked open a can of soda. I sat down with my laptop resting on my legs and decided to log onto Ultima. Excited to log on and play on my newly finished tamer, I noticed something fishy. Where were they?! I quickly shut my client and reopened it, hoping it would refresh. My fingers smashed across the keyboard as I entered my password as fast as I could, only to realize nothing changed! Panicked, I made sure I was on the right shard and behold It was still Oceania. Shocked, I started to scramble around and message everyone to see if they knew if anyone was on my account. I got a message back and said someone had gotten into my account and deleted everything. Frustrated and disappointed as to why someone would ever do that, I shrugged it off and said I’m just going to quit, it was too much work building everything back up. Once I told people I was quitting everyone rushed to help me, told me they’d buy me anything I needed to get me up and ready once again.

            Moping around Luna with my gimpy minimum skill character, made me more upset. At this point, I probably couldn’t even kill a mongbat. I moped my way to the Moonglow woods to start taming some cows for days on end, trying to give it one last effort. I see my friend running up to me shouting my name like a maniac. I turned to face him as he gleefully handed me an advanced character token. Shocked, I took and ate it, boosting my skills. I was surprised as how generous everyone was being when they had no obligations to do anything. My friends really stuck their neck out for me and were there for me when I needed them most. It showed me that there really were people who cared enough about you and enjoyed playing with you that they would do anything to keep you around. The amount of money people spent trying to help me buy back powerscrolls and gear was phenomenal.

            I had always experienced the people who when you say you’re going to quit, they ask you for all your items. Making true friends who, instead of wanting your things and watching you walk away, would try to help and keep you. These friendships are with people can care just as much about you and your wellbeing as those you have real life relationships with. These are also the people that keep the UO community alive and help make this game as enjoyable as it is. It taught me that the friendships you make inside of game are just as strong as ones you have outside game.


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Memorable Moment Winners – Formosa

It is time to announce the next set of winners in the Memorable Moments Contest. Players on the Formosa shard mixed it up with entries containing poetry, epic battles and a holiday event. We hope you enjoy their tales as much as we have!

We received four entries from the Formosa shard and, once again, all entries are winners!

It was the year 2006, almost a year had passed by and business had picked up that year since the relocation of the Chocolit Shoppe in Formosa. With the year at end and the joyous atmosphere in the air, I had planned an anniversary event for the shop to give back a little something to everyone on this little shard that had made the shop what it is today. It had been my first time planning an event.

The house planned to hold the event had been specifically constructed and designed for the event, with mistletoes and wreaths hung up, big Christmas tree lights lit, a newly fallen layer of snow, bartenders ready to serve out hot chocolates to all and Santa’s sleigh parked by the side of the house readily bearing gifts.

Little did I know then of how many people would show up on this quiet little shard of mine. Apparently news of this event had spread fast, anyone and everyone that could walk through a moongate showed up, great warriors and mages of the legends came, peasants and thieves came, even a few polar bears, orcs and ogres made appearances. All came for a chance to feel the Christmas spirit in Sosaria, enemies from the underworld had sat next to each other drinking eggnogs together and long lost friends that hadn’t seen in awhile were drawn in. Seats were quickly filled up and the course of the event ran quite smoothly for a one-person-running event.

It had been tiring yet exhilarating in the end because everyone had loads of fun especially me. It was quite a memorable part of my UO life and to top it all off, I got wind of a Christmas housing contest during that time on Stratics which I threw in the event house and won first place. It was also the first time I’ve ever won any contest related to UO and one of my most memorable moments in UO.

-Choc of Formosa.

Will my dream come true?

Towns filled with fire,
Citizens cried with tears.
Demons are roaming freely in our land,
Humans seem to have no chance to stand.
Monsters pass through our defenses with ease,
Britannia citizens whom hear this will not be please.
News quickly sent to the ears of the Royal Guards,
Guards are then brought to the Castle’s Yards.
Armors are prepared weapons are sharpened we are ready for war,
We have arrived near the demons and easily hear their devils’ roar.
It was nearly the dawn of the day where the fight has begun,
So many causalities and death the royal guards have barely won.
My sword is filled with daemon’s blood,
The streets are red as endless flood.
As we are going for victory enemies main protagonist revealed,
Exodus’ the most powerful weapon that Mondain and Minax once yield.
Only his war cry are hurting both our ears and mind,
In our life, we have never seen powerful foe as such kind.
Despite this the royal guards belief are never dropped,
Until the moment this fearsome beast is stopped.
Dupre will be leading us into this final war,
We are then to end Exodus once and for all.
Before we set afoot to the dungeon’s depth,
Dupre decided the guards to first take a rest.
That day I make a dream of peaceful lands,
We dance happily together holding hands.
Birds are flying in the beautiful sky,
The dream indicates such a wonderful sign.
However, will my dream ever come true?
I would have to say, no one have yet a clue.

My guild and I have to take risk all the time, to venture into Felucca to fight the champion spawn, and often, we were raided by other players. The only time that was safe for hunting was actually on odd hours where people are sleeping or working.
My guild has a system going on back then. We had to hunt together for the champion spawn, and we would share the power scroll at the end of it by rolling the dice, and whoever had the biggest number will be able to choose from the scrolls first.
I was in need of a 120 magery power scroll back then, and on that very night when my guild mates asked me to join them for a champion spawn. It was quite late in the night, but I still joined them despite, having to go school the next morning.
We did the Vermin Horde Champion Spawn in Despise (Felucca). Everything was smooth until Barracoon the Piper spawned. Our rival guild, sDo, came with a bunch of hunters, and fighters. We started a brutal fight, and our side was losing. All of our guild mates available were activated. We brought all sorts of characters. There were tamers, mages, archers and stealth ninjas.
We rally all our troops to the guild headquarters, and used the stealth ninjas to screen and spy what the other guild is up to, and we coordinate an attack. We plan, and we strike. Together as one, our forces were strong enough to break through our rival guilds defense on the bridge to Barracoon the Piper, and we killed most of the rival guilds players. We got defense up, and we managed to pull off.
As we defeat Barracoon the Piper, we knew that our rivals are actually waiting for us to enter the gate open to the Star Room. We sent our stealth ninja down, so that we have an eye there. True enough, our rival were planning to trap us there, and we all took the other exit of despise.
Then, we gathered to dice for scrolls. As my guild mate place the scroll on the floor for us to see. I immediately saw a 120 magery. I was so eager for it, as I wanted to further train my mage. As we all started to dice for it, I was keeping my fingers crossed, hoping that I will win.
At last, it was my turn to roll the dice; I went forth and rolled the dice. To my surprise, I got a 12! I was so excited. As I picked up the power scroll from the floor, my guild mate ganged on me. I was resurrected, and killed several times, before my guild mates stopped and allow me to consume the 120 magery power scroll.
I love my guild, and the people there. Those people were the very reason I play UO to this very day. They make my UO experience a wonderful one.

Longest battle of my UO experience!!!
This a couple years back when Stygian Abyss had just hit main lands. Me (tickle me) and Lord Tathian where in a battle. so far it had lasted about 15 minutes and by the time we were all said and done it took an hour 62 minutes to be exact. we are sitting here fighting swinging swords back and forth with no progress in mine or his health bars. they kept bouncing between 100%-72%-90% but never hit lower than 50% health. It was a long battle and many of band aids were used to heal each of us. Much mana was used to cast the spells to protect our self’s from the next swing of a weapon. We went at it for a good 50 minus before we finally ran out of band aids (or well i did) and I had died finally. I was a mass murderer (red player) and he was nice enough to go criminal  heal me up. We sat on a old fallen log and we talked for a few. We thanked each other for the duel and asked what the templates of our character was and we figured out that we had the exact same skills and stats as well as our gear was almost exactly identical. We thank each other yet again for the amazing battle and set out for more of the good vs bad war that is Felucia.

There is my amazing moment in Ultima Online.

We would also like to note that we have selected one winner from the Arirang shard. However, we decided not to publish a translated version as it will not do the story justice.

Thank you for your fantastic memories and be sure and check back tomorrow for another set of winners!

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Memorable Moments from Starr Long

Another former producer of Ultima Online took the chance to share his memorable moments. Starr Long who was our special guest at the 15th anniversary party used the speech after the coronation of Lord Blackthorn to answer several questions including some of his fondest memories. Here are some more:

My fondest recollections are always about the unexpected ways our incredible players were able to create their own experiences. Each one of them illustrated how we had moved from makers of this world to the caretakers. The players were as much the makers as we were now, if not more. One of my favorite examples was the mass protest against lag in Castle Britannia where everyone stripped down to their skivvies, got drunk, danced, and threw up all over the courtyard. Believe it or not it really made us pay attention and love our players even more. I also loved the power of our housing system which was so popular it even began to have real world value. I remember distinctly when someone came up to me and said “You’ve heard of eBay right?” Remember this was late 1997 and eBay had only launched 2 years earlier and had coincidentally changed their name to eBay the same month we launched Ultima Online. “Yes,” I replied “but what does it have to do with us?” “You won’t believe this but someone just sold their castle for over $1000!” they answered incredulously. I was floored and proud that a bunch of 1s and Os could inspire someone to pay real money for it. Now of course with gold farming and micro transactions this seems pedestrian but fifteen years ago it was entirely new. Another wonderful expression of player power were the orc clans. Ultima Online only supported human characters but we had orc masks, armor, and weapons. Several groups of players began to wear orc gear and to role play orcs. Some of them even chose to speak orcish to each other! They would build player towns for “orcs only” or sometimes occupy NPC orc locations (a real challenge since they had to constantly keep the “real” orcs at bay).

My last recollection is about a letter we received shortly after launch from a player who wrote to us about how much they enjoyed playing. They then began listing all the things they loved like fighting orcs, defending innocents from Player Killers, owning a house, and being leader of a guild. For them however one of their favorite features was the simple act of running through the world, because they were confined to a wheel chair in the real world. That letter along with other social examples like weddings and people maintaining long distance relationships through the game showed me that these virtual worlds have powers to be more than entertainment.


If you have missed the previous moments, check out what Bonnie Armstrong, Richard Garriot and Anthony Castoro wrote!