The Herald

UO Herald - Game Updates

Europa Returns

We have resolved the login issues on Europa that have been preventing players from logging into the shard since 3 am EDT.  If any players are having issues please let us know as soon as possible.  Thank you for your patience.

UO Team

UO Herald - Game Updates

Return of Counselors

We are going to reinstate the Counselor Program back into UO!  At this time I would like to know if we have any players that would be interested in volunteering for these positions.   Below are the requirements:

  • Must be 18 years old
  • Must have an active account
  • Must have an account in good standing
  • Have great game knowledge
  • Desire to help and work with others

We are making a few alterations to make the program work with all the changes that have been made currently so it will not be active for a bit but if you are interested in being considered for a volunteer Position please email with the following information:

  • account name (no passwords)
  • shard you play on
  • time zone you live in

I understand most of you have your accounts full of characters so you will be given a work account for this task.


UO Herald - Game Updates

Updates from the UO Team

Good afternoon Everyone.

   Wanted to let everyone know it is safe for everyone to customize your houses again.  We have fixed the existing issue we were seeing. 

   The team also wants to tell you that we have made a change to the way the In-game codes are accepted and you no longer have to worry about changing the formatting around.  You can copy and paste the code in game exactly how you get it from Origin from now on and the game will auto correct it and recognize the code if it is a valid code.  If anyone has any issues with claiming codes in game please let us know.

  Thank you for your patience this morning while we worked on Atlantic and getting it back up.

UO Team




UO Herald - Game Updates

Atlantic Going down Feb 19th.

Good afternoon everyone,

Just wanted to bring a few points to everyone’s attention.

We have had some issues with the Account Management page that is now fixed. If you were having issues in the past few days please try again. If you are still having issues please contact me.

I also wanted to let everyone know ahead of time we are bringing down Atlantic tomorrow (2/19/2014) for approx. 3 hours between 11 am EDT and 2 pm EDT to fix the crashing issue we have seen for the last few days.

UO Herald - Game Updates

House Customization Issue

Happy Valentines Day Everyone!

   We have confirmed an issue related to a conflict between house customization and vendors within the houses.  Until further notice we are asking everyone not to customize their houses if they have vendors in their homes.

Thank you

UO Herald - Game Updates

Publish 85.3 World Wide Publish

We will be publishing Publish 85.3 to all shards in the morning during maintenance. Japanese shards will be published this evening during your regular maintenance cycles.

Happy Valentines from the UO Team!!

Be sure to keep an eye on your EM’s for the next 6 days, they will be doing a small event that gives out this years’ Valentines present. We hope you enjoy them!

Bug Fixes:
• Corrected issue where only the character that placed the house is allowed to customize the house.
• Corrected issue where goza mats were becoming unusable.
• Discordance is now considered a hostile act when used against player pets; players may now only use peacemaking on player pets that are freely aggressive.
• Vanilla seeds will now once again spawn on certain mobs within the Exodus Dungeon.
• Cupid’s Arrows will now work during the month of February.
• Event Moderator reward items that have the flamestrike, smoke or sparkle effect will once again be useable in your backpacks with a 60 second delay.

UO Herald - Game Updates

Event Moderator Openings


現在、無限、出雲、飛鳥、瑞穂の4シャードでは、日本人EMを求めています。ほんの少しの英語は我々とコミュニケーションを取るうえで役立ちますが、翻訳機の使用はいつでも可能です。契約時間は月/24時間となります。もしあなたがプレーヤーたちによるこの偉大なチームに興味を持ち、日本シャードのEMになりたいとお考えでしたらどうぞ、 までメールしてください。


Mesanna (メサナ)

Greetings Everyone,

I would like to announce I am looking for 4 Japanese Event Moderators for Mugen, Izumo , Asuka, and Mizuho. A little English would be helpful to communicate but we can always use a translator. The required hours are 24 hours a month and it is a contracted position. If you are interested in joining a great group of players and becoming and Event Moderator on a Japanese shard please email

I look forward to hearing from you.


UO Herald - Game Updates

Producer Update

Greetings everyone!

We are so thrilled to read all the feedback from our recent announcement and I wanted to share this great interview did with a few of us at Broadsword to give you some insight as to what’s in store for the future.

I am also happy to announce that we are actively looking for candidates to fulfill the position of Assistant Producer for Ultima Online. Interested persons may send their cover letter and resume’ to

Some of the requirements for the Associate Producer position include,

• Fluency in Japanese and English
• Willingness to relocate or reside in the Northern Virginia area
• A passion for games and the communities they support

All future positions, contract or full time, will be presented to you the player base first to fill. I think with your experience and game knowledge we can do great things together!


UO Herald - Game Updates

Publish 85.3 Origin and Izumo

Hello Everyone,

  We are publishing Origin and Izumo today with the following few bug fixes and new art for our Valentines Gifts coming to you soon. You will see an option on all shards in your character context menu for Vendor Search but it will not be available until March when we publish World Wide.

  Below are the bug fixes with this publish:

  • Corrected issue where only the character that placed the house is allowed to customize the house.
  • Corrected issue where goza mats were becoming unuseable.
  • Discordance is now considered a hostile act when used against player pets; players may now only use peacemaking on player pets that are freely aggressive.
  • Vanilla seeds will now once again spawn on certain mobs within the Exodus Dungeon.

UO Herald - Game Updates

Producer Letter

Greetings Everyone!

I come to you with some exciting news!  Since its humble beginnings at Origin Systems Incorporated in 1997, through development at EA Redwood Shores and for the last 7+ years at Mythic, Ultima Online™ has been enjoyed by millions of devoted players around the world.

Beginning February 1st, 2014, Mythic Entertainment Co-Founder Rob Denton’s new studio: Broadsword Online Games ( will partner with EA’s Mythic Entertainment to operate, support and develop Ultima Online on EA’s behalf.  Electronic Arts will continue to provide billing and account services through its Origin™ portal.   Broadsword and Electronic Arts will work closely together to ensure a bright future for Ultima Online.  For future inquiries and support, you can contact

The UO team will continue to work as hard as ever under our new banner.  In the immediate future, we will be putting out a publish for Valentine’s Day and a few bug fixes, along with polishing a final release of Vendor Search.   I will be putting out a list very soon of all the features we will be working on this year to get everyone’s feedback as well as some updates regarding our ongoing projects.

I know this has left everyone with a lot of questions, so I will try to answer a few right off the bat.  As always we will collect any additional questions and try to answer them as they come in. 

Talk to everyone soon!

Bonnie “Mesanna” Armstrong
UO Producer
Ultima Online

Q and A

Will this transition alter the plans for Ultima Online in the near term and the future?
Yes! Both Broadsword and EA are heavily invested in the continued success of Ultima Online and our future has never looked so bright!  Customers in need of help or questions should contact

Is Broadsword an Electronic Arts studio?
No. However, for purposes of Ultima Online, Broadsword will be operating the game on EA’s behalf to continue its success.

Will there be a change in the payment system?
Nope! Players will continue to access UO through EA’s Origin™ portal. There will be no interruption or change in the payment service. Players may notice that charges on their bank statements will still indicate a payment to Mythic or EA – – and Game Time Codes will still be available via the EA Origin™ Store.

What will happen to any information I’ve provided to EA/Mythic?
Nothing.  Since Broadsword is operating Ultima Online on EA’s behalf, all the information you provided and may provide in the future will continue to be managed according to EA’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

Will there be changes to the Ultima Online development team?
Yes!  Broadsword’s additional investment into UO gives us the freedom to expand our resources for bigger projects, so again – the future has never looked so bright! 

Will emails change?
Yes, they will, in the meantime you can reach out to us at