The Herald

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The Awakening – Act I, Part 2

Written by the EM Team

    “Blast it! Blast, blast, blast!!!” Callie snarled in frustration as she threw a stack of papers from the small desk she’d been using at the Britain Library, once again feeling as if she’d hit a brick wall. Her efforts in Skara Brae had shown no results and inquiries in the capital city weren’t faring any better, despite having uncovered even more support for her theories. She glanced to the staircase as one of the scribes, an elderly gentleman who appeared to be peeking from the stairwell to see that she was alright. Seemingly satisfied that she was, he descended once more. The energy suddenly seemed to drain out of her and she collapsed into the chair and ran her hands over her face, brushing her blonde bangs to one side.

    In her mind’s eye she went over how she came to be at this juncture. Her father and mother had researched this same issue for years and were on the verge of a breakthrough…but both had been killed during a  Crimson Dragon attack of Queen Dawn’s reign. Since then Callie had been doing her best to pick up where they left off but, without many of her parents’ connections, her options were limited. She was swiftly going through what money had been left to her and she had to produce something tangible before all of it would be for naught. With a lengthy intake of breath she sighed, and began picking up her papers and stacking them neatly once more. There were still a few avenues and options left to explore. Tucking her things inside the shoulder satchel she carried Callie made her way down the stairs, oblivious to the world around her. She strode towards the West Bank, planning to use the old Britain Crossroads to make her way to the moongate.

    Lost in her thoughts she turned a corner and practically ran into a rough looking fellow with a few days growth of beard who was brandishing a well-used pike. His expression held that manic kind of gleam that could only be interpreted as malice or madness, and either was equally dangerous. Her senses seemed to return all at once as she realized she could hear the sounds of weapons clashing, the smell of smoke and fire, and the sight of scorch marks and trash heaps. In a panic she grabbed the little holdout dagger she carried at her waist and threw it inexpertly at the man, eyes widening in fear as the tumbling dagger only hit him with the hilt, his face contorting in fury as he readied the pike for a thrust. Heart hammering in her chest like it was threatening to burst, she swore that she was losing her mind as she felt the very ground beneath her tremble in turn with its pulsations. Only a split second before it occurred did she realize the truth of the matter.

    Clad in a robe, cloak and what she swore was a jester’s hat, a man suddenly tackled her to the ground while shouting “Don’t Move!”, and with a roar that rattled her to her bones an enormous dragon lunged through the space she’d just occupied and closed its jaws upon the pike wielder. Its heavy footsteps echoed through the cobblestones and shook her body as it halted its forward momentum and lifted its prey up high. The man who had tackled her shouted to the great beast, though what he said she couldn’t hear over her own shock. She heard a shrill, panicked scream followed by a loud impact and silence. “You…You just killed him…How could you…”

    The man’s robe and cloak were in bright, garish colors that seemed to match perfectly the jester’s hat that sat at a slight cant upon his head. The bells jingled lightly as he started to get up and looked down at her horrified gaze and hesitant words, and he held out his hand expectantly with a smile on his face that came so easily it had to be his natural expression. “I assure you that he will live, fair lady, though your sympathy might be a bit misplaced…I think he held little regard for your life. Talratha here just picked him up and dropped him, nothing more.” He held out his glove clad hand until Callie took hold of it, and he helped her up. “You really should be more careful though…the streets are very dangerous lately, and the guard force in short supply.” A crash in the distance and a lazily drifting plume of smoke arose to the east, and the peculiarly dressed tamer looked over to it with an expression that conveyed anxiety and indecision.

    Callie looked to him and saw that he was still eyeing her with worry, and after a moment realized that he was waiting on her. “I’m fine…you can go.” She had barely finished saying it before he took off at a run with the dragon flapping its powerful wings, soaring above and just behind him as they ran towards the source of the smoke. Shaken, Callie picked up her dagger and let her sights rest on the bloodied and unconscious raider. The dragon had deposited the raider none too gently, but had aimed him precisely into one of the piles of trash that had become frequent in the cities as of late. With a slight sense of revulsion she pulled her satchel closer to herself and exited the city with a much brisker pace than she had started with. This time she kept her ears open and her wits about her, but she’d still feel safer once she’d put the larger cities behind her…

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City Loyalty Ratings Explained

For each city, each player character has individual ratings for Love, Hate, and Neutrality. These values are numeric and the raw values are not displayed.

  • Performing beneficial acts in a city causes the city to gain Love for that character
  • Performing negative acts in a city causes the city to gain Hate for that character
  • Any time a city gains Love for a character, a small fraction of the city’s Hate for that character is converted into Neutrality
  • Any time a city gains Hate for a character, and that city already had Love for that character, some of that Love is converted into Hate
  • Any time a city gains Love for a character, all other cities will convert some of their Love for that character into Neutrality.
  • Hate for a character decays at the slowest rate
  • Love for a character decays at a moderate rate
  • Neutrality for a character decays at a rapid rate

A character’s loyalty rating from a city consists of two parts: how well the character is known, and how “pure” the character’s actions are. There are essentially three possible outcomes:

  • If the character only performs beneficial actions for one city, the character gains positive ratings
  • If the character only performs harmful actions for one city, the character gains negative ratings
  • If the character performs a mixture of actions for a city, or performs beneficial actions for multiple cities, the character will tend to gain positive or negative ratings to a lesser degree or will gain distrustful ratings.

Here are all the possible ratings:

  • Tier 0

    • “Unknown” – this is the default rating and all characters will remain Unknown until they have taken several actions to modify their loyalty rating from the city
  • Tier 1

    • Positive: Commended
    • Neutral: Doubted
    • Negative: Disfavored
  • Tier 2

    • Positive:

      • Respected (most positive)
      • Esteemed
    • Neutral:

      • Distrusted
    • Negative

      • Disliked
      • Detested (most negative)
  • Tier 3

    • Positive

      • Adored (most positive)
      • Admired
      • Honored
    • Neutral

      • Disgraces
    • Negative

      • Loathed
      • Despised
      • Reviled (most negative)
  • Tier 4

    • Positive

      • Venerated (most positive)
      • Revered
      • Exalted
      • Lauded
    • Neutral

      • Denigrated
    • Negative

      • Scorned
      • Shunned
      • Vilified
      • Abhorred (most negative)

Notes about the system:

  • It is possible to shift a city’s favor slowly over time, but this is much more difficult for those with checkered pasts
  • Negative deeds are worth more hate than positive deeds are worth love
  • Negative deeds are remembered longer than positive ones
  • While the world is in chaos, all cities distrust each other. This is why trying to be devoted to multiple cities will just earn neutral ratings from all. However, this will not always be the case…

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More Options to Contact Billing Support

We have improved the way to contact our Billing Support for Ultima Online. If you have a problem that you need help with you can either email, or visit This website offers you a form to make sure that all necessary information get to our billing advisors.
If you are based in the US, this website allows you to leave your phone number for us to call you back. We are actively pursuing expanding phone support outside the US.

To use, login with your EA Account and click on ‘Talk to a Game Advisor’ on the right side of the page. On the following page please:

  1. Enter Ultima Online as the product
  2. Select “Billing/Purchasing” as the category
  3. Select the contact option and enter your details

UO Herald - Game Updates

Essential Maintenance for Atlantic and Legends – 02/10

Update 11:30 am EST: Atlantis is back online.
Update 8:45 am EST: Legends is back online.


We will be bringing the shards Atlantic and Legends offline tomorrow, Friday February 10, at 8:00 am EST (13:00 GMT) for an essential hardware maintenance.
At this time we anticipate that both shards will be back online no later than 1:00 pm EST (18:00 GMT).

Please be sure to check the Herald for updates regarding this downtime.

UO Herald - Game Updates

Letter from the Producer

Hello everyone,  

First off I would like to thank everyone for their kind words to me regarding my promotion. I am writing this because some of you wanted an official Producer Letter so here goes.  First I would like to address the Exodus Event reward.  The +5 stat scroll will be put in the game as a permanent drop. This is something that was discussed as a team from the very beginning, so if you did not get one at Exodus or were not able to be at the event, you will  be able to get it later.

The second part is the future  of UO. After we finish the holidays, which does take up a lot of time for creation for Halloween, anniversary, vet rewards etc, we are going to step back and do a major bug fixing publish. Currently we have documented 1173 known bugs in our system, I want to cut that number in half. This bug sprint will not happen till the first of the year so  that will give me plenty of time to go over all the bugs in the thread on stratics to make sure we have those documented in our system.

After the major bug sprint we will continue to put in updates to the dungeons, armor and monsters. Of course we will be throwing in other tidbits but it wouldn’t be any fun to tell you what they are now. =P

I hope everyone enjoyed Exodus and with that being said here is a fitting screenshot for the downfall of Exodus!

Bonnie “Mesanna” Armstrong
Producer Ultima Online

UO Herald - Game Updates

The Awakening – Act V, Part 2

Written by the EM Team

    Dupre’s gleaming platemail was scarred and battered as he approached the walled sandstone city, great strips of it ripped away by the attacks of the vicious mechanical beasts. He’d left too many men, elves, and gargoyles dead in the final struggle to rid them of the foul beast Exodus…and despite Sacrifice being a virtue, he wondered if it hadn’t taken more than its share this time. And why did it seem that those younger, faster, and stronger than he were so oft chosen while Sacrifice had merely passed him by all these years? Or maybe these others in some way had acted as a shield for him, preserving his existence by purchasing it with their own. Or perhaps his vow of Honor to defeat Minax was all that held Sacrifice at bay. He shook his head as he passed through the gates of the city of Honor, but he couldn’t shake off his uncertainty. The events at the moongate had only served to reinforce his unsteadiness; He’d intended to immediately return to Felucca and his hunt for Minax, but if the moongates were corrupted in such a way, could it possibly be an infection like the gargoyles were even now still facing in Ter Mur? And if so, would it spread to the rest of Gilforn’s gates, or even to those temporary ones conjured by so many mages of the realm? Give me a beast, a monster, a man who I can fight with a sword and shield, and I’ll cause them to quake, he thought…but I have no recourse against an enemy I can’t face. Turning these thoughts aside, he strode into the armorsmiths and handed over his large, heavy shield, to which the smith could only shake his head. It was yet another shield that had given its life to prolong his. He looked over the copy of the journal he’d found…and he wondered if he hadn’t been wrong about the man who had once so often held court with his Lord.
    “Yes, Heckles, you know that I must do it. I trust you to tend to the castle and keep it ready for my return.”

    “Then you anticipate returning, milord?”

    Blackthorn was some time in answering, for he didn’t know exactly how to respond to such a simple and forthright question posed by his longtime jester and companion. Finally his voice rose as he shouldered the satchel carrying moonstones, blackrock, and other reagents.

    “I anticipate doing what needs to be done. I only hope that it allows me to rejoin you here, Heckles. And Heckles…”

    “Yes, Milord?”

    Blackthorn tossed the jester a key, and the jester cradled it as if it were that which unlocked the gates to eternal paradise.

    “Try not to empty the wine cellar in my absence.”

    For once, the jester had no witty reply…even as his master’s back turned towards him and he watched his cloak flutter with the opening of the door and his exit, Heckles could sense how serious this must be; his master had never once trusted him with the key to the wine cellar before…
    In Trinsic, despite that the rioters were still acting up and Ver Lor Reg was shattered…the mood was exuberant. The defeat of Exodus had made them all feel as if this was finally the end of a long journey through darkness; despite how he felt and what he thought, Dupre let them have their revelry and moment of glory. Tonight had been a victory, a powerful and important one…but it was not the end of their troubles by far. The peasants were still in revolt against the nobles; the gargoyles of Ver Lor Reg still displaced, now with no home; the minions of Minax and Minax herself running free wherever they may be; the gargoyles of Ter Mur stricken and swept through by the mysterious plague; and the Jukans and Meer decimated by the destruction in Ilshenar.
Dupre took his glass and drained it in a single throwback of it. He’d often been asked by people why it was he had such a fondness for the indulgence of alcohol.
Lately, his only reply was to ask how everyone else didn’t indulge in it.
    The dungeon’s inhabitants disgusted him; their twisted mockery of magic was an affront to all mages. At the same time, it fascinated him…the power that they were able to harness.

    In this case, disgust won out over fascination as a bolt of solid energy flew from the cloaked figures hands and ripped into the creature’s mechanisms, followed by three powerful lightning bolts that echoed thunderously through the depths, before all was silent again. Opening his satchel, he placed another piece of blackrock in front of yet another of the strange devices. He had no idea what this particular device did, nor did he care; all he needed to know was that it seemed important, and it was gathering energy.
    He was here to deny Exodus access to any of it.
    Trailing behind him lay a cord, fashioned from twine and infused with sulfurous ash; he set it up and led it back to what he believed to be the main chamber, and placed the few remaining bits of blackrock in front of the largest of the devices. With a moments incantation and several gestures, he could smell the burning of reagents in his bag, and feel as the magical energy traced its way through the ash infused ropes…he even could feel as the blackrock absorbed and enhanced the energies, and he had the satisfaction of seeing the large machine rock from the initial explosion, and he quickly turned to leave…only to be suddenly disoriented by a feeling he had felt once before.
    Being forcibly summoned by Exodus.
    The night had gone on late and Dupre had had his fill of whatever drink he’d wanted at any bar he’d gone to; but it left him unfulfilled. It was times like these, where even in victory he felt defeated, that he sought refuge in his dedication to Honor and everything it encompassed. So long as he kept true to his Honor, he would never lose his path.
    Even if it felt like he was helpless to save a Britannia that seemed bent on tearing itself apart at the seams.
    “You insult me, petty warlock.  You think to undermine my efforts instead of join me. Is this what you think of your virtue of Honesty?”

    Blackthorn bristled at the horrendous sound of the abominations voice, and managed to respond with a smirk on his lips that he wasn’t even sure it could see. “I’m afraid that you chose the wrong piece on the board if you wanted a virtuous pawn.”

    Laughter, haunting, cold, and without any sense of mirth, came as if from all around him. “You think you’ve won, do you, little one. I am more than you could ever hope to be, and your efforts may have cost me…but we will see who will cost who the most.”

    Blackthorns retort was lost as his jaw dropped, a moment of shock setting in when an enormous creature moved into view before him in the darkness, his neck craning back to look upon the bulk of the creature. For a moment, Blackthorn realized that perhaps there really was nothing that could be done against such a foe, and that he shouldn’t even try.

    But it was only for a moment.

    Blackthorn quickly backpedaled, thrusting a hand into the satchels hidden pocket, and withdrawing a large, peculiar stone that he’d hoped he wouldn’t have cause to use. The gleaming black sphere, something that Gilforn had boasted about being a ‘composite moonstone’, began to dance in his palm as he did his best to stay out of reach of the mechanical monster and he poured forth the magical energy from his body, his mana burning through his body with the rage of a dam breaking, every second his mind telling him he’d be just fast enough to keep out of Exodus’ reach.

    Unfortunately, a blow that was so fast it was practically invisible slammed into him and forced reality in upon his comforting lie. He was flung across the chamber, managing to just barely keep his hand on the shimmering orb, and as he hit a wall and then the floor, his vision blurred and went red. He coughed hard, blood spilling forth from his lips, a telling sign of some internal injury…but he would not falter. He was Lord Blackthorn. This vile spawn of a creature would not defeat someone of his standing.

    Exodus paced closer, expecting to see a look of despair upon the human’s face…only to find a bloody lipped smile on his face. And then suddenly a portal of shimmering energy, a swirling thing of crimson and cerulean, swallowed forth Blackthorn and Exodus alike.
    “A setback, my minions. Much damage was done to the apparatus meant to empower and strengthen me…and my whereabouts are unknown. But none of it has affected my ability to communicate across realms, as you can see.”

    Of course there was no actual response from the minions of Exodus…none that could be perceived by human senses.

    “It seemed that the warlock was quite the duplicitous one…I imagine that there are many ways we can make that work for us. And like it or not…he is now a captive audience. Even if we are both trapped here, he will still be made of use…” A haunting noise filled the displaced chamber, as Exodus laughed.

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Call to Arms

As I am sure most of you have noticed there is an uneasy feeling in our world. This is an official notice for a Call to Arms…please check the times below for your shard and support Lord Dupre!


Shard Date Time EDT
Legends  6/25/2012  9 EDT
Atlantic 6/22/2012  9 EDT
Lake Superior  6/25/2012  8EDT
Great Lakes  6/23/2010  9 EDT
Chesapeake 6/23/2012 9 EDT
Catskills 6/22/2012  7 EDT
Siege 6/23/2012 3 EDT
Origin 6/22/2012 6:30 PDT
Pacific  6/22/2012  8 PDT
Sonoma  6/25/2012 9 EDT
Lake Austin  6/23/2012  9:30 CDT
Baja 6/24/2012 10 EDT
Napa Valley 6/23/2012 10 EDT
Drachenfells  6/24/2012  20:30 CEST
Europa  6/25/2012  3 pm EDT
Mugen 6/22/2012 9 JST
Wakoku 6/24/2012 8 JST
Hokuto 6/23/2012 10 JST
Formosa  6/22/2012  9 pm JST
Izumo 6/23/2012 8 JST
Mizuho 6/22/2012 9 JST
Yamato 6/23/2012 9 JST
Asuka 6/24/2012 10 JST
Arirang 6/24/2012 8 TW
Balhae 6/25/2012 8 TW
Sakura 6/24/2012 9 JST