Ultima Online

The Arcane Outfitter

Arcane Outfitter Tickets are purchased in bundles of either 200 or 50 from Ultima store Your tickets are used by visiting one of the Arcane Outfitters that can be found throughout Britannia’s Mage Shops. Please note: This action will alter the appearance of your equipment, causing it to show as a plate suit, but only on the paperdoll or in your backpack will the decorative design be visible. The Paladin armor is classified as Metal/Plate, so it will provide those bonuses when equipped (1% LMC, and High Stam Loss Protection). This means that if you convert Studded, Bone or Hide, […]

Ultima Online

New Legacy Named Pets

The following statics were taken from a single example and should therefore be taken as a rough guide rather than a definitive figure. Pet Name Hit Points Stamina Mana Strength Dexterity Intelligence Grobu 158 119 33 123 119 33 Resists Barding Difficulty Base Damage Damage Type Skill Set Follower Slots Taming Skill 30/34/31/27/26 70.1 12 – 17 Physical 100% Melee 1 72.0 Pet Name Hit Points Stamina Mana Strength Dexterity Intelligence Thunderhoof 320 150 125 500 180 125 Resists Barding Difficulty Base Damage Damage Type Skill Set Follower Slots Taming Skill 70/50/50/30/75 94.0 12 – 19 physical 50% energy 50% […]

Ultima Online

Eclipsed Dawn Champion Spawn (Spring 2025)

The Manifestation of Evil has been vanquished and the undead driven from the cities, but the fight against evil forces continues and the need to push back Veylara and the Shadow Reavers continues in Ter Mur.  Demonic forces have taken over an island, access to it has been created through a portal south of the west gate of Royal City. In place of the usual altar, a corrupted Oak tree is surrounded by Runestones. The 16 runestones represent the usual 16 red candles which surround the altar.  As the spawn progresses the runestones will activate, beginning to glow. Flames will […]

Ultima Online

Publish 119

TC1 Publish 1 – 1/30/2025 TC1 Publish 2 – 2/18/2025 Origin, Izumo, Baja – 2/20/2025 Ultima Store Updates Arcane Outfitter Arcane Outfitter Tickets Purchase an Arcane Outfitter ticket bundle from the Sovereign Store and visit the Arcane Outfitter in game to change the paperdoll appearance of your armor to one of 4 new sets! Paladin of Air Paladin of Water Paladin of Earth Paladin of Fire Arcane Outfitters can be found throughout Britannia’s Mage Shops The Arcane Outfitter can alter the paperdoll appearance of your equipment Simply equip the armor you wish to alter and the Arcane Outfitter will indicate […]

Ultima Online

The Divergent Path

The divergent path is designed for players who prefer to forge their own path rather than to follow a narrative. After arriving in Ocllo, and speaking to the bard, you must choose your path. To follow the divergent path select ‘head to the front lines’ By selecting this option you will forgo the story narratives and quests and be sent to the frontlines of battle. You will be given the choice of a baseline character type and you will acquire a minimal amount of skill, stats, and equipment appropriate for your character choice. Crafting skills cannot be acquired this way. […]

Ultima Online

The Pumpkin Regatta

This fun event is held in New Legacy’s Autumn and is announced by town criers. Click on the Calendar found on the bank wall for more details. Travel to the Yacht Club and speak to the Commodore. He will allow you to sign up for the event. You will need to stable any pets you have with you. You will find a hitching post just to the east, at the beginning  of the dock. Make your way down the dock to the starting posts and wait for the race to start. At the start of the race you will be […]

Ultima Online

The Story of Fluxo Gelson

I’ve dedicated my life to tracking the elusive manticore, a creature of legend and terror. I believe I’ve found its lair hidden through a cave deep within Lost Lands, a place few dare to tread. This discovery could be my life’s work. The Lost Lands are fraught with danger, but I am determined. If I can reach the lair, I might finally unravel the secrets of the Manticore’s existence. The Passage The journey through the cave is perilous, filled with creatures ready to attack. The path to the lair is blocked by a collapse of rocks that seem unnaturally dense […]

Ultima Online

New Legacy World Loot Drops

Introduced in Publish one all mobs within dungeons have a chance to drop random Artifacts, including armor sets, bard songs, taming knowledge, and pet lures. These artifacts can drop from any mob within a dungeon and will drop directly into the corpse of the mob; the stronger the mob, the better the chance. Note: Resist properties on  armor sets, hit chance increase and damage increase on weapons and spell damage increase on spellbooks are subject to the congiarium level Armor Sets: Shadowstalker (leather) Grips Vanguard’s (studded) Tunic Leggings Ironbound (ringmail) Leggings Forged Chain (chainmail) Tunic Titanstone (platemail) Gauntelets Armplates Weapons […]

Ultima Online

The Piper

Note: Resist properties on  armor sets, hit chance increase and damage increase on weapons and spell damage increase on spellbooks are subject to the congiarium level Armor Set: Leather Armor hue id: 2675 Vermincaller’s Mask (tribal mask, round face) Vermincaller’s Tunic Vermincaller’s Diary Blessed Repond Slayer Spell Damage Increase 64 Spells Flea Infested Drape (cloak) Weight 5 stones Hit Point Increase 4 Stamina Increase 4 Mana Increase 4 Strength Requirement 10 Durability 200/200

Ultima Online


Note: Resist properties on  armor sets, hit chance increase and damage increase on weapons and spell damage increase on spellbooks are subject to the congiarium level Bestiary on Undead Animals Soul Compendium Blessed Undead Slayer Spell Damage Increase (determined by congiarium level) 64 Spells Armor Set: Bone Armor hue id 2690 Wraithbinder’s Crown Wraithbinder’s Grasp Wraithbinder’s Boneguards Wraithbinder’s Harness Weapons: Undead Slayer, 50% physical damage 50% Energy Damage Soul Piercer (repeating crossbow) Soul Crusher (war axe) Wraithbinder’s Bonewalkers (boots) hue id 2690 weight 3 stones Strength Requirement 10