Ultima Online

New Legacy – Weapons (including spellbooks)

Weapons spawn with a possible two properties, Damage increase and/or Hit chance increase. Special ‘fragmented’ items begin to spawn when the congiarium reaches level 3, these items have durability of only 25/25. This can be increased to 150/150 by a GM crafter using ‘repair’.. A Secure Repair Crate can be purchased for this purpose. Damage increase and spell damage increase have the following levels: Ruin: Damage increase 20%; Spell Damage Increase 10% Might: Damage increase 35%; Spell Damage Increase 20% Force:  Damage increase 50%; Spell Damage Increase 30% Power: Damage increase 70%; Spell Damage Increase 40% Vanquishing: Damage increase 100%; […]

Ultima Online

New Legacy Skills – Carpentry

Carpentry The Carpentry skill allows a character to craft the items listed on this page. To craft an item you will need to use a carpentry tool such as a saw or hammer. The ‘Retains Color’ column indicates whether the item will retain the color of the material used to craft the item. Required Skill listed is the minimum skill needed and at this level items will take the maximum time and maximum resources to craft, both will reduce as your skill increases. You will not fail to craft the item Furniture Item Name Resources Needed Retains Color Skill Required […]

Ultima Online

New Legacy Skills – Blacksmith

The Blacksmith skill allows a character to craft the items listed on this page. To craft an item you will need to use a Smith’s Hammer and be close to a forge and anvil. The ‘Retains Color’ column indicates whether the item will retain the color of the material used to craft the item. Required Skill listed is the minimum skill needed and at this level items will take the maximum time and maximum resources to craft, both will reduce as your skill increases. You will not fail to craft the item. Armor | Helmets | Shields | Bladed |Axes […]

Ultima Online

New Legacy Skills – Tailoring

The Tailoring skill allows a character to craft the items listed on this page. To craft an item you will need to use a Sewing Kit. The ‘Retains Color’ column indicates whether the item will retain the color of the material used to craft the item. Required Skill listed is the minimum skill needed and at this level items will take the maximum time and maximum resources to craft, both will reduce as your skill increases. You will not fail to craft. Hats Item Name Resources Needed Retains Color Skill Required Skullcap 4 Cloth Yes 30.0 Bandana 4 Cloth Yes […]

Ultima Online

New Legacy Skills – Alchemy

Once you have reached the qualifying criteria to train an additional skill; for a mage or crafter following the narratives this involves completing a complete narrative chain, you may choose to learn alchemy, to do this you must begin by speaking to the Alchemy Master at the Lyceum. Required Skill listed is the minimum skill needed and at this level items will take the maximum time and maximum resources to craft, both will reduce as your skill increases. You will not fail to craft. Alchemy Potion Ingredients Base Effects Required Skill Healing and Curative Refresh 1 empty bottle, 2 Black […]

Ultima Online

New Legacy – The Congiarium

This important edifice at Moonglow Lyceum is constructed using donated bulk order deeds from crafters and mages. As it grows, the properties on looted weapons and armor gradually improve in quality. The Congiarium, once construction has begun, also allows crafters and scribes to enhance  weapons and spell books using congius , these are obtained as a BoD reward at a rate of 5 congius for 25 bulk order points. You may, however, only add one property to any item. Items gained as you progress through a skill narrative cannot be enhanced. At each level more properties become available for enhancing, […]

Ultima Online

New Legacy – Key Locations

Key Locations Mainland Ancient Trees Ancient Oak Ancient Ash Ancient Yew Ancient Heartwood Ancient Bloodwood Ancient Frostwood Titanstone Mine Ironheart Depths Frostbloom Cave Exagorim One Two Three Silken Ruins Route to Inside Trapper’s Cave Trinsic Brigands Dagger Isle Brigands (also showing frost spider cave) Southern Reaches Serpent’s hold Guard Towers Hart Lake Spirit Cave Hidden Valley Manticore Passage: Entrance, Inside Yew: Magistrate’s House, Banqueting Hall, Duskwood Country Retreat    

Ultima Online

New Legacy – Narrative Quests

These consist of a series of tasks involving talking to various NPCs, crafting items, for crafters, defeating enemies for warriors and for both groups, visiting locations, finding and returning items. Crafted items must be marked using the ‘toggle objective item’ option from the character’s context menu. NPCs and items you need to interact with show a sparkle around them when you approach them, use the ‘talk’ option from the npc’s context menu. Double click items you have been sent to collect. When these items are in your back pack use the context menu on the item to deliver it to […]

Ultima Online

New Legacy – Crafting

Resources are transferred directly into the resource pack, the weight of this is not counted towards the character’s carrying capacity. Items cannot be removed from this pack. Wood is chopped as logs, once a tree has been targeted chopping will continue until the tree is exhausted. Metal is mined as ingots, digging will continue until the location is depleted. Using a sharp weapon on the corpse of animals or other leather bearing creatures will add leather and bones to the resource pack, feathers and raw birds when used on the corpse of birds. Wool and Cotton are gathered into the […]

Ultima Online

New Legacy, An Overview

This page is intended to give a brief introduction, further information can be found linked at the foot of this page. All information may be subject to change and expanded upon as the author gains knowledge. All characters begin in Ocllo and those planning a mage or warrior character may choose to follow the narratives, a guided experience with gaining through quests, or to head to the frontlines (the divergent path), increasing your skill through fighting monsters. Crafters must follow the narrative path. The Quest Journal Your quest objectives are listed in the quest journal, not sure where to go […]