UO Herald - Special Announcement

Turning off Housing Decay for the Month of September

Greetings everyone, We are turning off housing decay for the whole month of September starting today (9/1/2017) to try to help any of our players that are having to go through the disaster occuring in Texas at this time.  Our hearts and prayers go out to you and your families. Please be aware that during this time you will not be able to place a house, transfer a house, demolish a house or resize a house. Thank you, UO Team  

UO Herald - Special Announcement

July Developers Meet and Greet Schedule

Greetings all, For the month of July we will be on Napa Valley July 17th at 9 pm ET and on Balhae July 31st at 9 am ET.  Please have all your questions ready and we will see you there! Don’t forget the Anniversary party is coming up so if you are registered and will not be able to make it please let Mesanna know as soon as possible so we can back fill the slot.  I hope you are getting your costumes ready because we will be having a contest on Friday night! UO Team    

UO Herald - Hotfix

Pet Training Exploit Fix

Greetings Everyone, We are aware of the exploit to make 5 slot pets more powerful by releasing and re-taming, a fix was published this morning.  The pets that have been affected by this exploit will have their stats reset in the near future.  We will not be touching the skills or the AI’s of the pets. UO Team  

UO Herald - Hotfix

Publish 97 Bug Fixes

Greetings all, This morning during the regular maintenance cycle  of the US shard the following bug fixes were published, this evening the rest of the shards will be published. • Resolved issue which allowed players to mount pets that were polymorphed. • Adjusted Barracoon AI to no longer turn pets into ratmen. • Adjusted Medusa pet petrification to no longer change the hue of pets. • Adjusted the old Phoenix to match the new Phoenix body as well as adjusting the base damage and removed the hue. • Pet movement speed is now capped at 190 dexterity • Resolved issue which prevented […]

UO Herald - Special Announcement

New Store Item and Lag fix

Greetings Everyone, We have increased the number of available stable slots to 42, we are offering the Stable Slot Increase Token through the In Game store which will be available to you today.  This is an account bound item which allows you to add 3 additional stable slots to your character.  You may apply up to 7 tokens to any one character. Starting this afternoon with Japan after your shards maintenance your lag issue in the Kotl City will be resolved. Thank you, UO Team  

Baja, Izumo, and Origin Pub 97 Update

Greetings all, We have fixed the following issues and publishing this to Izumo this evening 4/20/2017.  Baja and Origin will get it during their  maintenance on 4/21/2017. Pet max base stamina is now capped at 150. Resolved issue where trained pets taming requirements reset after server maintenance. Enjoy! UO Team  

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Update to Origin, Izumo and Baja Publish Schedule

Greetings all, We are making a few adjustments to pet AIs and will not be publishing today, our new scheduled date to publish to Origin, Izumo and Baja is Tuesday April 18th, 2017.  We will be updating TC1 with the latest changes, keep an eye on the wiki for the latest list of updates. Also, as of May 1st we will be making additional stable slots available from the Ultima Store. Finally, as a celebration of Easter and the dawning of Spring make sure you visit the Justice Falls and look for the pink squirrel to claim a gift.  These gifts […]