UO Herald - Special Announcement

Transmog potion exploit

Greetings Everyone, I would like to address the exploit that is currently active with Hawkwind’s robe.  We are removing the Transmogrification Potion – Robe Slot from the store until this fix is published.  Know that we are working on a solution and will release it when it passes QA.  These items will no longer be equippable following the fix.    Due to the fact this is an exploit you will be given one (1) of two (2) choices.  You can keep the item as decoration.  If you go that route then a note will be put in your file as […]

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Ultima Online: New Legacy Beta

7/11/2024 7/17/2024 – Update We want to thank everyone who took the time to complete the Ultima Online: New Legacy beta survey!  The survey is now closed.  Stay tuned to UO.com for updates as to when beta testing begins.  Thank you! Greetings, We are pleased to announce the beta testing period of Ultima Online: New Legacy will be launching shortly.  We invite all those interested to please complete a brief survey here. See you in Britannia, UO Team

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Game Time Codes Unavailable – Update

Good afternoon – Update You are able to purchase game time codes once again on the EA store.  We are sorry for any issues this may have caused. Mesanna   Good afternoon everyone, I have notified the EA store regarding the availability of the game time codes.  They are aware of it and as soon as it is corrected we will let you guys now.  Really sorry for the confusion. Mesanna    

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Publish 117 Update to TC1

4/5/2024 Greetings, We are pleased to announce the latest version of Publish 117 is now available for testing on TC1.  Be sure to check out the patch notes and submit your feedback on the forums. See you in Britannia, UO Team

UO Herald - Special Announcement

6 month game time codes available

Good morning all, I was just informed by the EA store that they have fixed the issue allowing players in Turkey to purchase codes.  Thank you for letting me know asap so we can make sure these problems are taken care of. Thanks Everyone have a great weekend, Mesanna  

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Issues Purchasing Codes from the EA Store

Morning Eveyrone, I am happy to announce as of yesterday the store has been fixed and we are again able to purchase codes from the EA store.  Thank you everyone for working with us so we could get this taken care of. Have a great weekend! Mesanna   Greetings everyone, I wanted to let you guys know that the EA store has not fixed the issue of purchasing codes as of yet.  I know they are working on it and we hope to have it fixed soon.  As soon as I know anything I will let you guys know. Bonnie […]

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Additional Testers Added to NLS

Greetings all, We are in the process of adding additional people to the access list for the New Legacy Shard.  You will be getting a NDA to sign as soon as I have that returned I will be adding you to the Slack channel we communicate with.  Since we have over 700 people sign up for the beta testing we are just pulling from the stone originally placed. Good luck and watch your emails for invitations. UO Team