UO Herald - Game Updates

Account Renewal Issues

Greetings Everyone,    I wanted to touch base with you guys to explain the reason some of your accounts did not auto renew as they should have.  There was an issue in the system that was corrected and the accounts that were/are set up for auto renewal are being processed at this time.  You should not have to do anything to your account.  The process is checking back to approx the later part of November to make sure nothing is over looked so please give it a day or two.  If your account does not auto renewal in the next […]

UO Herald - Game Updates

Publish 85 Adjustments

Tomorrow morning after maintanence the following will be adjusted: 1.  Adjusted Bard AI 2.  Added Healer abilities to Agents of the Crown in Blackthorns castle 3,. Fixed issue where Captains were revealing hidden players 4.  Fixed dungeon mobs spawning in unreachable areas 5.  Adjusted Captains spawn All these changes will be visible after your normal morning maintanence. Thank you, UO Team

UO Herald - Game Updates

Strange Bedfellows

By: EM Drosselmeyer “You don’t actually think this is going to work, do you?” Anon scoffed at King Blackthorn’s suggestion. “Well if you don’t think you have the ability to do it, I guess you can continue to be known as the second best mage of the realm…” Anon slammed a hand down on the table, causing Dupre to give him a glare from his seat. “I still am afraid I don’t understand…why are we not simply destroying the source of these?” “Because we cannot without condemning untold numbers of lives. Anon and I have come to the conclusion that […]

UO Herald - Game Updates

Publish 85 to Origin and Izumo Today

We are putting Publish 85 on Origin and Izumo today.  The shards will be going down at approximately 2 pm EDT. One point I would like to make clear is regarding the Vet reward – The Light house Once the lighthouse is deeded it will unlink from any boat and owner it is linked to.  When you replace the lighthouse you will have to relink it to keep any ships from decaying.  It will NOT automatically relink once the light house is replaced. Thank you and Enjoy! UO Team

UO Herald - Game Updates

The Knight and the Enchantress

By: EM Drosselmeyer His blade clashed against that of the renegade swordsman, each strike forcing him back pace after pace, never ceasing in his advance. As the swordsman caught one of Sir Dupre’s strikes on his shield, Sir Dupre lashed out with his own shield and struck him hard in the face, feeling the mans nose break before the impact. Helmets are worn for a reason, novice… he thought to himself as he disengaged his blade, stamped on the man’s foot, and ran him through. With a sudden jerking back of his sword he let him fall, staining the dusty […]

UO Herald - Game Updates

Publish 85 to Test Center 1

Castle Blackthorn Dungeon The dungeon of Castle Blackthorn is open for exploration! The dungeon is accessible from Castle Blackthorn in Trammel and Felucca. The Invasions within the Loyalty Cities have been magically sealed inside the dungeon. Minax artifacts can be found by destroying Minax’s beacons and her minions within Castle Blackthorn Dungeon and also engaging other creatures within. Blackthorn Artifacts are available from Agents of the Crown and will accept Minax Artifacts for turn in. Agents of the Crown can be found in Castle Blackthorn in Trammel and within the loyalty cities in Felucca. City Election Changes Each account may […]

UO Herald - Game Updates

The Mad, Mongbat-Minded Mage

Written by EM Drosselmeyer The city had been a nicer place once. It had been busier, filled with bustling life and mages learning and earning their keep amidst masters and grandmasters. But that was many years ago, he reminded himself…and despite the ferocity of those remaining in these lands, so many had already moved on to calmer waters. He’d been warned against going at all by his Royal Guard, with them finally relenting when he agreed to take two with him as protection, but he told them as simply as he understood it himself; If he found who he was […]