Publish 111 Worldwide

9/20/2021 Greetings, We are pleased to announce that Publish 111 will be released worldwide beginning September 22, 2021.  If you haven’t already, make sure to check out the release notes. We urge all players to familiarize themselves with the new changes related to pets going wild.  This especially applies to pack animals. Pack animals and hirelings will now only stay in the offline auto stable for 24 hours after which they will be removed from the world if not retrieved. The auto stable is an offline facility where pets can be stored till their owner logs back in – it […]

Publish 110 World Wide Release

3/15/2021 Greetings, We are pleased to announce that as of each shard’s normal maintenance beginning March 16, 2021 Publish 110 will be deployed worldwide. Vendor search will be unavailable beginning today, March 15, 2021 @ 4pm ET.  Vendor will return once all shards have been published, approximately March 16th, 2021 at 1pm ET. Publish 110 includes a host of new features as well as support for our upcoming  events beginning with A Pirate’s Life and following up with A Soulless Seduction in April! Be sure to check out the publish notes for full details. Be sure to patch up your […]

Publish 110 Comes to Origin, Izumo, and Baja

3/9/2021 Greetings, We are pleased to announce with each shard’s regularly scheduled maintenance, beginning on March 10, 2021, Origin, Izumo, and Baja will be updated with the latest release of Publish 110.  Please head over to the wiki and check out the full publish notes. Please also note that vendor search will be down on these 3 until Publish 110 is released WW. This release includes a mandatory client patch so please make sure you fully patch up your client before accessing TC1 or any production shard. We look forward to your feedback on the UO forums. See you in […]

Publish 110 Test Center Release 1

03/03/2021 Greetings, We are pleased to announce we have updated Test Center 1 with the latest release of Publish 110.  Please head over to the wiki and check out the full publish notes. This release includes a mandatory client patch so please make sure you fully patch up your client before accessing TC1 or any production shard. We look forward to your feedback on the UO forums. See you in Britannia, UO Team

Treasures of Deceit Fixes

Greetings all, As of maintenance this morning all shards have the following fixes:  The items gained from the Treasures of Deceit NPC can now be placed on vendors to sell.  The issue that was found with Origin and Izumo has now been resolved. Thank you, UO Team  

Publish 109.1

9/15/2020 Greetings, Beginning with each  shard’s regular maintenance on September 16, 2020 we will be releasing an update to all shards which includes our new dynamic quest system as well as some miscellaneous changes and bug fixes, Account bound items can no longer be placed on vendors or auction safes Items that cannot be moved by players that are in IDOC loot will be deleted Resolved issue where ridden pets do not reflect the notoriety of their riders Transmogrification Potion The potion is no longer available on Siege Perilous Resolved issue with Hooded Shroud of Shadows that were altered by […]

Publish 109 – World Wide Release

7/20/2020 Greetings, We are pleased to announce that as of each shard’s normal maintenance beginning July 21, 2020 Publish 109 will be deployed worldwide. Publish 109 includes systems that we will be soft launching in the next few days, so keep an eye on for when and where to participate in those events. Be sure to check out the publish notes for full details. See you in Britannia, UO Team  

Publish 109 Comes to Origin, Izumo, & Baja

7/14/2020 Greetings, We are pleased to announce that Publish 109 has come to Orign, Izumo & Baja.  If you haven’t already, please check out the publish notes.  Many of the systems that are included in Publish 109 are related to our new dynamic encounters, so please keep an eye on for when we will be soft-launching these systems. See you in Britannia, UO Team