UO Herald - Game Updates

Save Your Boats

The authorities want you to know: If you placed your boat near the place Blackthorn’s old castle was standing, please remove it before tomorrow, Wednesday July 11th, at midnight EDT. If your boat isn’t removed, it might get buried and destroyed in some landscaping works that are about to happen in that area.

UO Herald - Game Updates

The Awakening – Act VI

Written by the EM Team     The grass beneath his tread was soft, and covered in the morning dew from a sun that was rising in the east. Each step was taken without any specific destination, and there was no greater purpose in these steps beyond wandering; the land was unfamiliar and strange, and there were no clear landmarks to guide the way, and no signs of any sort…so he wandered. His robe dragged along the ground, fraying its edges as he went…but he paid it no heed. Finally at the end of his energy for the moment, he dropped […]

UO Herald - Game Updates

Publish 75.0 Comes to All Shards – 03/27

Greetings, We will push Publish 75.0 to all shards during the next maintenance cycle, in the early morning of March 27. Here are the complete notes for your reading pleasure, enjoy and see you in the game! Publish 75.0.0   Global Arc Acts 3 and 4 for the awakening have been completed.  Please keep an eye on your Town Criers for upcoming news.  Continue on with this quest and you too can have your own heirlooms.  As always watch the herald for future fiction. Clean up Britannia – 4 new dyes Glossy Fuchsia Deep Blue Vibrant Seagreen Murky Amber Faction […]

UO Herald - Game Updates

Pub 75.0 Comes to Origin

Greetings, Publish 75.0 comes to Origin tonight. These are the changes to the Publish 75.0 Notes: Faction Score System All faction scores will be scaled down instead of wiped. All faction members’ rankings will be updated to reflect the new scaled points. Faction score now decays at a rate of 1% (rounded down) of score per day. Scores of 99 or below will have a scaling chance to decay 1 point per day. The closer the score is to 0 the smaller the chance is of having point decay. Players with 0 Faction score will always be assigned Rank 1 […]

UO Herald - Game Updates

THE YEW TIMES – A Newspaper for Sosaria

Written by members of the UO community Issue 2 – Edition 3 WORLD NEWS Alchemist Labors for Naught It was 12 years ago, that the great intellect and alchemist, Vig Parthus the Accomplished addressed the public before barring the door to his lab. He bid that no one disturb his work, for when he finally emerged from his bailiwick, he would present to the people that which mankind had been searching for since the beginning of time. After a decade of respecting the mages request, a concerned citizen determined that something was amiss, since no one had been bringing food […]