Events for September 8, 2023 › EM Event
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9:00 pm
Balhae – SECRET | In Darkest Days
Friday, September 8th 9PM KST (GMT+9) Meeting Place: Trammel, Britain EM Hall After subdued Rashid the Magus, agent Ryan Reed tried to arrest him for questioning. Sir Reynard, Spymaster Timothy, Lord Commander Karadoc, Archmage Sienna, Mad Tinker Claudia, and agent Daria arrived at the Fire Isle. At the same time, Enrico Groves the guildmaster of SECRET showed up. He said this was Rashid’s plan, not his. He didn’t want anymore casualties because he don’t want harm this world. Archmage Sienna said she knows his plan which is leaving this world by making something like the Black Gate. Agent Ryan Reed […]
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Mizuho – MiniEvent
Chat: Mizuho EM Event Meeting place: Britain Square
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