Publish 57, December 2008 introduced the ability to steal various items from monsters:
- A given monster can be stolen from once in its lifetime
- There is no backpack to snoop, use random steal and target the monster.
- Gold, bandages, gems, potions, scrolls
- Thieves with GM skills or higher have a chance at stealing rare items
- Seed of Life, Mana Draught, Gem of Salvation, Balm of Strength, Balm of Wisdom, Balm of Swiftness, Balm of protection, Stone Skin Lotion and Life Shield Lotion.
Drop rate on stealables:
- GM Stealing: 2%
- 100.1 to 110 Stealing: 5%
- 110.1 to 119.9 Stealing: 8%
- 120.0 Stealing: 10%
Stealing Bonus based on monster fame
For the purposes of stealing, a monster’s fame is now scaled from 1 to 40 (previous fame levels 1 to 5). Level 40 being the equivalent of 30,000 fame points. The higher the fame level, the higher the stealing bonus.
Stealing bonus by fame level:
0 % below level 15
1% below level 25
2% below level 35
3% below level 40
5% at level 40
So a thief with 120 skills stealing from a level 40 monster would have a 15% chance of obtaining a rare drop.
- Players cannot steal twice from the same monster
- Rare items only drop in Fel Dungeons and Champ Spawn areas (all facets)
Trammel & Felucca
The stealables are consumables. Using a Balm or Lotion while one is already active will replace the effects of the first, not combine them. The list includes:
- Seed of Life: Uninsurable. When eaten, instantly heals between 25 to 40 HP, even through poison and mortal wounds. 10 min cool down.
- Mana Draught: Uninsurable. When drank, the player instantly recovers between 25 to 40 mana points. 10 min cool down.
- Gem of Salvation: Blessed. Upon death, the carrier will have the option to invoke its power to self-resurrect, destroying the gem in the process. Unlike Sacrifice, the player’s belongings will remain on his corpse and he will be resurrected with the same minimum health as he would if rezzing at a shrine. 6 hours cool down.
- Balm of Strength: Uninsurable. On use, the player benefits of a 10 Strength increase for 30 min. Can’t be combined with any other Balms or Lotion.
- Balm of Wisdom: Uninsurable. On use the player benefits from a 10 Int increase for 30 min. Can’t be combined with any other Balms or Lotion.
- Balm of Swiftness: Uninsurable. On use the player benefits from a 10 Dex increase for 30 min. Can’t be combined with any other Balm or Lotion.
- Balm of Protection: Uninsurable. On use, reduces by 50% to 100 % the damage sustained from acid (grizzle), and AoE cold (prism icy water, ice elementals), fire (blazing gargoyles). The resistance chance is rolled for each tick. This balm does not protect against spells or weapons elemental damages. Cannot be combined with any other Balms or Lotion. Duration: 30 mins.
- Stone Skin Lotion: Uninsurable. On use, increases player Physical Resists by 30 but reduces his Fire and Cold Resists by 5. Cannot be combined with any other Balms or Lotions. Duration 30 mins.
- Life Shield Lotion: Uninsurable. On use, reduces by 50% to 100 % the Life Drain damage from Succubus and Tentacles the Harrower. The resistance chance is rolled for each tick. Cannot be combined with any other Balms or Lotions. Duration 30 mins.