Order of the Dragonfish Handbooks

Revision for “Order of the Dragonfish Handbooks” created on September 18, 2015 @ 13:49:27

Order of the Dragonfish Handbooks
Obtained from the fishmongers as a quest reward <a href="#part1">Part 1</a> | <a href="#part2">Part 2</a> | <a href="#part3"> | Part 3</a> | <a href="#part4">Part 4</a> | <a href="#part5">Part 5</a> | <a href="#part6">Part 6</a> <a name="part1"></a> <h3><strong>Order of the Dragonfish Handbook, Part 1</strong></h3> <strong>Uncommon Shore Fish</strong> by Cpt. Piddlewash In thee sacred trust I be bestowin' our knowledge. Ne'er afore hath sailor nor wench set down in pen the secrets o' Sosaria fishing. Tis only by the will o' the Order of the Dragonfish that I do. Tis now up to you to protect this knowledge and earn the trust o' the Order. This knowledge can make you wealthy. Guard it well. <h4><em>Bluegill sunfish:</em></h4> Be wary o' these bluegills, they be a bit snooty but they be tastin' great on a cracker. <h4><em>Brook trout:</em></h4> These be found in brooks mostly, but sometimes streams, ponds, creeks, rivers, inlets, fords, and occasionally puddles. <h4><em>Green catfish:</em></h4> Don't let the green colour scare ye away, it be delicious! Folks what eat them say they make yer eyes turn green. <h4><em>Kokanee salmon:</em></h4> I named this'n fer me favourite aunt in hopes that she would leave me her ship. Then she left it to her boyfriend so I changed it to Kokanee. <h4><em>Pike:</em></h4> This fresh water fish be lookin' a bit like their ocean cousin the barracuda. But don' be fooled, they bite! <h4><em>Pumpkinseed Sunfish:</em></h4> Found in rivers and other shallow waters, this fish be so named because it be first caught by me friend, Pumpkinseed Smith. <h4><em>Rainbow trout:</em></h4> These trout be colored a bit like rainbow salmon but they're not, they're trout. <h4><em>Redbelly bream:</em></h4> The secret ta catchin' these particular bream is to be fishin' near the shores. <h4><em>Smallmouth bass:</em></h4> 'Tis believed that this fish is uncommon simply because it be a picky eater. <h4><em>Uncommon shiner:</em></h4> This fish is not to be confused with the common shiner. The uncommon shiner tastes way better. <h4><em>Walleye:</em></h4> This be a tricky devil 'cause he can see ye coming. 'Tis best to fish fer them at night or to be wearin' a worm costume. <h4><em>Yellow perch:</em></h4> Ye can sometimes see these swimmin' near rocks and such. They can be easy ta spot cause they be yellow somewhere on thar body. <a name="part2"></a> <h3><strong>Order of the Dragonfish Handbook, Part 2</strong></h3> <strong> Uncommon Sea Fish</strong> by Cpt. Piddlewash In thee sacred trust I be bestowin' our knowledge. Ne'er afore hath sailor nor wench set down in pen the secrets o' Sosaria fishing. Tis only by the will o' the Order of the Dragonfish that I do. Tis now up to you to protect this knowledge and earn the trust o' the Order. This knowledge can make you wealthy. Guard it well. <h4><em>Amberjack:</em></h4> One o' these days I'm going to hang up me fishin' pole and start me own brewery, and I'm going to name me brew amberjack. <h4><em>Black seabass:</em></h4> The black seabass be a more purpley color in me personal opinion, but it wasn' me what named it. <h4><em>Blue grouper:</em></h4> These be uncommon because most fishermen mistake them for other fish 'cause they ain't actually blue. This be thar natural defense. <h4><em> Bluefish:</em></h4> If ye be trying ta remember where to fish for bluefish, jus' remember the big blue spot on their fin that looks like a ship. <h4><em>Bonefish:</em></h4> This fish be havin lots o' bones. Like double the normal amount. I seen some that couldn't even move! <h4><em>Bonito:</em></h4> Bonito be great when smoked and dried. Tis a favorite of Tokuno. <h4><em>Cape Cod:</em></h4> This fish be found off the cape. Way off the cape. Like in the middle o' the sea. <h4><em>Captain snook:</em></h4> Whatever sun baked swab named this poor devil cap'n snook should be keel hauled! I knew Cap'n Snook, this be no Cap'n Snook. <h4><em>Cobia:</em></h4> Best to not be confusin' the cobia with the cobra, the cobra be requiring a totally different kind o' bait. <h4><em>Gray snapper:</em></h4> Old sailors say that many generations ago the gray snapper used to be the blonde snapper. <h4><em>Haddock:</em></h4> When tha' wind's in yar hair, the salt's on yar lips and yar hook's wrapped around yar pole, the haddock be thar. <h4><em>Mahi mahi:</em></h4> They say the most persuasive argument is repetition. This might explain why mahi mahi be so popular. <h4><em>Red drum: </em></h4> The red drum is thus named because o' the sound it makes when you thump it on the head. <h4><em>Red grouper:</em></h4> Red grouper be extra good with a dolop o' Madam Beamy's hot sauce. <h4><em>Red Snook:</em></h4> This fish be found anywhere the rest o' the fish in this handbook be found. <h4><em>Shad:</em></h4> The shad be one o' me personal favorite deep see uncommon fish. <h4><em>Tarpon:</em></h4> This fella once told me the word 'Tarpon' be derived from the word 'Tarpaulin' but I's pretty sure he was insane. <h4><em>Yellowfin tuna:</em></h4> The best thing about tuna is that it tastes like chicken that was eaten by a fish. <a name="part3"></a> <h3><strong>Order of the Dragonfish Handbook, Part 3</strong></h3> <strong> Uncommon Dungeon Fish</strong> by Cpt. Piddlewash In thee sacred trust I be bestowin' our knowledge. Ne'er afore hath sailor nor wench set down in pen the secrets o' Sosaria fishing. Tis only by the will o' the Order of the Dragonfish that I do. Tis now up to you to protect this knowledge and earn the trust o' the Order. This knowledge can make you wealthy. Guard it well. <h4><em>Crag Snapper:</em></h4> Crag snapper be fine eating. Just mind yer fingers. <h4><em>Cutthroat Trout:</em></h4> This dungeon menace 'tis the very one that gave rise to the ol' saying, 'Ne'er take a bath in dungeon water.' <h4><em>Darkfish:</em></h4> Ye find this fish in underground rivers and lakes. But only dark underground rivers and lakes. <h4><em>Demon Trout:</em></h4> Beware, this big devil comes out of the water spicy. <h4><em>Drakefish:</em></h4> The smaller cousin o' the dragonfish, this beauty be much easier to catch and thus more commonly used in cooking. <h4><em>Dungeon Chub:</em></h4> This be the only subterranean member o' the chub family. <h4><em>Grim Cisco:</em></h4> This fish is sought for medicinal purpose. They say it be the best cure for hysteria. <h4><em>Infernal tuna:</em></h4> This fish be deadly poisonous unless ye cook it in butter with a bit o' thyme and serve it with ale. <h4><em>Lurker fish:</em></h4> These fish like to hide up under corpses floating in underground rivers. <h4><em>Orc bass:</em></h4> If ye be ever chased by orcs, throw one down and keep runnin! Ever since I started tellin' folks this, I been sellin more orc bass. <h4><em>Snaggletooth bass:</em></h4> This dungeon lurker be resemblin' a large mouth bass excepting it be having huge jagged teeth. <h4><em>Tormented pike:</em></h4> This pike be hunted by every monster in Sosaria except for a few. <a name="part4"></a> <h3><strong>Order of the Dragonfish Handbook, Part 4</strong></h3> <strong> Uncommon Crustaceans</strong> by Cpt. Piddlewash In thee sacred trust I be bestowin' our knowledge. Ne'er afore hath sailor nor wench set down in pen the secrets o' Sosaria fishing. Tis only by the will o' the Order of the Dragonfish that I do. Tis now up to you to protect this knowledge and earn the trust o' the Order. This knowledge can make you wealthy. Guard it well. <h3><em><strong>Uncommon Crabs</strong></em></h3> <h4><em>Apple crab:</em></h4> Some say the apple crab be so named because it makes good cider. To this, I say yuck! <h4><em>blue crab:</em></h4> The blue crab can be identified by the fact that they be blue on the bottom. <h4><em>dungeoness crab:</em></h4> The dungeoness crab was so named because 'twas first discovered in a dungeon, later it was discovered they could be found anywhere. <h4><em>king crab:</em></h4> The Order is not sure who made this rascal king, but we recon it took some fast talkin' <h4><em>rock crab:</em></h4> The rock crab be uncommon mostly because they often get stepped on by accident. <h4><em>Snow crab:</em></h4> Contrary to popular belief, the snow crab is not found in snow. They be in the water with the rest o' the crabs. <h4><em><strong>Uncommon Lobsters</strong></em></h4> <h4><em>Crusty lobster:</em></h4> Juka like to use the shells o' this lobster for pie crust. <h4><em>Fred lobster:</em></h4> On occasion I be wonderin' to meself, who is Fred? and how did he get to name a lobster. <h4><em>Hummer lobster:</em></h4> Some sailors say they can hear the hum of a hummer lobster. But I don't be seein' 'em catch more than anyone else. <h4><em>Rock lobster:</em></h4> The rock lobster be uncommon mostly because they often get st...Wait, I think I used that one already. <h4><em>Shovel-nose lobster:</em></h4> The shovel-nose lobster has a flat, shovel like nose that it uses to dig into the sand and hide. <h4><em>Spiny lobster:</em></h4> Spiny lobsters be hard on traps, sometimes when they try to get in a trap they tear it to pieces. <a name="part5"></a> <h3>Order of the Dragonfish Handbook, Part 5</h3> <strong>Enchanted Sea Creatures</strong> by Cpt. Piddlewash In thee sacred trust I be bestowin' our knowledge. Ne'er afore hath sailor nor wench set down in pen the secrets o' Sosaria fishing. Tis only by the will o' the Order of the Dragonfish that I do. Tis now up to you to protect this knowledge and earn the trust o' the Order. This knowledge can make ye wealthy. Guard it well <h3><em>Enchanted Fish</em></h3> <h4><em>Autumn dragonfish:</em></h4> This beauty be found in Ilshenar. If prepared correctly and eaten, it be improvin' yer ability to meditate. <h4><em>Bull fish:</em></h4> The bull fish be found in the labrynth o' Malas. If prepared correctly and eaten, it be increasin' power to yer sword hand. <h4><em>Crystal fish:</em></h4> This mystical fish be found in the prism o' light. If prepared correctly and eaten, it be protectin' a sailor from lightning. <h4><em>Fairy Salmon:</em></h4> This daring fish swims the rivers o' Ter Mur. If prepared correctly, and eaten, it be helpin' improve a sailor's concentration when casting spells. <h4><em>Fire fish:</em></h4> This fish be found in the dungeon o' Shame. If prepared correctly and eaten, it be protecting a sailor from fire. <h4><em>Giant koi:</em></h4> This fish be found in deep waters o' Tokuno. If prepared correctly and eaten, it be givin a sailor it's ability to dodge<em>.</em> <h4><em>Great barracuda:</em></h4> This fish be found in the deep waters o' Felucca. If prepared correctly and eaten, it be increasin' yer accuracy with weapons. <h4><em>Holy Mackerel:</em></h4> This fish be found in the spirit filled waters o' Malas. If prepared correctly and eaten, it be making ye gain mana more quickly. <h4><em>Lava fish:</em></h4> This fish be found in the lava rivers o' the Stygian Abyss. When prepared correctly and eaten, it be increasin' yer mana when ye be injured. <h4><em>Reaper fish: </em></h4> This fish be found in the lakes o' dungeon Doom. If prepared correctly and eaten it be protectin' ye from poison damage. <h4><em>Summer dragonfish:</em></h4> This beautiful fish be found in the pools o' dungeon Destard. If prepared correctly and eaten, it will increase spell damage. <h4><em>Unicorn fish:</em></h4> This great fish be found in the Twisted Weald. If prepared correctly and eaten, ye will recover from fatigue more quickly. <h4><em>Yellowtail barracuda:</em></h4> This devil be found in the deep waters o' Trammel. If prepared correctly and eaten, ye will heal more quickly. <h3><em><strong>Rare Crustaceans</strong></em></h3> <h4><em> Blue lobster:</em></h4> This lobster be exclusive to the Ice dungeon. If prepared correctly and eaten, it protects ye from damage due to cold. <h4><em>Spider crab:</em></h4> Found in the waters o' Terathan Keep. If prepared correctly and eaten, it be improvin yer ability to focus. <h4><em>Stone crab:</em></h4> This tough customer be found in the deep sea o' the Lost Lands. If prepared correctly and eaten, it makes yer skin tougher. <a name="part6"></a> <h3><strong><strong>Order of the Dragonfish Handbook, Part 6</strong></strong></h3> <strong>Legendary Sea Creatures</strong> <b>by Cpt. Piddlewash</b> In thee sacred trust I be bestowin' our knowledge. Ne'er afore hath sailor nor wench set down in pen the secrets o' Sosaria fishing. Tis only by the will o' the Order of the Dragonfish that I do. Tis now up to you to protect this knowledge and earn the trust o' the Order. This knowledge can make ye wealthy. Guard it well. <strong>Legendary Fish</strong> <h4><em>Abyssal dragon fish:</em></h4> In the bottomless wells o' Destard lurk many dangers. Some say a black dragonfish swims there. <h4><em>Black marlin:</em></h4> Somewheres, out in the deep waters o' Felucca, sailors say they caught a black marlin but it got away. <h4><em>Blue marlin:</em></h4> An old sailor once told me that he saw a blue marlin leap from the seas o' Trammel. This hath ne'er been confirmed. <h4><em>Dungeon pike:</em></h4> A journal was found in the Terathan Keep by a pile o' bones. The late fisherman claimed that he had caught this fish thar. <h4><em>Giant samurai fish:</em></h4> Tokuno fishermen tell stories of ancient samurai fish o' legendary size. None o' their stories have ever been confirmed. <h4><em>Golden tuna:</em></h4> This fish be only known in myth. But some believe they exist in the deep waters o' Tokuno. <h4><em>Winter dragonfish:</em></h4> The Ice dungeon holds many mysteries, most of them will kill ye. But there be a legend of a dragonfish that rules the rivers thar. <h4><em>Kingfish:</em></h4> The kingfish be extraordinarily rare. They say that Lord British caught one once, but this ne'er was confirmed. <h4><em>Lantern fish</em>:</h4> This fish be said to live in the Prism o' light. However like many legends, it has never been confirmed. <h4><em>Rainbow fish: </em></h4> The elves tell a tale of a princess who fell into the river of the Twisted Weald and was eaten by this elusive fish. <h4><em>Seeker fish:</em></h4> The story o' this fish is that it wandered into the Labyrinth of Malas and became lost. 'Tis an odd story with many holes but it might be thar. <h4><em>Spring dragonfish:</em></h4> Before one was caught by Mistress Kegwood in Ilshenar, these were unknown. It hangs in the secret hall o' the Order of the Dragonfish. <h4><em>Stone fish:</em></h4> The stone harpies worship a great Stone fish they say sleeps at the bottom o' the sea in the Lost Lands. Many of our order seek to catch it. <h4><em>Zombie fish:</em></h4> 'Tis said that there be an Undead fish in the waters o' Malas. Some say it be an unholy experiment, some say it be a lie. <strong>Legendary Crustaceans </strong> <h4><em>Blood lobster:</em></h4> In the depths o' the dungeon Shame this strange creature be said to lurk. Some say it feeds on the blood o' the fallen. <h4><em>Dread lobster: </em></h4> 'Tis said that this lobster is the reason monsters don't go into the waters of Doom. <h4><em>Tunnel crab:</em></h4> This creature be said to live in the Underworld beneath Fire Island. 'Tis a goblin legend so 'tis a bit suspect. <h4><em>Void crab:</em></h4> Some old fishermen in Ter Mur say that they have seen a crab that resembles a void demon in the rivers. This has not been confirmed. <h4><em>Void lobster:</em></h4> The goblins o' the Stygian Abyss tell o' a creature that looks like a cross between a void demon and a lobster. They say it lives in the lava therein.

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September 18, 2015 @ 13:49:27 Mariah