Macro Actions Available in the Classic Client

Revision for “Macro Actions Available in the Classic Client” created on May 2, 2024 @ 11:06:27

Macro Actions Available in the Classic Client
This page is supplemental to the page '<a href="">Creating Macros</a>' which gives an overview of how these actions may be used. <b>Say</b> Your character will say what you input for this. This can be seen by anyone on the same screen. <b>Emote</b> Since emotions can not be conveyed by facial expression or voice inflection an emote is used. This will appear above your head in a different color to that selected for speech and between asterisks: *smiles* <b>Whisper</b> This can be ‘heard’ only by someone standing within one tile of you. <b>Yell</b> Prefixing your words with an exclamation mark, followed by a space, allows you to yell. This can be ‘heard’ up to a screen and a half away <b>Walk</b> Select a direction for your character to walk/run based on the distance your cursor is from your character. <b>War/Peace</b> Toggles between War Mode and Peace Mode. <b>Paste</b> Pastes text from the clipboard. Just like ctrl+v <b>Open</b> Select a gump from the list to open: <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <ul> <li>Configuration</li> <li>Paperdoll</li> <li>Status</li> <li>Journal</li> <li>Skills</li> <li>MageSpellbook</li> <li>Chat</li> <li>Backpack</li> <li>Overview</li> <li>Mail</li> <li>PartyManifest</li> </ul> </td> <td> <ul> <li>PartyChat</li> <li>NecroSpellbook</li> <li>PaladinSpellbook</li> <li>CombatBook</li> <li>BushidoSpellbook</li> <li>NinjitsuSpellbook</li> <li>Guild</li> <li>SpellWeavingSpellbook</li> <li>QuestLog</li> <li>MysticismSpellbook</li> <li>RacialAbilitiesBook</li> <li>BardSpellbook</li> </ul> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <b>Close</b> Select a gump from the list to close: <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <ul> <li>Configuration</li> <li>Paperdoll</li> <li>Status</li> <li>Journal</li> <li>Skills</li> <li>MageSpellbook</li> <li>Chat</li> <li>Backpack</li> <li>Overview</li> <li>Mail</li> <li>PartyManifest</li> </ul> </td> <td> <ul> <li>PartyChat</li> <li>NecroSpellbook</li> <li>PaladinSpellbook</li> <li>CombatBook</li> <li>BushidoSpellbook</li> <li>NinjitsuSpellbook</li> <li>Guild</li> <li>SpellWeavingSpellbook</li> <li>QuestLog</li> <li>MysticismSpellbook</li> <li>RacialAbilitiesBook</li> <li>BardSpellbook</li> </ul> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <b>Minimize</b> Select a gump from the list to minimize: <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <ul> <li>Configuration</li> <li>Paperdoll</li> <li>Status</li> <li>Journal</li> <li>Skills</li> <li>MageSpellbook</li> <li>Chat</li> <li>Backpack</li> <li>NecroSpellbook</li> </ul> </td> <td> <ul> <li>PaladinSpellbook</li> <li>CombatBook</li> <li>BushidoSpellbook</li> <li>NinjitsuSpellbook</li> <li>Guild</li> <li>SpellWeavingSpellbook</li> <li>QuestLog</li> <li>MysticismSpellbook</li> <li>RacialAbilitiesBook</li> </ul> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <b>Maximize</b> Select a gump from the list to maximize: <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <ul> <li>Configuration</li> <li>Paperdoll</li> <li>Status</li> <li>Journal</li> <li>Skills</li> <li>MageSpellbook</li> <li>Chat</li> <li>Backpack</li> <li>NecroSpellbook</li> </ul> </td> <td> <ul> <li>PaladinSpellbook</li> <li>CombatBook</li> <li>BushidoSpellbook</li> <li>NinjitsuSpellbook</li> <li>Guild</li> <li>SpellWeavingSpellbook</li> <li>QuestLog</li> <li>MysticismSpellbook</li> <li>RacialAbilitiesBook</li> </ul> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <b>OpenDoor</b> Opens Door in front of the player. <b>UseSkill</b> Select a skill from the list to use: <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <ul> <li>Anatomy</li> <li>Animal Lore</li> <li>Animal Taming</li> <li>Arms Lore</li> <li>Begging</li> <li>Cartography</li> <li>Detecting Hidden</li> <li>Discordance</li> <li>Evaluating Intelligence</li> <li>Forensic Evaluation</li> <li>Hiding</li> <li>Imbuing</li> </ul> </td> <td> <ul> <li>Inscription</li> <li>Item Identification</li> <li>Meditation</li> <li>Peacemaking</li> <li>Poisoning</li> <li>Provocation</li> <li>Remove Trap</li> <li>Spirit Speak</li> <li>Stealing</li> <li>Stealth</li> <li>Taste Identification</li> <li>Tracking</li> </ul> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <b>LastSkill</b> Uses the skill that was last used. <b>CastSpell</b> Casts any selected spell from: <ul> <li>Magery</li> <li>Necromancy</li> <li>Chivalry</li> <li>Bushido</li> <li>Ninjitsu</li> <li>Spellweaving</li> <li>Mysticism</li> <li>Skill Masteries</li> </ul> <b>LastSpell</b> Casts the last spell cast. <b>LastObject</b> Uses the last object(item) used. <b>Bow</b> Player character performs a bowing animation <b>Salute</b> Player character performs a Saluting animation (fist on chest) <b>QuitGame</b> Prompts with a full Quit Game (Cancel/Okay) <b>AllNames</b> Displays all names on your screen. (npc and player) <b>LastTarget</b> If targeting, will target the last thing targeted. <b>TargetSelf</b> If targeting, will target yourself. <b>Arm/Disarm</b> (Left Hand/Right Hand) Will equip the last piece of equipment held there. Will unequip the current piece of equipment held there. <b>WaitForTarg</b> Waits for a targeting cursor before proceeding with macro. <b>TargetNext</b> Cycles through targets on screen. <b>AttackLast</b> Engages combat with the last target. <b>Delay</b> Adds a delay to the macro. (measured in 'ticks' 10 ticks = 1 second) <b>CircleTrans</b> Toggles circle of transparency on/off <b>CloseGumps</b> Closes all gumps. <b>AlwaysRun</b> Toggles if your character will always run On/Off (if on your character can't walk) <b>SaveDesktop</b>redundant following the move to save character data in the 'documents' folder. <b>KillGumpOpen</b>When activated, this macro will stop the client from opening container windows on initial login. <b>PrimaryAbility</b> Activates Primary Weapon Ability. <b>SecondaryAbility</b> Activates Secondary Weapon Ability. <b>EquipLastWeapon  </b>drops the current weapon and picks up the last used weapon <b>SetUpdateRange </b>Obsolete, no current function <b>IncreaseUpdateRange </b>Obsolete, no current function . <b>DecreaseUpdateRange </b>Obsolete, no current function <b>MaxUpdateRange </b>Obsolete, no current function <b>MinUpdateRange </b>Obsolete, no current function <b>DefaultUpdateRange </b>Obsolete, no current function <b>EnableRangeColor </b>Obsolete, no current function <b>DisableRangeColor</b> Obsolete, no current function <b>ToggleRangeColor </b>Obsolete, no current function <b>InvokeVirtue</b> Uses one of the following virtues: <ul> <li>Honor</li> <li>Sacrifice</li> <li>Valor</li> </ul> <b>SelectNext</b> Uses the Targeting System to select something from the following list: <ul> <li>Hostile</li> <li>Party</li> <li>Follower</li> <li>Object</li> <li>Mobile</li> </ul> <b>SelectPrevious</b> See SelectNext but in reverse. <b>SelectNearest</b> See SelectNext but what ever is closest to your character. <b>AttackSelectedTarget</b> Engages combat with what ever you have selected. See SelectNext.(functions similar to AttackLast) <b>UseSelectedTarget</b> Uses what ever you have selected. See SelectNext. <b>CurrentTarget</b> If targeting, targets what is selected. See SelectNext. <strong>TargetSystemOn/Off </strong>Toggles the targeting system on or off <strong>ToggleBuffIconWindow </strong>Toggles the buff icon window on or off <b>BandageSelf</b> Uses Bandages on yourself. <b>BandageTarget</b> Uses the New Targeting System. Uses bandages on selected target. <b>ToggleGargoyleFlying</b> Toggles On/Off Gargoyles racial ability to fly. <b>RecordDress</b> saves all items the player has currently equipped except items in the left and right hand. Players can save up to four different suits of equipment. <b>Dress</b> equips all items stored within the corresponding Record Dress macro. For example, Dress -&gt; Dress1 equips items saved in Record Dress -&gt; Record Dress1. Swaps out equipment in-use with the equipment specified. <b>Undress</b> removes all items currently equipped and places those items within the players backpack. <b>RecordArm</b> saves items currently equipped in the left and right hands. Players can save up to four different sets. <b>Disarm</b> removes items in the left and right hand and places them within the players backpack. <b>Arm</b> equips all items stored within the corresponding Record Arm macro. For example, Arm -&gt; Arm1 equips items saved in Record Arm -&gt; Record Arm1. Item slots which are already occupied will have their gear replaced. <b>UseObject</b> Select a consumable or object from the list to use: <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <ul> <li>Heal Potion</li> <li>Cure Potion</li> <li>Refresh Potion</li> <li>Strength Potion</li> <li>Agility Potion</li> <li>Explosion Potion</li> <li>Conflagration Potion</li> </ul> </td> <td> <ul> <li>Enchanted Apple</li> <li>PetalsOfTrinsic</li> <li>OrangePetals</li> <li>TrappedBox</li> <li>SmokeBomb</li> <li>HealStone</li> <li>SpellTrigger</li> </ul> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>

OldNewDate CreatedAuthorActions
May 2, 2024 @ 11:06:27 Mariah
May 2, 2024 @ 11:06:08 [Autosave] Mariah
May 2, 2020 @ 10:33:10 Mariah
May 1, 2020 @ 11:08:53 Mariah
May 1, 2020 @ 06:39:01 Mariah