Publish 30 2nd February

Revision for “Publish 30 2nd February” created on October 7, 2016 @ 14:26:56

Publish 30 2nd February
<h1>Publish 30 Updates and Bug Fixes</h1> UO Team 02 Feb 2005 00:00:00 EST Publish 30, as with most game publishes, contains a number of game updates and bug fixes. This article contains a summary of the game improvements that came about with Publish 30. <b>Publish 30</b> contains the following changes, fixes, and additions: NOTE: <i>This is not a final list and may change before this publish goes live. We will post a final list of Publish 30 details as we are ready to publish to the production shards.</i> <b>General Fixes/Tweaks/Enhancements</b> <ul> <li>Treasures of Tokuno Phase 1 <ul> <li>Fight the creatures that inhabit the Tokuno Islands to recover unique Samurai Empire treasures</li> <li>Almost any creature on the islands or in the dungeons of Tokuno has a chance of rewarding you 1 of 20 different minor artifacts</li> <li>Your chances of finding an item are scaled based on the fame of the creature</li> <li>Recovered Tokuno items are placed in your bag (or bank if your can’t carry anymore)</li> <li>This is a limited duration event</li> </ul> </li> <li>Archery has been reverted back to its pre-Pub 29 “fire and forget” state until a more comprehensive solution can be implemented</li> <li>Houses can no longer be demolished if the house’s moving crate still has items in it.</li> <li>Vendors will no longer have “the vendor” appended to their names.</li> <li>Failed unstuck teleports no longer count against a player’s total uses per day count</li> <li>Fixed a bug that didn’t remove the weight of gold that was in 2 piles when it got tithed</li> </ul> <b>Item Fixes/Changes</b> <ul> <li>Book of Bushido and Book of Ninjitsu now only take up the correct amount of storage when locked down in a house</li> <li>Big Fish Trophy will no longer disappear if not locked down</li> <li>Can no longer use Savage Kin Paint while in Animal Form</li> <li>Fixed an issue that reduced a player’s strength by 5 from logging out while under the effects of a Rose of Trinsic pedal under specific circumstances</li> <li>Potion kegs now weigh the correct amount. Full kegs now weigh 100 stones, while empty kegs weigh 20 stones.</li> </ul> <b>Spell Casting/Spell Crafting Improvements</b> <ul> <li>Players can now craft Necromancy scrolls</li> <li>Players can now craft Spellbooks with magic properties</li> <li>Can now sell Necromancy scrolls to NPC mages</li> </ul> <b>Creature and Spawning Fixes/Adjustments</b> <ul> <li>Fixed the issue causing tame Fire Beetles to not do the correct amount of damage</li> <li>Ranged poison cloud attack given to Yamandon and Serrado. This ranged attack does 20-25 points of direct damage plus level 5 poison to its target</li> </ul>

OldNewDate CreatedAuthorActions
October 7, 2016 @ 14:26:56 Mariah