Arcane Outfitter Tickets are purchased in bundles of either 200 or 50 from Ultima store
Your tickets are used by visiting one of the Arcane Outfitters that can be found throughout Britannia’s Mage Shops.
Please note: This action will alter the appearance of your equipment, causing it to show as a plate suit, but only on the paperdoll or in your backpack will the decorative design be visible.
The Paladin armor is classified as Metal/Plate, so it will provide those bonuses when equipped (1% LMC, and High Stam Loss Protection).
This means that if you convert Studded, Bone or Hide, you will lose the 3% LMC. It will change to 1% LMC.
If your source armor is medable, the resulting Paladin armor piece will have the Mage Armor property applied automatically. This property can later be removed if you so choose by visiting a Mage Guildmaster to remove it.
There are certain restrictions in place that are true among all Transmogrify systems (Potions/Arcane Outfitter), which prevent refined or transmogged armor pieces from being a valid transmog source.
Equip the armor you wish to alter open the outfitter’s menu
Select which of the four suits you wish your armor converted to and click ‘okay’, confirm the purchase.
This will return you to the outfitter’s main gump. Items that can be converted are shown with a green dot. Click on ‘confirm selection’ to finish the transaction.