The Herald

UO Herald - Hotfix

Pub 119 Hotfixes



Beginning with the US Shards regularly scheduled maintenance on February 28th, 2025 the following hotfixes will be deployed to all shards,

  • An issue impacting the available hues of pets has been resolved and those impacted creatures will be reverted to their default hues.
  • Resolved issue where the Ethereal version of the Moldering Ursine would not properly hue upon creation.
  • Resolved issue where the entrance to the Wreck of the Ararat would not properly open upon completion of the winch assembly puzzle.
  • Resolved issue preventing the new Paladin armor pieces from being refined with Armor Refinements.

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

Publish 119 World Wide



We are pleased to announce Publish 119 will be deployed on February 25, 2025 beginning with all US shards during their regularly scheduled maintenance.

Publish 119 brings the conclusion of our Echoes of the Blighted Realm event series with Eclipsed Dawn, new Veteran Rewards, and exciting new cosmetics in the Ultima Store.

Special thanks to everyone who participated in the testing & feedback phase.

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

Publish 119 to Origin, Baja, and Izumo



We are pleased to announce that Publish 119 will be deployed with each shard’s regular maintenance beginning with Origin on February 20, 2025.  The Arcane Outfitter will remain on Test Center for continued testing and is slated for deployment after our world wide deployment next week.  Thank you all for the feedback.

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

Publish 119 TC1 Publish #2



We have pushed an update to TC1 in anticipation of our world wide release of Publish 119.  Be sure to check out the publish notes for full details on the newly released Arcane Outfitter.

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

UO Herald - Hotfix

Enhanced Client Patch



A patch has been deployed to the Enhanced Client to resolve the following issues,

  • Health bars working improperly
  • Use of the special move Double Strike would result in a missing string message

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

Good Morning, Sosaria!


In 1998, during middle school gym class, my friend told me about this game where you could literally do anything you wanted—you could even have a pet dragon! I remember going to the local game store and asking the guy at the counter if The Second Age came with the first age. Little did I know that question would spark the beginning of a journey that has led me here today.

Like many of you, I have spent thousands and thousands of hours in Britannia, living in a world born of mystic arts and ancient sorcery. When the opportunity to work on Ultima Online became available, I jumped at the chance. Having had the pleasure of being part of the UO Dev Team and creating adventures for all of you over the last thirteen years has been the ride of a lifetime!

None of this would have been possible without the trust and confidence of Bonnie Armstrong, and for that, I am so thankful. She plucked me from obscurity and gave me the chance to become an Event Moderator and later a Designer. Her dedication, longevity, and love for this community are something rarely seen in the video game industry.

Ultima Online is a special place for so many of us. Its enduring legacy is unmatched. Being entrusted with that legacy is something I take with the utmost seriousness, and I am beyond fortunate to have an incredible team of game development professionals who have become like family after so many years. The team is dedicated to keeping the magic of Britannia alive for decades to come.

I’m beyond excited to go on this adventure with the Ultima Online community and can’t wait to show you what comes next.

See you in Britannia,

Greg “Kyronix” Havlusch


Stepping down as Producer

Greetings all,

  I am writing to all of you to inform you that I am stepping down as Producer. Greg Havlusch aka Kyronix will be taking over as Producer and will drive the roadmap, all of the systems, and content in the game. I am  stepping back with some of my responsibilities but will continue to own the Customer Service also known as Game Masters and Event Moderators.

  I am sure all of you are curious as to why am I stepping down as Producer.  I have been the luckiest person alive to be able to work with all of the players and the smart creative people I have worked with present and past. But it is time for me to enjoy some time off to work in my greenhouse, play with puppies, and snuggle with my hubby.

  On a personal note, I want to say the last 26 years working on UO and interacting with some of the most creative, fun, and passionate players I have ever known has been a highlight for me.  This has been a difficult decision but one that is good for me.

Thank you for all the years!

Bonnie Armstrong

Publish 119 Test Center Publish #1



We are pleased to announce the first release of Publish 119 will be coming to Test Center 1!  This update includes the “Eclipsed Dawn” event and new Veteran Rewards!

Please be sure to check out the publish notes for full details.  We look forward to your feedback.

Please be sure to patch up your clients to the latest version before testing.

See you in Britannia,

UO Team