UO Herald - Game Updates

The Awakening

Written by the EM Team   “Last time I do a favor for Rollins…” He looked at the note he’d been given from Rollins about taking a friend of his along with him. Victor glanced around his horses, and checked the fastenings on the saddles for the fourth time as the wind picked up. He looked at the skies as the heavens threatened to open up and deliver their own cargo upon the land, before exhaling heavily. Climbing back up into the bench on the front of the wagon he muttered, “I just hope whenever this Sherry gets here that […]

UO Herald - Game Updates

Publish 74 Comes to Test Center

Greetings, Publish 74 comes to Test Center later today, along with the Enhance Client Patch 4.0.22 and the Classic Client Patch 7.0.22. Here are the notes for your reading pleasure. See you in-game! Publish 74.0.0   Live Arc Started You will be noticing we have added town loyalty, please pick the town you are the fondest of, you can only have loyalty to one town.  Starting this month and continuing thru September the UO Team and the EM Team have worked together to create something we are very excited about.  So keep your ears and eyes open for the next […]

UO Herald - Game Updates

UO Forums Interviews Jeff Skalski

The Ultima Online Forums had the opportunity to interview Jeff Skalski, the Ultima Franchise Producer and published part one of the Q&A on their site.     What is a typical day like in the office for you?     Starbucks in one hand and iPad in the other. I really avoid spending too much time in Outlook. Instead, I’d rather be engaged with fellow team members. In between that, I’m playing the game, in meetings, looking ahead and communicating in all directions around me about how we’re doing. To get a better understanding of your producer and what changes we can […]

UO Herald - Game Updates

Healer Quest Results

We would like to thank everyone who participated in assisting the Mysterious Healer in combating the horrid plague that has afflicted the Gargish of Ter Mur. Thanks to your hard work and dedication the Gargish will survive! Keep an eye on the Herald in coming days for more fiction as we finish The Awakening leading up to our 15th Anniversary.   Total Total Participants Highest Sashes Staves Amulets Bracers Legends 2513 30 472 30 30 6 1 Atlantic 9318 109 732 109 55 8 3 Lake Superior 2458 47 495 47 25 10 1 Great Lakes 5152 92 482 82 […]

UO Herald - Game Updates

Publish 78.0 Comes to TC1

Publish 78.0.0 has been patched to TC1.  Here are the publish notes for your reading pleasure.   Publish 78.0.0 Anniversary Items Anniversary items for the 15th Anniversary of Ultima Online have been added. Considering  these are a gift from us to you, we will drop a few sneak peaks in the upcoming weeks. All Characters older than 30 days will be eligible to receive Anniversary Items beginning September 1st, 2012 and ending September 30th, 2012   Despise Dungeon Revamp       Two brothers, both well learned in the arcane arts, lusted for the same woman.  She was but a […]

UO Herald - Game Updates

The Awakening – Act III

                                                                                                                                      Written by the EM Team        There was hardly anything left after they were done. He’d borne witness to the frantic looting of the castle and had found himself only able to escape with his life. It was unthinkable, and as such it had caught him and seemingly everyone else completely unawares. Explosions were set off throughout the capital city…though there wasn’t much point in even calling it the capital city anymore at this point. Britannia was on the brink of collapse into a fully-fledged group of independent city-states, like Nujel’m had always been. All he had […]

UO Herald - Game Updates

Account Safety Reminder

Greetings! We would like to take a moment to remind players to be wary of efforts from outside sources to compromise your account security. Please remember, BioWare Mythic will never ask for your Master/Play Account password through in game communication. Additionally, please be mindful of websites you are visiting. Please remember that you will never be asked to enter your account information anywhere but the Mythic Account Center (https://accounts.eamythic.com/), and in the Mythic Patcher when launching the game. As always, we encourage our players to be safe and secure with your account information by never sharing your account information with […]