The Herald

UO Herald - Lore

The Rune Carver


As we approach the release of Rising Tide we invite you to sit back and enjoy the introductory tale of, The Rune Carver.

By EM Malachi

Julia set two cups of tea on the small table and pulled a second stool over from her workbench. The tinker’s calloused hands brushed a few springs and gears off the table into her apron. She smiled at her friend as she heaped sugar into her cup. Mariah sipped at her own tea and looked around the room. It was far less cluttered than the mage remembered it, with only a lone stopped clock in the corner. “Has work been slow?”

Julia shook her head. “My projects are handed off to other tinkers, smiths, and rune-carvers. I’m glad the artisans I helped train are able to keep Minoc’s forges lit. What about you? Keeping busy?”

Mariah relaxed in her chair and started telling Julia about her studies with the gargoyles and the new spells she was mastering. The story of an unfortunate Flam spell in the Lyceaum made Julia laugh and caused Mariah to casually remark, “Why don’t we do this anymore?” She gasped when she remembered the reason.

Julia went pale, as she was the day she died. A shaking hand touched the shoulder where the troll’s club had crushed her heart. Her fiery red hair dulled and faded until it was ghostly and translucent. The abandoned workshop around them showed years of cobwebs and dust. Julia gave a sad look before answering her friend, “I am sorry for the pain this meeting brings, but there is a reason.”

The shade of Julia floated over to the workbench where there appeared eight uncarved stones. As she ran her hand over the stones, each revealed the sigil of a Virtue. “I made these for my king so he could keep watch over his shrines. So long ago. They are missing and need to be found. You and the others must find them.”

The ghost of Julia returned to the table and gave Mariah a hug. It had all the warmth Mariah remembered. “I miss you too, my friend, but I need to go.”

Mariah woke up sobbing.

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Account Center taken down for Maintenance

Greetings everyone,

The Account Center and the UO Store will be taken down for maintenance on Thursday, January 31st.  This will take approx 5 hours and should be back up and functional by noon on the 31st.

Thank you for your patience and understanding !

UO Team



UO Herald - Special Announcement

Publish 104 Castle Design Contest Important Dates



Please take note of the following important dates as they relate to the Publish 104 Castle contest.

Contest Started/Signup – Friday, January 18, 2019 9:13:01 AM GMT-05:00

First Vote Begins – Friday, February 1, 2019 9:19:41 AM GMT-05:00

Second Vote Begins – Friday, February 8, 2019 9:19:41 AM GMT-05:00

Vote Tally – Monday, February 11, 2019 9:19:41 AM GMT-05:00

We look forward to seeing many great designs this time around!

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Developer Meet & Greet and Castle Contest

Greetings everyone,

The next meet and greet will be on Drachenfels,  January 28th at 2 pm ET.  We  look forward to seeing you there.

Since we just finished a Keep only contest we are going to do a Castle only this time.  We will be wiping TC1 tomorrow for everyone that wants to submit your new Castle design for voting.

Good luck everyone we look foward to seeing everyones creativity.

UO Team




UO Herald - Special Announcement

Ultima Online 2019 Roadmap


Greetings Britannians!

In case you haven’t read the latest newsletter, we want to share with you the first release of our upcoming roadmap for 2019!  This year is going to be packed full of adventure!  Since its release in 2010, High Seas has been one of the most commonly talked about additions to Ultima Online. It comes up at meet and greets, the various player gatherings we’ve had over the years, the forums, and in feedback we receive directly.  We are excited to announce the theme for 2019 will be focusing on the High Seas!

So what does that mean for publishes this year?  Is every publish going to be about sailing the oceans, fishing, and pirate hunting?  Not exactly – but close!  Our goal is to continue to support the events and systems you have come to love while revamping the areas of the High Seas that need it most.  In each publish we will be tackling a major High Seas content area and combining it with often requested new features, content, quality of life updates, client updates, tools, and bug fixes.

The first Publish of 2019 is Publish 104 – Rising Tide.  Rising Tide will introduce new veteran rewards, a new way to identify hues in the classic client, client performance and accessibility updates, Parry balance changes, quality of life updates to cannons, and more!

The High Seas are vast and t’will be a long voyage ahead!

Join us as we look forward to a year of swashbuckling adventure at every turn!

March will bring Rising Tide, updating the cannon crafting, ammunition, and firing process!

As we sail into the Summer June brings Forgotten Treasures where we will focus on updates to treasure chests on both land and sea!

Coasting into Fall we find ourselves confronting Forsaken Foes – a new take on Corgul & Charybdis!

Wading into Winter look high for Jolly Roger bringing both cheer and dread to the oceans far!

This is only a small portion of what 2019 brings and we look forward to sharing more details as the year sails on!

See you on the High Seas,

UO Team


UO Herald - Special Announcement

Baja Meet & Greet Monday



Please join us for our final Meet & Greet of 2018!  Join us on Baja on Monday, December 10, 2018 at 9pm ET at King Blackthorn’s Castle.

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

New Store Item: Mystical Polymorph Totem


Have you ever wanted to enjoy afternoon tea while dressed like an orc?  Do you absolutely need to role play a talking dragon for your guild’s holiday pageant while still maintaining your combat readiness – well now you can!  Combine costumes with this totem to free up your precious equipment slots to stay combat ready and look great while doing it!  Get yours in the Ultima Store today!

Publish 103 World Wide



We are pleased to announce that as of each shard’s normal maintenance beginning December 4, 2018 Publish 103 will be deployed world wide.

A few of the highlights in Publish 103 include –

  • Holiday Gifts – choice from new collectibles, a recipe book, and more!
  • The Artisan Festival returns – new Vice & Virtue themed rewards!
  • Krampus!  Will you brave the trade routes with Krampus running about!  New weapons, equipment, pets, and more await those who do!
  • Classic Client updates – new macro functionality!
  • New Keeps from the Keep Design Contest!
  • And much more!

You can read all about the latest changes in the Publish 103 patch notes.

We are also pleased to release the first installment of one of the many stories surrounding the origin of Krampus –The Winter Satyr.

See you in Britannia & Happy Holidays,

UO Team