The Herald

UO Herald - Hotfix

Dev Meet and Greet on Asuka and Pacific

Greetings Everyone,

We will be doing the monthly meet and greets on April 10th for Asuka at 9 am ET and April 24th at 9 pm ET for Pacific.  We look forward to seeing you there with your questions and suggestions.

I would also like to take this time to let you guys know we are aware of the issue with the Pet Branding tool.  When we publish the fix this week all tools will be fully recharged.

Thank you!

UO Team



TC1 Update to Pub 97 – Check out some new creatures!


Today we have updated TC1 with the latest version of Publish 97 which includes the following changes.  This release includes a mandatory client patch, so make sure you patch before trying to log in.

We are incredibly grateful to those who have taken the time to head over to TC1 to test and give feedback on Publish 97.

At this stage we have incorporated all major feedback related to pet training progress and pet customization.  We have also introduced some of the new creatures that can be found in Britannia – with still more to come!  We encourage everyone to continue testing the progress and customization of pets to provide valuable feedback as we move towards our next release.

We’ll be on TC1 from this afternoon through the weekend so stop by and say hello!

As always we appreciate your time and be sure to send us your feedback!

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

UO Herald - Special Announcement

20th Anniversary Party Update

Greetings Everyone,

I am happy to announce we have increased the number of registrations we can accept, if you have not already done so please register today!  There are a very limited number of spaces, so do not delay!  Once we reach capacity you can once again register for the waitlist.  If you need to cancel an existing registration or wish to inquire about your registration status please contact us immediately.

We have updated the event page with information about the room block at the Hyatt Regency Dulles.

Stay tuned for additional updates as we get closer to the event.

See (many) of you in September!

Bonnie “Mesanna” Armstrong

Next Round of Publish 97 Updates to TC1


Today we have updated TC1 with the latest version of Publish 97 which includes the following changes.

We are incredibly grateful to those who have taken the time to head over to TC1 to test and give feedback on Publish 97.

At this stage we have incorporated all major feedback related to pet training progress and will be moving to the specifics of pet customization.  While our major focus is on pet customization, it is still important to get feedback on the latest changes to pet training progress.  We will provide pet training advancement gates to speed up the process, but it is still incredibly important to get feedback on the changes we made to how training progress works.

We’ll be on TC1 from this afternoon through the weekend so stop by and say hello!

As always we appreciate your time and be sure to send us your feedback!

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

UO Herald - Special Announcement

20th Anniversary Party Update

Greetings everyone,

We are so excited to see all the registrations that we have received to date!  At this point we have reached capacity and any future registrations will be put on a waiting list.  Wait list registrations will be open shortly.  If have already registered and need to cancel for any reason or would like to inquire about your reservation please contact us immediately.

For those of you who are interested in staying at the Hyatt and would like to take advantage of our room block there, we  will be putting up the link as soon as details are available here.

See you in September,

UO Team

Publish 97 Updates to TC1


We have updated TC1 with the latest version of Publish 97 which includes the following changes,

  • Adjusted the training scheme for pets involved in the training process. There is now a Guaranteed Gain System as well as a greater chance to gain at lower levels of progress.
  • Now provide additional feedback to players when their pets gain battle experience, or fail. The messages on TC1 are currently placeholder and will be updated before final release.

Read the full notes here.

We are really trying to focus on the length of time it takes to take pets through the training process so head over to TC1 and check out Animal Training and make sure you send us your feedback!

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

Publish 97 Comes to TC1


We are pleased to announce the first iteration of Publish 97 will be coming to TC1 later this afternoon!  Included in this first release of Publish 97 is the much-anticipated pet revamp.  Make sure you patch up to the latest client before heading over to TC1.  We had several core goals going in to the pet revamp with regard to pets including,

  • Ensuring the Greater Dragon is still a viable pet for those that have and wish to continue to use them.
  • Allow greater diversity of pets that are effective by looking at their survivablilty and allowing animal tamers to customize their pets to increase survivability and variation.
  • Provide an in-game path to learn to use Animal Training with as much information as necessary to make Animal Training something everyone can have fun with.

In order to achieve these goals you can look forward to the following changes with pets,

  • Pets can now be trained beyond their current control slot requirements up to new maximums.
  • Train pets in endless combinations of special abilities, special moves, area effects and magic schools.
  • Customize skill caps and attributes to create new pet variants.
  • Read the full initial release notes here

This is only the first iteration of Publish 97 and at this stage we want to concentrate on testing the Animal Training process.  This includes the in-game path for learning about this new feature, as well as your experience with training pets, the results of customizing pets, and how those customized pets are balanced with the rest of the world.

This is just the first release of Publish 97, in future releases you can look forward to brand new creatures and rare pet color spawns!  Look for more details on these creatures in our next newsletter.

For now, head over to TC1 and check out Animal Training!  As always we look forward to your feedback.! We will be live on TC1 tonight to answers any questions you may have about Animal Training.


See you in Britannia,

UO Team

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Ultima Online’s 20th Anniversary Party

Greetings everyone,

We are happy to announce the details of our 20th Year Anniversary Party!.  The dates are September 22nd and 23rd, 2017.  Please go here to read about the activities, the location and rooms, and make sure you fill out the registration page if you are going to be joining us this year to help us celebrate. Please note the registration deadline to take advantage of the discounted room rates is March 31st, 2017.  After that you can still register but the rooms will cost more.  Space is limited so please register early!

To cut down on confusion I am asking each person to register separate not as a group.  This way I can get a more accurate count as to how many rooms I need to block off at a discount rate and how many days needed.  If you plan on coming in on Thursday night and staying after the BBQ , then you will need 3 nights.

We hope we see everyone there to celebrate with us, this is a huge milestone for Ultima Online and we all hope you can be a part of it!

Hope to see you there!!

UO Team