The Herald

Time of Legends Available World Wide


We are pleased to announce that Publish 90, The Time of Legends, will be available after maintenance on Thursday, October 8, 2015.  Character transfer will be turned off tonight (10/7/2015) and will be turned back on after 11am ET on Friday, October 9, 2015.

You can check out all the exciting new features in the Time of Legends here.

Don’t forget you have until October 31, 2015 to take advantage of our special offer, subscribe any account during the month of October and you will receive the Time of Legends for free!

For those that miss the offer, the Time of Legends will be available for sale on the Origin store starting November 2, 2015.

We would like to thank all of our focus group testers as well as those players who dedicated some time on TC1, Origin & Izumo to make the Time of Legends a success!

Have fun, and see you in the Valley of Eodon!

UO Herald - Hotfix

Publish 90 Update to Origin & Izumo

A big thank you to everyone that has taken the first steps in the Time of Legends!  The following updates have been deployed to Origin & Izumo,

  • Tweaked stats and AIs for the Dragon Turtle.
  • Fixed an issue where players who had consumed a mastery primer before completing the Mastery Quest were not receiving the mastery book.
  • Adjusted the loot on the Dragon Turtle.
  • Tweaked stats on tribe NPCs.
  • Peerless encounters now have a chance at being an objective in the Mastery Quest.
  • Treasures of Doom is now active on Origin & Izumo.
  • The Mastery Quest will now update objectives every hour and will remain the same for each player during that time based on account entitlements and VvV status.
  • Fixed issue where Hawkwind’s Mastery quest was delivering cards instead of a Mastery Book on completion.
  • Any cards received in error have been converted into Mastery Books.

UO Herald - Special Announcement

October Is Here!

It’s October in Britannia!

As many of you have noticed the pumpkin patches are once again ripe with pumpkins fresh for picking and the cemeteries have once again fallen under control of the Butchers!

Visit a pumpkin patch to find a Jack o’ Lantern.  Beware that picking Jack o’ Lanterns can summon the vicious Grimm!  Defeat the grim and you may be lucky enough to find a carvable pumpkin.  Visit a cemetery to find the Butchers, defeat them and you may find a Jack o’ Lantern carving kit.  Using a Jack o’ Lantern carving kit on a carvable pumpkin will give you a random Carved Pumpkin design that will illuminate when double clicked.  Jack o’ Lanterns and Butcher’s can be found now throughout the month of October.

Throughout Britannia NPCs will also respond to “Trick or Treat” which will give you a treat, or a nasty trick!  NPCs will respond to “Trick or Treat” now throughout the month of October.

Treasures of Doom!

The Treasures of Doom returns!  Venture deep into the depths of Dungeon Doom to recover Artifacts of Doom that can be exchanged for rewards at the Professor outside the dungeon entrance.  Treasures of Doom will be active when Publish 90 goes World Wide (assuming no issues, 10/8/2015) through November 8, 2015.

As a final note, some of you have pointed that the “Time of Legends” entitlement is not displaying in the account management page.  We are aware of the issue, and it should be resolved now.  Also remember that Publish 90 is currently only active on Origin & Izumo, so Anniversary gifts are not available on other shards until Publish 90 goes World Wide (assuming no issues, 10/8/2015).

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Accounts not getting Entitlement

We have discovered a few accounts that did not get the Time of Legends entitlement.  We are correcting the issue and if you have an active account (non trial account) it should be corrected this evening.

Sorry for the inconvenience and we hope you enjoy Publish 90.  If by any chance you still are having issues please feel free to contact me at



UO Herald - Hotfix

Database Maintenance

On Wednesday, September 30, 2015 beginning at 8am ET housing, promotional codes, vet rewards, character transfers, and vendor search will be unavailable for approximately 1 hour.  We will keep you updated as this maintenance progresses.  Thank you and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Publish 90 to Origin & Izumo

We are excited for the Origin & Izumo release of the Time of Legends!  You will need to patch your client to the latest version to log in to the game. We’ll also be updating TC1 to the latest version.  If you have any feedback please send it to We will be pushing this afternoon so expect Origin, Izumo, and TC1 to go down for a short period.  Please keep in mind that until Publish 90 is deployed world wide character transfers on Origin and Izumo are limited to only those two shards.  Character transfers between all other shards will function as expected.

You can check out all the details here!

Publish 90 Part 4 Comes to TC1

We are excited for the fourth TC1 release of the Time of Legends!  Make sure you patch your client before testing anything on TC1. We look forward to seeing you on TC1, if you have any feedback please send it to We will be pushing this tonight so expect TC1 to go down for a short period of time.

Please remember this client is not mandatory as of yet, but if you wish to check out all the new and exciting features please make sure you patch up completely.

You can check out all the details here!

UO Herald - Special Announcement

18 Years and Counting

From all of us here at Broadsword we want to thank everyone for 18 wonderful years of dedication to the game that has become such a huge part of all of our lives!

The team is busy putting the finishing touches on the Time of Legends and we are pleased to announce that the next release on TC1 will be tomorrow, September 25, 2015.  We are planning for an Origin/Izumo release on September 29, 2015 and if all goes well a world wide release on October 8, 2015.

Remember there is still time to take advantage of our special anniversary gift!  All accounts active during August, September OR October will receive the Time of Legends completely free! Our gift to you for so many years of dedicated support!

We are also happy to announce the archive of the Japanese website is available!  You can check it out here.

Thank you again and long live Ultima Online!