The Herald

UO Herald - Support

「ウルティマ オンライン」関連コードの払戻し実施のお知らせ

「ウルティマ オンライン」関連コードの払戻し実施のお知らせ

平素はウルティマ オンラインをご愛顧いただき、誠にありがとうございます。

先日、ご案内させていただきましたとおり、平成27年7月31日23時59分を持ちまして日本国内で販売されたウルティマ オンライン関連コードのサポートを終了させていただきました。該当のコードはすでにご利用いただけない状態となっております。






この度はお客様に大変ご迷惑をおかけしましたこと、心よりお詫び申し上げます。引き続きウルティマ オンラインをなにとぞよろしくお願い申し上げます。

UO Herald - Lore

Isamu’s Legacy


As we continue our lead up to the Time of Legends release we are excited to present the next installment of our epic adventure! Check out shard Event Moderator websites and in-game town criers to find out when these events will be held. Without further ado we present:

Isamu’s Legacy

[Read full article…]

UO Herald - Special Announcement

New Dev Meet & Greet Schedule

Shard Date Time – EDT Time Zone
Legends 13-Jul-15 7pm
Mugen 27-Jul-15 9am
Atlantic 10-Aug-15 7pm
Wakoku 24-Aug-15 9am
Lake Superior 9-Sep-15 7pm
Hokuto 21-Sep-15 9am
Great Lakes 5-Oct-15 7pm
Formusa 19-Oct-15 10am
Chesapeake 2-Nov-15 7pm
Izumo 16-Nov-15 9am
Siege Perilous 2-Dec-15 7pm
Mizuho 14-Dec-15 9am
Origin 11-Jan-16 9pm
Yamato 25-Jan-16 9am
Pacific 8-Feb-16 9pm
Asuka 22-Feb-16 9am
Sonoma 7-Mar-16 9pm
Sakura 21-Mar-16 9am
Lake Austin 4-Apr-16 9pm
Arirang 18-Apr-16 TBD
Baja 2-May-16 9pm
Balhae 16-May-16 10am
Napa Valley 30-May-16 9pm
Drachenfels 13-Jun-16 2pm
Europa 27-Jun-16 4pm
Oceania 11-Jul-16 8pm
Catskills 25-Jul-16 7pm

UO Herald - Hotfix

Warehouses Going Down

Good morning everyone,

Due to issues we have had for the past few days we are restarting the following warehouses:

Log in
Promotional Codes
Vet Rewards

The warehouses should only be unavailable for 1 hour approx. We will be taking them down at 10:45 am EDT.

Thank you,
UO Team

UO Herald - Hotfix

Login Servers Down


The login server issues have been resolved.

Greetings everyone,

We are aware of the issues with our login servers. We don’t have an ETA as to when these issues will be resolved. We will keep you informed with status updates.

Thank you

UO Team

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Focus Group Procedure

Greetings Everyone,

I am receiving a lot of emails asking the same questions so I thought I would address your questions here.

Steps for the Time of Legends focus group:
1. Players email me they are interested in joining the focus group and give me the name of their account.
2. An email is sent to those that applied congratulating them and providing some links for moving forward.
3. Players fill out the NDA and a survey.
4. We pull the information supplied by the survey and link the requested internal forums name to the account name.
5. I make each person an Internal forums account after which the player will receive an automated email from the Broadsword forums.
6. The list is then given to Bleak so he can plug in all the account numbers so players can have access to Eodon (the test shard).

Please understand that if you have the email from the Broadsword Forums it will take approx. 1 day to get the information plugged in so you can have access to the shard. If you are being bounced back to the log in screen please give it a day.

If for any reason when I looked up the game account name given and it was closed, you were not added to the focus group. If anyone is still having trouble please email with the account name and I will do my best to resolve the issue.

Thank you for your patience,

UO Herald - Hotfix

Codes on the Origin Store

Good morning,

All codes are now available on the Origin store for purchase.

UO Team

Greetings all,

As I am sure you are aware Origin does not have any  codes avaliable for sale right now.   We have supplied new codes and they should be up on the store within the next couple of days.

Thank you for your patience and we will let everyone know as soon as we do when we can expect the return of codes on the store front.

Bonnie “Mesanna” Armstrong
UO Producer

UO Herald - Lore

The Lost King

As we continue our lead up to the Time of Legends release we are excited to present the next installment of our epic adventure! Check out shard Event Moderator websites and in-game town criers to find out when these events will be held. Without further ado we present,

The Lost King

By: EM Malachi

There was a ruby for each drop of Wolfgang’s blood.

The wealthy and powerful of Akalabeth had always prized rubies. It was custom at a king’s funeral for mourners to place a ruby on the casket. Some in the pile were brilliant lozenge cuts, fit for jewelry and crowns; others were raw and unpolished, directly from the mines. As both a great mage and a benevolent ruler, Wolfgang had been much respected, and even those of humble means wished to pay homage to their king.

Most of the bereaved were silent, but a few whispered worries about the Lost King. Wolfgang’s eldest had joined the hunting party to capture Mondain, and none from that group had returned. With one heir missing and the other a killer, who would rule Akalabeth? The remaining line of succession, all distant cousins, stood solemnly in a row before the casket.

Near sunset, just as the doors of the great cathedral were closing, a beggar in tattered rags slipped inside. The guards grabbed at the intruder. Without slowing, it dislocated an arm and continued toward the casket. The rags fell away to reveal a twisted corpse. The ghoul did not add a ruby to the pile, but instead a small talisman made from bone and nox crystal. The remains of an eye scrutinized the heirs before its mangled mouth spoke in a rasping voice, “Mondain will allow no obstacles to his claim to Sosaria.”

Although the guards quickly killed the abomination, its words held true. Within a month of Wolfgang’s interment, the rest of his bloodline joined him, struck down by a strange pox. Their leprous corpses were sealed in Wolfgang’s crypt, and no ruler has since sat on the throne of Akalabeth.


Dupre discarded the ruins of his shield. Minax’s corsair had been almost successful in the ambush, but Dupre had parried the lethal slash in time. When it became a fair fight, the corsair had fled. The paladin had not pursued. Being harried by Minax’s agent confirmed that the Seer’s predictions were correct, and Dupre was close to his destination.

He soon came to a narrow cleft in the rock, barely enough for him in his armor. Entering alone was a risk, but he was honor bound to complete his quest. As Dupre moved deeper into the cave, the rough stone gave way to polished carvings. The torch light flickered across the murals, causing the figures to move through their stories:

A great wizard-king holding high a large gem and destroying an army of daemons.

The king standing between his two sons, one with a sword and the other a staff.

The king lying dead, while his younger son stands over him with the gem.

At the end of the corridor, Dupre came to a great door inlaid with obsidian runes. The paladin ran his hand across the runes, slowly reading them in the dim light:

“Here lie forever the Lost Kings of Akalabeth. Weep for those who disturb their rest.”

















그곳엔 볼프강이 흘린 피만큼 루비가 가득했다.

아칼라베스의 부유한 권력자는 늘 진귀한 루비들을 갖고 있긴 했지만, 왕의 국장에선 문상객들이 관에 루비를 하나씩 넣는게 관습이었다. 그렇게 모인 루비들 중 일부는 마름모꼴로 눈부시게 빛나며 왕관과 장신구에 어울렸고, 다른 나머지는 광산에서 막 가져온 것마냥 거칠고 연마되지 않은 루비들이었다. 강력한 마법사이자, 자애로운 통치자였던 볼프강은 존경받았으며, 천민들마저 자신들의 왕을 위해 떠나가는 길에 뭐라도 바치고 싶어했다.

유족들 대부분은 침묵했지만, 몇몇은 잊혀진 왕에 대해 은밀히 걱정하는 말을 주고 받았다. 볼프강의 장자는 몬데인을 사로잡기 위해 추격대에 합류했지만, 추격대 중 누구도 돌아오지 않았다. 계승자 중 하나는 실종되었고, 하나는 살인마니 누가 아칼레베스를 통치할 것인가? 계승권을 가진 먼 친척들이 관 앞에 줄줄이 엄숙하게 서 있었다.

대성당의 문이 닫힐 해질녁이 다가올 때 즈음, 넝마를 입은 거지가 안으로 슬그머니 들어왔다. 경비병들은 침입자를 붙잡았다. 그러나 거지는 순식간에 경비병들의 팔을 탈구시켜버리곤 관을 향해 나아갔다. 넝마가 벗겨지자 그가 거지가 아닌 뒤틀린 시체라는 사실이 드러났다. 구울은 관 안의 보석 더미에 루비가 아닌, 뼈와 뱀의 비늘로 만들어진 작은 호신부를 넣었다. 온전한 한쪽 눈알이 데굴거리며 계승자들을 훑어보더니 흉측한 입이 쉰 소리를 내며 말했다.

“몬데인님께선 소사리아를 지배하는데 방해가 되는 자들을 허락치 않으신다.”

비록 경비병들이 빠르게 이 흉측한 괴물을 처치했지만, 그 말은 사실이었다. 한 달만에 볼프강의 피를 가진 자들은 전부 기이한 천연두에 걸려 볼프강이 묻힌 묘지에 같이 묻혔다. 병에 걸린 그들의 시신은 볼프강의 묘지에 봉인되었으며, 그 뒤론 아칼라베스의 왕좌에 앉은 자는 아무도 없었다.


듀프레는 망가진 방패를 버렸다. 미낙스의 해적놈들은 매복에 거의 성공할 뻔했지만, 듀프레는 간신히 놈들의 칼을 피할 수 있었다. 매복에 실패하고 정규전이 되자 해적들은 도망쳤다. 팔라딘은 추격하진 않았다. 미낙스의 첩보원에게 고통받던 예언자의 예언이 맞다는게 증명되었고, 듀프레는 목적지에 다다르고 있었다.

그는 곧 바위 사이로 갈라진 틈으로 향했다. 갈라진 틈은 너무 비좁아 갑옷을 입은 채로 겨우 통과할 정도였다. 혼자서 갈라진 틈으로 들어가는 건 위험했지만, 그는 자신의 임무를 완수하겠노라, 명예를 걸고 서약했다. 듀프레가 동굴 안으로 더 깊숙이 들어가자, 거친 바위에서 다듬어진 조각품이 있는 길로 바뀌었다. 횃불의 불꽃이 벽화들 사이로 일렁이며, 벽화에 그려진 모습들이 보였다.

위대한 마법사왕이 커다란 보석을 높이 들고 악마 군대를 파멸시키는 모습

왕이 명은 검을 들고 있고, 명은 지팡이를 들고 있는 자신의 아들 사이에 있는 모습

왕이 죽어서 누워있고, 그의 어린 아들이 보석을 그를 지켜보고 있는 모습

복도 끝에서 듀프레는 흑요석 룬이 새겨진 거대한 문에 다다랐다. 팔라딘은 룬에 손을 가져가 희미한 빛을 내고 있는 룬을 천천히 읽었다.

“이곳에 아칼라베스의 잊혀진 왕들이 영원히 잠들다. 이들의 영면을 방해하는 자들을 위해 나는 우노라.”

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Time of Legends Focus Group

Hello Everyone,

I am currently putting together the second and last focus group for Time of Legends.  This cut off is today June 5th at midnight EST for admissions.  Please only include one account name and make sure you are using the email you want associated with it.  Remember no trial accounts and if your account is inactive at the time I start gathering information it will not be included.

Thank you in Advance!
