Producer Letter
Greetings Everyone,
I would like to start off todays letter by telling the Izumo players I am sorry for having to cut short the Meet and Greet and finish answering their questions.
あなたたちはuo.comでアナウンスしながら、詳細についてはUO Straticsでコメントしています。
そのことをUO StraticsでMr.Bleakが詳細についてコメントしてましたが、数日して、制限を無くしたことをUO Straticsにてアナウンスしました。
今後の私達がuo.com見るのは間違いないだろうけど、その全員がUO Straticsも見るとは限らないのです。
もし、UO Straticsで重要なことをアナウンスするのなら全てuo.comの方に記事として載せて貰えませんか?
1)I want to stack the moonshines of pirate and bottle of single.
This is not a simple fix, we will look into it and get back to you .
2)Please do make a fruit juice.(non-alcoholic)
Great Idea!
3)I want to cook many kinds of more.Please increase the item type that can be cooking.
We would love to do a Farming Booster pack with new foods and recipes and things to grow and cook.
4)Please return the decay time of the house.
It was returned to the 5 days.
5)Disappearance time was shortened when placed in the ground objects.(it has been changed to about 60-80mins from a over 2hours.)
Is it bug?Please correct quickly if it is bug.
This is not a bug it was done on purpose to fix a crash in the game.
6)sorry,No,6 is long.
What I mean is the problem of where to find information of people in the English-speaking and non-English speaking.
Comments from development, such as bug reports had been made in the form of mediating EA Japan until last year.
However, EA Japan is from no longer matter to the Ultima Online, we have gained from (information).
However, I have a problem here.
You guys commented in UO Stratics For more information, even while public relations in
It’s not reflected in or this thing and Why?
If you say recently, it was announced that it has restricted the character transfer by the 14th Anniversary Shard Shields.
Mr.Bleak had commented on the detail in the UO Stratics about it, but in a few days, it was announced at the UO Stratics that it has an unlimited.
But, it’s not announce this thing in
Who have seen only will become thought the character transfer by the 14th Anniversary Shard Shields function and remains of two weeks in this limit.
All of us in the future to see undoubtedly, but it’s not necessarily all of them and also see UO Stratics.
Would not get to put as an article towards the all if, if to announce that it is important in the UO Stratics?
There is also in development, you guys are news organizations that transmit information in the future to the player.
Ask my’d make it easier to touch in non-English-speaking by centralizing information destination.
We understand the frustration of the non- English speaking players, I am sorry it has taken us so long to find a web designer that we feel has the love and knowledge of UO to help us redo our Web page but we have finally found one and are really excited. As we go forward with the planning changes on UO.COM we are planning to have the site not only translate to Japanese but hopefully to Korean, Chinese and German. I will keep everyone updated on our progress as we make it. I want to make sure the Japanese players also know we have the archived Japanese site so it will not be lost.
The UO Team would like to invite everyone to join us for a State of the UO Address on Wednesday 17th September at 7pm EST.
If you would like to have us answer any questions you may have that you have always wanted to ask us please submit them by email or on the thread generated by this post on stratics forums over the next two days after which the thread will be locked. Emails received after the deadline will not be included.
You can watch at any of the following locations:
Google+: Watch live on Google+
YouTube: Watch Live on YouTube
Twitch: Watch live on Twitch live on Twitch
Please join us for some exciting news as to what the team is up to and where we are going next.
We will be publishing Pub 86 to TC1 on Monday and to Origin and Izumo on the 18th. We are looking to have Pub 86 World Wide on the 24th! At that time Return to Britannia will be active as well!
See everyone soon!