The Herald

UO Herald - Game Updates

Vendor Search On Origin and Izumo

Vendor Search is being turned on today on Origin and Izumo after their normal maintenance cycle.  Pending any disasters Vender Search will be live on all shards tomorrow after normal daily maintenance.

  • Improved overall search speed
  • Search results now return up to 60 items
  • Searches can no longer be canceled
  • Customizing houses will remove opted-in vendors from search results for up to 30 minutes
  • Upon shards being published with update it will take approximately three hours for the vendor database to update.  If you do not find your item please check back after that time frame,  After the initial database update all vended item additions/deletions will be available through searches within five minutes.

UO Herald - Game Updates

Dev Meet and Greet Schedule

We will be meeting on each shard for 1 hour in Lord Blackthorn’s Throne Room. This will be an open forum for you to ask us anything that is on your mind. Please note that the schedule could change due to unforeseen issues but we will notify you of any changes ahead of schedule.


Shard M&G Scheduled Time Date
Legends 7pm ET April 30, 2014
Mugen 9am ET May 14, 2014
Atlantic 7pm ET June 4, 2014
Wakoku 9am ET June 18, 2014
Lake Superior 7pm ET July 2, 2014
Hokuto 9am ET July 16, 2014
Great Lakes 7pm ET July 30, 2014
Formusa 10AM ET August 13, 2014
Chesapeake 7pm ET August 27, 2014
Izumo 9am ET September 10, 2014
Siege Perilous 7pm ET September 24, 2014
Mizuho 9am ET October 8, 2014
Origin 9 pm ET October 22, 2014
Yamato 9am ET November 5, 2014
Pacific 9 pm ET November 19, 2014
Asuka 9am ET December 3, 2014
Sonoma 9 pm ET December 17, 2014
Sakura 9am ET January 7, 2015
Lake Austin 9 pm ET January 21, 2015
Arirang TBD February 4, 2015
Baja 9 pm ET February 18, 2015
Balhae TBD March 4, 2015
Napa Valley 9 pm ET March 18, 2015
Drachenfels TBD April 1, 2015
Europa 4pm ET April 15,2015
Oceania TBD April 29,2015
Catskills 7pm ET May 13,2015

UO Herald - Game Updates

State of UO Address

Greetings everyone,

The UO Team would like to invite everyone to join us for our first State of UO Address under the Broadsword name. The get together is scheduled for Thursday April 3rd at 6 pm EST. You can watch it at any of the following locations:

Google+: Watch live on Google+
YouTube: Watch live on YouTube
Twitch: Watch live on Twitch live on Twitch

Please join us for some exciting news as to what the team is up to and where we are going next.

See everyone soon!

UO Team!

皆さん こんにちは!

今回 私達UOチームがブロートソード社になって初の「State Of UO」(動画)を配信する事になり

Google+: Watch live on Google+
YouTube: Watch live on YouTube
Twitch: Watch live on Twitch live on Twitch



UO Herald - Game Updates

Vendor Search Issues

Greetings Everyone,

We are aware of the time out issues with Vendor Search and we working to resolve the issue.  We should have Vendor Search up and running no later than 10 am EDT tomorrow morning.  Thank you for your patience with us.

We appreciate any feedback you may have with this system, please email

Thank you,
UO Team

UO Herald - Game Updates

Publish Day to all Shards

Greetings everyone,

   We will be taking all the shards except for Origin and Izumo down today at approx 1:30 for approx 3 hours.  If your shard has not gone thru your normal maintenance cycle it will not be going thru one consider this your cycle for the day. 

  We will be publishing all the items from Publish 85.4 to all shards today with the addition of one client fix to the classic client that was causing the client to hang up when you tried to exit out of the client while preforming a seach.  You will now be able to right click anywhere on the game screen to access the exit gump.

We hope you enjoy Vendor Search and look forward to any feedback you may have.  Talk to you soon!

UO Team

UO Herald - Game Updates

Publish to Origin and Izumo Today (3/17/2014)

With us publishing out Vendor search we are having to take down the Housing warehouse and the Character transfer warehouse for a few hours today to make sure we update those also. This should be a one time only occurance so please be patient with us.

Vendor Search

Players will not see these improvements for the first 3 hours until the data base has been rebuilt.

  • Added the ability to search “Artifact Rarity” values

Vendor Maps:

  • Added message when vendor map is placed in backpack.

  • Removed ability to sell vendor maps to mapmakers.

  • Removed ability to use vendor maps to teleport during combat.

  • Increased distance allowed for teleporting around house sign.

  • Added the ability to pay for teleporting with gold in backpack.

  • Removed the ability to use a vendor map as a recall rune.

  • Added the ability to open the container containing the vended item when within 19 tiles of the item.

  • Added a check to make sure an item is still for sale before allowing the player to teleport to the item.

Vendor Searching:

  • Changed numeric search string restriction to only block numbers under 1000.

  • Changed text search to look for each word individually.

  • Added ability to sort results by price from high to low.

  • Added ability to remove individual search criterion.

Vendor Results Menu

  • Fixed item properties display for empty strings.
  • Fixed display of some add-on items.
  • Added commas to price display.

Easter Gifts

Characters atleast 30 days old logging in between publish day and 12:01 AM 5/1/2014 will receive an Easter Gift!

  • An Easter Bunny raised in one of Sosaria’s various cities, with a chance at a rare location!
  • The Easter Bunny comes in eight (8) different vest colors
  • Once every 24 hours the Easter Bunny will prepare an edible marshmallow duckling that can be eaten
  • Marshmallow ducklings come in six (6) different colors.

Event Moderator Reward Distribution Change

Rewards distributed through the Event Moderator tool commonly referred to as “top attacker” or “top damager” will now function as follows:

Broadsword Commemorative Plaques

To Commemorate Broadsword Online’s investment into the future of Ultima Online, commemorative plaques will be available from the West Britain Bank after all shards are published. Please visit the plaque on your shard to get yours when they are available.


Bug Fixes

  • Corrected issue where only the character that placed the house is allowed to customize the house
  • Corrected issue where goza mats were becoming unusable .
  • Discordance is now considered a hostile act when used against player pets; players may now only use peacemaking on player pets that are freely aggressive
  • Faction players once again cannot be put into stat loss or reward points when killed by non-faction players
  • Pets can no longer go wild while owner is riding them.
  • Players who customize a house containing a house add-on will no longer have security settings revert back to owner only.



Classic client

  • Cliloc Changes
  • Art Additions

Enhanced Client

  • Cliloc Changes
  • Art Additions

UO Herald - Game Updates

Announcing New Team Member

ブロードソードのウルティマ オンライン チームは、日本人プレーヤーへの継続的なサポートと献身をここに宣言することを大変誇りに思います。
我々は日本のコミュニティに投資しており、我々の間のサポートとコミュニケーションを発展させるべく、日本語に堪能なアシスタント プロデューサーを既に雇用しています。
およそ2週間の内には、米国ブロードソード社の新たなチームメンバー(日本から来るのよ!)として加わる、アシスタント プロデューサーも紹介できるでしょう!

The Broadsword Ultima Online Team is very proud to announce the continued support and dedication to our Japanese players. We’re investing in our Japanese community and have hired an Assistant Producer fluent in Japanese to help us improve all support and communications. We are also making plans to redo UO.Com so it will be bi-lingual in English and Japanese. It will preserve all of the information currently on the Japanese website. We recognize the value of all the information and will archive it so nothing is lost and will always be available to you. In 2 weeks, we look forward to introducing our newest Assistant Producer team member (natively from Japan!) that will be joining us here at Broadsword in the US!

UO Herald - Game Updates

Europa Returns

We have resolved the login issues on Europa that have been preventing players from logging into the shard since 3 am EDT.  If any players are having issues please let us know as soon as possible.  Thank you for your patience.

UO Team

UO Herald - Game Updates

Return of Counselors

We are going to reinstate the Counselor Program back into UO!  At this time I would like to know if we have any players that would be interested in volunteering for these positions.   Below are the requirements:

  • Must be 18 years old
  • Must have an active account
  • Must have an account in good standing
  • Have great game knowledge
  • Desire to help and work with others

We are making a few alterations to make the program work with all the changes that have been made currently so it will not be active for a bit but if you are interested in being considered for a volunteer Position please email with the following information:

  • account name (no passwords)
  • shard you play on
  • time zone you live in

I understand most of you have your accounts full of characters so you will be given a work account for this task.