The Herald

Publish 86.0.1 to TC1

These are the changes and updates to the systems currently on TC1.

Global Loot Changes

  • Paragon chests should now have converted loot inside them.
  • Pets will no longer be deleted on TC1.

Traders Quest

  • Ambush mobs strength scaling has been temporarily disabled.
  • Ambush mobs will not spawn if there are other ambush mobs in the immediate area.
  • Ambush mobs will despawn after 10 minutes of not being attacked.
  • Treasury deposits will be made to the city in which the trade order originates, not the destination.


Vice vs Virtue – Phase I

  • Using the faction gear-O-matic stone will now give faction gear for testing purposes
  • The sigil will no longer be visible in the EC
  • Stat loss will now be correctly applied for five minutes

Misc Updates


· Special move update: Dismount mana cost updated to 35 from 20.

  • Special move update: Force of Nature mana from 35 to 30.

· Special move update: Frenzied whirlwind mana from 20 to 25.

  • Dismount/Bola Update:

All ranged dismounts last 8 seconds instead of 10 seconds.

Bolas now compute a weaponless hit chance which also takes attacker HCI and defender DCI into account.

Bolas can be parried based on normal parry rules.

CleanUp Britannia Updates

· Players will no longer receive turn in points for antique items.

グローバルルートシステムの変更 ( シャード全域戦利品改善 )

  • パラゴンの宝箱の中身は差し替えられた戦利品が入るようになります。
  • テストセンター(TC1) にてペットが消滅してしまう事は無くなりました。


  • 待ち伏せモンスターのストレングス値の調整は一時的に無効になっています。
  • 待ち伏せモンスターは隣接した範囲に他の待ち伏せモンスターがいる場合、出現しません。
  • 10分間攻撃を受けなかった待ち伏せモンスターは消滅します。
  • 荷物の保証金はトレードオーダークエストの配達先の街ではなく、配達元の街の資金になります。

徳と悪徳 (VvV)    第一段階

  • 試験目的として、 gear-O-maticストーンを使用すると派閥装備を入手する事ができます。
  • SAクライアントでは隠れているシギルを表示しなくなります。
  • (死亡時の)ステータスロスは正しい表示の、5分間が適用されます。


  • スペシャルムーブのアップデート:ディスマウント(Dismount)の消費マナは20から35になります。
  • スペシャルムーブのアップデート:フォースオブネイチャー(Force of Nature)のマナは35から30になります。
  • スペシャルムーブのアップデート:フレンジードワールウィンド(Frenzied whirlwind) のマナは20から25になります。
  • ディスマウント/ボーラ アップデート

* すべての範囲のディスマウントの効果は10秒間ではなく8秒間続くようになります。




  • プレイヤーはantiqueプロパティが付加されたアイテムをゴミ箱に入れてもポイントを受け取る事はできません。

UO Herald - Game Updates

Publish 86.0.1 to TC1

These are the changes and updates to the systems currently on TC1.

Global Loot Changes

  • Paragon chests should now have converted loot inside them.
  • Pets will no longer be deleted on TC1.

Traders Quest

  • Ambush mobs strength scaling has been temporarily disabled.
  • Ambush mobs will not spawn if there are other ambush mobs in the immediate area.
  • Ambush mobs will despawn after 10 minutes of not being attacked.
  • Treasury deposits will be made to the city in which the trade order originates, not the destination.


Vice vs Virtue – Phase I

  • Using the faction gear-O-matic stone will now give faction gear for testing purposes
  • The sigil will no longer be visible in the EC
  • Stat loss will now be correctly applied for five minutes

Misc Updates


· Special move update: Dismount mana cost updated to 35 from 20.

  • Special move update: Force of Nature mana from 35 to 30.

· Special move update: Frenzied whirlwind mana from 20 to 25.

  • Dismount/Bola Update:

All ranged dismounts last 8 seconds instead of 10 seconds.

Bolas now compute a weaponless hit chance which also takes attacker HCI and defender DCI into account.

Bolas can be parried based on normal parry rules.

CleanUp Britannia Updates

· Players will no longer receive turn in points for antique items.

グローバルルートシステムの変更 ( シャード全域戦利品改善 )

  • パラゴンの宝箱の中身は差し替えられた戦利品が入るようになります。
  • テストセンター(TC1) にてペットが消滅してしまう事は無くなりました。


  • 待ち伏せモンスターのストレングス値の調整は一時的に無効になっています。
  • 待ち伏せモンスターは隣接した範囲に他の待ち伏せモンスターがいる場合、出現しません。
  • 10分間攻撃を受けなかった待ち伏せモンスターは消滅します。
  • 荷物の保証金はトレードオーダークエストの配達先の街ではなく、配達元の街の資金になります。

徳と悪徳 (VvV)    第一段階

  • 試験目的として、 gear-O-maticストーンを使用すると派閥装備を入手する事ができます。
  • SAクライアントでは隠れているシギルを表示しなくなります。
  • (死亡時の)ステータスロスは正しい表示の、5分間が適用されます。


  • スペシャルムーブのアップデート:ディスマウント(Dismount)の消費マナは20から35になります。
  • スペシャルムーブのアップデート:フォースオブネイチャー(Force of Nature)のマナは35から30になります。
  • スペシャルムーブのアップデート:フレンジードワールウィンド(Frenzied whirlwind) のマナは20から25になります。
  • ディスマウント/ボーラ アップデート

* すべての範囲のディスマウントの効果は10秒間ではなく8秒間続くようになります。




  • プレイヤーはantiqueプロパティが付加されたアイテムをゴミ箱に入れてもポイントを受け取る事はできません。

UO Herald - Game Updates

Publish 86 TC1

徳と悪徳  – 第一段階(Vice vs Virtue – phase1)

私達はあなた達に最初にこの徳と悪徳システム(以下VvV)を紹介できる事にエキサイトしています!今回はシステムのテストセンターへの初のリリースである為発生した不具合などは将来的に修正される予定であるという事をあらかじめご了承下さい。フィードバックや不具合リポートはこちらまでお送って下さる様お願いいたします。 .



  • VvVに参加する為にはギルドに所属している必要があります、そしてあなたの所属するギルドマスターによって既にVvVへ加入済でなければいけません。

  • VvVに参加すると自動的に任意の派閥へと振り分けられます。これは試験的な試みですので一部のメッセージは既存の派閥ツールのものが表示されます。

  • VvVに参加後ゲームにログインする際、及びログイン中に次のステータスアップデートを受けます:

    • 戦闘が有効であり、何処の街で戦いが起こっているのか表示

    • 戦いは終わっておりクールダウンの時間である

    • 戦いは終わっているが次の試合を始める為により多くのプレイヤーが必要

    • すでに戦い開始され、その戦いの起きいる街の表示

  • 戦闘が有効になっている街を訪れた際、ステータスのポップアップが開き参加している上位3位までのギルドの得点とあなたのギルドの得点が表示されます。

  • ガード圏内であってもVvVが有効な領域では呪文に制限はありません。

  • 最初に十分な得点を得たギルドが勝利を得ます、進行状況はステータスバーによって見る事ができます。

  • 得点を得られる行為、

  • その街を占領している唯一のギルドであること


  • 対抗しているギルドのプレイヤーを殺すこと


  • シギルを盗む、またはVvVのPriestsに戻す行為



・シギルはpassive detecting hidden(探知)スキルが80以上であるプレイヤーが近くを通った場合スキルの自動使用で発見する事が出来ます、その際には“* 何かが隠れていることを感じ取った… *”というメッセージが表示されます。

・発見されたシギルはプレイヤーがdetecting hidden【探知】スキルを使用する事によって見つけ出す事ができます







  • 試験目的として、ユーのムーンゲートにあるTrap-O-Matic stoneを訪れて無料で得られる罠を試す事が出来ます

  • 罠は有効になっているVvVの領域内で設置する事ができます、導入されているのは以下の二つの種類 接近proximityと仕掛け線tripwireです

  • 接近proximityトラップは目的のターゲットがトラップの半径内に入ると爆発し適度なダメージを与えます。

  • 仕掛け線tripwireトラップは目的のターゲットがトリップワイヤーの線に入り込むと重いダメージを与えます

  • 罠は色々な種類のダメージがあります、以下。




    ・エネルギー-エネルギーダメージを起こし短期間 治療を妨げます


  • VvVの領域に仕掛ける事ができる罠の数は上限数が20です

  • 最低でもdetecting hidden(探知)スキルが80.0以上があればトラップを探し出す事ができます

  • 能動的にdetecting hidden(探知)スキルを使用し罠を見つけ出す事ができます

  • remove trap【罠解除】スキルを使用することによりはずす事ができます。

  • 罠はをはずす事に成功した場合は装備解除となりますが、失敗した場合は爆発が起こります


  • VvVに参加しているプレイヤーが死ぬとステータスの低減が適用されます

  • VvVプレイヤーは同士オレンジ色にハイライトして表示されます

  • VvVに参加していないほかのプレイヤーがVvV参加プレイヤーに攻撃及び有益な行為に及んだ場合、全てのVvVプレイヤーに対しオレンジ色のハイライトとして表示されます

  • 試験目的として、派閥の装備を付ける事に制限はありません


  • 現在まだ開発中のためVvVの戦闘ではSilver Pointsの報酬はありません。

  • 派閥システムは今回の初回テストではテストセンターから取り除かれません。

  • 戦いの終わりに表示されるポイントは独断的報奨により正しく表示されない可能性があります


Trade Ministersより受けたクエストを各街に荷物を配達しそれらと引き換えに様々な報酬がもらえます!

  • プレイヤーはコマンドメニューを使いTrade Ministerよりトレードオーダーを受ける事ができます、Trade Ministerは忠誠度のある街の港や厩舎の近くで見つける事が出来ます

  • トレードオーダーを受ける事によりプレイヤーの移動魔法は制限され、公共のムーンゲートを使用場合、目的地はフェルッカのみとなります。

  • トレードオーダーを最初に受ける際にプレイヤーは“A friend…”からのメッセージを受信します

  • トレードオーダーはコマンドメニューの“トレードオーダーをキャンセル”を選ぶことによりいつでもキャンセルする事ができます

  • トレードオーダーの注文を満たす為のアイテムは地域のショップキーパーより入手できます

  • トレードオーダーの注文内容はプレイヤーが今までに完了したトレードオーダーの回数により、上限5つまでアイテムとその個数が適用されます。

  • アイテムをトレードオーダーコンテナに入れるには、直接コンテナにドロップするかプレイヤーのバックパックの第一階層にあるトレードオーダーコンテナのコマンドメニューの“パックパック内のアイテムを入れる”を使用します。

  • トレードオーダーはプレイヤーのバックパック内から移動する事は出来ません、もしキャラクターを転送した場合、バックパック内のトレードオーダーは破損します

  • 各トレードオーダーには配達先指定がありトレードオーダーコンテナのアイテムプロパティーにて表示されます

  • トレードオーダーの配達中にランダムでモンスターに待ち伏せされる可能性もあります

  • モンスターの難易度はプレイヤーのステータスやスキルによって変動します

  • 配達中にモンスターを殺すと配達先の街の報酬の総額にボーナスが加算されます。一度の配達でのモンスター討伐回数には制限があります。

  • レードオーダーにてオリジンから配達先の街の距離が長いほど街の資金に入金される金額が増大します。報酬となる資材の量も同量です

  • プレイヤーがトレードオーダーの品物を集め、正しい配達先へ配達を完了した場合、配達先のTrade Ministerより各種の報酬を受け取る事ができます。





・プレイヤーはフェルッカにいるSlim the Fenceにトレードオーダーを横流しする事によって配達を完了する事もできます。その場合の報酬は以下のようになります



*ランダムに選ばれた 1.0の超越のスクロール

*レアなチャンスで「期限の切れたFortune’s Fire Casinoの無料ドリンク券」

*レアなチャンスで「Forged Artwork from King Blackthorn’s Castle」

*レアなチャンスで「Slim the Fenceの黒い手帳」

*レアなチャンスで「Slim’s Shadow Veil」

・uber shadowの色の革面頬


グローバルルートシステムの変更 (シャード全域戦利品改善)


全てのマジックアイテム(武器、アーマー、アクセサリー) は新しい戦利品プロパティ作成方法に従い、作成されるようになります。対象のマジックアイテムは以下のようになります。*モンスターの戦利品











*補強不可- 特等の粉をアイテムに使用する事は出来ません

*Prized ーアイテムの保険が上がります、ブレス属性は付けられません





  • 補強不可プロパティのアイテムはディフォルトで最大耐久度が255になります

  • 短命プロパティを持つ全てのアイテムはAntiqueに変換されます

  • アイテムにはネガティブプロパティが1つだけ付加されます

  • アイテムの保険に掛かる費用はアイテムの強度によって金額が変わります

  • 魔法のアクセサリーは(指輪やブレスレット)デフォルトで最大耐久度が255になります

  • 追加分のモンスター戦利品はパーティーの規模と幸運値を元に作成されます

クリーンアップブリタニア 追加 /アップデート情報:





・Primordial Decay – エレメンタル特効楽器 (20,000 ポイント)

・Arachnid Doom – 鋏角類特効の楽器(20,000 ポイント)

・Presentation Stone (トクノの染料、自然染料、家具染め桶で染める事ができる台座) (75,000 ポイント)

・バイブラントオーチャーの染料(250,000 ポイント)

・オリーブグリーンの染料(250,000 ポイント)

・Lucky Charm (タリスマン – Hit Point Regeneration 1, Stamina Regeneration 1, Mana Regeneration 1 and Luck 150) (300,000 ポイント)

・Soldier’s Medal (タリスマン– Tactics +10, Stamina Regeneration 2, Hit Chance Increase 5% and Damage Increase 20%) (300,000 ポイント)

・Duelist’s Edge (タリスマン– Anatomy +10, Stamina Regeneration 2, Hit Chance Increase 5% and Damage Increase 20%) (300,000 ポイント)

・Necromancer’s Phylactery (タリスマン– Spirit Speak +10, Mana Regeneration 1, Spell Damage Increase 5%と秘薬低減 10%) (300,000ポイント)

・Wizard’s Curio (タリスマン– Evaluate Intelligence +10, Mana Regeneration 1, Spell Damage Increase 5%と秘薬低減10%) (300,000 ポイント)

・Mystic’s Memento (タリスマン– Focus +10, Mana Regeneration 1, Spell Damage Increase 5% と秘薬低減10%) (300,000ポイント)

・封印の水晶(500,000 ポイント)



*コブトスアーティファクト(ツンドラブライト, 守りのブレスレット, ブライトブレード, へパイストスとプリズムレンズ) (2,000 ポイント)

* デスパイズアーティファクト (慈悲の瞳,許されざる矢筒 , ヘイルストーム, ,許されざるベール,ユニコーンサンダルとユニコーンタロン) (2,000 ポイント)

*Ararat アーティファクト (憎しみの心、ジョン船長の剣、ごまかしの言葉、臆病者の槍、ピンサー) (2,000 ポイント)

*エクソダスアーティファクトとReplica Artifacts (デュプレの剣, クロックワークレッグ, 勇士の表彰状 [レプリカ], アスクレピウス [レプリカ]とハイジーアのアミュレット [レプリカ] (2,000 ポイント)

*ミナクスの紋章入りアイテム (1,000 ポイント)

* Ararat号の盗めるアイテム(Ararat Anchor, Ararat Bell, Ararat Figurehead) (750 ポイント)

* 金の釣竿と金の細道具(500 ポイント)

* 2014年バレンタインの子猫と子犬(400ポイント)

* 2013年ハロウィンパンプキン(400 ポイント) (レアなカボチャ二つには1,400ポイント)

*2013年 名前の首 (300 ポイント) (レアな名前の首には6,000ポイント)

*2013年ジャックランタン製作キット 2013年彫れるカボチャ (200ポイント)

*串焼き豚の証書とNote from Cousteau (100ポイント)

*2014年チョコレートゼリービーンズ, 2014年イースターバスケット, 2013年ロブスターディナー, 2013年ホリデーキャンドル, 2013年猫足バスタブの証書, 2013年速習のスクロールブック, 16周年記念ギフトバッグ,16周年記念ハエトリグサ,16周記念ビカクシダ, 16周年記念いろは紅葉, 16周年記念ディフェンバキア, 16周年記念植木証書,16周年記念シルバートレイ、16周年記念メッセージカード, 16th Anniversary Pony Statuette (50ポイント)

* 2014年イースターバニー(50ポイント) (レアな場所の物は1,000ポイント)

*2014年マシュマロダック(1 ポイント)





  • スペシャルムーブ:ディスマウントに必要なマナコストが20から25に引き上げられました。遠距離攻撃での落馬状態は4秒間、接近戦の落馬状態は引き続10秒間となります。

  • プレイヤーが範囲型の特殊攻撃使用によりペットに攻撃する事がは無くなります

  • すべての卑しき矢筒と許されざるベールにはブレス属性がつくようになりました。


  • ローカライズ変更

  • アートの追加


  • ローカライズ変更

  • アートの追加

UO Herald - Game Updates

Publish 86 to TC1

We are publishing to TC1 tonight, please make sure you give us your feedback and check often for the updates to the systems .  We have chosen the first round of advisors (counselors) and emails will be going out next week to notify everyone of the shards you will be assigned to and when I hope to be able to robe you on TC1 so we can get you trained.

Thank you with your patience with us and happy hunting!

UO Team

Vice vs Virtue – Phase I

We are very excited to bring you the first iteration of Vice vs Virtue! Please understand this the first release of the system to Test Center and as such, you may encounter bugs and everything is subject to change. You can send feedback, as well as bug reports to

Here’s what to expect!

  • Visit the VvV signup stone located at the Yew gate in Felucca.

  • In order to sign up for VvV you must be in a guild and your guild master must have already signed up for VvV.

  • When joining VvV you will be automatically joined into an arbitrary faction. This is only for testing purposes, as some messages use existing faction tools.

  • Once you have joined VvV you will receive status updates when you login/are logged into the game that will tell you one of the following:

    • A battle is active, and which city the battle is happening in

    • A battle has concluded and there is cool down period

    • A battle has concluded and more players are needed to start the match

    • A battle has started, and which city that battle is occurring

  • When you enter an active battle city, a status Gump will display the current scores of the top 3 scoring guilds out of those participating, as well as your guild’s score.

  • Guard zones are disabled in an active VvV Battle region and there should be no restrictions on spells.

  • The objective is be the first guild to score enough points to win the match, progress is tracked by the status bar.

  • You can score points by,

    • Being the only guild that is occupying the city

      • You must be alive, and not in a house or on a ship to be counted

    • Killing players of opposing guilds

      • There is a 5 minute kill timeout for receiving points for kills

    • Stealing and returning the sigil to the Priests of Vice and Virtue

  • A sigil will spawn after a random amount of time following the start of the match in 1 of 5 predetermined locations.

  • When the sigil icon (located at the bottom of the battle status Gump) lights up, the sigil has spawned.

  • The sigil can be found by a passive detecting hidden check with a detecting hidden skill greater than 80.0%, you will receive a message indicating “Your keen senses detect something hidden in the area…”

  • The sigil can then be revealed using an active detecting hidden check.

  • Once revealed the sigil can be stolen by a thief with a minimum of 100.0% skill using the stealing skill.

  • The sigil cannot be removed from the VvV battle region. If it is removed another will spawn after a random time.

  • At that time Priests of Vice and Virtue will spawn in the city.

  • Return the sigil to either Priest to score points for your team!

  • At the conclusion of the battle players in the battle region will receive a Gump showing some basic stat progression.

VvV Traps

  • For testing purposes, you can get some free traps to test by visiting the Trap-O-Matic stone at the Yew moongate.

  • Traps can be placed inside an active VvV battle region and come in two deployment varieties, proximity and tripwire.

  • Proximity traps detonate when a valid target enters the detonation radius around the trap and cause moderate damage.

  • Tripwire traps detonate when a valid target steps on the tripwire line and cause heavy damage.

  • Traps have a variety of damage packages including,

    • Explosion – causes equal parts fire and physical damage

    • Poison – causes poison damage and poisons the target

    • Cold – causes cold damage and paralyzes the target

    • Energy – causes energy damage and prevents healing for a short period

    • Blades – causes physical damage and puts a bleed effect on the target

  • The number of traps that can be placed inside a VvV battle region is capped at 20.

  • Traps can be passively detected with a detecting hidden skill of at least 80.0%.

  • Traps can be revealed using the detecting hidden skill actively.

  • Traps can be disarmed using the remove trap skill actively.

  • Successful disarmament of a trap results in the trap being returned to the disarmer, failure results in detonation.

Additional VvV Related Notes

  • Stat loss will be applied on death to those players participating in VvV.

  • VvV players will flag orange to other VvV players.

  • Any non-VvV player that aggresses or performs a beneficial act on a VvV player will flag orange to all VvV players.

  • For the purposes of testing, there are no restrictions on wearing faction gear.

Here’s what’s still in development and what not to expect,

  • There are no rewards for earning Silver Points during a VvV match. These are still in development.

  • The faction system will not be removed from Test Center in this first pass.

  • Score points are arbitrarily rewarded and may not show correctly, as are end of match points.

Traders Quest

Trade Ministers will now offer players the ability to deliver goods between cities in exchange for a variety of rewards!

  • Players may get an offer for a trade order by accessing the context menu on a City Trade Minister. Trade ministers can be found near the docks or stables in the loyalty cities.

  • Upon accepting a trade order players will not be able to magically teleport except for using public moongates with a destination of Felucca.

  • Players accepting their first trade order will receive a message from “A friend…”

  • Trade orders can be cancelled at any time by selecting “Cancel Trade Order” from the context menu on the trade order container.

  • Items required to fill the trade order are generated from the real time inventories of shop keepers in the region.

  • Up to five items in varying quantities can be applied to a trade order and are based on the total number of trade orders a player has completed.

  • Items may be dropped inside the trade order directly or filled from the top level of the player’s backpack using the “Fill from Backpack” context menu option from the trade order container.

  • Trade orders cannot be removed from the player’s backpack and will be destroyed if the player character transfers.

  • Each trade order has a destination city indicated in the item property display of the trade order container.

  • While delivering the trade order players may be randomly ambushed by monsters.

  • Monster difficulty scales based on the stats and skills of the player.

  • Killing monsters while delivering a trade order provides a bonus to the amount of gold the destination city treasury receives up to a capped number of kill per delivery.

  • Trade orders with greater distances between the origin and destination city will boost the amount of gold deposited to the destination city treasury as well as the amount of resources rewarded.

  • When a player successfully returns a filled trade order to the correct destination city’s Trade Minister they have a chance of receiving a variety of rewards including,

    • 1 in a set of story books with a unique story from each of the loyalty cities. Each player is eligible for one set of books and will receive a new one each time a book is rewarded.

    • A random NPC guild sign

    • Random resources for blacksmithing, carpentry, tailoring, and imbuing

  • A deposit of funds will also be made to the destination city’s treasury.

  • A player may also opt to deliver a completed trade order to Slim the Fence for rewards including,

    • A forged pardon

    • A skeleton key

    • a random 1.0 SoT

    • A rare chance at “An Expired Voucher for a Free Drink at the Fortune’s Fire Casino”

    • A rare chance at “Forged Artwork from King Blackthorn’s Castle”

    • A rare chance at “Slim the Fence’s Little Black Book”

    • An rare chance at “Slim’s Shadow Veil”

      • A uber shadow colored leather mempo

      • Faster Casting 1

Global Loot Changes

All magical items (weapons, armor, and jewelry) will now spawn with properties generated via new loot property generation. These include items found,

  • On Monsters

  • In SoS Chests

  • In Treasure Chests

  • In Dungeon Chests

  • In Khaldun Puzzle Chests

  • From Dredging Hooks

  • From Quest rewards

  • Loot obtained from monsters, SoS Chests, Treasure Chests, Dredging Hooks, and as Quest Rewards will be influenced by the luck of the individual getting the loot.

  • Loot obtained from Dungeon Chests and Khaldun Puzzle Chests will have loot influenced with a random luck value between 0 and 240.

  • Loot generated in Felucca has a 1000 point luck bonus applied to it, as well as bonuses to budgets used in item property generation.

  • The following negative item properties can now be found on magic items:

    • Brittle – Cannot have powder of fortification applied to the item

    • Prized – Item insurance cost is increased, cannot be blessed

    • Massive – Increased strength requirement

    • Unwieldy – Increased item weight

    • Cursed – Cannot be insured or blessed

    • Antique – Increased durability loss, can be powdered 3 times. Each powder will reduce max durability to 250, 200, and 150 respectively. Can be repaired.

  • Items spawned with the brittle property will have a default max durability of 255.

  • All items with the ephemeral property will be converted to antique.

  • Items will have at maximum 1 negative property applied to them.

  • Item insurance will now scale up based on item intensity.

  • Magical jewelry (rings and bracelets) will now have a default max durability of 255.

  • Additional monster loot items will be spawned based on party size and luck.

Cleanup Britannia Additions/Updates:

We have added several new Cleanup Britannia Rewards to the Cleanup Officers including the following:

  • Mailbox (1000 points)

  • 3 types of decorative mushrooms (1000 points each)

  • Primordial Decay – Elemental Slayer Instrument (20,000 points)

  • Arachnid Doom – Arachnid Slayer Instrument (20,000 points)

  • Presentation Stone (a pedestal that can be dyed with Tokuno dyes, natural dyes or a furniture dye tub) (75,000 points)

  • Vibrant Ocher Pigment (250,000 points)

  • Olive Green Pigment (250,000 points)

  • Lucky Charm (Talisman – Hit Point Regeneration 1, Stamina Regeneration 1, Mana Regeneration 1 and Luck 150) (300,000 points)

  • Soldier’s Medal (Talisman – Tactics +10, Stamina Regeneration 2, Hit Chance Increase 5% and Damage Increase 20%) (300,000 points)

  • Duelist’s Edge (Talisman – Anatomy +10, Stamina Regeneration 2, Hit Chance Increase 5% and Damage Increase 20%) (300,000 points)

  • Necromancer’s Phylactery (Talisman – Spirit Speak +10, Mana Regeneration 1, Spell Damage Increase 5% and Lower Reagent Cost 10%) (300,000 points)

  • Wizard’s Curio (Talisman – Evaluate Intelligence +10, Mana Regeneration 1, Spell Damage Increase 5% and Lower Reagent Cost 10%) (300,000 points)

  • Mystic’s Memento (Talisman – Focus +10, Mana Regeneration 1, Spell Damage Increase 5% and Lower Reagent Cost 10%) (300,000 points)

  • Vollem Held in a Crystal (500,000 points)

We have also added many items to the Cleanup Britannia turn in list including the following:

  • Covetous Artifacts (Blight of the Tundra, Bracelet of Protection, Brightblade, Hephaestus and Prismatic Lenses) (2,000 points)

  • Despise Artifacts (Compassion’s Eye, Despicable Quiver, Hailstorm, Unforgiven Veil, Unicorn Mane Woven Sandals and Unicorn Mane Woven Talons) (2,000 points)

  • Ararat Artifacts (Abhorrence, Captain Johne’s Blade, Craven, Equivocation and Pincer) (2,000 points)

  • Exodus Artifacts and Replica Artifacts (Dupre’s Sword, Clockwork Leggings, Bracers of Alchemical Devastation (Replica), Asclepius (Replica) and Hygieia’s Necklace (Replica) (2,000 points)

  • Items bearing the crest of Minax (1,000 points)

  • Ararat stealables (Ararat Anchor, Ararat Bell, Ararat Figurehead) (750 points)

  • Golden Fishing Pole and Golden Tinker Tool Kit (500 points)

  • 2014 Valentine’s Day Kittens and Puppies (400 points)

  • 2013 Carved Pumpkins (400 points) (1,400 points for the two rare pumpkins)

  • 2013 Heads on a spike (300 points) (6,000 points for the rare head on a spike)

  • 2013 Pumpkin Carving Kits and 2013 Carvable Pumpkin (200 points)

  • Pig on a Spit Deed and Note from Cousteau (100 points)

  • 2014 Chocolate Jelly Beans, 2014 Easter Basket, 2013 Lobster Dinner, 2013 Holiday Candle, 2013 Deed for a Claw Foot Tub, 2013 Alacrity Deed Scroll Book, 16th Anniversary Gift Bag, 16th Anniversary Venus Flytrap, 16th Anniversary Staghorn Fern, 16th Anniversary Japanese Maple, 16th Anniversary Dieffenbachia, 16th Anniversary Plant Deed, 16th Anniversary Platter, 16th Anniversary Card, 16th Anniversary Pony Statuette (50 points)

  • 2014 Easter Bunny (50 points) (1,000 points for the rare location)

  • 2014 Marshmallow Ducklings (1 point)

Increased the number of uses on each Cleanup Britannia slayer instruments from 250 use to 450 uses.

Players will no longer receive turn in points for ephemeral items.

Players will now be able to combine similar Tokuno style pigments up to a maximum of 50 uses by double clicking the first pigment and then targeting the second pigment to combine them.

Bug Fixes

  • Special Move: Dismount mana cost increased to 25 from 20. Ranged dismount now lasts 4 seconds while melee remains at 10 seconds.

  • Players that use AOE special attacks will no longer become aggressive to their own pets

  • All Despicable Quivers and Unforgiven Veils will now be blessed by default.



Classic Client 7.0.35

  • Cliloc Changes
  • Art Additions

Enhanced Client 4.0.35

  • Cliloc Changes
  • Art Additions



Producer Update

Greetings Everyone,

We are still working hard on getting our publish finished. Next week we will be putting out a Publish and Patch to TC1. Due to an outstanding migration issue you may experience some cliloc errors, these will be fixed before we go world wide. You will be able to check out the following:

Completed Systems:

Global Loot
Clean up Britannia additions
Traders Quest

Systems still in progress:

Vice vs Virtue – Players will see this on TC1
New UI

In progress for 86
17th Anniversary Items!! (of course I am going to be evil and not tell you)

I do want to address one issue that has come up though. If you reforge or alter an Event Moderator item in any way it may change the name of said item. We will not change it back.! So please know this before you start reforging items



UO Herald - Game Updates

Producer Update

Greetings Everyone,

We are still working hard on getting our publish finished. Next week we will be putting out a Publish and Patch to TC1. Due to an outstanding migration issue you may experience some cliloc errors, these will be fixed before we go world wide. You will be able to check out the following:

Completed Systems:

Global Loot
Clean up Britannia additions
Traders Quest

Systems still in progress:

Vice vs Virtue – Players will see this on TC1
New UI

In progress for 86
17th Anniversary Items!! (of course I am going to be evil and not tell you)

I do want to address one issue that has come up though. If you reforge or alter an Event Moderator item in any way it may change the name of said item. We will not change it back.! So please know this before you start reforging items




皆さん こんにちは







徳V悪徳システム- プレイヤーはTC1でこれを見る事ができます



17周年記念のアイテム!!(勿論 意地悪して教えないけど)



Producer Update

Greetings Everyone,

Since I have not given you guys an update lately I thought I would let everyone know what we are up to and give you some highlights as to what and when you can expect to see new and exciting things in UO! I know we stated that Publish 86 would originally be released in July but we are looking at mid August before we can publish now. Since the shutdown of the Mythic Studio, it has caused us to move the rest of our build machines from that office to the office in Herndon before we were expecting so that has caused a delay in our publish time. This is not an excuse but I wanted to let everyone know some of the things we have been dealing with to cause these delays.

Below is a brief description of the things we have been working on:

  • We have put in a new Trade Quest that lets you get reacquainted with the lands around Britannia and also if you are feeling a little brave you can visit Feluccia and take your wares to Slim the fence in one of the towns in Feluccia …
  • We have added new items to turn in and new items you can obtain to clean up Britannia
  • We are still working with Pinco on a new UI for the EC
  • We are working with the Focus group and getting great feedback (thank you) for VvsV and should have it on TC1 within the next two weeks for everyone to take a look at it.
  • We are still working on a system for the new Advisor Program (old counselor program) , fresh new name.
  • We have revised the global loot system
  • We are working aiming for turning on Return to Britannia in August
  • Adding MYUO to the UO.COM Website
  • Anniversary items that will be turned on in September

I will try my best to talk to you guys once a week and give you updates on our progress and let you guys know what we are up to. We are still looking for an Engineer for the team. and we are also looking for someone to help with redesigning UO.COM. So if anyone is interested please drop me a line and let’s talk at

Talk to everyone soon!!


UO Herald - Game Updates

Producer Update

Greetings Everyone,

Since I have not given you guys an update lately I thought I would let everyone know what we are up to and give you some highlights as to what and when you can expect to see new and exciting things in UO! I know we stated that Publish 86 would originally be released in July but we are looking at mid August before we can publish now. Since the shutdown of the Mythic Studio, it has caused us to move the rest of our build machines from that office to the office in Herndon before we were expecting so that has caused a delay in our publish time. This is not an excuse but I wanted to let everyone know some of the things we have been dealing with to cause these delays.


Below is a brief description of the things we have been working on:

  • We have put in a new Trade Quest that lets you get reacquainted with the lands around Britannia and also if you are feeling a little brave you can visit Feluccia and take your wares to Slim the fence in one of the towns in Feluccia …

  • We have added new items to turn in and new items you can obtain to clean up Britannia

  • We are still working with Pinco on a new UI for the EC

  • We are working with the Focus group and getting great feedback (thank you) for VvsV and should have it on TC1 within the next two weeks for everyone to take a look at it.

  • We are still working on a system for the new Advisor Program (old counselor program) , fresh new name.

  • We have revised the global loot system

  • We are working aiming for turning on Return to Britannia in August

  • Adding MYUO to the UO.COM Website

  • Anniversary items that will be turned on in September

I will try my best to talk to you guys once a week and give you updates on our progress and let you guys know what we are up to. We are still looking for an Engineer for the team. and we are also looking for someone to help with redesigning UO.COM. So if anyone is interested please drop me a line and let’s talk at

Talk to everyone soon!!


UO Herald - Special Announcement

Official Notice

Greetings all,

On you will find a message from Broadsword leadership about the recent events regarding EA Mythic. I would like to assure our players that this in no way affects our relationship with Electronic Arts. Everything that has been stated with UO will continue as promised.

We look forward to our continued partnership with EA to ensure a bright and exciting future for Ultima Online.

Bonnie “Mesanna” Armstrong
UO Producer​

皆さん こんにちは。


Bonnie “Mesanna” Armstrong
UO Producer