The Herald

UO Herald - Lore

Old Friends, New Enemies

Author EM Drosselmeyer

The King frowned from his seat, staring at the chess table as Sir Dupre spoke to him. He idly moved a single piece back and forth. The table was clearly set mid match, and he always moved the piece between the same two spots…a legal move, but with no opponent to make the next one.

“It would seem that the Council of Mages has dissolved…after Anon’s vanishing, those few who remained quickly fell to infighting. A few of them have sought entrance into the True Britannians, but I am unsure if they are disciplined enough to fight alongside my troops in a way that will…”

“Sir Dupre, what do you make of the rumors that Anon has defected?”

Sir Dupre shook his head. “The man may have been mad, but he fought for Britannia all this time. I make it the ravings of a madman.” Dupre’s words were strong…but his voice lacked conviction.

“Perhaps we have lost one of the strongest mages remaining in this land to a well-orchestrated attack…or maybe our greatest enemy has converted him to her cause. I am not sure which I would rather believe; Minax being powerful enough to have outright destroyed him, or Anon being bitter enough to have gone over to the other side.”

Sir Dupre stood in silence for a long moment, fingering the pommel of the black longsword at his waist, searching for the words to reassure his regent or even himself. They were nowhere to be found.

“I have been called many things by those who I am doing my best to serve rightfully as their King, Sir Dupre. I have been called a tyrant…usurper…traitor…and many state openly that they believe me to be evil. And yet…” He sighed at length, standing from the table and moving out to the balcony, leaving it behind him. He did not finish the thought, and Sir Dupre was too prudent to pry further.

Dim moonlight peeked through the clouds upon the beleaguered king as he stared out over the moat, and Dupre’s voice broke the silence once more. “My liege, even I doubted you at first…but in time they will see. And even if they do not, Honor is its own reward. We have done our best to do what is right, and we know that even if no others do.”

“Dupre…we will need to have a call to arms. I know that your soldiers are strong, well trained, and a capable unit…but if Minax is powerful enough to defeat Anon herself, or worse if he has joined her…I do not believe even you and they can fight them and win. We will have to…find another way.”

Dupre nodded and bowed his head slightly. “Then I shall inform them at once.” Dupre left through the doors of the castle and King Blackthorn stood in the light for a long moment, the full moon revealing itself as the clouds passed by. The gentle moonlight illuminated him fully, his cloak rustling ever so slightly in the soft breeze. The light gleamed off of his crown and armor, and the obsidian chest that lay just inside the balcony’s opening. He was not quite sure how long he had been there before he heard footsteps, ignoring Heckles’ approach.

It was the soft clack of a chess piece being moved on a board that drew him from his thoughts with a bit of irritation. “Heckles, I am not in the mood for your taunts and jests…and you know that I want nobody to touch that board, not until…”

Softly and with a chuckle a rich voice echoed inside as Blackthorn’s words faltered, staring at the seeming apparition before him. “Before a friend could return to take their move on the board that was still waiting for your own when you appeared?”

Blackthorn stood motionless for a long time, staring at the broad smile along the other man’s face, before they both stepped towards each other and embraced tightly, pulling apart a moment later with identically broad grins. “I suppose it was only fair that when I returned after you had thought me lost that I should be under the impression you would never return to these lands…Cantabrigian.”

Lord British’s grin burst into a chuckle. “You should know it best yourself…in Sosaria, an infinite number of things are possible.”


Read the exciting conclusion and join us for a live, in-game event on TC1 September 25th 2014 at 7pm ET! Meet Richard “Lord British” Garriot and Starr “King Blackthorn” Long at Castle Blackthorn to celebrate Ultima Online’s 17th Anniversary!

UO Herald - Game Updates

TC1 Patch Notes

TC 1 Updates

We have made the following updates to TC1. We have also put a clean backup on TC1. You may experience cliloc errors until the final client is released. Please send us your feedback or any bugs you may encounter.


  • The mana spike’s effects will now properly clean themselves up at the expiration of the effect.
  • Filling and emptying anniversary sinks will retain the color of the sink.
  • All facings of the sink, full and empty, will now be dyeable with the furniture dyetub, natural dyes, and pigments.
  • VvV players in an active battle city will no longer see multiple arrows pointing to the altar.
  • The amount of silver points earned for various VvV accomplishments have been scaled down.
  • Impassable objects placed at the entrance of Dungeon Blackthron will be placed in the nearby barrel. This barrel will delete its contents every ten minutes or when the number of items inside the barrel reaches 125.
  • Murderers that are VvV players can now be resurrected inside an active VvV battle city.
  • Tileart for VvV traps is no longer flagged as impassable
  • Public moongates can be used in both Trammel and Felucca when participating in the Traders Quest. Using public moongates will negate any distance bonuses applied to rewards and treasury deposits, as well as eligibility for rare rewards.
  • When VvV altars are won the area will not be blanketed in darkness.
  • VvV players will not enter stat loss when they die from guild or alliance mates.
  • VvV altar flames should be cleaned up if the battle ends when the altar is in the process of being claimed.
  • Blackthorn’s Dungeon has been added to the corrupted crystal portal. The instruction pages will not show “blackthorn” until the final client is released.
  • Morph earrings have been added to VvV silver trader.
  • Alliances can now be made between guilds that have members opted into VvV.

UO Herald - Game Updates

Old Friends, New Enemies

Author EM Drosselmeyer

The King frowned from his seat, staring at the chess table as Sir Dupre spoke to him. He idly moved a single piece back and forth. The table was clearly set mid match, and he always moved the piece between the same two spots…a legal move, but with no opponent to make the next one.


“It would seem that the Council of Mages has dissolved…after Anon’s vanishing, those few who remained quickly fell to infighting. A few of them have sought entrance into the True Britannians, but I am unsure if they are disciplined enough to fight alongside my troops in a way that will…”

“Sir Dupre, what do you make of the rumors that Anon has defected?”

Sir Dupre shook his head. “The man may have been mad, but he fought for Britannia all this time. I make it the ravings of a madman.” Dupre’s words were strong…but his voice lacked conviction.

“Perhaps we have lost one of the strongest mages remaining in this land to a well-orchestrated attack…or maybe our greatest enemy has converted him to her cause. I am not sure which I would rather believe; Minax being powerful enough to have outright destroyed him, or Anon being bitter enough to have gone over to the other side.”

Sir Dupre stood in silence for a long moment, fingering the pommel of the black longsword at his waist, searching for the words to reassure his regent or even himself. They were nowhere to be found.

“I have been called many things by those who I am doing my best to serve rightfully as their King, Sir Dupre. I have been called a tyrant…usurper…traitor…and many state openly that they believe me to be evil. And yet…” He sighed at length, standing from the table and moving out to the balcony, leaving it behind him. He did not finish the thought, and Sir Dupre was too prudent to pry further.

Dim moonlight peeked through the clouds upon the beleaguered king as he stared out over the moat, and Dupre’s voice broke the silence once more. “My liege, even I doubted you at first…but in time they will see. And even if they do not, Honor is its own reward. We have done our best to do what is right, and we know that even if no others do.”

“Dupre…we will need to have a call to arms. I know that your soldiers are strong, well trained, and a capable unit…but if Minax is powerful enough to defeat Anon herself, or worse if he has joined her…I do not believe even you and they can fight them and win. We will have to…find another way.”

Dupre nodded and bowed his head slightly. “Then I shall inform them at once.” Dupre left through the doors of the castle and King Blackthorn stood in the light for a long moment, the full moon revealing itself as the clouds passed by. The gentle moonlight illuminated him fully, his cloak rustling ever so slightly in the soft breeze. The light gleamed off of his crown and armor, and the obsidian chest that lay just inside the balcony’s opening. He was not quite sure how long he had been there before he heard footsteps, ignoring Heckles’ approach.

It was the soft clack of a chess piece being moved on a board that drew him from his thoughts with a bit of irritation. “Heckles, I am not in the mood for your taunts and jests…and you know that I want nobody to touch that board, not until…”

Softly and with a chuckle a rich voice echoed inside as Blackthorn’s words faltered, staring at the seeming apparition before him. “Before a friend could return to take their move on the board that was still waiting for your own when you appeared?”

Blackthorn stood motionless for a long time, staring at the broad smile along the other man’s face, before they both stepped towards each other and embraced tightly, pulling apart a moment later with identically broad grins. “I suppose it was only fair that when I returned after you had thought me lost that I should be under the impression you would never return to these lands…Cantabrigian.”

Lord British’s grin burst into a chuckle. “You should know it best yourself…in Sosaria, an infinite number of things are possible.”


Read the exciting conclusion and join us for a live, in-game event on TC1 September 25th 2014 at 7pm ET! Meet Richard “Lord British” Garriot and Starr “King Blackthorn” Long at Castle Blackthorn to celebrate Ultima Online’s 17th Anniversary!

UO Herald - Lore

New Friends, Old Enemies

Author EM Drosselmeyer

The underground tunnel rocked from another explosion, dust and pebbles shaking free from the roof at the fury of his assault. The woman merely sat in her stone chair and waited, listening as she could hear the fighting between a few of her minions and a man she knew outmatched them. As he got closer she could hear his frantic, furious tones as he cast spells far more potently than expected, and for a moment she worried he might collapse the entire complex in his eagerness. “Miiiiinaaaax!”

He was getting closer, and it brought a devilish grin to her lips. The doors were flung open as a bolt of pure energy smashed into them, ripping them from the hinges and she smiled, holding her hands up in a gesture of surrender. “Bravo, Grand Councilor…you have found me.”

“It is time to put an end to this, Minax…to show everyone once and for all that I am the one who should be seen as the strongest sorceror alive!”

“Oh, is it? Well I am sure you know what you are doing then. After all, you did catch me…even if it was your King who did all the heavy lifting for you. I guess they will be happy that one of his pawns came on his orders and caught me…no doubt using his plans and resources…”

Anon’s hands dropped almost imperceptibly as she spoke, but still crackled with magical energy. “What are you blathering about?! I am here, not Blackthorn! Not Dupre!”

Minax spread her hands in a conciliatory gesture. “Oh, yes, but of course…it seems my people have removed all your little councilors and witnesses. And when you do bring me in for a trial, you will have to hand me over to the king…alone, even the might of your Council of Mages cannot defy all the King’s horses and all the King’s men. You will know that it was you…but everyone else will see King Blackthorn as the one who has ended the threat of the Enchantress.”

Anon trembled with fury, and he let loose a sudden fireball that burst from his hands, flying towards Minax…and just over one of her shoulders, trailing heat past her face. “Silence! I will not stand for your lies!”

Minax now let a smile play over her lips. She noticed Shanty slipping into the room, that enchanted cutlass glittering in his hand, but gave a slight shake of her head to him. “What reason would I have to lie? Think for a moment Grand Councilor. You are smarter than they…but who will people believe? The King who saved the gargoyles and their cities…or the mage who has abandoned their task for the realm and plays host to Dupre’s mockery?”

The entire room trembled in his fury as he shouted wordlessly, a burst of unfocused magical energy pushing everything slightly away from him, and Minax quickly continued. “You do not have to let it be that way Anon! Not everyone is a fool. Not everyone thinks as they…and not everyone is out to help them. You could…do better for yourself, Grand Councilor.”

Minax went silent then, her eyes flicking over to Shanty for a moment…knowing that with as volatile as Anon was that this might very well end in a fight no matter what she said. Grand Councilor Anon clenched his left hand into a fist and seemed to be torn. Minax’s voice once more broke the tension. “I ran from you in Vesper because I recognized your power, Anon. I know what you are capable of, and I respect it…and I respect you. And we can force the others to as well. They would not come to your request before…so why bother continuing to help?”

Anon ran his gaze up and down her, and finally his arms relaxed, his hands coming down, only for him to suddenly appear next to her. “Just know, Minax, that if this is a trick of yours, I will bring your world crashing down around you. I am the one who has survived when the others perished…there is a reason for it.” A moment later he vanished from the room, and Minax looked to Shanty…and the two of them both grinned to the other.

“The enemy of my enemy…”

UO Herald - Game Updates

Delay of Publish to Origin and Izumo

Greetings Everyone,

   Due to the fact some last minutes changes were made to Vice vs Virture from player feedback we will not be able to publish to Origin and Izumo today.  Since we do not publish on Fridays we will be manually publishing this on Monday afternoon.

Sorry for the delay but we wanted to make sure we got all your feedback in before we put them out to the public.  This does not change our targetted release date of September 24th.

UO Team

UO Herald - Game Updates

New Friends, Old Enemies

Author EM Drosselmeyer

The underground tunnel rocked from another explosion, dust and pebbles shaking free from the roof at the fury of his assault. The woman merely sat in her stone chair and waited, listening as she could hear the fighting between a few of her minions and a man she knew outmatched them. As he got closer she could hear his frantic, furious tones as he cast spells far more potently than expected, and for a moment she worried he might collapse the entire complex in his eagerness. “Miiiiinaaaax!”


He was getting closer, and it brought a devilish grin to her lips. The doors were flung open as a bolt of pure energy smashed into them, ripping them from the hinges and she smiled, holding her hands up in a gesture of surrender. “Bravo, Grand Councilor…you have found me.”

“It is time to put an end to this, Minax…to show everyone once and for all that I am the one who should be seen as the strongest sorceror alive!”

“Oh, is it? Well I am sure you know what you are doing then. After all, you did catch me…even if it was your King who did all the heavy lifting for you. I guess they will be happy that one of his pawns came on his orders and caught me…no doubt using his plans and resources…”

Anon’s hands dropped almost imperceptibly as she spoke, but still crackled with magical energy. “What are you blathering about?! I am here, not Blackthorn! Not Dupre!”

Minax spread her hands in a conciliatory gesture. “Oh, yes, but of course…it seems my people have removed all your little councilors and witnesses. And when you do bring me in for a trial, you will have to hand me over to the king…alone, even the might of your Council of Mages cannot defy all the King’s horses and all the King’s men. You will know that it was you…but everyone else will see King Blackthorn as the one who has ended the threat of the Enchantress.”

Anon trembled with fury, and he let loose a sudden fireball that burst from his hands, flying towards Minax…and just over one of her shoulders, trailing heat past her face. “Silence! I will not stand for your lies!”

Minax now let a smile play over her lips. She noticed Shanty slipping into the room, that enchanted cutlass glittering in his hand, but gave a slight shake of her head to him. “What reason would I have to lie? Think for a moment Grand Councilor. You are smarter than they…but who will people believe? The King who saved the gargoyles and their cities…or the mage who has abandoned their task for the realm and plays host to Dupre’s mockery?”

The entire room trembled in his fury as he shouted wordlessly, a burst of unfocused magical energy pushing everything slightly away from him, and Minax quickly continued. “You do not have to let it be that way Anon! Not everyone is a fool. Not everyone thinks as they…and not everyone is out to help them. You could…do better for yourself, Grand Councilor.”

Minax went silent then, her eyes flicking over to Shanty for a moment…knowing that with as volatile as Anon was that this might very well end in a fight no matter what she said. Grand Councilor Anon clenched his left hand into a fist and seemed to be torn. Minax’s voice once more broke the tension. “I ran from you in Vesper because I recognized your power, Anon. I know what you are capable of, and I respect it…and I respect you. And we can force the others to as well. They would not come to your request before…so why bother continuing to help?”

Anon ran his gaze up and down her, and finally his arms relaxed, his hands coming down, only for him to suddenly appear next to her. “Just know, Minax, that if this is a trick of yours, I will bring your world crashing down around you. I am the one who has survived when the others perished…there is a reason for it.” A moment later he vanished from the room, and Minax looked to Shanty…and the two of them both grinned to the other.

“The enemy of my enemy…”

Publish 86.3 on TC1

We are pushing our final server publish to TC1 this evening for Publish 86.  We will be putting our a patch and publish to Origin and Izumo the 18th with our new UI!!

Vice vs Virtue

We would like to invite all players to come to TC1 Tuesday afternoon any time after 2 pm EST to help the Devs stress test Vice vs Virtue.

Sign Up & Quitting

  • Players can join Vice vs Virtue by using the “Join Vice vs Virtue” option from the “My Guild” page of the Guild Menu.
  • Clicking “Accept!” from the acceptance gump will enroll players in Vice vs Virtue. While enrolled in Vice vs Virtue players will be open to attack from other VvV players while in a non-consensual PvP facet.
  • All Vice vs Virtue players have [VvV] appended to the end of their name.
  • While enrolled in VvV players will receive messaging when logging in and while logged in informing when battles take place.
  • While enrolled in VvV players will subject to stat loss when killed.
  • Players may quit Vice vs Virtue by selecting the “Resign Vice vs Virtue” option from the “My Guild” page of the Guild Menu.
  • When resigning VvV players will enter a 3 day quitting period. During that 3 day period players will still be attackable by VvV members in non-consensual PvP facets.
  • After the expiration of the 3 day quitting period players will be removed from VvV the next time the player logs in.
  • If a player is removed from a guild while enrolled in VvV they will enter a 3 day quitting period, during which time the player will be flagged as a VvV participant and open to attack while in a non-consensual PvP facet.
  • At the expiration of the 3 day quitting period players will have their VvV participant status removed the next time they log in.
  • A player must fully resign VvV before they can character transfer.



  • When at least 2, non-allied VvV players are logged into the game a random Virtue City will be open for battle.
  • When a VvV player enters an active battle region a battle status gump will open indicating their guild’s scoring progression as well as important match updates.
  • At the start of the battle non-VvV players will receive a warning gump indicating that if they do not leave the battle city they will be open to attack.
  • Any non-VvV player entering the city during the battle will receive the same warning gump.
  • VvV players can score points for their guild in a variety of ways:
    • Being the only guild/alliance to occupy the city
    • Killing opposing non-allied VvV players. There is a 5 minute timeout between when a player’s death results in the killer’s guild receiving points.
    • Finding and returning the Sigil
      • The sigil icon at the bottom of the battle status gump will illuminate when the sigil has spawned.
      • A passive detecting hidden check will alert the player when they are near the sigil with a message that, “Their keen senses detect something hidden in the area” if a player has at least 80.0% detecting hidden skill.
      • Players must use detecting hidden and have at least 100.0% stealing to reveal and steal the sigil.
      • Once the sigil has been acquired it can be returned to either the Priest of Vice or Priest of Virtue.
      • The sigil is cursed and can be picked up or stolen by other VvV players.
    • Claiming an Altar
      • When the message, “Fight for the Altar” appears in the battle status gump an arrow will point towards the direction of the altar.
      • Claim the altar by being the only guild/alliance to stand on it and ignite all 4 braziers.
      • If an opposing VvV player steps onto the altar the claiming process resets.
  • VvV players will receive silver points during the match that can be redeemed for a variety of rewards.
  • When any guild’s point status bar is filled or the battle timer ends the battle will conclude.
  • After a short cool down period if at least 2, non-allied VvV players are logged into the game another battle will start.


  • All Vice vs Virtue players will have [VvV] appended to their overhead name.
  • In consensual PvP facets normal highlighting will occur based on notoriety.
  • In non-consensual PvP facets a Vice vs Virtue player will highlight orange to other Vice vs Virtue players except those players that are in the same guild or alliance.
  • Non VvV players that unlawfully attack a VvV player will be flagged as Vice vs Virtue Participants and highlight orange to VvV players. This participation will last until the player is killed by another player, and will be subject to stat loss upon death.
  • Non VvV Players that preform beneficial actions on VvV players while in combat will be flagged as Vice vs Virtue Participants and highlight orange to VvV players.



  • A variety of rewards are available for purchase from the “Silver Trader” stationed at banks across Britannia.
  • Rewards tagged as “Shard Bound” cannot be shard transferred.
  • Rewards tagged as “VvV” can only be used by Vice vs Virtue players.
  • Rewards tagged as “Owner: “ are character bound.
  • Rewards tagged as “Account Bound” are only usable by characters on the account that claimed the reward.
  • Silver traders will trade items for VvV silver points.
  • A player can have no more than 10,000 silver points.
  • Players will start with 2000 silver points.
  • Silver points will be reset to 2000 each time a player rejoins Vice vs Virtue.
  • Traps
    • Traps can be placed inside an active VvV battle region and come in two deployment varieties, proximity and tripwire.
    • Deployment type can be toggled using the context menu on the trap.
    • Proximity traps detonate when a valid target enters the detonation radius around the trap and cause moderate damage.
    • Tripwire traps detonate when a valid target steps on the tripwire line and cause heavy damage.
    • Traps have a variety of damage packages including,
      • Explosion – causes equal parts fire and physical damage
      • Poison – causes poison damage and poisons the target
      • Cold – causes cold damage and paralyzes the target
      • Energy – causes energy damage and prevents healing for a short period
      • Blades – causes physical damage and puts a bleed effect on the target
    • The number of traps that can be placed inside a VvV battle region is capped at 20.
    • Traps can be passively detected with a detecting hidden skill of at least 80.0%.
    • Traps can be revealed using the detecting hidden skill actively.
    • Traps can be disarmed using the remove trap skill actively.
    • Successful disarmament of a trap results in the trap being returned to the disarmer, failure results in detonation.
    • Guild mates and allies may not detect or remove the traps of their guild mates and allies.
  • Potions
    • Potions are delivered 10 at a time in the form of a special potion keg. Double click on the keg to redeem potions. A variety of potion types are available for purchase from the Silver Trader:
      • Antiparalysis – Removes the effects of paralysis and halves current stamina.
      • Supernova – Causes fire damage to enemies within a 5 tile radius, can be used once every 2 minutes
      • Stat Loss Removal – Removes the effects of stat loss, can be used once every 20 minutes.
      • Greater Stamina – Restores 100-125 stamina over the course of 10 seconds. No other potions can be consumed during this time.
  • War Steeds
    • War Ostards and War Horses are delivered as a pet statuette. Using the pet statuette will create a bonded pet to the user.
    • War steeds cannot be traded, and when released will disappear.
    • War steeds must be fed regular food appropriate to the creature type.
    • War steeds must also be fed “Essence of Courage” to keep up their battle readiness.
    • If a war steed loses all of its battle readiness it will disappear.
  • Hair Dye
    • Hair dye is available in Vice Red and Virtue Blue
  • Mana Spike – Known issue this is not working as expected
    • The mana spike can be deployed during a battle.
    • The mana spike requires 50 mana and will consume all of the user’s mana.
    • The mana spike will reveal all hidden players inside the battle region & do energy damage.
    • Players will not be able to hide while under the effects of the mana spike.
    • Mana spikes can only be used once every 5 minutes.
  • Artifacts (Giving reward artifacts to the Silver Trader will convert it to the Gargoyle version where available)
    • Mace & Shield Reading Glasses
    • The Inquisitor’s Resolution
    • Ornament of the Magician
    • Order Shield
    • Clainin’s Spellbook
    • Folded Steel Reading Glasses
    • Crystalline Ring
    • Spirit of the Totem
    • Wizard’s Crystal Reading Glasses
    • Primer on Arms & Damage Removal
    • Tome of Lost Knowledge
    • Hunter’s Headdress
    • Heart of the Lion
    • Crimson Cincture
    • Ring of the Vile
    • Fey Leggings
  • Equipment
    • Leather Gloves
    • Rune Beetle Carapace
    • Kasa of the Raj-In
    • Wands
    • Wizard Hat
    • Woodland Arms
    • Dragon Sleeves
    • Gargish Platemail Arms
    • Platemail Arms
    • Epaulettes
    • Gargish Stone Chest
    • Studded Tunic
    • Gargish Earrings
  • Hooded Robes
    • Available in Vice Red and Virtue Blue
  • Plans to a Cannon Turret
    • Cannon Turrets can be deployed in an active battle region
    • Cannon Turrets will fire at opposing Vice vs Virtue players and VvV participants causing physical damage.
    • Turrets can be destroyed by attacking the stone base.
    • Turrets start with 20 ammunition and will destroy themselves after they run out of ammo.
    • There is a limit of 10 turrets within the battle region.
  • Royal Forged Pardon
    • Will remove all murder counts a player has.
  • Vice Tile House Add-ons
    • Vice Tile house add-ons that can be placed in a house.
    • Wrong, Shame, Pride, Hythloth, Destard, Despise, Deceit, Covetous.
  • Banners
    • Virtue – Valor, Spirituality, Sacrifice, Justice, Humility, Honor, Honesty, Compassion
    • Vice – Wrong, Shame, Pride, Hythloth, Destard, Despise, Deceit, Covetous.
    • Banners can be double clicked to show a larger version of the artwork.
    • Banners can be turned and raised using an interior decorator.
  • Scroll of Transcendence
    • Random +10 Scroll of Transcendence


Faction System Removal

  • All players have been removed from Factions.
  • Faction horses will revert to normal pets.
  • Faction Greater Stamina Potions, Faction Supernova Potions, Shrine Gems, and Cloaks of Command have been removed.

Traders Quest

Trade Ministers will now offer players the ability to deliver goods between cities in exchange for a variety of rewards!

  • Players may get an offer for a trade order by accessing the context menu on a City Trade Minister. Trade ministers can be found near the docks or stables in the loyalty cities.
  • Upon accepting a trade order players will not be able to magically teleport except for using public moongates with a destination of Felucca.
  • Players accepting their first trade order will receive a message from “A friend…”
  • Trade orders can be cancelled at any time by selecting “Cancel Trade Order” from the context menu on the trade order container.
  • Items required to fill the trade order are generated from the real time inventories of shop keepers in the region.
  • Up to five items in varying quantities can be applied to a trade order and are based on the total number of trade orders a player has completed.
  • Items may be dropped inside the trade order directly or filled from the top level of the player’s backpack using the “Fill from Backpack” context menu option from the trade order container.
  • Stackable, insured, and blessed items will not be put into the trade crate when using the “fill from Backpack” option.
  • Trade orders cannot be removed from the player’s backpack and will be destroyed if the player character transfers.
  • Each trade order has a destination city indicated in the item property display of the trade order container.
  • While delivering the trade order players may be randomly ambushed by monsters.
  • Ambush mobs will have a special “Ambusher” item property, and will despawn after 10 minutes of not being attacked.
  • Monster difficulty scales based on the stats and skills of the player.
  • Killing monsters while delivering a trade order provides a bonus to the amount of gold the destination city treasury receives up to a capped number of kill per delivery.
  • Trade orders with greater distances between the origin and destination city will boost the amount of gold deposited to the destination city treasury as well as the amount of resources rewarded.
  • When a player successfully returns a filled trade order to the correct destination city’s Trade Minister they have a chance of receiving a variety of rewards including,
    • 1 in a set of story books with a unique story from each of the loyalty cities. Each player is eligible for one set of books and will receive a new one each time a book is rewarded.
    • A random NPC guild sign engravable with a wooden container engraving tool
    • Random resources for blacksmithing, carpentry, tailoring, and imbuing
    • A random 0.1 – 1.0 Scroll of Transcendence
  • A deposit of funds will also be made to the origin city’s treasury.
  • Players received positive Karma and City Love in the destination & origin cities if trade orders are turned into the City Trade Minister
  • A player may also opt to deliver a completed trade order to Slim the Fence for rewards including,
    • A skeleton key
    • A random magic item
    • a random 0.1 – 1.0 Scroll of Transcendence
    • A rare chance at “An Expired Voucher for a Free Drink at the Fortune’s Fire Casino”
    • A rare chance at “Forged Artwork from King Blackthorn’s Castle”
    • A rare chance at “Slim the Fence’s Little Black Book”
    • An rare chance at “Slim’s Shadow Veil”
      • An uber shadow colored leather mempo
      • Faster Casting 1
  • Players received negative Karma and City Hate in the destination & origin cities if trade orders are turned into Slim the Fence.
  • Specialty Titles are available from the Title System Menu when completing trade orders:
    • Trader – Deliver 1 trade order to the City Trade Minister
    • Exporter – Deliver 25 trade orders to the City Trade Minister
    • Broker – Deliver 50 trade orders to the City Trade Minister
    • Tycoon – Deliver 100 trade orders to the City Trade Minister
    • Magnate – Deliver 150 trade orders to the City Trade Minister
    • Smuggler – Deliver 50 trade orders to Slim the Fence

Global Loot Changes

All magical items (weapons, armor, and jewelry) will now spawn with properties generated via new loot property generation. These include items found,

  • On Monsters
  • In SoS Chests
  • In Treasure Chests
  • In Dungeon Chests
  • In Khaldun Puzzle Chests
  • In Paragon Chests
  • From Dredging Hooks
  • From Quest rewards
  • Loot obtained from monsters, SoS Chests, Treasure Chests, Dredging Hooks, and as Quest Rewards will be influenced by the luck of the individual getting the loot.
  • Loot obtained from Dungeon Chests and Khaldun Puzzle Chests will have loot influenced with a random luck value between 0 and 240.
  • Loot generated in Felucca has a 1000 point luck bonus applied to it, as well as bonuses to budgets used in item property generation.
  • The following negative item properties can now be found on magic items:
    • Brittle – Cannot have powder of fortification applied to the item
    • Prized – Item insurance cost is increased, cannot be blessed
    • Massive – Increased strength requirement, indicated in the strength requirement item property
    • Unwieldy – Increased item weight, indicated in the weight item property
    • Cursed – Cannot be insured or blessed
    • Antique – Increased durability loss, can be powdered 3 times. Each powder will reduce max durability to 250, 200, and 150 respectively. Can be repaired.
  • Items spawned with the brittle property will have a default max durability of 255.
  • All items with the ephemeral property will be converted to antique.
  • Items will have at maximum 1 negative property applied to them.
  • Item insurance will now scale up based on item intensity.
  • Magical jewelry (rings and bracelets) will now have a default max durability of 255.
  • Additional monster loot items will be spawned based on party size and luck.

Cleanup Britannia Additions/Updates:

We have added several new Cleanup Britannia Rewards to the Cleanup Officers including the following:

  • Mailbox (1000 points)
  • 3 types of decorative mushrooms (1000 points each)
  • Primordial Decay – Elemental Slayer Instrument (20,000 points)
  • Arachnid Doom – Arachnid Slayer Instrument (20,000 points)
  • Presentation Stone (a pedestal that can be dyed with Tokuno dyes, natural dyes or a furniture dye tub) (75,000 points)
  • Vibrant Ocher Pigment (250,000 points)
  • Olive Green Pigment (250,000 points)
  • Lucky Charm (Talisman – Hit Point Regeneration 1, Stamina Regeneration 1, Mana Regeneration 1 and Luck 150) (300,000 points)
  • Soldier’s Medal (Talisman – Tactics +10, Stamina Regeneration 2, Hit Chance Increase 5% and Damage Increase 20%) (300,000 points)
  • Duelist’s Edge (Talisman – Anatomy +10, Stamina Regeneration 2, Hit Chance Increase 5% and Damage Increase 20%) (300,000 points)
  • Necromancer’s Phylactery (Talisman – Spirit Speak +10, Mana Regeneration 1, Spell Damage Increase 5% and Lower Reagent Cost 10%) (300,000 points)
  • Wizard’s Curio (Talisman – Evaluate Intelligence +10, Mana Regeneration 1, Spell Damage Increase 5% and Lower Reagent Cost 10%) (300,000 points)
  • Mystic’s Memento (Talisman – Focus +10, Mana Regeneration 1, Spell Damage Increase 5% and Lower Reagent Cost 10%) (300,000 points)
  • Vollem Held in a Crystal (500,000 points)

We have also added many items to the Cleanup Britannia turn in list including the following:

  • Covetous Artifacts (Blight of the Tundra, Bracelet of Protection, Brightblade, Hephaestus and Prismatic Lenses) (2,000 points)
  • Despise Artifacts (Compassion’s Eye, Despicable Quiver, Hailstorm, Unforgiven Veil, Unicorn Mane Woven Sandals and Unicorn Mane Woven Talons) (2,000 points)
  • Ararat Artifacts (Abhorrence, Captain Johne’s Blade, Craven, Equivocation and Pincer) (2,000 points)
  • Exodus Artifacts and Replica Artifacts (Dupre’s Sword, Clockwork Leggings, Bracers of Alchemical Devastation (Replica), Asclepius (Replica) and Hygieia’s Necklace (Replica) (2,000 points)
  • Items bearing the crest of Minax (1,000 points)
  • Ararat stealables (Ararat Anchor, Ararat Bell, Ararat Figurehead) (750 points)
  • Golden Fishing Pole and Golden Tinker Tool Kit (500 points)
  • 2014 Valentine’s Day Kittens and Puppies (400 points)
  • 2013 Carved Pumpkins (400 points) (1,400 points for the two rare pumpkins)
  • 2013 Heads on a spike (300 points) (6,000 points for the rare head on a spike)
  • 2013 Pumpkin Carving Kits and 2013 Carvable Pumpkin (200 points)
  • Pig on a Spit Deed and Note from Cousteau (100 points)
  • 2014 Chocolate Jelly Beans, 2014 Easter Basket, 2013 Lobster Dinner, 2013 Holiday Candle, 2013 Deed for a Claw Foot Tub, 2013 Alacrity Deed Scroll Book, 16th Anniversary Gift Bag, 16th Anniversary Venus Flytrap, 16thAnniversary Staghorn Fern, 16th Anniversary Japanese Maple, 16thAnniversary Dieffenbachia, 16th Anniversary Plant Deed, 16th Anniversary Platter, 16th Anniversary Card, 16th Anniversary Pony Statuette (50 points)
  • 2014 Easter Bunny (50 points) (1,000 points for the rare location)
  • 2014 Marshmallow Ducklings (1 point)

Increased the number of uses on each Cleanup Britannia slayer instruments from 250 use to 450 uses.

Players will no longer receive turn in points for Antique items.

Players will now be able to combine similar Tokuno style pigments up to a maximum of 50 uses by double clicking the first pigment and then targeting the second pigment to combine them.

Bug Fixes

  • Special Move: Dismount mana cost increased to 25 from 20. Ranged dismount now lasts 8 seconds while melee remains at 10 seconds.
  • Players that use AOE special attacks will no longer become aggressive to their own pets
  • All Despicable Quivers and Unforgiven Veils will now be blessed by default.

· Item insurance costs will no longer be reset when switching subservers.


Classic Client 7.0.35

  • Cliloc Changes
  • Art Additions

Enhanced Client 4.0.35

  • Cliloc Changes
  • Art Additions

Producer Letter

Greetings Everyone,

I would like to start off todays letter by telling the Izumo players I am sorry for having to cut short the Meet and Greet and finish answering their questions.

















あなたたちはuo.comでアナウンスしながら、詳細についてはUO Straticsでコメントしています。



そのことをUO StraticsでMr.Bleakが詳細についてコメントしてましたが、数日して、制限を無くしたことをUO Straticsにてアナウンスしました。



今後の私達がuo.com見るのは間違いないだろうけど、その全員がUO Straticsも見るとは限らないのです。

もし、UO Straticsで重要なことをアナウンスするのなら全てuo.comの方に記事として載せて貰えませんか?








1)I want to stack the moonshines of pirate and bottle of single.

This is not a simple fix, we will look into it and get back to you .

2)Please do make a fruit juice.(non-alcoholic)

Great Idea!

3)I want to cook many kinds of more.Please increase the item type that can be cooking.

We would love to do a Farming Booster pack with new foods and recipes and things to grow and cook.

4)Please return the decay time of the house.

It was returned to the 5 days.

5)Disappearance time was shortened when placed in the ground objects.(it has been changed to about 60-80mins from a over 2hours.)

Is it bug?Please correct quickly if it is bug.

This is not a bug it was done on purpose to fix a crash in the game.

6)sorry,No,6 is long.

What I mean is the problem of where to find information of people in the English-speaking and non-English speaking.

Comments from development, such as bug reports had been made in the form of mediating EA Japan until last year.

However, EA Japan is from no longer matter to the Ultima Online, we have gained from (information).

However, I have a problem here.

You guys commented in UO Stratics For more information, even while public relations in

It’s not reflected in or this thing and Why?

If you say recently, it was announced that it has restricted the character transfer by the 14th Anniversary Shard Shields.

Mr.Bleak had commented on the detail in the UO Stratics about it, but in a few days, it was announced at the UO Stratics that it has an unlimited.

But, it’s not announce this thing in

Who have seen only will become thought the character transfer by the 14th Anniversary Shard Shields function and remains of two weeks in this limit.

All of us in the future to see undoubtedly, but it’s not necessarily all of them and also see UO Stratics.

Would not get to put as an article towards the all if, if to announce that it is important in the UO Stratics?

There is also in development, you guys are news organizations that transmit information in the future to the player.

Ask my’d make it easier to touch in non-English-speaking by centralizing information destination.

We understand the frustration of the non- English speaking players, I am sorry it has taken us so long to find a web designer that we feel has the love and knowledge of UO to help us redo our Web page but we have finally found one and are really excited. As we go forward with the planning changes on UO.COM we are planning to have the site not only translate to Japanese but hopefully to Korean, Chinese and German. I will keep everyone updated on our progress as we make it. I want to make sure the Japanese players also know we have the archived Japanese site so it will not be lost.

The UO Team would like to invite everyone to join us for a State of the UO Address on Wednesday 17th September at 7pm EST.

If you would like to have us answer any questions you may have that you have always wanted to ask us please submit them by email or on the thread generated by this post on stratics forums over the next two days after which the thread will be locked.  Emails received after the deadline will not be included.

You can watch at any of the following locations:

Google+:  Watch live on Google+
YouTube:  Watch Live on YouTube
Twitch: Watch live on Twitch live on Twitch

Please join us for some exciting news as to what the team is up to and where we are going next.

We will be publishing Pub 86 to TC1 on Monday and to Origin and Izumo on the 18th.  We are looking to have Pub 86 World Wide on the 24th!   At that time Return to Britannia will be active as well!

See everyone soon!