The Herald

UO Herald - Game Updates

17th Anniversary T-Shirts Offer

Greetings Everyone!

We have designed a new T-Shirt for eveyone’s enjoyment!  If you would like a shirt head on over here!  If you guys like these and want more styles we will design more shirts and hoodies for the different seasons and make them available in the future.  Just let me know what you think!!  We hope you enjoy these.

We are putting the final touches on Publish 86 so there will not be a publish to TC1 this week.  We are looking to have the final patch on TC1 on September 15th.  Thank you for everyone that has helped with Vice vs Virtue and all the help you have given the team during this publish cycle.

We have most of the Advisors set up on TC1 robed and running around, we still need to fill 10 more slots

Thank you!

UO Team

UO Herald - Game Updates

Producer Update

Good Afternoon everyone,

      The UO team wants to wish everyone a Happy Labor Day on Monday, please be safe if you are driving!   

     We are excited to release an update to TC1 for Vice vs Virtue. In this update we have introduced the following,

  • At the beginning of each battle three altars will spawn within the City.

  • Shortly after the match begins, the action feed will display a message to “Fight for the Altar!”

  • An arrow will direct you towards the location of the altar.

  • The objective is to be the only guild or alliance on the altar and successfully prevent enemies from stepping onto the altar.

  • As time passes columns of fire will shoot up from the altar, igniting the four braziers surrounding the altar.

  • When all 4 braziers have been lit, the guild or alliance that successfully held the altar will receive points.

  • If at any time an enemy guild steps onto the altar progress will be reset.

  • After a short period of time the action feed will display a message to again, “Fight for the Altar!” and the process repeats.

    Please note there is a known issue with the EC and how the arrow is displayed pointing to the location of the altar, this will be fixed in the next publish to TC1.

We look forward to hearing your feedback on this new VvV mechanic!

Thanks everyone!!!!

UO Herald - Game Updates

Producer Update

Good afternoon everyone,

    We will be having an extended maintenance tomorrow on Oceania to preform some required maintenance.  This should only extend the maintenance time by an hour.

    We are also looking to start Advisor training on TC1 so please be kind to them when you see them.  We are also looking to publish phase 2 of Vice and Virtue which includes the removal of Factions.  We have fixed the crash issue related to the traders quest.  

    We are changing the boat decay back to the normal 14 day decay rate,  starting tonight with Japan’s regular maintanence cycle, all other shards will get this during their normal maintenance cycle.

   Please be aware that if you try to do a character transfer from a Japanese shard to a US shard during this time you will not be able to due to the fact they will be out of sync.  Please hold off till all shards have received this update tomorrow.

Thank you.

UO Herald - Game Updates

Revert on Yamato

Good morning everyone,

   We have experienced some issues with the backup on Yamato hanging up causing issues and not allowing players to log in.  To fix this we are having to do a 7.5 hour revert on Yamato.  We have currently taking it down and are working to get it back up.  We are sorry for the inconvience and will get it back up as soon as possible.

Thank you,

UO Team

Publish 86.2 to TC1

Publish Update to TC1

Next week we will have an update to Vice vs Virtue.


Publish 86.0.2

Global Loot Changes

  • Khaldun Puzzle Chests now convert to next generation loot.
  • Talisman now spawn with loot properties.
  • Chests found in locations such as the Vesper Bank and the Trinsic Guard Tower have converted loot.
  • Creatures that normally did not attack each other based on karma will no longer attach each other.
  • Items from the Despise wisp have been toned down.
  • Specialty items obtained from SoS loot will not be converted to next generation loot.

Traders Quest

  • Slim the Fence will now persist in the three tavern locations even when a trade order has been turned in to him.
  • Trade orders should be available with a destination of Yew.
  • Slim the Fence will no longer reward forged pardons, and now has a chance of rewarding a random magic item, or one of his rare rewards.
  • City Trade Ministers will now reward either resources or a random Scroll of Transcendence in addition to their specialty rewards.
  • Reward Scrolls of Transcendence will have a random value between 0.1 and 1.0
  • Turning trade orders in to Slim the Fence will result in gaining hate from the destination and origin cities with regards to city loyalty, as well as a karma loss.
  • Turning trade orders in to the City Trade Minister will result in gaining love from the destination and origin cities with regards to city loyalty, as well as a karma gain.
  • Ambusher mobs will scale based on the stats and skills of the player doing the quest, and will have an “Ambusher” item property.
  • Trade crates will provide a 50% weight reduction to items placed inside them.
  • Trade crates will expire after 24 hours.
  • Ambush mobs can no longer be tamed or charmed.
  • Insured and Blessed items will not be transferred to the trade crate when using the Fill from backpack menu option.
  • Titles earned through the trade quest can now be assigned as subtitles or as overhead suffixes.
  • The title of “Magnate” is now available after completing 150 trade orders to the City Trade Minister.

Bug Fixes

  • Item insurance costs will no longer be reset when switching subservers.
  • Certain monster AIs that could teleport a player to an inappropriate blocked location will no longer occur.

UO Herald - Game Updates

TC1 Publish 86.2 Translated Update

Publish 86.2 TC1 Update

We will have an update to Vice vs Virtue next week so please watch UO.Com for the patch notes.

Publish 86.0.2

Global Loot Changes


Khaldun Puzzle Chests now convert to next generation loot.

Khaldun のパズルチェストは、新しい戦利品に変更されます。

Talisman now spawn with loot properties.


Chests found in locations such as the Vesper Bank and the Trinsic Guard Tower have converted loot.

Vesper BankやTrinsic Guard Towerなどにあるチェストは、新戦利品に変更されます。

Creatures that normally did not attack each other based on karma will no longer attach each other.


Items from the Despise wisp have been toned down.


Specialty items obtained from SoS loot will not be converted to next generation loot.


Traders Quest

Slim the Fence will now persist in the three tavern locations even when a trade order has been turned in to him.

トレードオーダーが彼に提出された時、 スリムフェンスが酒場内の3つの場所へ移動する事はなくなります。

Trade orders should be available with a destination of Yew.


Slim the Fence will no longer reward forged pardons, and now has a chance of rewarding a random magic item, or one of his rare rewards.


City Trade Ministers will now reward either resources or a random Scroll of Transcendence in addition to their specialty rewards.

街のTrade Ministersは、特別な報酬に加え、資材、ランダムな超越のスクロールのどれかを与えるでしょう。

Reward Scrolls of Transcendence will have a random value between 0.1 and 1.0


Turning trade orders in to Slim the Fence will result in gaining hate from the destination and origin cities with regards to city loyalty, as well as a
karma loss.


Turning trade orders in to the City Trade Minister will result in gaining love from the destination and origin cities with regards to city loyalty, as well
as a karma gain.

街のTrade Ministersに取引注文すると、街の忠誠に関して届け先と元の街から愛を獲得し、カルマが増加します。

Ambusher mobs will scale based on the stats and skills of the player doing the quest, and will have an “Ambusher” item property.


Trade crates will provide a 50% weight reduction to items placed inside them.


Trade crates will expire after 24 hours.


Ambush mobs can no longer be tamed or charmed.


Insured and Blessed items will not be transferred to the trade crate when using the Fill from backpack menu option.


Titles earned through the trade quest can now be assigned as subtitles or as overhead suffixes.


The title of “Magnate” is now available after completing 150 trade orders to the City Trade Minister.

「Magnate」のタイトルは街のTrade Ministerに150の取引注文を完了した後、利用可能になりました。

Bug Fixes

Item insurance costs will no longer be reset when switching subservers.


Certain monster AIs that could teleport a player to an inappropriate blocked location will no longer occur.


UO Herald - Game Updates

Publish 86.2 to TC1

Publish Update to TC1

Next week we will have an update to Vice vs Virtue



Publish 86.0.2

Global Loot Changes

  • Khaldun Puzzle Chests now convert to next generation loot.

  • Talisman now spawn with loot properties.

  • Chests found in locations such as the Vesper Bank and the Trinsic Guard Tower have converted loot.

  • Creatures that normally did not attack each other based on karma will no longer attach each other.

  • Items from the Despise wisp have been toned down.

  • Specialty items obtained from SoS loot will not be converted to next generation loot.

Traders Quest

  • Slim the Fence will now persist in the three tavern locations even when a trade order has been turned in to him.

  • Trade orders should be available with a destination of Yew.

  • Slim the Fence will no longer reward forged pardons, and now has a chance of rewarding a random magic item, or one of his rare rewards.

  • City Trade Ministers will now reward either resources or a random Scroll of Transcendence in addition to their specialty rewards.

  • Reward Scrolls of Transcendence will have a random value between 0.1 and 1.0

  • Turning trade orders in to Slim the Fence will result in gaining hate from the destination and origin cities with regards to city loyalty, as well as a karma loss.

  • Turning trade orders in to the City Trade Minister will result in gaining love from the destination and origin cities with regards to city loyalty, as well as a karma gain.

  • Ambusher mobs will scale based on the stats and skills of the player doing the quest, and will have an “Ambusher” item property.

  • Trade crates will provide a 50% weight reduction to items placed inside them.

  • Trade crates will expire after 24 hours.

  • Ambush mobs can no longer be tamed or charmed.

  • Insured and Blessed items will not be transferred to the trade crate when using the Fill from backpack menu option.

  • Titles earned through the trade quest can now be assigned as subtitles or as overhead suffixes.

  • The title of “Magnate” is now available after completing 150 trade orders to the City Trade Minister.

Bug Fixes

  • Item insurance costs will no longer be reset when switching subservers.

  • Certain monster AIs that could teleport a player to an inappropriate blocked location will no longer occur.

Producer Letter

Good Afternoon Everyone,

With everything going on I thought I would take a few moments and let you guys know what we have been up to.

Kyronix and I just got back from Orlando Florida.  We were invited to speak at SyndCon and get a chance to talk about what we are doing and get alot of feedback from the players face to face.  It’s always nice to put faces to the names, and be able to talk to you guys in person.  We really enjoy having any chance to do this, thank you!  We would like to take this chance to give a big shout out to The Syndicate for adding another year to their record, Congrats!!

On a different note, we would like to thank everyone for your patience while we worked out the shield transfer token fix.  We are still taking care of a few loose ends and hope to have most of it finished by the end of this week.

We are working on an update to hopefully publish TC1 this week so we look forward to your feedback.  Please keep an eye on UO.Com for the updated notes.

We are doing a Backpack Art Contest only on the shards that do not have owners to the Abyss Houses.  Please check our facebook page for the rules to the contest and the shards which will be eligible.

We will be sending out more invites to join the Internal Vice vs Viture Focus group this week.  Please check your emails and respond as soon as possible.

Last but not least,  I am sure everyone has seen an increase in the decay rate of items on the ground, houses, and boats.  This is due to a fix we had to put in for a shard crash.  Due to the fact that the house decay does not give players enough time to move their items from one house to another, we are going to be putting in another patch to change this.  Players will have 5 days for a house to decay.

Till next time, see you in Britannia!
Bonnie “Mesanna” Armstrong

UO Herald - Game Updates

Producer Letter

Good Afternoon Everyone,

   With everything going on I thought I would take a few moments and let you guys know what we have been up to.

   Kyronix and I just got back from Orlando Florida.  We were invited to speak at SyndCon and get a chance to talk about what we are doing and get alot of feedback from the players face to face.  It’s always nice to put faces to the names, and be able to talk to you guys in person.  We really enjoy having any chance to do this, thank you!  We would like to take this chance to give a big shout out to The Syndicate for adding another year to their record, Congrats!!

   On a different note, we would like to thank everyone for your patience while we worked out the shield transfer token fix.  We are still taking care of a few loose ends and hope to have most of it finished by the end of this week.

   We are working on an update to hopefully publish TC1 this week so we look forward to your feedback.  Please keep an eye on UO.Com for the updated notes.

    We are doing a Backpack Art Contest only on the shards that do not have owners to the Abyss Houses.  Please check our facebook page for the rules to the contest and the shards which will be eligible.

   We will be sending out more invites to join the Internal Vice vs Viture Focus group this week.  Please check your emails and respond as soon as possible.

   Last but not least,  I am sure everyone has seen an increase in the decay rate of items on the ground, houses, and boats.  This is due to a fix we had to put in for a shard crash.  Due to the fact that the house decay does not give players enough time to move their items from one house to another, we are going to be putting in another patch to change this.  Players will have 5 days for a house to decay.

Till next time, see you in Britannia!
Bonnie “Mesanna” Armstrong



UO Herald - Game Updates

Publish and Patch today

Good afternoon,,

    We are putting out a new client patch which should fix the Japaense cliloc errors tonight .  All servers will receive a publish during their normal maintenance hours to change the way the 14th Anniversary Shard Shields function.  They will now only allow transfers once every 2 weeks.  You will see a disturbance in Character transfers until all shards get the same server version.

Thanks everyone!

UO Team