The Herald

UO Herald - Game Updates

Publish 82 Updates

We are putting out a publish to fix a few bugs that have been called to our attention.  These changes will be seen after your next maintenance cycle,

  • Corrected an issue which prevented the imbuing of the Gargish Amulet and the stone Gargish Amulet.
  • Corrected an issue which broke auto-defending attackers once a player had multiple aggressors and had healed themselves.
  • Corrected  an issue with north facing Compassion Virtue tile.

Looting rights distribution update

Healing now only applies aggression towards a healed targets aggressors,  if the healed target is not a pet, the healed target is not the healer, and the healed target has attacked the aggressor.
Example 1: Warrior A is fighting Mob B. Healer C heals Warrior A and now has aggressed Mob B.
Example 2: Tamer A’s pet is fighting Mob B. Healer C heals Tamer A’s pet and does not aggress Mob B.

UO Herald - Game Updates

Orgin Store Issues

I was just told by Origin that they know what the problem is that resulted in multi codes not being sent.  The good news is the charges for the 2nd and 3rd item failed .  They are removing the ability to purchase the Kings Collection and should be back up and fix after 5 pm EDT. 

At the return of the store everyone that purchased more than one code will be sent their codes.  So please wail till tomorrow to insure you get an email if you do not then please let me know.

I am sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you guys and thank you for being patient with us while we fix this issue.

UO Herald - Game Updates

Origin Store Issues

Hello everyone,

   I wanted to let everyone know that the issue with not getting your codes has been reported and I have someone working on it right now.  After speaking with my contact at the Origin store the 2nd and 3rd Theme packs purchases did not go through even though they appeared as they did.  There was an error in the labeling of the Theme pack and until this is corrected please do not buy more than one code per Origin account.  As soon as this is fixed I will let you guys know.

UO Herald - Game Updates

Publish 82

Publish 82.0.0

Publish 82 is being published on TC1 today, it will be on Origin and Izumo on Thursday/Friday during their maintenance.  The publish will go live on Monday June 24th during morning maintenance.

King’s Collection Theme Pack

• The King’s Collection theme pack will be available for purchase from the Origin store on Monday, June 24th, 2013.
• The King’s Collection provides an entitlement code to be applied to your account and also a code to redeem a token to claim in game items.
• Your account must have the King’s Collection entitlement to use the King’s Collection token to claim in game items
• The collection includes both items available for direct delivery as well as new craftables.
• Items available for direct delivery can only be placed by accounts that have the King’s Collection entitlement.
• Direct delivery items are delivered in a new specialty case to the player’s bank box when the token is used and includes:
 Dragon Lantern Lamp
 Tall Lamp
 Barrel Sponge (Will generate random specialty potions 35/week)
 Alchemist Bookcase
 Fire Painting (Will generate a random .1 Scrolls of Transcendence once per week)
 Ship Painting(Will generate large powder charges 42/week)
 Horse Painting
 Castle Painting
 Cactus Sponge
 Shelf Sponge
 Fluffy Sponge
 Koi Lamp
 Bird Lamp
 Bull Tapestry
 Monastery Bell (Plays a sound when double clicked)
 Embroidered Tapestry
 15th Anniversary Lithograph
 Marble Table
 Golden Table
 Ornate Bed
 Four Post Bed
• The collection will also allow crafters with the correct entitlement  to create the following items that anyone can use.
• Carpentry Craft able Items
 Plain Wooden Shelf
 Fancy Wood Shelf
 Fancy Loveseat
 Fancy Couch
 Plush Loveseat
 Plant Tapestry
 Metal Table
 Long Metal Table
 Wooden table
 Long Wooden Table
 Cello (Plays a sound when double clicked)
 Wall Mounted Bell (plays a sound when double clicked)
 Trumpet (plays a sound when double clicked)
 Cowbell (plays a sound when double clicked)
• Tinkering Menu
 Dragon Lamp
 Stained Glass Lamp
 Tall Double Lamp

Miscellaneous Additions

• Workable glass can now be crafted via the glassblowing menu.

Clean Up Dyes

• 2 old, Glossy Blue & Deep Violet
• 2 new, Liquid Sunshine & Dark Void

Looting rights distribution update

Corrected issue which prevented players healing scores from being calculated correctly in loot final score.
Healing now applies aggression towards targets aggressors. Example: Warrior A is fighting Mob B. Healer C heals Warrior A and now has aggressed Mob B. (Does not apply in PvP)
DPS weight has been adjusted to be closer to Pre Publish 74 in final loot score.

New Gargoyle Equipment: Amulets

• Non medable neck armor
• Crafted using masonry and blacksmithing. Amulets cannot be reforged and material bonuses are not applied when crafted.

Bug Fixes

• Election data will no longer be reset every hour on the first day of the election cycle.
• Corrected an issue where the informational gump indicating who the current governor is could display incorrect information.
• Removed errant water tiles in a part of the ocean where ships could become stuck.
• Anniversary rugs will no longer spam system messages when multiple items are collected.
• Gargoyles can no longer fly when copied/transferred from one shard to another.
• A greater refreshment potion which was poured from a potion keg now shows correct name.
• Greater refreshment potion kegs will now show the correct name.
• 720.0 is now the default total skill cap for all players.
• Shop prices can now be set to a negative value by faction finance ministers on Abyss rule set shards.

Siege Housing

As of 6/21/13, player accounts will be allowed to have one primary house placed on a siege rule set shard (Mugen/ Siege Perilous) as well as one primary house placed on a non siege rule set shard.

Classic client  7.0.31

• Cliloc Changes
• New Art Additions
• New instrument sounds

Enhanced Client  4.0.31

• Cliloc Changes
• New Art Additions
• New instrument sounds

UO Herald - Game Updates

Voting Fix

Greetings everyone,

    We have put out a fix for the voting issuethe players have been experiencing.  After maintenance tomorrow the issue should be corrected.  Thank you for your patience while we fix this problem.

Good luck everyone!!

UO Team

UO Herald - Game Updates

Hiring Event Moderators

I am looking for several active players that are creative and would like to see your ideas come to life.  I have several openings that I am looking to fill at this time,  If you are interested in joining a great group of people please fill out the application below and return it to

This is a contacted postion, that requires you to put in a max. of 24 hours a month.  If you have already applied please reapply to let me know you are still interested in joining.  You must be 18 years of age, and have an active account in UO.  The applications will be judged on the merits of the submitted event in the application.

1.  Name

2.  Age

3. Shard/shards you play on?

4.  What language (s) do you speak?

5.  Account names (no passwords please)

6.  How long have you played UO?

7.  Have you ever been a volunteer or worked with EA before?

8.  What type of character do you like to play?

9.  If you could change anything about UO what would it be?

10.  Have any of your accounts ever been suspended, if so what was the reason?

11.  Please write up an event you would would like to run on a shard, include a (if any) reward you would like to give, 

Thank you everyone and please have a safe Memorial Day!!


UO Herald - Game Updates

Ask and Answer

1 UO Stratics
Regarding the loot table for Charybdis, at present the few we’ve been able to do seem to only ever give a Regeneration Piece drop to the summoning fisher. As that’s usually me, I don’t know what happens for the others, but they’ve reported seeing a message that I get the drop. Does this mean there’s nothing special on Charybdis for those who help kill him, or are there mysteries still to be found deep within the wobbly bits of this most rare of encounters? (Adol )

 Misk- Aside from the standard loot found on the corpse of Charybdis there is currently one piece of the Regeneration (Virtuous/Villainous) armor given out per Charybdis encounter.  The system first attempts to provide the armor to the summoner if that player is within range.  If that first attempt fails it then tries to provide the reward to a player on the top attacker list.  If that second attempt fails then the armor is simply placed onto the corpse of Charybdis.  There have actually been recent discussion on the team about adding some new and improved loot to the encounter.

2. UO Stratics
Do talisman slayers have any affect on caster summons? For example, if I am a mystic and have a bird slayer talisman equipped, will my Rising Colossus have slayer damage ability if I am fighting swoop? Are there any cases where talisman slayers benefit casters (mages, mystics, necros)? What about tamers or bards? The only use I can find for slayer talismans is for warrior classes and I want to verify that my info is correct. Thank you. (Obsidian)

Kyronix: Slayers only benefit the object they are equipped on, which would be the player. 

3. UO Stratics
Durability loss
How is durability loss calculated on weapons and armor through wear? Does swamp dragon armor damage reduction cause armor to wear more slowly? Do resist increase refinements cause armor to wear more quickly? Does parrying cause wear to shields or weapons? (Gheed)

Bleak – There are several ways to lose durability on equipped items. When defenders take damage there are two chances to lose durability. Attacking with a weapon will always have a chance to lose durability on the weapon .  Armor chance to lose durability is 15% and weapon chance to lose scales from 15% – 65% based on weapon speed.  Swamp dragon armor damage reduction does not negate durability loss. Refinements currently do not cause armor to wear more quickly.  Parrying will also result in shields as well as  attacker and defender weapons having a chance to lose durability.

4. UO StraticsIs modding the 2d client still against the TOS?
With the introduction of UI modding with the EC client does this mean we can modify the 2d client within the same TOS constraints as the EC client? (Cycloknight)

Mesanna:  The Classic Client is not built for modding where as the Enchanced Client was coded for it.  So the answer is no you can not alter the Classic client.

5. UO StraticsCan the Enhanced Client download New Players get have Pinco’s included?Since New Players are most likely going to download the Enhanced Client option, can Pinco’s mods be automatically included in the game client they wind up with? The current EC client UI that New Players run into after the client download is finished is pretty basic. (Tanivar)

Mesanna:  We do not own Pinco’s client therefore are unable to have it available when you download the client.

6.UO StraticsWhy do golems have blood?
How come when I smack a Golem in the EC I get a nice spatter of blood? Shouldn’t they be squirting hydraulic fluid or something? (nexus)

Mesanna:  We will look into the option to keep it from bleeding.

UO Herald - Game Updates

Ask and Answer

1. UO Stratics
From Pub 81 :
– The looting rights threshold has been lowered for all mobs.
Can you give us some more details on this change? How it works in compare now then before pub 81.
With some % would be nice to make us better to understand. (Kelly O’Brian of Drachenfels.)

Bleak: As mentioned before loot rights are broken up into three separate totals (damage dealt, healing done, and damage received ) which are combined to equal the players looting right score. The looting right threshold is based on the highest looting right score which is use as the measuring stick for all other attackers. Pre publish 81 the required threshold was 12% of highest looting right score and since publish 81 it is 6%.

2 UO Stratics

Moonstone Jewelery

Can a dev please make another statement on this drop? Specifically where does it actually come from now? Is it Fezzik the Chef or a cannibal mage or a chest in Fezzik’s area? all ove the previous? Has the drop % been altered because of the increase in difficulty of the target now? Thank you. (Mentiras)

Misk: Currently the only mob in game that can drop the moonstone jewelry is Fezzik the Ogre Cook.  The chances for the jewelry to spawn is 1 in a 1000 and if you are lucky enough to get a drop they will spawn on the mobs corpse.

3. UO Stratics
I was wondering if yaw had any plans for this year or next-year for another get-together as last year was simply amazing and i loved it, and was hoping yaw would do another another one this year if anyway possible.(Bazer)

Mesanna:  Currently there are no plans for another Meeting planned with the players but we do look forward to organizing one in the future.

4. UO Stratics
Does using rocks at Navery lower the chance for a drop?(Gantry)

Kyronix: The drop rate is locked in no matter what. However, using the rocks is not seen as damage done by your character.  So while damaging Navrey with the rocks will cause her to receive a greater amount of damage, in order to qualify for the list of those randomly chosen to have a shot at rolling for rewards, you need to damage her directly.

5. UO Stratics
Line of Sight Question.
If I ‘cannot see that’ and my ‘pet cannot see that?’ Why can [that] see, and attack, me and/or my pet through the wall, through a door or around a corner? (weins201 (paraphrased))

Mesanna:  Unlike players and pets mobs are able to agro thru walls, mountains etc.  We have seen this for as long as UO has been around, Your pet stays engaged due to the fact the mob is trying to fight it.  This is not an easy fix and I can’t promise you it will be fixed in the future.  The work around is to get your pet to obey you.  If you are having spells casted at you or your pet thru walls then that is a problem.  Please report that to us with the type of mob, the dungeon etc so we can confirm this issue and get it into our system.