The Herald

UO Herald - Game Updates

Bug Fixes

We are putting out a fix for the following issues, European shards will see this tonight everyone else will get it during their normal maintenance times tomorrow, 4/27/2013.

Corrected issue which prevented armor ignore damage when hit lightning effects were triggered.

            Corrected issue which resulted in players receiving extra DCI.

UO Herald - Game Updates

Update on Character Transfer

We will be turning on Character Transfer tomorrow (5/2/2012) morning.

We are still working on fixing the issues with Character Transfers but hope to have everyone finished to be able to turn it back on Tuesday May 7th.  I will let you know if anything comes up to change this date.

Thank you for your patience.

UO Herald - Game Updates

Publish 81.0.1

We are publishing a new client tonight, after maintenance you will get the following on your shards.  European shards will see this tonight after your regular maintenance.

City Elections:

• City Stones have been placed on Siege, this will allow City Elections to occur on the first of June.

Bug Fixes
• Runes marked near certain crafter shops will no longer have incorrect default description
• Restored primary special move on Club to Shadow Strike.
• Corrected issue with certain veteran reward house add-ons placed by co-owners.
• Hit chance formula update: maximum hit chance is capped at 95% and minimum hit chance is capped 5%.

UO Herald - Game Updates

Character Transfer Warehouse going down 4/23/2013

Due to some issues that have come up with Character Transfers we are taking the system down today to fix these problems.  While its down if you find your character has transferred but does not have any of the items please try to do a character copy and cancel it or initiate a character transfer and cancel it.  This should unlock all your items and return them to you.  We will keep you updated on the progress of fixing these issues.

We have received some reports lately regarding lost pets and pets that unbond themselves.  We need your help to gather more information to be able to investigate this issue.  Please send the following information to

• Location
• Type of pet
• Taming skill real and modified
• Were you giving out commands when the pet unbonded or went wild
• What activities you were engaged in

Thank you for your patience.

UO Herald - Game Updates

Producer Letter

I wanted to take a few moments to fill everyone in on a few things we are doing.  I have heard rumbling from the community that the  sky is falling.  I promise that is not true.  We still have a team that is dedicated to UO and is excited about what is to come.    The Event moderator program is here and still going strong.

As for the future of UO, I would like to share with you some of the ideas we have and want to see happen this year.

• New Theme Pack “The Kings Collection”
• Vendor Search
• New Story Arc
• Revamping Vet Reward – You have to be x age to get it but we are making vet rewards so anyone can use it.
• Revamping Fishing and Pirate Loot
• Adding a Gargoyle Horn Stylist
• Adding Fey Slayers to dungeon loot
• Reopening shard of the dead for Halloween
• Coming up with our Christmas and new Vet Rewards and Anniversary Rewards
• Adding new begging items for Trick or Treating
• Adding additional items to the clean up Britiannia turn ins
• 2nd House option on Siege
• Still working on High Res Art that has not been dropped, the housing wall tiles are numerous and takes a while to redo.  I highly doubt we will be able to get this in game this year, we are shooting for the beginning of next year.
• Fix Bugs

I would also like to address the issue of King Blackthorns Counsel on Siege.  Originally we did not put it on Siege due to the fact that the towns are Faction towns and we know griefing will happen.  If Siege accepts that fact we will be more than happen to add the voting system to Siege.

Next week we will once again put Shadow Strike on Clubs for all the Stealth Macers out there.

We are putting out a publish for a few bug fixes that you will get tomorrow during maintenance:
• Players that are co-owned to a house can once again use house teleporters properly
• Orc Helms now provide the expected 3% LMC.

See everyone in game !!

UO Herald - Game Updates

Publish 81 Patch Notes

Publish 81 will be going out world wide during normal maintenance tomorrow for April 16, 2013.  Please make sure you get your new client later this evening.

Publish 81.0.0

Player vendor change

Any item that is identified as duped can not be placed on a vendor. If a duped item is on a vendor when we publish Pub 81 you can not purchase it. We highly suggest you go thru in- game vendors for all your UO needs.

City Elections

A new election system has been added to the loyalty towns. Players with a sufficient amount of loyalty will be able to nominate themselves for the ballot. Citizens of that town will endorse candidates, then vote in a general election to select a Governor. The Governor will have the ability to negotiate trade deals with NPC Guilds, grant titles to the citizens of the City, and attend council meetings with His Royal Highness King Blackthorn.

  • City Elections begin on the first day of March, June, September, and December.
  • The Nomination period beings on the first day of the listed months and lasts for 1 real world week.
  • Players wishing to nominate themselves can visit the City Stone located near the banks of each of the Loyalty Cities.
  • In order to nominate oneself for the ballot a character must:

    • Not be on a trial account
    • Not be a young player
    • Hold citizenship to the City they wish to nominate themselves
    • Be at least adored
    • Only 1 character can be nominated per city per account
  • At the time of nomination the stone will track how much love and hate a character has from the City.
  • A nominated character must be endorsed within 24 hours of their nomination by another citizen of the city.
  • Failing to receive an endorsement will require a character to re-nominate themselves.
  • There is no limit to the number of times a player can nominate themselves.
  • In order to offer an endorsement a character must:

    • Not have already offered an endorsement with the same account in the same City
    • Not currently be on an account that is nominated for the ballot
    • Not be on a trial account
    • Not be a young player
    • Hold citizenship to the city they wish to offer an endorsement
  • Players that have been successfully endorsed will be placed on the ballot for a 1 week voting period at the conclusion of the nomination period
  • In order to vote in an election a character must:

    • Not have already voted in that City’s election with the same account
    • Not be on a trial account
    • Not be a young player
    • Have citizenship to the city they wish to vote
  • At the conclusion of the 1 week voting period a winner will be chosen based on the character who has received the most votes
  • In the event of a tie:

    • The character with the most love recorded at the time of nomination will win the election
    • If a further tie exists between those characters’ love values the character with the least amount of hate recorded at the time of nomination will win the election
    • If a tie exists still at this point the King will choose a winner
  • After winning the election a Governor-Elect must visit the City Stone to accept office. If a significant period of time passes before the Governor-Elect accepts office the King may opt to choose another Governor.
  • Upon accepting the office a Governor may:

    • Grant a title to a citizen by accessing the context menu on the City Stone

      • Governors can only grant titles to the Citizen of their City
      • Characters may remove their city title by accessing the City Stone and selecting “Remove City Title”
      • Governors may remove City titles by leaving the title input form blank
      • Titles do not persist through character transfer and will be removed if a character denounces citizenship
      • Titles will expire at the conclusion of the Governor’s term in office
    • Open a Trade Deal with an NPC guild

      • Trade deals cost 2,000,000gp from funds obtained from the City Treasury.
      • The City Treasury can be donated to by dropping gold or checks on the City Herald near each City Stone.
      • The City Treasury is subject to a daily 5% reduction above 10,000gp to pay for general City Services.
      • Trade deals can be changed once per real world week and persist indefinitely.
      • Citizens may utilize the trade deal for 24 hours by visiting the City Stone and selecting “Utilize Trade Deal” from the context menu.
      • Trade Deals Include:

        • Guild of Arcane Arts: +5% Spell Damage Increase
        • Society of Clothiers: +1% Resist bump to all resists
        • Bardic Collegium: +1 Faster Casting
        • Order of Engineers: +3 Dexterity Bonus
        • Guild of Healers: 5% Bandage Healing Bonus
        • Maritime Guild: +2 Hit Point Regeneration
        • Merchant’s Association: +2 Mana Regeneration
        • Mining Cooperative: +3 Strength Bonus
        • League of Rangers: +3 Intelligence Bonus
        • Guild of Assassins: +5% Swing Speed Increase
        • Warrior’s Guild: +5% Hit Chance Increase
      • Buffs will not go over caps
    • Sit in the Governor designated seating at public Council Meetings at Castle Blackthorn

      • See specific Shard Event Moderators for a schedule of when council meetings occur.
  • Renouncing Citizenship, Character Transferring, or falling into a negative loyalty rating will cause an automatic removal of Governorship.

Weapon Special Move Updates*

• Leafblade – Primary: Feint / Secondary: Armor Ignore


Weapon Special Move Changes

• Disarm, now applies a 10 second disarm immunity timer when performed using weapons. Wrestling moves are not subject to the immunity timer.

• Dual Wield, base chance to proc extra attack increased from 15% to 25%.

• Double Strike/Double Shot, now have a 15% hit chance increase on the second hit attempt.

• Mortal Strike, now grants an eight second effect reduction once removed by non consumables and talisman items. The next Mortal Strike duration will be scaled based on when they were reapplied in the eight second window.

• Bleed, now grants five second effect reduction once removed. Attempts to reapply Bleed while the player is under effect reduction will scale the duration base on the last successful Bleed.

• Bladeweave, now can be set to offensive or defensive mode. Both modes still have a chance to select all available moves but will have a higher chance to select certain moves.

• Armor Pierce, now applies a “pierced armor” effect to the target which increases all incoming damage to the target by 10% for 3 seconds with the exception of direct damage special moves. Ranged weapons with this special move will not reset duration if target is currently under the effect.

• Force of Nature rework, now applies 15-35 delayed direct damage to the attacker. The attacker receives a damage increase of 50%-100% based on their strength. The attacker also applies a stun their target for two seconds which can be reduced by magic resist every 12th hit. Equipping the weapon will reset the hit count.

• Frenzied Whirlwind, now deals scaled damage based on Ninjitsu/Bushido skill levels within a two tile radius over 2 seconds. Applies a movement slow to its initial target if it is player. The initial delay of damage over time has been removed.

• Talon Strike, now can increase the duration base on how the amount of true skill over 50 which caps at seven seconds at 120 skill. Looting right damage is now properly applied.

• Concussion, now applies scaling direct damage between 10-15 based on weapon speed. Ranged weapons mana drain max 50% and return max 40%. Melee weapons mana drain max 80% and return max 70%. Two handed melee weapons mana drain max 80% and returned max 40%.

• Crushing Blow, now drains 10 points of stamina from target on impact when used on weapons with speeds 3.5 or greater.

• Paralyzing Blow, paralyze immunity applied to targets have been reduced to 6-8 seconds when used on weapons with speeds 3.5 or greater.

• Smith’s Hammer & Sledge Hammer – Primary: Crushing Blow / Secondary: Paralyzing Blow


Armor Revamp

Armor Stamina Loss Update:

Player’s stamina loss will now be based on the type of armor as well as the amount of armor that is equipped*. Each piece of armor up to five pieces will reduce the amount of stamina lost when taking damage. The armor pieces which provide the most stamina loss reduction will take priority.

  • Cloth armor, leather armor, and jewelry will give the same stamina loss reduction as Pub 80.
  • Blacksmith armor (platemail, ringmail, chainmail, and dragon armor) will provide a heavy bonus to stamina loss reduction.
  • Studded leather armor, stone armor, bone armor, woodland armor, and hide armor will provide a light bonus to stamina loss reduction.

*Human racial ability Tough now provides a small bonus to stamina loss reduction.

Armor Inherent Lower Mana Cost

Each piece of non medable armor will provide lower mana cost with the exception of woodland armor. Each piece of armor up to five pieces will provide a percentage which is not subject to the lower mana cost cap of 40. The armor pieces which provide the most lower mana cost will take priority.

  1. Platemail, ringmail, chainmail, and dragon armor provides 1% of lower mana cost per piece.
  2. Studded leather, hide armor, stone armor and bone armor provides 3% of lower mana cost per piece.


Armor Refinement

Phase two of the Armor Revamp will allow players to apply Refinements to non-medable armor.

Armor Refinements are crafted from refinement components that can be collected from:

Treasure Maps

MiB Chests

Merchant Vessels

Pirate Vessels

Town shop container stealables

Champion Spawn Bosses

There are two methods of refining armor:

· Reinforced – Increase max individual resist while lowering max defense chance increase by one.

· Deflecting – Decrease max individual resist while increasing max defense chance increase by one.

Refinement Component Levels:

· Invulnerability – Applies four modifications with a chance to apply five modifications.

· Fortification – Applies three modifications with a chance to apply four modifications.

· Hardening – Applies two modifications with a chance to apply three modifications.

· Protection – Applies one modification with a chance to apply two modifications.

  • Defense – Applies one modification.

Refinement Component Types:

  • Blacksmith Armor

o Polish (DCI) & Scour (Resists)

  • Tailor Armor

o Wash (DCI) & Cure (Resists)

  • Carpenter Armor

o Gloss (DCI) & Varnish (Resists)

Components can be combined with 20 raw materials available from NPC Merchants:

  • Blacksmiths

o (Malleable Alloy)

  • Weavers

o (Leather Braid)

  • Carpenters

o (Solvent Flask)

When combined with the appropriate raw material the crafter will create Armor Refinements that can be applied to non-medable armor:

  • Plating – Blacksmith Armor
  • Threads – Tailor Armor
  • Resin – Carpenter Armor

The components required to craft an armor refinement will be stocked in a minimum starting quantity of 500 on each vendor that sells them.

Armor refinements and components are insurable.

An anvil and forge have been added to the Armorer shop in Cove.

GM Blacksmith, Tailoring, or Carpentry skill is required to craft an armor refinement. The refinement, however, can be applied by anyone so long as they are in the correct shop location.

Tooltips are available on refinement components and tools indicating useful information.

*There is now a gump to assist in Armor Refinement. Specific resistance modification order can be selected from the gump.

Armor Material Enhancement Bonus Update

Ore Type:

  • Dull Copper:

    • Updated Physical Resist to 10
  • Shadow:

    • Updated Physical Resist to 3
    • Updated Fire Resist to 2
    • Updated Energy Resist to 7
  • Copper:

    • Updated Physical Resist to 2
    • Updated Fire Resist to 2
    • Updated Energy Resist to 2
    • Updated Poison Resist to 7
  • Bronze:

    • Updated Physical Resist to 3
    • Updated Cold Resist to 7
    • Updated Energy Resist to 2
    • Updated Poison Resist to 2
  • Golden:

    • Updated Physical Resist to 2
    • Updated Fire Resist to 2
    • Updated Cold Resist to 3
    • Updated Energy Resist to 3
  • Agapite:

    • Updated Physical Resist to 2
    • Updated Fire Resist to 7
    • Updated Cold Resist to 2
    • Updated Energy Resist to 2
    • Updated Poison Resist to 2
  • Verite:

    • Updated Physical Resist to 4
    • Updated Fire Resist to 4
    • Updated Cold Resist to 3
    • Updated Energy Resist to 1
    • Updated Poison Resist to 4
  • Valorite:

    • Updated Physical Resist to 5
    • Updated Cold Resist to 4
    • Updated Energy Resist to 4
    • Updated Poison Resist to 4

Leather Type:

  • Spined:

    • Updated Physical Resist to 9
  • Horned:

    • Updated Physical Resist to 2
    • Updated Fire Resist to 4
    • Updated Cold Resist to 3
    • Updated Energy Resist to 3
    • Updated Poison Resist to 3
  • Barbed:

    • Updated Physical Resist to 3
    • Updated Fire Resist to 2
    • Updated Cold Resist to 3
    • Updated Energy Resist to 5
    • Updated Poison Resist to 3

Dragon Scale Type:

  • Red:

    • Updated Physical Resist to 1
    • Updated Fire Resist to 11
    • Updated Cold Resist to -3
    • Updated Energy Resist to 1
    • Updated Poison Resist to 1
  • Yellow:

    • Updated Physical Resist to -3
    • Updated Fire Resist to 1
    • Updated Cold Resist to 1
    • Updated Energy Resist to 1
    • Updated Poison Resist to 1
  • Black:

    • Updated Physical Resist to 11
    • Updated Fire Resist to 1
    • Updated Cold Resist to 1
    • Updated Energy Resist to -3
    • Updated Poison Resist to 1
  • Green:

    • Updated Physical Resist to 1
    • Updated Fire Resist to -3
    • Updated Cold Resist to 1
    • Updated Energy Resist to 1
    • Updated Poison Resist to 11
  • White

    • Updated Physical Resist to -3
    • Updated Fire Resist to 1
    • Updated Cold Resist to 11
    • Updated Energy Resist to 1
    • Updated Poison Resist to 1
  • Blue

    • Updated Physical Resist to 1
    • Updated Fire Resist to 1
    • Updated Cold Resist to 1
    • Updated Energy Resist to 11

o Updated Poison Resist to -3

Mage Armor Update:

Mage armor has been removed from imbuing, reforging, and enhancing. Armor now can be converted to and from Mage Armor by paying a Mage guild master 250,000 gold. Applying mage armor is still subject to the armor not having more than four properties or not being an artifact. Mage Armor now has an imbuing weight of zero.

Misc Changes:

• The Gargoyle race hit chance increase cap has been reduced from 50 to 45.

• Hit lower defense now scales 35% of the players Defense Chance Increase and remains -25 DCI versus non players. Hit lower defense now ignores over capped DCI.

• Ninjitsu Surprise Attack and Force Arrow special move now ignores over capped DCI.

• Ninjitsu: animal form can now be interrupted while casting. Faster casting no longer effects animal form.

• Throwing: Adjusted throwing sweet spot hit chance and damage reduction penalties. Throwing damage reduction penalties now scale based on player stamina and strength.

• Necromancy: Evil Omen now reduces Mysticism Stone Form Immunity by 30.

• All cool downs have been removed from refresh potions. “Total” refresh potions have now been converted to “Greater” refresh potions which will provide more refresh than standard refresh potions.

• Weapon effect: Hit stamina leech is now subject to diminishing returns based on max player stamina.

• Mysticism: Increased Cleansing Winds healing power reduction based on curses. Cleansing Winds will always heal for maximum potential when the target is the caster. Cleansing Winds power will now scale based on the number of targets when healing targets that are not the caster.

• Chivalry: Divine Fury stamina regenerated decreased to 2.5x duration from 4x duration.

• The two handed melee “Balanced” property has been added to imbuing. Weapons with this property will be unable to parry or evade.

• Imbuing base intensity caps have been increased up to 550 for two handed melee weapon and up to 500 for bows and crossbows.

• The looting rights threshold has been lowered for all mobs.

• Dragon Scale armor can now be reforged. Corrected issue which prevented yellow dragon scale from being reforged.

• The gargish daisho, gargish tessen, and leaf blade now follow standard special move requirements when performing the Feint special move.

Bug Fixes

  • The delay associated with spawning the black order grand mage has been adjusted.
  • Players who attack with riding swipe will not be able to immediately remount.
  • Neither the attacker nor the defender can immediately use animal form after using riding swipe.
  • Adjusted misaligned housing regions in the Zento area of Tokuno.

· Character Statues are now handled better during house customization:

o If the statue’s location is clear, the statue will be restored to its original position

o If the statue cannot fit where it was, but a deed can, the statue will remain as a deed, but be correctly locked down

o Otherwise, the statue deed remains in the house moving crate

· Secured containers in houses are no longer reset to “owner only” security after house customization

· The Hearth of the Home Fire, the Fountain of Life, and Ballot Boxes are no longer turned to face south after house customization

· Soul Stones will now be placed back in their original location after house customization (if the location remains clear)

· Players will no longer receive the system message “You cannot access this house while it is being edited” while customizing their house

· In some cases, expired vendors would create bugged stacks of gold coins in house moving crates. They now deliver bank checks instead

· In some cases, expired vendors would create bank checks whose value was greater than 1,000,000 gold. They now only create legal checks (1,000,000 gold or less)

· Vendors that run out of funds and go to the house moving crate would remain permanently in their “grace period”, never allowing the house owner to claim them

o The grace period now counts down hours normally instead of always remaining at 167 hours

o The house owner can claim the vendor’s goods if the vendor owner does not claim them during the 7-day grace period

  • All house co-ownership is now account based

o Existing co-ownership lists will be automatically updated such that only one character from any unique account will remain

o All characters on the same account as any house co-owner will also have full co-owner access to that house

o When a character becomes a co-owner of a house, all other characters on the same account will be removed from the house’s friends list

o Previously, one character could only be co-owner of up to 10 houses. There are now no restrictions on how many houses a single account can be co-owner of

o Houses are now limited to having 10 co-owner accounts instead of 10 co-owner characters

· Players may now choose to refuse all incoming trade requests

o Toggle this option using the context menu on your own avatar

o When refusing trades, you are not notified of any incoming trade attempts

o When you attempt to initiate a trade with someone who is refusing trades, you will receive notification of the refusal as a system message

o You are still allowed to initiate trades when you are refusing incoming trade requests

· Pets will now be “rescued” if a server reverts to a backup during which the pet was out in the world

o During server maintenance, these pets will be teleported to a safe location

o This prevents the pets from being killed, or losing loyalty and going wild

o When their owners log in:

§ The rescued pets will teleport to the player, if the player has control slots available

§ Otherwise, the pets will go to the owner’s stables for later retrieval

· The Leaf Gorget’s base Energy Resist is now 4% instead of 2%. All pre-existing Leaf Gorgets will have their Energy Resist increased by 2

· When re-smelting blacksmith items, the skill check now uses the greater of the character’s Mining or Blacksmith skills (capped at 105)

· Combining fish baits now requires that the targeted fish bait be in the player’s backpack or bank box

· The Demonic Jailor in Dungeon Wrong will now destroy objects that are blocking his way

• Four dyes have been added to the Cleanup Britannia

o Old Dyes: Polished Bronze, Deep Violet

o New Dyes: Star Blue, Mother of Pearl

• Whirlwind and momentum strike special moves no longer target guild mates.

• Bokuto and Diasho now have the correct special moves in the enhanced client.



Classic client 7.0.30

· Cliloc Changes

Enhanced Client 4.0.30

· Cliloc Changes

UO Herald - Game Updates

Publish 81 Comes to Origin and Izumo

Update 1:20 p.m. EST: All shards are back online.

We are taking down all shards  tomorrow starting at 11:00 a.m. EDT (17:00 CEST).  During this time we will be patching new clients in preparation for Publish 81 for all the shards. In addition, published 81 will be published to Origin and Izumo.

At the moment we anticipate the shards to be back online by 3:00 p.m. EDT (21:00 CEST).  

Click on more to view a list of the changes.

Publish 80 Changes

Weapon Revamp

All weapons have now been normalized based on weapon speed and handedness.


  • Gargish Tessen & Tessen, Base damage 10-13 / Weapon Speed 2 seconds
  • Wild Staff, Base damage 10-13 / Weapon Speed 2.25 seconds
  • Quarter Staff, Base damage 11-14 / Weapon Speed 2.25 seconds
  • Glass Staff, Base damage 11-14 / Weapon Speed 2.25 seconds
  • Nunchaku, Base damage 12-15 / Weapon Speed 2.5 seconds
  • Tetsubo, Base damage 12-15 / Weapon Speed 2.5 seconds
  • Club, Base damage 10-14 / Weapon Speed 2.5 seconds
  • Disc Mace, Base damage 11-15 / Weapon Speed 2.75 seconds
  • Mace, Base damage 11-15 / Weapon Speed 2.75 seconds
  • Shepherd’s Crook, Base damage 13-16 / Weapon Speed 2.75 seconds
  • Wand, Base damage 11-15 / Weapon Speed 2.75 seconds
  • Black Staff, Base damage 13-16 / Weapon Speed 2.75 seconds
  • War Axe, Base damage 12-16 / Weapon Speed 3.0 seconds
  • Diamond Mace, Base damage 13-17 / Weapon Speed 3.25 seconds
  • Gargish Gnarled Staff & Gnarled Staff, Base damage 15-18 / Weapon Speed 3.25 seconds
  • Sledge Hammer, Base damage 13-17 / Weapon Speed 3.25 seconds
  • Smith’s Hammer, Base damage 13-17 / Weapon Speed 3.25 seconds
  • Gargish Maul & Maul, Base damage 14-18 / Weapon Speed 3.5 seconds
  • Serpentstone Staff, Base damage 16-19 / Weapon Speed 3.5 seconds
  • Scepter, Base damage 14-18 / Weapon Speed 3.5 seconds
  • Hammer Pick, Base damage 13-17 / Weapon Speed 3.25 seconds
  • Gargish War Hammer & War Hammer, Base damage 17-20 / Weapon Speed 3.75 seconds
  • War Mace, Base damage 15-19 / Weapon Speed 3.75 seconds


  • Gargish Kryss & Kryss, Base damage 10-12 / Weapon Speed 2 seconds
  • Bloodblade, Base damage 10-12 / Weapon Speed 2 seconds
  • Gargish Tekagi & Tekagi, Base damage 10-13 / Weapon Speed 2 seconds
  • Sai, Base damage 10-13 / Weapon Speed 2 seconds
  • Assassin Spike, Base damage 10-12 / Weapon Speed 2 seconds
  • Gargish Dagger & Dagger, Base damage 10-12 / Weapon Speed 2 seconds  
  • Short Spear, Base damage 10-13 / Weapon Speed 2 seconds
  • Kama, Base damage 10-13 / Weapon Speed 2 seconds
  • Shortblade, Base damage 10-13 / Weapon Speed 2.25 seconds
  • Dual Pointed Spear, Base damage 11-14 / Weapon Speed 2.25 seconds
  • Double Bladed Staff, Base damage 11-14 / Weapon Speed 2.25 seconds
  • War Cleaver, Base damage 10-13 / Weapon Speed 2.25 seconds
  • Gargish War Fork & War Fork, Base damage 10-14 / Weapon Speed 2.5 seconds   2.5
  • Pitchfork, Base damage 12-15 / Weapon Speed 2.5 seconds
  • Elven Spellblade, Base damage 12-15 / Weapon Speed 2.5 seconds
  • Spear, Base damage 13-16 / Weapon Speed 2.75 seconds
  • Leafblade, Base damage 11-15 / Weapon Speed 2.75 seconds
  • Gargish Pike & Pike, Base damage 14-17 / Weapon Speed 3 seconds
  • Lajatang, Base damage 16-19 / Weapon Speed 3.5 seconds
  • Gargish Lance & Lance, Base damage 18-22 / Weapon Speed 4.25 seconds


  • Hatchet, Base damage 13-16 / Weapon Speed 2.75 seconds
  • Gargish Axe & Axe, Base damage 14-17 / Weapon Speed 3 seconds
  • Dual Short Axes, Base damage 14-17 / Weapon Speed 3 seconds
  • Executioner’s Axe, Base damage 15-18 / Weapon Speed 3.25 seconds
  • Double Axe, Base damage 15-18 / Weapon Speed 3.25 seconds
  • Battle Axe, Base damage 16-19 / Weapon Speed 3.5 seconds
  • Gargish Battle Axe, Base damage 16-19 / Weapon Speed 3.5 seconds
  • Two-Handed Axe, Base damage 16-19 / Weapon Speed 3.5 seconds
  • Ornate Axe, Base damage 17-20 / Weapon Speed 3.75 seconds
  • Large Battle Axe, Base damage 17-20 / Weapon Speed 3.75 seconds


  • Bokuto, Base damage 10-12 / Weapon Speed 2 seconds  
  • Butcher Knife & Gargish Butcher Knife, Base damage 10-13 / Weapon Speed 2.25 seconds
  • Skinning Knife, Base damage 10-13 / Weapon Speed 2.25 seconds
  • Cleaver & Gargish Cleaver, Base damage 10-14 / Weapon Speed 2.5 seconds
  • Cutlass, Base damage 10-14 / Weapon Speed 2.5 seconds
  • Gargish Katana & Katana, Base damage 10-14 / Weapon Speed 2.5 seconds
  • Crescent Blade, Base damage 12-15 / Weapon Speed 2.5 seconds
  • Radiant Scimitar, Base damage 10-14 / Weapon Speed 2.5 seconds
  • Wakizashi, Base damage 10-14 / Weapon Speed 2.5 seconds
  • Glass Sword, Base damage 11-15 / Weapon Speed 2.75 seconds
  • Elven Machete, Base damage 11-15 / Weapon Speed 2.75 seconds
  • Daisho & Gargish Daisho, Base damage 13-16 / Weapon Speed 2.75 seconds
  • Bladed Staff, Base damage 14-17 / Weapon Speed 3 seconds
  • Pickaxe, Base damage 12-16 / Weapon Speed 3 seconds
  • Scimitar, Base damage 12-16 / Weapon Speed 3 seconds
  • Rune Blade, Base damage 14-17 / Weapon Speed 3 seconds
  • Bone Harvester & Gargish Bone Harvester, Base damage 12-16 / Weapon Speed 3 seconds  
  • Broadsword, Base damage 13-17 / Weapon Speed 3.25 seconds  
  • Longsword, Base damage 14-18 / Weapon Speed 3.5 seconds  
  • Gargish Scythe & Scythe, Base damage 16-19 / Weapon Speed 3.5 seconds
  • No-Dachi, Base damage 16-19 / Weapon Speed 3.5 seconds
  • Dread Sword, Base damage 14-18 / Weapon Speed 3.5 seconds  
  • Gargish Talwar, Base damage 16-19 / Weapon Speed 3.5 seconds
  • Stone War Sword, Base damage 15-19 / Weapon Speed 3.75 seconds  
  • Viking Sword, Base damage 15-19 / Weapon Speed 3.75 seconds
  • Bardiche & Gargish Bardiche, Base damage 17-20 / Weapon Speed 3.75 seconds
  • Halberd, Base damage 18-21 / Weapon Speed 4 seconds
  • Paladin Sword, Base damage 20-24 / Weapon Speed 5 seconds


  • Repeating Crossbow, Base damage 11-15 / Weapon Speed 2.75 seconds
  • Magical Shortbow, Base damage 12-16 / Weapon Speed 3 seconds
  • Yumi, Base damage 13-17 / Weapon Speed 3.25 seconds
  • Elven Composite Longbow, Base damage 15-19 / Weapon Speed 3.75 seconds
  • Bow, Base damage 17-21 / Weapon Speed 4.25 seconds
  • Composite Bow, Base damage 16-20 / Weapon Speed 4.0 seconds
  • Crossbow, Base damage 18-22 / Weapon Speed 4.5 seconds
  • Heavy Crossbow, Base damage 20-24 / Weapon Speed 5 seconds


  • Boomerang: Base damage 11-15 / Weapon Speed 2.75 seconds
  • Cyclone: Base damage 13-17 / Weapon Speed 3.25 seconds
  • Soul Glaive: Base damage 16-20 / Weapon Speed 4.0 seconds

Weapon Special Move Updates*

  • Sai – Primary: Dual Wield / Secondary: Armor Pierce
  • Dagger – Primary: Shadow Strike / Secondary: Infection Strike
  • Tessen– Primary: Feint / Secondary: Dual Wield
  • Nunchaku– Primary: Block / Secondary: Double Strike
  • Club – Primary: Crushing Blow / Secondary: Dismount
  • Gnarled Staff– Primary: Concussion / Secondary: Force of Nature
  • Maul – Primary: Double Strike / Secondary: Concussion
  • War Mace – Primary: Crushing Blow / Secondary: Mortal Strike
  • Skinning Knife – Primary: Shadow Strike / Secondary: Bleed
  • Daisho – Primary: Feint / Secondary: Doublestrike
  • Leafblade – Primary: Feint / Secondary: Armor Ignore

Weapon Special Move Mana Cost Changes

  • Block mana cost decreased from 30 to 20.
  • Crushing Blow mana cost decrease from 25 to 20.
  • Concussion mana cost decreased from 25 to 20.
  • Dual Wield mana cost decreased from 30 to 20.
  • Defense Mastery mana cost decreased from 30 to 20.
  • Double Shot mana cost increased from 30 to 35.
  • Force Arrow mana cost increased from 15 to 20.
  • Force of Nature mana cost decreased from 40 to 35.
  • Frenzied Whirlwind mana cost decreased from 30 to 20.
  • Infectious Strike mana cost increased from 15 to 20.
  • Moving Shot mana cost increased from 15 to 20.
  • Mystic Arc mana cost decreased from 25 to 20.
  • Serpent Arrow mana cost decreased from 40 to 25.
  • Shadow Strike mana cost decreased from 30 to 20.
  • Talon Strike mana cost decreased from 30 to 20.
  • Riding Swipe mana cost decreased from 30 to 25.
  • Bladeweave mana cost decreased from 30 to 15.

Classic Client

  • Character status window now displays maximum resistance values, lower mana cost, defense chance increase, hit chance increase, weapon damage increase, swing speed increase, spell damage increase, faster casting, faster casting recovery, and lower reagent cost.

Publish 81 changes (Origin and Izumo only)

  • Mortal Strike, now grants an eight second effect reduction once removed by non consumables and talisman items. The next Mortal Strike duration will be scaled based on when they were reapplied in the eight second window.

Armor Refinement

  • Reinforced – Increase max individual resist while lowering max defense chance increase by one.
  • Deflecting – Decrease max individual resist while increasing max defense chance increase by one.

UO Herald - Game Updates

Publish 81 Updated on TC1

Publish 81 has been updated on TC1. The updated patch notes are so large that they had to be put on a separate page.

Please note:  Kyronix will be on TC1 to help test the city elections so please come join in to help us test this system.  There will be loyalty gates in each city by the elections stones located by the bank, these gates will either give you love or hate depending on the gate you choose.