The Herald

UO Herald - Game Updates

Updated Publish 81 on TC1

Currently testing Publish 81.0.0 on Test Center

*Weapon special move changes requires alternate game client found in patch directory:  client_tc.exe or UOSA_TC.exe.  This client is needed to test the following changes.

Armor Revamp – Update

  • The components required to craft an armor refinement will be stocked in a minimum starting quantity of 500 on each vendor that sells them.
  • Component weights have been normalized across all components to 1/10th of a stone.
  • Armor refinements and components are insurable.
  • The crafting region for Blacksmith refinements has been changed from Buccaneer’s Den to Cove.
  • An anvil and forge have been added to the Armorer shop in Cove.
  • Components will no longer be deleted out of secure containers.
  • GM Blacksmith, Tailoring, or Carpentry skill is required to craft an armor refinement.  The refinement, however, can be applied by anyone so long as they are in the correct shop location.
  • The number of intensity levels has been reduced from 7 to 5:

    • Invulnerability – Applies four modifications with a chance to apply five modifications.
    • Fortification – Applies three modifications with a chance to apply four modifications.
    • Hardening – Applies two modifications with a chance to apply three modifications.
    • Protection – Applies one modification with a chance to apply two modifications.
    • Defense – Applies one modification.
  • Refinements adjust resists based on armor type in the following order:

    • Studded Leather – Physical, Fire, Cold, Poison, Energy
    • Studded Samurai – Physical, Fire, Cold, Energy, Poison
    • Hide – Energy, Poison, Cold, Fire, Physical
    • Bone – Poison, Cold, Energy, Physical, Fire
    • Ringmail – Fire, Physical, Cold, Poison, Energy
    • Chainmail – Cold, Fire, Physical, Poison, Energy
    • Platemail – Physical, Fire, Cold, Poison, Energy
    • Platemail Samurai – Physical, Fire, Cold, Energy, Poison
    • Gargish Platemail – Physical, Fire, Cold, Poison, Energy
    • Dragon – Fire, Energy, Poison, Cold, Physical
    • Woodland – Poison,  Cold, Physical, Energy, Fire
    • Gargish Stone- Cold, Energy, Poison, Physical, Fire


Armor Material Enhancement Bonus Update

Ore Type:

  • Dull Copper:

    • Updated Physical Resist to 10
  • Shadow:

    • Updated Physical Resist to 3
    • Updated Fire Resist to 2
    • Updated Energy Resist to 7
  • Copper:

    • Updated Physical Resist to 2
    • Updated Fire Resist to 2
    • Updated Energy Resist to 2
    • Updated Poison Resist to 7
  • Bronze:

    • Updated Physical Resist to 3
    • Updated Cold Resist to 7
    • Updated Energy Resist to 2
    • Updated Poison Resist to 2
  • Golden:

    • Updated Physical Resist to 2
    • Updated Fire Resist to 2
    • Updated Cold Resist to 3
    • Updated Energy Resist to 3
  • Agapite:

    • Updated Physical Resist to 2
    • Updated Fire Resist to 7
    • Updated Cold Resist to 2
    • Updated Energy Resist to 2
    • Updated Poison Resist to 2
  • Verite:

    • Updated Physical Resist to 4
    • Updated Fire Resist to 4
    • Updated Cold Resist to 3
    • Updated Energy Resist to 1
    • Updated Poison Resist to 4
  • Valorite:

    • Updated Physical Resist to 5
    • Updated Cold Resist to 4
    • Updated Energy Resist to 4
    • Updated Poison Resist to 4

Leather Type:

  • Spined:

    • Updated Physical Resist to 9
    • Horned:
    • Updated Physical Resist to 2
    • Updated Fire Resist to 4
    • Updated Cold Resist to 3
    • Updated Energy Resist to 3
    • Updated Poison Resist to 3
  • Barbed:

    • Updated Physical Resist to 3
    • Updated Fire Resist to 2
    • Updated Cold Resist to 3
    • Updated Energy Resist to 5
    • Updated Poison Resist to 3

Dragon Scale Type:

  • Red:

    • Updated Physical Resist to 1
    • Updated Fire Resist to 11
    • Updated Cold Resist to -3
    • Updated Energy Resist to 1
    •  Updated Poison Resist to 1
  • Yellow:

    • Updated Physical Resist to -3
    • Updated Fire Resist to 1
    • Updated Cold Resist to 1
    • Updated Energy Resist to 1
    • Updated Poison Resist to 1
  • Black:

    • Updated Physical Resist to 11
    • Updated Fire Resist to  1
    • Updated Cold Resist to 1
    • Updated Energy Resist to -3
    • Updated Poison Resist to 1
  • Green:

    • Updated Physical Resist to 1
    • Updated Fire Resist to -3
    • Updated Cold Resist to 1
    • Updated Energy Resist to 1
    • Updated Poison Resist to 11
  • White

    • Updated Physical Resist to -3
    • Updated Fire Resist to 1
    • Updated Cold Resist to  11
    • Updated Energy Resist to 1
    • Updated Poison Resist to 1
  • Blue

    • Updated Physical Resist to 1
    • Updated Fire Resist to 1
    • Updated Cold Resist to 1
    • Updated Energy Resist to 11
    • Updated Poison Resist to -3

Misc Changes:

  • Hit lower defense now scales 55% of the players Defense Chance Increase and remains at -25 DCI versus non players. Hit lower defense now ignores over capped DCI.
  • Ninjitsu Surprise Attack and Force Arrow special move now ignores over capped DCI.
  • Dragon Scale armor can now be reforged.

Please submit feedback through one of the following:

UO Herald - Game Updates

Ask & Answer No. 16

It is time for another Ask and Answer and our developers have answered another set of your excellent questions. Keep them coming!

UO Mania

Is there a cap for “Clean up Britannia” points? (ake)

Kyronix: Yes, the cap is at 10,000,000 points

The bankbox is overflowing on Test Center. Could we have more specific commands, for example “give black pearls”? (clorenz )

Kyronix: There are no plans to change how the bank boxes are filled on TC.  When certain situations dictate we give specific materials (like the armor refinements) utilizing other methods of delivery.

UO Japan

Please add wine racks that store bottles of wine. I want to see my bottles laid in the rack. (Nickname: s)

Kyronix: This is a good idea, you never know when you might see this in game =)

Please make the glass/snow tiles and the Thanksgiving foods stackable. (Ageha)

Kyronix: When time allows we can make additional items stackable.  We can add grass and snow tiles as well as the foods to the list.

UO Forum

Dealing with the Mythic site is a nightmare. Simple tasks are blown up in to major ordeals. With no phone support and lackluster online support, its driving off players that are new, returning and veteran. Are there any plans to fix this? (Quintus Batiatus)

Mesanna:  No one is going to disagree with your statement it is difficult to understand.  But a step by step guide was made to help guide people thru this difficult procedure.  Along with all the helpful players most people can get the answers they need to get thru this.  The only other thing I can think of to maybe help is to do a step 1, step 2, step 3 guide of a how to guide.  If you feel this would be helpful please let me know.

UO Stratics

Can you provide a list of UO skills ranked in order by how resistant each skill is to decay? The list of skills at the bottom of this post is one I copied from an old fan site and supposedly lists the skills in order from easiest to decay to hardest to decay, but I have no idea how accurate it is. It is also missing several skills (i.e., Bushido, Chivalry, Discordance, Focus, Imbuing, Mysticism, Necromancy, Ninjitsu, Spellweaving, Stealing, and Throwing).
Can you confirm whether it is true that if you are trying to gain in a skill that decays easier than a skill you have turned down to let it decay, your gains will be slower and in some cases stop altogether?
Can you also explain how the game decides which skill to decay when multiple skills are turned down, your character is at its overall skill cap and then gets a gain in a skill that is turned up but not yet capped?
Here is the old list of skills referenced in the first paragraph above, supposedly ranked in order from easiest to decay to hardest to decay.

Animal Lore
Item ID
Arms Lore
Detecting Hidden
Evaluating Intelligence
Forensic Evaluation
Resisting Spells
Spirit Speak
Animal Taming
Taste Identification
Mace Fighting
Remove Trap

Thanks!(Tina Small)
Mesanna:  Due to the fact its really easy to adjust the gains and lose of points in UO why would we need to worry about what the decay rate is?
I have currently found something that could use a good updating there are a number of things that dont appear or 1 that apears wrong on your buffs debuffs bar. here are some examples

  1. criminal status-if you’re red or grey you have no way of knowing
  2. combat Status-currently no way of knowing is you are still engaged
  3. invis pot – currently has same icon as hiding where should be like the spell (non perm) (ReaperNI)

For those who want to engage in the game as a rogue or similar character, would it be possible in a future publish to have your criminal status shown in your buffs and debuffs display. Because lets face the inability to recall or gate is a definite debuff. (Whitestar4016)
(supplementary information. There is a ‘criminal act’ debuff icon, but it only triggers if an npc notices the crime (stealing), and not at all in Exodus dungeon, It also has no timer. Inability to recall is not dependent on the crime being noticed. – Petra)

Bleak:  Publish 80 added the criminal status and heat of battle debuff icons which provide most of the requested information above. We will look to add more cases where the criminal status debuff icon is applied in a future publish. The invisibility potion will be properly updated as well.

Will it ever be possible to craft or imbue Fey slayer on a weapon?..Good reason to keep the fey wings from Abyss… (T-Hunt)
Mesanna:    I agree, look for it in a future publish
I really like the Ankh Pendant and I use it on several of my characters, however it means I must sacrifice properties for that equipment slot.
Is there any chance the Ankh Pendant might be made Imbuable? It would of course lose its Blessed property in the process. (Fink)

Mesanna:  This would only benefit the gargoyles, I don’t feel it would be fair for only one race to be able to get this.

A. Is it possible to have a trash chest at the queen’s soulforge? (Ivory Norwind)
B. Would it be possible for our candles blessed by love to have a flame?(Falseprophet)

Mesanna:  Yes its possible to get a trash chest at the quests soul forge.  As far as the candle it seems that when the art was done for that the animation was not done.  This would have to be added in the future but I can not promise you when.

Remember; If you have something you want to know about Ultima Online and the team, post your questions on your fansite. All interesting questions will be collected and sent to our team, so we can continue to answer them.

UO Herald - Game Updates

Developer Interview

An interview with Ultima Online’s Lead QA, Michael “Misk” Armstrong, was recently published on the UO Forums. The interview contains lots of interesting information such as where the name Misk came from and what’s the biggest challenge in supporting UO. Be sure to head over to the UO Forums to check it out.

UO Herald - Game Updates

Hardware Improvements

In an effort to improve hardware performance, Napa Valley will be taken down today, at  11:00 am EST (17:00 CET).  

At the moment we anticipate the servers to be back online at 2:00pm EST (20:00 CET).

After the improvements have been implemented, we would appreciate any feedback regarding lag issues on this shard sent to  In these emails the following information would be greatly helpful:

  • Geographic location
  • Location in game when you experience the most lag
  • What  activity you were doing ( if applies)
  • Time you see the most lag

Thank you for your patience as we work to improve shard performance.

UO Herald - Game Updates

Hardware Improvements

Update 2:30pm EST: Baja and Great Lakes are back online.

In an effort to improve hardware performance, Baja and Great Lakes will be taken down today, at 10:45 am EST (16:45 CET).  

At the moment we anticipate the servers to be back online at 1:00pm EST (19:00 CET).

After the improvements have been implemented, we would appreciate any feedback regarding lag issues on these two shards sent to  In these emails the following information would be greatly helpful:

  • Geographic location
  • Location in game when you experience the most lag
  • What  activity you were doing ( if applies)
  • Time you see the most lag

Thank you for your patience as we work to improve shard performance.

UO Herald - Game Updates

Publish 80 Update

Greetings everyone,

Just wanted to drop everyone an update on the current lag issues you are seeing. We are working hard on this issue and will keep you updated on our progress.  I just wanted to let everyone know we appreciate your patience and we appreciate any constructive feedback you can give us regarding the lag you are experiencing.
Last night a new client was released.  This client fixed the crash players were experiencing at the Exodus Encounter. 

We are putting out a server publish tomorrow with the following fixes during the next maintenance cycle:

  • Fixed the issues with pets at the Dread Horn Encounter
  • Character statues will no longer be ejected from houses during house customization
  • Fountain of Life and the Hearth of Fire will no longer be turned when customizing your house
  • Container addons and House Teleporters will no longer lose security settings during house customization

Bonnie “Mesanna” Armstrong
Producer UO

UO Herald - Game Updates

Updated Publish 81 on TC1

Changes to Publish 81 have been patched to TC1. Click on more for the updated publish notes.

Please Note:  An alternate client is needed to test the changes.

Currently testing Publish 81.0.0 on Test Center

*Weapon special move changes requires alternate game client found in patch directory:  client_tc.exe or UOSA_TC.exe .  This client is needed to test the following changes.

Weapon Revamp

All weapons have now been normalized based on weapon speed and handedness.


  • Gargish Tessen & Tessen, Base damage 10-13 / Weapon Speed 2 seconds
  • Wild Staff, Base damage 10-13 / Weapon Speed 2.25 seconds
  • Quarter Staff, Base damage 11-14 / Weapon Speed 2.25 seconds
  • Glass Staff, Base damage 11-14 / Weapon Speed 2.25 seconds
  • Nunchaku, Base damage 12-15 / Weapon Speed 2.5 seconds
  • Tetsubo, Base damage 12-15 / Weapon Speed 2.5 seconds
  • Club, Base damage 10-14 / Weapon Speed 2.5 seconds
  • Disc Mace, Base damage 11-15 / Weapon Speed 2.75 seconds
  • Mace, Base damage 11-15 / Weapon Speed 2.75 seconds
  • Shepherd’s Crook, Base damage 13-16 / Weapon Speed 2.75 seconds
  • Wand, Base damage 11-15 / Weapon Speed 2.75 seconds
  • Black Staff, Base damage 13-16 / Weapon Speed 2.75 seconds
  • War Axe, Base damage 12-16 / Weapon Speed 3.0 seconds
  • Diamond Mace, Base damage 13-17 / Weapon Speed 3.25 seconds
  • Gargish Gnarled Staff & Gnarled Staff, Base damage 15-18 / Weapon Speed 3.25 seconds
  • Sledge Hammer, Base damage 13-17 / Weapon Speed 3.25 seconds
  • Smith’s Hammer, Base damage 13-17 / Weapon Speed 3.25 seconds
  • Gargish Maul & Maul, Base damage 14-18 / Weapon Speed 3.5 seconds
  • Serpentstone Staff, Base damage 16-19 / Weapon Speed 3.5 seconds
  • Scepter, Base damage 14-18 / Weapon Speed 3.5 seconds
  • Hammer Pick, Base damage 13-17 / Weapon Speed 3.25 seconds
  • Gargish War Hammer & War Hammer, Base damage 17-20 / Weapon Speed 3.75 seconds
  • War Mace, Base damage 16-20 / Weapon Speed 4 seconds


  • Gargish Kryss & Kryss, Base damage 10-12 / Weapon Speed 2 seconds
  • Bloodblade, Base damage 10-12 / Weapon Speed 2 seconds
  • Gargish Tekagi & Tekagi, Base damage 10-13 / Weapon Speed 2 seconds
  • Sai, Base damage 10-13 / Weapon Speed 2 seconds
  • Assassin Spike, Base damage 10-12 / Weapon Speed 2 seconds
  • Gargish Dagger & Dagger, Base damage 10-12 / Weapon Speed 2 seconds  
  • Short Spear, Base damage 10-13 / Weapon Speed 2 seconds
  • Kama, Base damage 10-13 / Weapon Speed 2 seconds
  • Shortblade, Base damage 10-13 / Weapon Speed 2.25 seconds
  • Dual Pointed Spear, Base damage 11-14 / Weapon Speed 2.25 seconds
  • Double Bladed Staff, Base damage 11-14 / Weapon Speed 2.25 seconds
  • War Cleaver, Base damage 10-13 / Weapon Speed 2.25 seconds
  • Gargish War Fork & War Fork, Base damage 10-14 / Weapon Speed 2.5 seconds   2.5
  • Pitchfork, Base damage 12-15 / Weapon Speed 2.5 seconds
  • Elven Spellblade, Base damage 12-15 / Weapon Speed 2.5 seconds
  • Spear, Base damage 13-16 / Weapon Speed 2.75 seconds
  • Leafblade, Base damage 11-15 / Weapon Speed 2.75 seconds
  • Gargish Pike & Pike, Base damage 14-17 / Weapon Speed 3 seconds
  • Lajatang, Base damage 16-19 / Weapon Speed 3.5 seconds
  • Gargish Lance & Lance, Base damage 18-22 / Weapon Speed 4.25 seconds


  • Hatchet, Base damage 13-16 / Weapon Speed 2.75 seconds
  • Gargish Axe & Axe, Base damage 14-17 / Weapon Speed 3 seconds
  • Dual Short Axes, Base damage 14-17 / Weapon Speed 3 seconds
  • Executioner’s Axe, Base damage 15-18 / Weapon Speed 3.25 seconds
  • Double Axe, Base damage 15-18 / Weapon Speed 3.25 seconds
  • Battle Axe, Base damage 16-19 / Weapon Speed 3.5 seconds
  • Gargish Battle Axe, Base damage 16-19 / Weapon Speed 3.5 seconds
  • Two-Handed Axe, Base damage 16-19 / Weapon Speed 3.5 seconds
  • Ornate Axe, Base damage 17-20 / Weapon Speed 3.75 seconds
  • Large Battle Axe, Base damage 17-20 / Weapon Speed 3.75 seconds


  • Bokuto, Base damage 10-12 / Weapon Speed 2 seconds  
  • Butcher Knife & Gargish Butcher Knife, Base damage 10-13 / Weapon Speed 2.25 seconds
  • Skinning Knife, Base damage 10-13 / Weapon Speed 2.25 seconds
  • Cleaver & Gargish Cleaver, Base damage 10-14 / Weapon Speed 2.5 seconds
  • Cutlass, Base damage 10-14 / Weapon Speed 2.5 seconds
  • Gargish Katana & Katana, Base damage 10-14 / Weapon Speed 2.5 seconds
  • Crescent Blade, Base damage 12-15 / Weapon Speed 2.5 seconds
  • Radiant Scimitar, Base damage 10-14 / Weapon Speed 2.5 seconds
  • Wakizashi, Base damage 10-14 / Weapon Speed 2.5 seconds
  • Glass Sword, Base damage 11-15 / Weapon Speed 2.75 seconds
  • Elven Machete, Base damage 11-15 / Weapon Speed 2.75 seconds
  • Daisho & Gargish Daisho, Base damage 13-16 / Weapon Speed 2.75 seconds
  • Bladed Staff, Base damage 14-17 / Weapon Speed 3 seconds
  • Pickaxe, Base damage 12-16 / Weapon Speed 3 seconds
  • Scimitar, Base damage 12-16 / Weapon Speed 3 seconds
  • Rune Blade, Base damage 14-17 / Weapon Speed 3 seconds
  • Bone Harvester & Gargish Bone Harvester, Base damage 12-16 / Weapon Speed 3 seconds  
  • Broadsword, Base damage 13-17 / Weapon Speed 3.25 seconds  
  • Longsword, Base damage 14-18 / Weapon Speed 3.5 seconds  
  • Gargish Scythe & Scythe, Base damage 16-19 / Weapon Speed 3.5 seconds
  • No-Dachi, Base damage 16-19 / Weapon Speed 3.5 seconds
  • Dread Sword, Base damage 14-18 / Weapon Speed 3.5 seconds  
  • Gargish Talwar, Base damage 16-19 / Weapon Speed 3.5 seconds
  • Stone War Sword, Base damage 15-19 / Weapon Speed 3.75 seconds  
  • Viking Sword, Base damage 15-19 / Weapon Speed 3.75 seconds
  • Bardiche & Gargish Bardiche, Base damage 17-20 / Weapon Speed 3.75 seconds
  • Halberd, Base damage 18-21 / Weapon Speed 4 seconds
  • Paladin Sword, Base damage 20-24 / Weapon Speed 5 seconds


  • Repeating Crossbow, Base damage 11-15 / Weapon Speed 2.75 seconds
  • Magical Shortbow, Base damage 12-16 / Weapon Speed 3 seconds
  • Yumi, Base damage 13-17 / Weapon Speed 3.25 seconds
  • Elven Composite Longbow, Base damage 15-19 / Weapon Speed 3.75 seconds
  • Bow, Base damage 17-21 / Weapon Speed 4.25 seconds
  • Composite Bow, Base damage 16-20 / Weapon Speed 4.0 seconds
  • Crossbow, Base damage 18-22 / Weapon Speed 4.5 seconds
  • Heavy Crossbow, Base damage 20-24 / Weapon Speed 5 seconds


  • Boomerang: Base damage 11-15 / Weapon Speed 2.75 seconds
  • Cyclone: Base damage 13-17 / Weapon Speed 3.25 seconds
  • Soul Glaive: Base damage 16-20 / Weapon Speed 4.0 seconds

Weapon Special Move Updates*

  • Sai – Primary: Dual Wield / Secondary: Armor Pierce
  • Dagger – Primary: Shadow Strike / Secondary: Infection Strike
  • Tessen– Primary: Feint / Secondary: Dual Wield
  • Nunchaku– Primary: Block / Secondary: Double Strike
  • Club – Primary: Crushing Blow / Secondary: Dismount
  • Gnarled Staff– Primary: Concussion / Secondary: Force of Nature
  • Maul – Primary: Double Strike / Secondary: Concussion
  • War Mace – Primary: Crushing Blow / Secondary: Mortal Strike
  • Skinning Knife – Primary: Shadow Strike / Secondary: Bleed
  • Daisho – Primary: Feint / Secondary: Doublestrike
  • Leafblade – Primary: Feint / Secondary: Armor Ignore

Weapon Special Move Mana Cost Changes

  • Block mana cost decreased from 30 to 20.
  • Crushing Blow mana cost decrease from 25 to 20.
  • Concussion mana cost decreased from 25 to 20.
  • Dual Wield mana cost decreased from 30 to 20.
  • Defense Mastery mana cost decreased from 30 to 20.
  • Double Shot mana cost increased from 30 to 35.
  • Force Arrow mana cost increased from 15 to 20.
  • Force of Nature mana cost decreased from 40 to 35.
  • Frenzied Whirlwind mana cost decreased from 30 to 20.
  • Infectious Strike mana cost increased from 15 to 20.
  • Moving Shot mana cost increased from 15 to 20.
  • Mystic Arc mana cost decreased from 25 to 20.
  • Serpent Arrow mana cost decreased from 40 to 25.
  • Shadow Strike mana cost decreased from 30 to 20.
  • Talon Strike mana cost decreased from 30 to 20.
  • Riding Swipe mana cost decreased from 30 to 25.
  • Bladeweave mana cost decreased from 30 to 15.

Weapon Special Move Changes

  • Disarm, now applies a 10 second disarm immunity timer when performed using weapons. Wrestling moves are not subject to the immunity timer.
  • Dual Wield, base chance to proc extra attack increased from 15% to 25%.
  • Double Strike/Double Shot, now have a 15% hit chance increase on the second hit attempt.
  • Mortal Strike, now grants eight second effect reduction once removed by non consumable and talisman items. Attempts to reapply Mortal Strike while the player is under effect reduction will scale the duration base on the last successful Mortal Strike.
  • Bleed, now grants five second effect reduction once removed. Attempts to reapply Bleed while the player is under effect reduction will scale the duration base on the last successful Bleed.
  • Bladeweave, now can be set to offensive or defensive mode. Both modes still have a chance to select all available moves but will have a higher chance to select certain moves.
  • Armor Pierce, now applies a “pierced armor” effect to the target which increases all incoming damage to the target by 10% for 3 seconds with the exception of direct damage special moves.  Ranged weapons with this special move will not reset duration if target is currently under the effect.
  • Force of Nature rework, now applies 15-35 delayed direct damage to the attacker. The attacker receives a damage increase of 50%-100% based on their strength. The attacker also applies a stun their target for two seconds which can be reduced by magic resist every 12th hit. Equipping the weapon will reset the hit count.
  • Frenzied Whirlwind, now deals scaled damage based on Ninjitsu/Bushido skill levels within a two tile radius over 2 seconds. Applies a movement slow to its initial target if it is player. The initial delay of damage over time has been removed.
  • Talon Strike, now can increase the duration base on how the amount of true skill over 50 which caps at seven seconds at 120 skill. Looting right damage is now properly applied.
  • Concussion, now applies scaling direct damage between 10-15 based on weapon speed. Ranged weapons mana drain max 50% and return max 40%. Melee weapons mana drain max 80% and return max 70%. Two handed melee weapons mana drain max 80% and returned max 40%.
  • Crushing Blow, now drains 10 points of stamina from target on impact when used on weapons with speeds 3.5 or greater.
  • Paralyzing Blow,  paralyze immunity applied to targets have been reduced to 6-8 seconds when used on weapons with speeds 3.5 or greater.

Armor Revamp

Armor Stamina Loss Update:

Player’s stamina loss will now be based on the type of armor as well as the amount of armor that is equipped*. Each piece of armor up to five pieces will reduce the amount of stamina lost when taking damage. The armor pieces which provide the most stamina loss reduction will take priority.

  • Cloth armor, leather armor, and jewelry will give the same stamina loss reduction as Pub 80.
  • Blacksmith armor (platemail, ringmail, chainmail, and dragon armor) will provide a heavy bonus to stamina loss reduction.
  • Studded leather armor, stone armor, bone armor, woodland armor, and hide armor will provide a light bonus to stamina loss reduction.

*Human racial ability Tough now provides a small bonus to stamina loss reduction.

Armor Inherent Lower Mana Cost

Each piece of non medable armor will provide lower mana cost with the exception of woodland armor. Each piece of armor up to five pieces will provide a percentage which is not subject to the lower mana cost cap of 40. The armor pieces which provide the most lower mana cost will take priority.

  1. Platemail, ringmail, chainmail, and dragon armor provides 1% of lower mana cost per piece.
  2. Studded leather, hide armor, stone armor and bone armor provides 3% of lower mana cost per piece.

Armor Refinement

Phase two of the Armor Revamp will allow players to apply Refinements to non-medable armor. 

Armor Refinements are crafted from refinement components that can be collected from:
Treasure Maps
MiB Chests
Merchant Vessels
Pirate Vessels
Town shop container stealables
Champion Spawn Bosses

There are two methods of refining armor:

  • Increase max individual resist while lowering max defense chance increase by two.
  • Decrease max individual resist while increasing max defense chance increase by two.

Blacksmith Armor
Wash (DCI) & Cure (Resists)

Tailor Armor
Polish (DCI) & Scour (Resists)

Carpenter Armor
Gloss (DCI) & Varnish (Resists)

Refinement Levels:

  • Defense – provides least chance at achieving maximum individual resist/ DCI bonus.
  • Shielding
  • Guarding
  • Protection
  • Hardening
  • Fortification
  • Invulnerability – provides greatest chance at achieving maximum individual resist/ DCI bonus.

Components can be combined with 20 raw materials available from NPC Merchants:

(Malleable Alloy)

(Leather Braid)

(Solvent Flask)

When combined with the appropriate raw material the crafter will create Armor Refinements that can be applied to non-medable armor:

Plating – Blacksmith Armor

Threads – Tailor Armor

Resin – Carpenter Armor

There are seven levels of intensity for refinements ranging from “Defense” to “Invulnerability”.  There is a much greater chance to acquire high intensity components in Felucca.

When applied to non-medable armor the Refinement can provide a bonus to:

Max Resists – Armor Refined to increase max resists will provide a bonus to a resist category cap up to 75 (80 energy resist for elves), while lowering the Defense Chance Increase cap.

Max Defense Chance Increase – Armor Refined to increase max Defense Chance Increase will provide a DCI cap bonus up to a maximum of 95 while lowering max resists.

Misc Changes:

  • The Gargoyle race hit chance increase cap has been reduced from 50 to 45.
  • Hit lower defense now scales 55% of the players Max Defense Chance Increase. The default max defense chance increase of 45 has a -25 defense penalty. A max defense chance increase cap of 95 has a -52 defense penalty.
  • Ninjitsu:  animal form can now be interrupted while casting. Faster casting now longer effects animal form.
  • Throwing: Adjusted throwing sweet spot hit chance and damage reduction penalties. Throwing damage reduction penalties now scale based on player stamina and strength.
  • Necromancy: Evil Omen now reduces Mysticism Stone Form Immunity by 30.
  • All cool downs have been removed from refresh potions. “Total” refresh potions have now been converted to “Greater” refresh potions which will provide more refresh than standard refresh potions.
  • Weapon effect: Hit stamina leech is now subject to diminishing returns based on max player stamina.
  • Mysticism: Increased Cleansing Winds healing power reduction based on curses. Cleansing Winds will always heal for maximum potential when the target is the caster. Cleansing Winds power will now scale based on the number of targets when healing targets that are not the caster.
  • Chivalry: Divine Fury stamina regenerated decreased to 2.5x duration from 4x duration.
  • The two handed melee “Balanced” property has been added to imbuing. Weapons with this property will be unable to parry or evade.
  • Imbuing base intensity caps have been increased up to 550 for two handed melee weapon and up to 500 for bows and crossbows.

Please submit feedback through one of the following:

UO Herald - Game Updates

Account Center Maintenance – 02/21


We will bring down the Account Center for a short maintenance tomorrow, Thursday February 21st, at 8am EST (14:00 CET). During the maintenance you will not be able to log in, change subscription, redeem game codes, select vet rewards or place new houses.

At the moment we anticipate the Account Center to be back online at 9:00am EDT (15:00 CET).

Thank you for your understanding.

UO Herald - Game Updates

Account Center Maintenance – 02/14

Update 10:30 am EST: The maintenance is over. All functions of the account center are available again.


We will bring down the Account Center for a short maintenance, Thursday February 14th, at 10am EST (16:00 CET). During the maintenance you will not be able to change subscription or redeem game codes.

At the moment we anticipate the Account Center to be back online at 11:00am EST (17:00 CET).

Thank you for your understanding.