The Herald

UO Herald - Game Updates

The Awakening – Act V, Part 2

Written by the EM Team

    Dupre’s gleaming platemail was scarred and battered as he approached the walled sandstone city, great strips of it ripped away by the attacks of the vicious mechanical beasts. He’d left too many men, elves, and gargoyles dead in the final struggle to rid them of the foul beast Exodus…and despite Sacrifice being a virtue, he wondered if it hadn’t taken more than its share this time. And why did it seem that those younger, faster, and stronger than he were so oft chosen while Sacrifice had merely passed him by all these years? Or maybe these others in some way had acted as a shield for him, preserving his existence by purchasing it with their own. Or perhaps his vow of Honor to defeat Minax was all that held Sacrifice at bay. He shook his head as he passed through the gates of the city of Honor, but he couldn’t shake off his uncertainty. The events at the moongate had only served to reinforce his unsteadiness; He’d intended to immediately return to Felucca and his hunt for Minax, but if the moongates were corrupted in such a way, could it possibly be an infection like the gargoyles were even now still facing in Ter Mur? And if so, would it spread to the rest of Gilforn’s gates, or even to those temporary ones conjured by so many mages of the realm? Give me a beast, a monster, a man who I can fight with a sword and shield, and I’ll cause them to quake, he thought…but I have no recourse against an enemy I can’t face. Turning these thoughts aside, he strode into the armorsmiths and handed over his large, heavy shield, to which the smith could only shake his head. It was yet another shield that had given its life to prolong his. He looked over the copy of the journal he’d found…and he wondered if he hadn’t been wrong about the man who had once so often held court with his Lord.
    “Yes, Heckles, you know that I must do it. I trust you to tend to the castle and keep it ready for my return.”

    “Then you anticipate returning, milord?”

    Blackthorn was some time in answering, for he didn’t know exactly how to respond to such a simple and forthright question posed by his longtime jester and companion. Finally his voice rose as he shouldered the satchel carrying moonstones, blackrock, and other reagents.

    “I anticipate doing what needs to be done. I only hope that it allows me to rejoin you here, Heckles. And Heckles…”

    “Yes, Milord?”

    Blackthorn tossed the jester a key, and the jester cradled it as if it were that which unlocked the gates to eternal paradise.

    “Try not to empty the wine cellar in my absence.”

    For once, the jester had no witty reply…even as his master’s back turned towards him and he watched his cloak flutter with the opening of the door and his exit, Heckles could sense how serious this must be; his master had never once trusted him with the key to the wine cellar before…
    In Trinsic, despite that the rioters were still acting up and Ver Lor Reg was shattered…the mood was exuberant. The defeat of Exodus had made them all feel as if this was finally the end of a long journey through darkness; despite how he felt and what he thought, Dupre let them have their revelry and moment of glory. Tonight had been a victory, a powerful and important one…but it was not the end of their troubles by far. The peasants were still in revolt against the nobles; the gargoyles of Ver Lor Reg still displaced, now with no home; the minions of Minax and Minax herself running free wherever they may be; the gargoyles of Ter Mur stricken and swept through by the mysterious plague; and the Jukans and Meer decimated by the destruction in Ilshenar.
Dupre took his glass and drained it in a single throwback of it. He’d often been asked by people why it was he had such a fondness for the indulgence of alcohol.
Lately, his only reply was to ask how everyone else didn’t indulge in it.
    The dungeon’s inhabitants disgusted him; their twisted mockery of magic was an affront to all mages. At the same time, it fascinated him…the power that they were able to harness.

    In this case, disgust won out over fascination as a bolt of solid energy flew from the cloaked figures hands and ripped into the creature’s mechanisms, followed by three powerful lightning bolts that echoed thunderously through the depths, before all was silent again. Opening his satchel, he placed another piece of blackrock in front of yet another of the strange devices. He had no idea what this particular device did, nor did he care; all he needed to know was that it seemed important, and it was gathering energy.
    He was here to deny Exodus access to any of it.
    Trailing behind him lay a cord, fashioned from twine and infused with sulfurous ash; he set it up and led it back to what he believed to be the main chamber, and placed the few remaining bits of blackrock in front of the largest of the devices. With a moments incantation and several gestures, he could smell the burning of reagents in his bag, and feel as the magical energy traced its way through the ash infused ropes…he even could feel as the blackrock absorbed and enhanced the energies, and he had the satisfaction of seeing the large machine rock from the initial explosion, and he quickly turned to leave…only to be suddenly disoriented by a feeling he had felt once before.
    Being forcibly summoned by Exodus.
    The night had gone on late and Dupre had had his fill of whatever drink he’d wanted at any bar he’d gone to; but it left him unfulfilled. It was times like these, where even in victory he felt defeated, that he sought refuge in his dedication to Honor and everything it encompassed. So long as he kept true to his Honor, he would never lose his path.
    Even if it felt like he was helpless to save a Britannia that seemed bent on tearing itself apart at the seams.
    “You insult me, petty warlock.  You think to undermine my efforts instead of join me. Is this what you think of your virtue of Honesty?”

    Blackthorn bristled at the horrendous sound of the abominations voice, and managed to respond with a smirk on his lips that he wasn’t even sure it could see. “I’m afraid that you chose the wrong piece on the board if you wanted a virtuous pawn.”

    Laughter, haunting, cold, and without any sense of mirth, came as if from all around him. “You think you’ve won, do you, little one. I am more than you could ever hope to be, and your efforts may have cost me…but we will see who will cost who the most.”

    Blackthorns retort was lost as his jaw dropped, a moment of shock setting in when an enormous creature moved into view before him in the darkness, his neck craning back to look upon the bulk of the creature. For a moment, Blackthorn realized that perhaps there really was nothing that could be done against such a foe, and that he shouldn’t even try.

    But it was only for a moment.

    Blackthorn quickly backpedaled, thrusting a hand into the satchels hidden pocket, and withdrawing a large, peculiar stone that he’d hoped he wouldn’t have cause to use. The gleaming black sphere, something that Gilforn had boasted about being a ‘composite moonstone’, began to dance in his palm as he did his best to stay out of reach of the mechanical monster and he poured forth the magical energy from his body, his mana burning through his body with the rage of a dam breaking, every second his mind telling him he’d be just fast enough to keep out of Exodus’ reach.

    Unfortunately, a blow that was so fast it was practically invisible slammed into him and forced reality in upon his comforting lie. He was flung across the chamber, managing to just barely keep his hand on the shimmering orb, and as he hit a wall and then the floor, his vision blurred and went red. He coughed hard, blood spilling forth from his lips, a telling sign of some internal injury…but he would not falter. He was Lord Blackthorn. This vile spawn of a creature would not defeat someone of his standing.

    Exodus paced closer, expecting to see a look of despair upon the human’s face…only to find a bloody lipped smile on his face. And then suddenly a portal of shimmering energy, a swirling thing of crimson and cerulean, swallowed forth Blackthorn and Exodus alike.
    “A setback, my minions. Much damage was done to the apparatus meant to empower and strengthen me…and my whereabouts are unknown. But none of it has affected my ability to communicate across realms, as you can see.”

    Of course there was no actual response from the minions of Exodus…none that could be perceived by human senses.

    “It seemed that the warlock was quite the duplicitous one…I imagine that there are many ways we can make that work for us. And like it or not…he is now a captive audience. Even if we are both trapped here, he will still be made of use…” A haunting noise filled the displaced chamber, as Exodus laughed.

UO Herald - Game Updates

Call to Arms

As I am sure most of you have noticed there is an uneasy feeling in our world. This is an official notice for a Call to Arms…please check the times below for your shard and support Lord Dupre!


Shard Date Time EDT
Legends  6/25/2012  9 EDT
Atlantic 6/22/2012  9 EDT
Lake Superior  6/25/2012  8EDT
Great Lakes  6/23/2010  9 EDT
Chesapeake 6/23/2012 9 EDT
Catskills 6/22/2012  7 EDT
Siege 6/23/2012 3 EDT
Origin 6/22/2012 6:30 PDT
Pacific  6/22/2012  8 PDT
Sonoma  6/25/2012 9 EDT
Lake Austin  6/23/2012  9:30 CDT
Baja 6/24/2012 10 EDT
Napa Valley 6/23/2012 10 EDT
Drachenfells  6/24/2012  20:30 CEST
Europa  6/25/2012  3 pm EDT
Mugen 6/22/2012 9 JST
Wakoku 6/24/2012 8 JST
Hokuto 6/23/2012 10 JST
Formosa  6/22/2012  9 pm JST
Izumo 6/23/2012 8 JST
Mizuho 6/22/2012 9 JST
Yamato 6/23/2012 9 JST
Asuka 6/24/2012 10 JST
Arirang 6/24/2012 8 TW
Balhae 6/25/2012 8 TW
Sakura 6/24/2012 9 JST

UO Herald - Game Updates

Account Center Maintenance – 02/09

Update 11:15 am EST: The maintenance ended, the account center is back online.


We will bring down the Account Center for a short maintenance today, Thursday February 9th, at 10:45am EST (16:45 CET). During the maintenance you will not be able to change subscription or redeem game codes.

At the moment we anticipate the Account Center to be back online at 11:45am EST (17:45 CET).

Thank you for your understanding.

UO Herald - Game Updates

Publish 77.0 Comes to TC1

Greetings all,

In this publish we are having an issue with our patcher which increases the size of the patch. Please do not be alarmed. You are going to see a 411 MB classic client patch and a 112 MB patch for the Enhanced client. We are working on a fix for the patcher so it will reduce the size of the patches you will be receiving in the future. We are sorry for any inconvenience.

Publish 77.0.0

City Loyalty

In addition to assisting to quell the still ongoing unrest throughout Britannia three new ways to gain City Loyalty have been added:

  • Participating in Champ Spawns will award City Loyalty to the City you have chosen to declare citizenship to.  The more difficult the level of the champ spawn, the more love you will receive.
  • Turning in BoDs in a Loyalty City will award love to that City depending on the difficulty of the BoD.

    • New Magincia, Minoc, and Yew are proud to announce the opening of new Smithy and/or Clothier shops to serve the needs of the citizens!

      • You may visit the “Sand in Ya Britches Tailor Hut” and “The Sandy Smith” right next to the Modest Damsel Inn located on the Isle of New Magincia.
      • You may visit the “Tinderbox Smithy” and “The Elves Thimble” located within the center of Yew.
      • You may visit the “Survival Threads” clothier in Eastern Minoc.
  • City Trade Ministers have begun accepting a variety of basic resources to assist in rebuilding and providing for the citizenry.  City Trade Ministers will accept goods across a variety of Professions including, Lumberjacks, Miners, Hunters, Cooks, Fisherman, Archers, Alchemists, Tamers, and Herders.
  • Trade Ministers can be found at the major shipping hubs within each City. These include the Docks in most Cities, Great Oak Vessels in Yew, and the Stables in Minoc.
  • To donate a single item or stack of items drop them into the crate.
  • To donate a bag of items, drop the bag into the crate. A gump will appear with the quantities of each of the item groups you are donating.  Make sure to check your donations, as all donations to the City are final!
  • To donate a tamed or herded animal double click the hitching post and target the animal you wish to donate. A confirmation gump will appear making sure you wish to donate that animal.
  • Double click the Trade Minister NPC to see a full list of items accepted.  Basic resources are all that are necessary for donation. 


Farspeakers (Improved Communication Crystals)

  • 4 Listen Mode Settings – off, public, personal, and spy
  • 4 Volume Settings – off, private, dual, and loud
  • 4 Output Mode – Normal, Show my name, show sender, show both
  • Crafted by Tinkers
  • Improved user interface

    • Can link up to 10 speakers
    • Work across subserver lines
    • Rechargeable with gem stones
  • Higher maximum number of charges – 5000 max charges or if exceptional 10000 charges


Faction Artifact Changes

  • All faction artifacts have their Rank requirement changed to 1
  • The price in silver for Faction Artifacts depends on the buyer’s rank:

    • Tier 1 artifacts cost 2,000 silver for Rank 1 players; and 1,000 silver for all higher ranks
    • Tier 2 artifacts cost 8,000 silver for Rank 1 players; 6,000 silver for Rank 2; 4,000 silver for Rank 3; and 2,000 silver for Rank 4 and higher
    • Tier 3 artifacts Cost 18,000 silver for Rank 1 players; 15,000 silver for Rank 2; 12,000 silver for Rank 3; 9,000 silver for Rank 4; 6,000 silver for Rank 5; and 3,000 silver for Rank 6 and higher
    • Tier 4 artifacts cost 32,000 silver for Rank 1 players; 28,000 silver for Rank 2; 24,000 silver for Rank 3; 20,000 silver for Rank 4; 16,000 silver for Rank 5; 12,000 silver for Rank 6; 8,000 silver for Rank 7; 4,000 silver for Rank 8 and higher
    • Tier 5 artifacts cost 50,000 silver for Rank 1 players; 45,000 silver for Rank 2; 40,000 silver for Rank 3; 35,000 silver for Rank 4; 30,000 silver for Rank 5; players; 25,000 silver for Rank 6; 20,000 silver for Rank 7; 15,000 silver for Rank 8; 10,000 silver for Rank 9; and 5,000 silver for Rank 10 players
  • All faction artifacts have a maximum lifespan of 30 days
  • The remaining life displays in the item tooltip
  • This lifespan is in real time
  • Moonbound items are Indestructible when in a Felucca ruleset area. They will frequently repair themselves to maximum durability, and will not lose maximum durability.
  • Moonbound items are Ephemeral when in a Trammel ruleset area. They will lose 1 point of maximum durability per six minutes spent in active combat.
  • Faction artifacts have a new Item Property: Moonbound
  • All existing faction artifacts will convert to this new system with this publish
  • Note that faction consumables are not affected by this change


Faction Artifacts for Gargoyles

  • The faction reward sellers now sell gargoyle versions of all rewards except: Kasa of the Raj-In, Spirit of the Totem, Hunter’s Headdress, Inquisitor’s Resolution, Stormgrip
  • The reward seller will not list any non-alterable artifacts on the menu for Gargoyles
  • Gargoyles who purchase faction artifacts receive gargoyle equivalents
  • Faction Artifact Alteration

    • Gargoyles may hand faction artifacts to the Faction Reward Vendor. If the artifact can be altered into a Gargoyle version, the item will be altered and returned.
    • In all other cases, the item will be returned un-altered.
    • Special conversions:

      • Fey Leggings (chain pants) alter into Garg plate legs
      • The Robe of Command alters into a standard robe which can be worn by gargoyles


Faction Point Distribution Update:

  • Faction kill points will now be distributed based on involvement in faction fighting. Players can earn points through dealing damage, taking damage, and healing damage when opposing faction members successfully kill someone in an opposing faction.
  • Points are awarded based on rank of the victim killed:

    • Ranks 1 – 3 are worth 4 points.
    • Ranks 4 – 6 are worth 8 points.
    • Ranks 7 – 9 are worth 12 points.
    • Rank 10 is worth 16 points.
  • The amount of kill points taken from the victim is based on their faction rank when killed or 10% of their current points whichever is highest. Players in stat loss will be worth 1 point or 10% of their current points whichever is highest.
  • Awarded points are divided between the participating characters in the kill:
  • The killer will receive 40% of awarded points.
  • The remaining 60% of awarded points is divided amongst the killer and all assisters. Max 3 assisters
  • Eligible participants will receive 40 silver for each kill.
  • The most deficit points any faction member can have is now 12.
  • Siege  – Faction kill points will now be awarded on all facets in addition to victims receiving stat loss penalty.


Bug Fixes

  • Resolved the issue which was causing equipped items, mounts and even backpacks from disappearing in dungeons.
  • Fixed the issue involving healers getting looting rights properly.
  • Fixed the issue with altering the Quiver of Infinity into Gargoyle Wing Armor
  • An adjustment has been made to Cora’s Mana Vamp range


Classic Client 7.0.26

Classic Client Patcher Update

  • Cliloc Changes


Enhanced Client  4.0.26

  • Cliloc Changes
  • The “Target by Resource” feature has been fixed and works with Fishing
  • There is now a way for players to reset their enhanced client UI elements (hot-bars, main menu bar, backpack gump location, etc.) to their default location.

UO Herald - Game Updates

A Token for the Patient Ones

Monday night, a long and unexpected issue prevented Ultima Online players worldwide to spend their time in Sosaria. In appreciation of your patience during that time, you will be able to claim a small token tomorrow, June 20 afternoon EDT. Keep an eye open for a chest appearing near the Moongate in Luna. It will be around from Wednesday to Friday.

Make sure to get your gift – but keep it safe, it’s too easy to exhaust.

See you in the game!

UO Herald - Game Updates

THE YEW TIMES – A Newspaper for Sosaria

Written by members of the UO community

Issue 1 – Edition 3


Accidental Tourist Takes Trip to Distant Lands
The mystery of items disappearing from containers may finally be resolved. Dread Lord Popeye reported that he had been consistently experiencing missing items from his home and pinpointed the loss to an armoir on an upper floor of his tower. While further investigating, he somehow passed through the back of the armoir into a snowy landscape, where he soon encountered, in his own words “a female RPer Ice-queen and a midget in a sled” who tried to alternately bribe him with candy and intimidate him. Popeye claimed that he became suspicious of their behavior and insisted upon searching the back of the sleigh for his missing belongings, causing the “midget” to issue threats and becoming quite annoying. Lord Popeye was disappointed that it only took two flamestrikes to take out the both of them, and that his belongings were nowhere to be found. Popeye pointed out that if lightweight RPers are going to play by Fel rules, they should have at least some decent gear.

Murderer Still at Large
Authorities are on the lookout for a violent felon by the name of Moustache Joe who is wanted on multiple counts of mass murder, piracy, arson, kidnapping, and removing tags from mattresses. The suspect is described as stocky, bald, with a scar on his cheek, missing the small finger on his right hand, dressed in dark green liveries, and having a very pretty mouth. Like all other Britannians, he is to be considered armed and dangerous. A reward of 10,000 gp is being offered for information leading to his capture.


World Going on Trip In Handbasket
Citizens are upset and they have plenty of matches. For years they cried out while witnessing gruesome murders, while the delinquent guards stood about idly inside some invisible zone of deafness. Administrations overlooked the needs of the townspeople; its working class being denied insurance or even access to a proper dentist. But what may have been the final straw for the citizens of Britannia, is the recent housing decay incident. Grumbling behind their counters and in the fields were witnesses to the latest act of mass avarice by the privileged class blissfully looting the dispossessed, while the truly worthy are trapped in their meager existences serving the establishment. What is more unforgivable is that nobody made the effort to tell “those people” about this golden opportunity to get ahead, and perhaps to reach for the brass ring for once in their pitiful lives. So, while the “Haves” go about in their prosperous pursuits, they will not even deem to make eye contact with the “Have-Nots” who have been wearing the same pantaloons for an entire decade, whose significant others berate them for not having a new living room set since their home was first built. Who can blame them when they finally lash out against the system? And what do they get handed when they do cry out for equality? Bloody fish steaks! You just want to shout out to them, “Burn it all down! Just burn it to the ground!” But, who would they be hurting but themselves? How are they going to sleep when their beds are burning? Think of the children, wherever they are….


Hidden Shame
Lying in the western side of the Peaks of Disgrace mountain range south of Yew, resides the dungeon called Shame. What once was a prospering gold mine in its time, is now the domain of elementals. The flooding of its chambers and attacks from the denizens of its depths drove the miners to safer endeavors. Only the remains of the miners and their abandoned equipment lingers behind as a testament of its original purpose. It is unclear if the elementals have always been the native inhabitants, perhaps freed from Shame’s depths by underground tremors or transported through the magical portals that allow transit between the levels. If such is the case, was it by accident or by design? What is certain is that in recent times, the occupants have grown more varied, more corrupted, and stronger. If Shame’s name is aptly chosen, then like many sins, its secret past has probably been long buried.

Reader Commentary
We asked Silvester Silverlips, veteran reader, bard/adventurer and interior decor savant what he thought about the recent changes in two of the land’s dungeons. Mister Silverlips stated, “I don’t know who is behind it but I hope they keep it up. When I laid eyes upon the “NEW” Shame, I could have quite literally died. The new monster colors are just breathtaking, and just dazzle the eye. I am trying to get my foot in the door early and enjoy the scene, before the bourgeois riffraff flood it and bring down the whole “energy” of the place.


To the abductors who kidnapped my mother-in-law. I apologize that am unable to get my hands on the funds to pay the ransom. 5,000 gold is far beyond my means. Perhaps I can pay in 50 gp installments every other week, or you can just hold onto her until I get the full amount. I spent 100 gp on this ad, so I’m already 2 weeks behind on the first payment. Sorry.

Dear Mister John Smith. I have managed to locate those LLAMAS that you asked for. I am sure that the clientelle at your STABLE will enjoy them. The blonde one is extremely TALENTED and is very good at doing TRICKS. The brunette LLAMA I mentioned is very classy and I would recommend charging extra for RIDES. I can also get you a LLAMA with great legs and nice smile, who is also good at mixing drinks, if you happen to be interested.


Green Thumb Reminder
Now is the time to plant those tulip bulbs.

This Month’s Horoscope
The Peddler-January
Good luck is on your side today, because you’re tapped into a sense of higher purpose… jacking up the prices on your Luna vendors.

The Mongbat-February
People will be watching you more in the following days…most often at the bank..pointing at your crappy armor.

The Phoenix-March
Remember. Others admire a person who is straightforward and genuine. Work on faking those qualities and you’ll earn tons of respect.

The Sea Dragon-April
Today is a good time to be bold and take chances. See that thing over there? Go poke it with a stick.

The Hermit-May
Try to make it a point to improve your memory skills or write things down more often. All your plants are dead.

The Llama-June
In dealing with others, forget about winning or losing, and seek a compromise instead. Ask the other person what they need to feel comfortable and listen carefully when they answer. When their guard is down, grab all their cool stuff, and run.

The Ancient Wyrm-July
You have the attention of a certain person. You’ll build this person’s excitement and anticipation by not asking for what you want right off the bat.Then at that moment, you will strike and crush that person’s dreams.

The Anvil-August
The routine gets boring. That is, until you arrive on the scene to provide refreshing alternatives …and booze.

The Weaver-September
It’s time to start rebuilding some of those bridges you burned lately. Stupid Pyromaniac!

The Wisp-October
Grampa’s running around the neighborhood naked again. Looks like it’s your turn to bring him back.

The Unicorn-November
You’ve never been the type to believe in love at first sight, or anything else even slightly romantic, for that matter.

The Wanderer-December
Tonight, supper will be waiting for you. A dish of roasted chicken with potatoes. A fresh baked apple pie is cooling.  But someone forgot to goto the local tinker and get more plates. That’s when the fightin’ starts.

Figure out which month you were born on, to know your sign.

UO Herald - Game Updates

Login Server Maintenance – 06/19

We will be bringing the login server offline tomorrow, Tuesday June 19, at 7:30 am EDT (11:30am GMT) for maintenance. At this time we anticipate that the login will be back online no later than 8:30 am EDT (12:30pm GMT).

During this maintenance you will not be able to login to Ultima Online, however you will be able to continue to play if you log in before the maintenance.

Please be sure to check the Herald for updates regarding this downtime.

UO Herald - Game Updates

Account Center Maintenance – 02/06

Update 11:15am EST: The maintenance is complete.


We will bring down the Account Center for a maintenance today, Monday February 6th, at 10am EST (16:00 CET). During the maintenance you will not be able to change subscription or redeem game codes.

At the moment we anticipate the Account Center to be back online at 1:00pm EST (19:00 CET).

Thank you for your understanding.