Openings for Event Moderators for Japanese Speaking Players
Greetings everyone,
We are looking for 6 players that are creative, outgoing, and love to make events come to life on Japanese shards. These positions require you to be 18 years of age, and able to put in 20 hours a month. A small amount of English is a must to be able to communicate with the team. If you are interested in being a part of the Event Moderator team; please fill out the following application and return it to barmstrong AT
- Name:
- Age:
- Shard/shards you play on:
- What language (s) do you speak?
- Account names (no passwords please):
- How long have you played UO:
- Have you ever been a volunteer or worked with EA before?
- What type of character do you like to play?
- If you could change anything about UO what would it be?
- Where do you buy bananas? (sorry couldn’t resist)
- Has any of your accounts ever been suspended, if so what was the reason?
- Write a short event that you would like to run on a shard, include the type of decoration and reward you would like to give.
Please remember you are not allowed to EM on the shard you play on.
We look forward to hearing from you.