The Herald

UO Herald - Game Updates

Ultima Online Team Grows

As you might know, we are currently moving previously external lead positions into our office in Fairfax to create an even stronger team and lead Ultima Online through its 15th anniversary into the future. This change has given us a new team member, Jim Crawley the new Art Lead. Here is his introduction:

Hello one and all,

I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself. I am Jim Crawley, a veteran of the game industry having started my career in 1996, working for MicroProse software on the civilization line. Since then I have made many products over the years. I have created everything from fantasy to sci-fi, strategy to shooters, MMO’s and more. I started in the QA department but quickly moved into the art department. Since then I have created concept work, 2d art, 3D art, animations, effects, and world design. There is almost no facet of the art world I have not at least assisted with, and I help wherever I am needed. I recently came from SWTOR where I was creating the special effects for the world, ships, objects, and players. I have come back home to roost, having been a part of the Mythic family before, and I look forward to supporting the project, and the players as we move forward. Also this may surprise some of you, but you have actually already seen some of my work in game, as I assisted on past updates during Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas and you can feel free to see a small sample of the work I provided here A new site is on its way however.

Now that I’ve told you a little about me professionally let me tell you a little about me and my interests.  I am an animal lover and since I was Texas for the last year I currently have one amazing dog, an Australian Kelpie who is very glad that I am back home. My wife and I plan on getting another dog soon; two dogs just work best for us, though we have not decided what we want yet. I have rescued many stray and stranded dogs, cats, and my personal favorite a large very old snapping turtle.  I am an avid gamer! I love playing MMOs, RPGs, shooters, board games, and I am in several tabletop campaigns. I enjoy painting miniatures, photography, and sketching. See the gaming industry is the perfect career choice for me. My hobbies and my professional life are very similar. I have a personal passion for making games because I too am a gamer and I strive to make the art the best it can be in the games I help create. You see, creating art, with many of my pass times revolving around both topics, this of course makes me one of those people who actually loves their job!

I am very much looking forward to bringing all of you new game content, and working on a game that is clearly loved by its fans. Trust me, when fans love a game like you all do, it makes the work far more rewarding. Also this may surprise some of you, but you have actually already seen some of my work in game, as I assisted on past updates during Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. I look forward to providing great art for you all and Bonnie has been sharing the suggestions on what you like to see in the game, I’m always open to hearing what they are and hope we can work together to continue to make the game great! I look forward to supporting the project and the players as we move forward.

Jim “Onifrk” Crawley

UO Herald - Game Updates

Oceania Maintenance – 05/08


We will bring down Oceania for service provider maintenance tomorrow, Tuesday May 8th, at 3 pm EDT (21:00 CEST). Only the Oceania shard will be affected during this time.
At this moment we anticipate the shard to be back online no later then 6 pm EDT (24:00 CEST).
Thank you for your understanding.

UO Herald - Game Updates

Pub 76.0 Arrives on TC1 Today

We’ll will bring Pub 76 to TC1 today at 5pm EDT (11pm CEST). The shard should be back online no later than 6pm EDT (12am CEST).

These are the changes to the previously posted Publish Notes:

  • Expect cliloc errors on TC1 till early next week when we put out a new client.
  • Added Gargoyle Artifacts in Covetous
  • Unique hues were added to the Artifacts
  • Adjusted the strength of the monsters in level 3
  • Adjusted the number and properties of the artifacts found in Covetous and purchased from Vela

Prismatic Lenses

  • Hit Point Regeneration: 2
  • Stamina Regeneration: 3
  • Damage Increase: 25%
  • Poison Resist: 17%
  • Physical Resist: 18 %
  • Cold Resist: 7 %
  • Energy Resist: 6 %
  • Fire resist 4 %
  • HLD 30%


  • Self repair 5
  • Reflect Physical 15%
  • Defence Chance Increase 15%
  • Lower Mana Cost 8%
  • Physical Resist 15%
  • Fire Resist 1%
  • Faster Casting 2
  • Spell Channeling
  • Parry 10

Bracelet of Protection

  • Hit Point Increase 5
  • Hit Point Regeneration 10
  • Defense Chance Increase 5%
  • Random Damage Eater 15%

Blight of the Tundra

  • Stamina Regeneration 10
  • Damage Increase 50%
  • Cold Damage 100%
  • Cold Resist 15%
  • Swing Speed Increase 45%
  • HCI 15%
  • Str Increase 5
  • Random Slayer


  • Hit Stamina Leech 100%
  • Stamina regeneration 3
  • Damage Increase 50%
  • Swing Speed Increase 40   
  • Faster casting 1
  • Fire Damage 100%
  • HCI 10%
  • Splintering 20%

 See you in the game!

UO Herald - Game Updates

UO Forums Interviews TheGrimmOmen

The Ultima Online Forums recently published an excellent interview with TheGrimmOmen, UO Lead CG Supervisor.

What is your official job title? What does it cover/involve?
My official title is Lead CG Supervisor. Generally, a Lead CG Sup is in charge of tools (evaluation, creation, implementation, and support) and pipeline (the processes that artists follow to create art and get that artwork into the game) development. Since I’ve been doing UO art for… a long time now, my responsibilities currently also include Art Lead/Director responsibilities, which include schedule development for the art team, as well as writing up reviews and feedback for artwork being developed for UO. I also get to do concept artwork and on a good day, animation for our creatures. I’m also responsible for processing all the artwork we create to get it in the game.

Whether you’re an artist, gamer or just want to learn something about kilts, be sure to check out the complete interview.

UO Herald - Game Updates

Publish 76 comes to TC1

Here are the publish notes for publish 76 coming to TC1. Enjoy!

Publish 76.0.0


Gardening System 

  • Vanilla has been added to the Gardening System
  • Vanilla seeds can be found on Exodus mobs inside Exodus Dungeon
  • Vanilla plants will produce vanilla and additional vanilla seeds
  • Vanilla plants cannot be crosspollinated with other plants
  • It is possible to get mutant colored vanilla plants using conventional gardening techniques

Covetous Dungeon Revamp

Level  One – Still a great place to farm feathers but added a few suprises.
Level Two – Contains the Void Pool

  • Covetous Level 2 represents a new style of PvM for Ultima Online. Instead of farming monsters for treasure, the players’ task is to defend the Void Pool from Cora’s minions. Cora will invade the dungeon with endless waves of monsters. Each wave is tougher than the last. The monsters do not drop loot, and instead players score points for making kills or assisting in making kills.

Level Three – Cora and her Minions

  • When she was denied advanced knowledge of mana by the Codex of Infinite Wisdom, the sorceress Cora became enraged. In her pique, she poured all of her enormous energy into a magical spell and focused it onto the Codex. Despite the sheer power of the Codex, she wrested a few pages from its binding.
  • The magical blast also bored a hole through the Void Between Places, anchored by a section of stone from the Codex’s podium. Cora and the pages from the Codex were pushed through the hole in space.
  • The far end of the hole erupted into the middle of Dungeon Covetous. Injured, and with her own ability to channel mana damaged, Cora retreated deeper into the dungeon. Over time, she recovered, and now sends minions enhanced by magic to attempt to capture more pages of knowledge from within the Void Pool.
  • Use of travel spells near the Void Pool in Covetous is impossible because of the twist in space, so Cora must gate her minions into the dungeon from a distance.


Void Pool Points

Once you have gained enough void pool points visit Vela the Sorceress in Minoc, outside the Old Miners Supply building.

New Artifacts found in Covetous


  • Savage Chieftain’s Headdress

    • Intelligence Bonus 8
    • Mana Regeneration 2
    • Reflect Physical Damage 15%
    • Lower Mana Cost 10%
    • Physical Resist 10%
    • Fire Resist 9%
    • Poison Resist 10%
    • Energy Resist 25%
  • Crown of Insight
  • Intelligence Bonus 8 
  • Mana Increase 15
  • Mana Regeneration 2
  • Defense Chance Increase 5%
  • Lower Mana Cost 8%
  • Physical Resist 9%
  • Fire Resist 3%
  • Cold Resist 6%
  • Poison Resist 3%
  • Energy Resist 17%
  • Hit Point Regeneration 2 
  • Stamina Regeneration 3
  • Damage Increase 25%
  • Physical Resist 18%
  • Fire Resist 3%
  • Cold Resist 7%
  • Poison Resist 17%
  • Energy Resist 6%
  • Self Repair 5
  • Reflect Physical Damage 15%
  • Defense Chance Increase 15%
  • Faster Casting 1
  • Lower Mana Cost 8%
  • Physical Resist 15%
  • Fire Resist 1%
  • Self Repair 5
  • Night Sight
  • Reflect Physical Damage 15%
  • Physical Resist 24%
  • Fire Resist 34%
  • Cold Resist 4%
  • Poison Resist 1%
  • Energy Resist 2%
  • mage Armor
  • Hit Point Increase 5
  • Hit Point Regeneration 10
  • Defense Chance Increase 5%
  • Hit Point Increase 10
  • Reflect Physical Damage 15%
  • Hit Chance Increase 5%
  • Defense Chance Increase 5%
  • Physical Resist 35%
  • Fire Resist 3%
  • Cold Resist 2%
  • Poison Resist 3%
  • Energy Resist 5%
  • Lower Requirements 10%
  • Strength Bonus 8 
  • Hit Point Increase 5
  • Stamina Regeneration 1 
  • Luck 140
  • Damage Increase 20%
  • Physical Resist 18%
  • Fire Resist 3%
  • Cold Resist 1%
  • Poison Resist 20%
  • Energy Resist 3%
  • Durability +100%
  • Stamina Increase 8
  • Stamina Regeneration 3
  • Hit Chance Increase 20%
  • Physical Resist 8%
  • Fire Resist 4%
  • Cold Resist 4%
  • Poison Resist 36%
  • Energy Resist 2%
  • Headdress of Evil 
  • Hephaestus
  • Inferno Tunic
  • Bracelet of Protection 
  • Champion’s Breastplate
  • Queen’s Gloves
  • Void Walk


  • Blight of the Tundra

    • Hit Dispel 50%
    • Stamina Regeneration 10
    • Swing Speed Increase 30%
    • Damage Increase 50%
    • Cold Resist 15%
    • Cold Damage 100%
    • Weapon Damage 15-19
    • Weapon Speed 4.25s
  • Mace of the Fanatic
  • Hit Stamina Leech 50%
  • Swing Speed Increase 75%
  • Damage Increase 50%
  • Physical Damage 100%
  • Weapon Damage 14-16
  • Weapon Speed 3.5s
  • Hit Poison Area 100%
  • Dexterity Bonus 5
  • Hit Chance Increase 15%
  • Swing Speed Increase 20%
  • Damage Increase 50%
  • Physical Damage 100%
  • Weapon Damage 12-13
  • Weapon Speed 2.5s
  • Hit Lightning 50%
  • Hit Chance Increase 15%
  • Defense Chance Increase 15%
  • Faster Casting 1 
  • Swing Speed Increase 30%
  • Damage Increase 50%
  • Physical Damage 100%
  • Weapon Damage 15-17
  • Weapon Speed 3.25s
  • Two Handed Weapon 
  • Dragon Slayer
  • Luck 140
  • Swing Speed Increase 30%
  • Damage Increase 50%
  • Fire Resist 20%
  • Use Best Weapon Skill
  • Physical Damage 100%
  • Weapon Damage 17-18
  • Weapon Speed 4.5s
  • Random Slayer
  • Hit Poison Area 100%
  • Hit Chance Increase 15%
  • Damage Increase 50%
  • Poison Resist 15%
  • Physical Damage 100%
  • Weapon Damage 10-12
  • Weapon Speed 2s
  • Hit Life Leech 100%
  • Hit Harm 40%
  • Spell Damage Increase 15%
  • Swing Speed Increase 20%
  • Damage Increase 50%
  • Physical Damage 100%
  • Weapon Damage 13-15
  • Weapon Speed 3s
  • Hit Lighting 40%
  • Hit Lower Defense 50%
  • Strength Bonus 10
  • Damage Increase 75%
  • Physical Damage 100%
  • Weapon Damage 16-17
  • Weapon Speed 4s
  • Plaguebringer
  • Thunderous Roar
  • Fayaxion’s Bane
  • Reptile’s Kiss
  • Breathless Sickle
  • Bedlam’s Mortar


Decay Point Change

  • Factions, Virtue, and City Loyality points will not decay if you log in daily anytime after maintenance.
  • Except to the rule is faction points will decay if they are over a hundred regardless if you log in or not.

Pirates and Merchants in Tokuno

  • We have added Pirates and Merchant ships to Tokuno waters


Bug Fixes


  • Certain peculiar seeds will no longer be unidentified when removing them from a seed box
  • The Alchemist in Ter Mur should now sell glass blowing tools
  • The crystal portal will take the speaker to the Ilshenar Gypsy Bank when the words “Ilshenar Mint” are spoken
  • Hail Storm can no longer be cast thru walls
  • Hail Storm will now have diminishiung returns like the other area effect spells in the game
  • All Bard Mastery Party abilities are now subject to a beneficial action check
  • The Crystal Lotus question has been fixed
  • Display cases can now be dyed with the furniture dye tub when in deed form
  • Plant pigments that are the same hue will automatically stack in your backpack
  • The 10th Anniversary Sculputure can now be turned with the deco tool without any issues
  • Faction points that were not scaled correctly have been addressed


Classic client  7.0.25

Classic Client Patcher Update.

  • Cliloc Changes


Enhanced Client  4.0.25

  • Cliloc Changes

UO Herald - Game Updates

Oceania Maintenance – 07/20

Our Austalian service provider will perform maintenance today at 3 pm EDT (19:00 GMT) which might affect the Oceania shard. You might lose connectivity to the shard for a short periood.

The maintenance is supposed to end no later then 4 pm EDT (20:00 GMT).

Thank you for your understanding.

UO Herald - Game Updates

The Awakening – Act IV

Written by the EM Team

     The thundering echoes of metal clashing against stone rose up again from the western walls, as yet another of the mechanical beasts managed to clamber its way out of the hole that led to their entombed shrine to do battle with the Gargish defenders. Alone the creatures were not a lethal threat, but any mistake would lead to injuries, and the gargoyles could not replenish their forces as the machines did. Add to that the defecting gargoyles that joined the twisted and insane controllers inside the mechanized temple to a long dormant deity, and Ver Lor Reg sat on a precarious perch. And though the sounds of valorous physical battle carried from the site, a far different but decidedly no less heated battle took place inside their council chambers.

    “To say we have dealt with the creatures of this land since Ver Lor Reg was created and we have never once faltered. To think that this is an unconquerable force is unworthy of our people. To say that we should accept the offer of Zhah…is unbecoming.”

    A rustling of leathery wings showed the gargoyles’ displeasure at the tone struck by Vis-Lem. “Zhah’s offer of refuge and treatise is favorable and generous; Driven by worry of losing some of your power, Vis-Lem?”

    Vis-Lem bared his teeth for a moment at Res-Vor. “To say that establishing Ver Lor Reg was a monumental accomplishment is an understatement; The machines are threatening, but the influx of visitors is helping businesses…”

    An-Rel-Tar raised a clawed hand for a moment for silence, and everyone ceased. It had been some time since they had heard the aged gargoyle speak. Clearing his throat for a moment, he stood and gestured to the other gargoyles at the stone table. “The elves…humans…and even fellow gargoyles are straining our resources. There is only so much the land and our mages can provide, and with central Ilshenar sealed so have a plethora of our resources been sealed beyond our reach. The gold is good, yes…but of what use is it when the Britannians suffer from raiders in their own cities and caravans are scarce? Think on it long and hard, my friends…It is no easy decision to make. We stand at a precipice, and must make sure we do not plunge off of it.”

    As An-Rel-Tar finished, he turned to walk out and the other gargoyles knew that regardless of whether or not they had anything else to say, for now at least, this meeting was finished.

    San-Lem had spent several years as a healer here in Ver Lor Reg, and before that she’d wandered through the wilds of Ilshenar, and it was a testament to her ability to recognize danger and steer clear of it that she’d survived as long as she had. The recent skirmishes in the city had set her and many others nerves on edge regarding the current situation, and the heavy traffic through the area didn’t help. Change begets change, she thought…and change was often a violent and destructive process. She’d made up her mind some weeks ago, and had only just now finished her preparations, trading what coin she had for rations and supplies. It ached within her to think of no longer being able to feel the touch of cool marble beneath her clawed feet, but she’d already made up her mind.

    As she passed through the gates of the cities and headed between the great marble pillars that marked where they had conquered the deserts of Ilshenar, she took one last look at the city before drawing her wings around her. She turned and headed north, passing a small group of humans with some sort of tool she’d never seen before. They were taking great scoops of the desert up and shaking loose the sand, finding rocks and bits of stone and marble from the initial constructions. Shaking her head she walked on, thinking that she’d never understand the humans no matter how many generations of their people she lived through.