Publish 86 Notes

Greetings Everyone, We would like to let everyone know that “Return to Britannia” will be turned on next week, we apologize for the delay, however due to a delay in our marketing mailers we have had to delay the start of the Return to Britannia promotion. During “Return to Britannia” we will be setting up some Guild Recruiting Stations. For any guilds that wish to participate in welcoming new and returning players to the game please visit New Haven and Luna during Return to Britannia. We would also like to announce the release of the MyUO on our website. During […]

Publish 86 to TC1

We are publishing to TC1 tonight, please make sure you give us your feedback and check often for the updates to the systems .  We have chosen the first round of advisors (counselors) and emails will be going out next week to notify everyone of the shards you will be assigned to and when I hope to be able to robe you on TC1 so we can get you trained. Thank you with your patience with us and happy hunting! UO Team   Vice vs Virtue – Phase I We are very excited to bring you the first iteration of […]

Publish 83 on TC1 August 30th, 2013

Publish 83.0.0   Happy 16th Year Anniversary!!!!!!!! Ultima Online’s 16th anniversary gift bag will be delivered between midnight Monday, September 15th, 2013 and midnight October 14th, 2013. Characters need to be 30 days or older to receive the gift bag which contains : • a 16th anniversary pony statuette (no it is not a pink pony) • 16th anniversary gift card • 16th anniversary plant deed • 16th anniversary silver serving tray. New Potted plant deed will create a specially hued Japanese maple tree, a wall mount staghorn fern deed, a potted dieffenbachia plant or a specially hued enormous Venus […]

Updated Publish 81 on TC1

Changes to Publish 81 have been patched to TC1. Click on more for the updated publish notes. Please Note:  An alternate client is needed to test the changes. Currently testing Publish 81.0.0 on Test Center *Weapon special move changes requires alternate game client found in patch directory:  client_tc.exe or UOSA_TC.exe .  This client is needed to test the following changes. Weapon Revamp All weapons have now been normalized based on weapon speed and handedness.   Mace: Gargish Tessen & Tessen, Base damage 10-13 / Weapon Speed 2 seconds Wild Staff, Base damage 10-13 / Weapon Speed 2.25 seconds Quarter Staff, […]

Publish 79 Comes to All Shards – 11/19

We have staged Publish 79 to be released on Sunday evening, 11/18 during Maintenance for the European servers and Monday morning, 11/19  during Maintenance for the US servers.  Please note we are turning housing decay back on when this publish goes live. For your reading pleasure, here are the completed notes:   Publish 79.0.0 New Veteran Rewards 15th Year: Garden Shed House Add-On Contains two secure containers that do not count towards house storage limits Each container holds 125 items with no weight limit The shed has standard house security settings controlling container access To access the containers, stand near […]

Publish 79 for TC1 Notes

Publish 79.0.0 New Veteran Rewards 15th Year: Garden Shed House Add-On Contains two secure containers that do not count towards house storage limits Each container holds 125 items with no weight limit The shed has standard house security settings controlling container access To access the containers, stand near the door of the shed and double-click it 13th Year: Exodus Statuette 11th Year: Navrey Night-Eyes Statuette 9th Year: Virtuebane Statuette 8th Year: Davies’ Locker This is based on a real-life glass top table containing a three-dimensional map of Britannia, created by Alan Davies. The table resides in the front lobby of […]

Memorable Moment Winners – Legends

We received 15 great stories from the Legends shard. Our judges had a wealth of memories to be entertained by and, once again, we ended up with another three way tie! Here are the 7 winning entries from the Legends shard: The Noobiest of Newbies When I look back at the ten years, I have played Ultima Online my favorite memory is of the month I was stuck in the Lost Lands aka T2A.   When I think about it, I laugh and laugh.   I really was the noobiest of newbies.  I am sure you are wondering how anyone becomes stuck […]

Memorable Moment Winners – Great Lakes

Since we have been overwhelmed in the excitement of having so many ties, we wanted to keep it going by posting another set of winners today! We received 13 entries from the Great Lakes shard and had another tie! Here are the 6 winning entries from Great Lakes: Many of my most memorable UO moments occurred in and around Kazola’s Treetop Keg and Winery in what is now Feluccan Yew on Great Lakes. Located under a majestic yew tree southeast of the Yew Moongate, Kazola’s was a beacon of community in the sea of chaos that saturated Sosaria in those […]

Memorable Moment Winners – Lake Austin

We received 15 entries from the Lake Austin shard. There were a lot of extremely good memories and a tally of the votes resulted in another tie!  Here are the 6 winning entries from Lake Austin: My most memorable moment in all of Ultima Online is when I tamed my first ice white cu sidhe.  What makes that moment remarkable is when you take into consideration thatI started my taming at 30 skill points that I bought from a ranger in Skara Brae.  It’s hard to imagine, but I trained taming for over a year to make it to a […]

Memorable Moment Winners – Baja

We received many stories from Baja and our winners shared some inspiring memories of camaraderie. The top 5 most memorable UO moments from Baja: Fig The Ancient I struggled with this one for a while…their are so many good moments to remember but this one touched me deeply, and also gave me insight to the folks that played on our server. It was a few months after guilds were introduced into the world. It was during the times when houses were often vandalized by red characters. They would often kill members and steal the keys to your home then empty it […]