The Herald

Publish 90 Part 2 comes to TC1

We are excited for the second TC1 release of the Time of Legends!  Make sure you patch your client before testing anything on TC1. We look forward to seeing you on TC1, if you have any feedback please send it to We will be pushing this tonight so expect TC1 to go down for a short period of time.

Please remember this client is not mandatory as of yet, but if you wish to check out all the new and exciting features please make sure you patch up completely.

You can check out all the details here

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Welcome to the new

We are excited to welcome you to the completely rebuilt!

For the latest happenings in Britannia check out the front page and our new event calendar.

Our new player wiki will serve as a repository for all game information, and over the coming weeks will expand to include 18 years worth of information on UO to better serve our players.

We are also continuing to fine tune MyUO and will soon expand it to include Vice vs Virtue leader board data.

We still have a ton of content to add, but as our site continues to grow please feel free to contact us with any feedback you may have.

Also, don’t forget to sign up for our monthly newsletter on the front page of the website.
See you in Britannia,

The UO Team


UO Herald - Game Updates

Publish 90 Part 1 Time of legends

We are excited for the first TC1 release of the Time of Legends! This is only part one of what you can expect to see in Pub 90 and can expect to see part two in the next week. Make sure you patch your client before testing anything on TC1. We look forward to seeing you on TC1, if you have any feedback please send it to We will be pushing this tonight so expect TC1 to go down for a short period of time.

Please remember this client is not mandatory as of yet, but if you wish to check out all the new and exciting features please make sure you patch up completely.

[Read full article…]

UO Herald - Lore

Danger and Despair


As we continue our lead up to the Time of Legends release we are excited to present the next installment of our epic adventure! Check out shard Event Moderator websites and in-game town criers to find out when these events will be held. Without further ado we present:

Danger and Despair

[Read full article…]

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Newsletter and Exciting News

Greetings Everyone,

As you may have heard we launched our newsletter this month! If you have not signed up please take a few moments and sign up for the newsletter at In future newsletters we’ll be conducting contests, sharing questions and answers from the Meet & Greets, and giving a heads up on what’s new for Ultima Online. You can check out the newsletter here.

For those that haven’t signed up for the newsletter we wanted to make sure you know about our special Time of Legends promotion! If you have a current subscription, reactivate your account, or start a new account in August, September, or October, your account will have the Time of Legends expansion applied automatically. A gift from us to you! This offer is available if you use a recurring credit card subscription or if you use game time codes.

More details on how and when the expansion will be applied to your account will be available as we get closer to the release this September.

See you in Britannia,
UO Team

UO Herald - Support

「ウルティマ オンライン」関連コードの払戻し実施のお知らせ

「ウルティマ オンライン」関連コードの払戻し実施のお知らせ

平素はウルティマ オンラインをご愛顧いただき、誠にありがとうございます。

先日、ご案内させていただきましたとおり、平成27年7月31日23時59分を持ちまして日本国内で販売されたウルティマ オンライン関連コードのサポートを終了させていただきました。該当のコードはすでにご利用いただけない状態となっております。






この度はお客様に大変ご迷惑をおかけしましたこと、心よりお詫び申し上げます。引き続きウルティマ オンラインをなにとぞよろしくお願い申し上げます。

UO Herald - Lore

Isamu’s Legacy


As we continue our lead up to the Time of Legends release we are excited to present the next installment of our epic adventure! Check out shard Event Moderator websites and in-game town criers to find out when these events will be held. Without further ado we present:

Isamu’s Legacy

[Read full article…]

UO Herald - Special Announcement

New Dev Meet & Greet Schedule

Shard Date Time – EDT Time Zone
Legends 13-Jul-15 7pm
Mugen 27-Jul-15 9am
Atlantic 10-Aug-15 7pm
Wakoku 24-Aug-15 9am
Lake Superior 9-Sep-15 7pm
Hokuto 21-Sep-15 9am
Great Lakes 5-Oct-15 7pm
Formusa 19-Oct-15 10am
Chesapeake 2-Nov-15 7pm
Izumo 16-Nov-15 9am
Siege Perilous 2-Dec-15 7pm
Mizuho 14-Dec-15 9am
Origin 11-Jan-16 9pm
Yamato 25-Jan-16 9am
Pacific 8-Feb-16 9pm
Asuka 22-Feb-16 9am
Sonoma 7-Mar-16 9pm
Sakura 21-Mar-16 9am
Lake Austin 4-Apr-16 9pm
Arirang 18-Apr-16 TBD
Baja 2-May-16 9pm
Balhae 16-May-16 10am
Napa Valley 30-May-16 9pm
Drachenfels 13-Jun-16 2pm
Europa 27-Jun-16 4pm
Oceania 11-Jul-16 8pm
Catskills 25-Jul-16 7pm