The Herald

UO Herald - Lore

An Honorable Vow

Written by EM Drosselmeyer

“Sir, I wouldn’t advise…”

“Then don’t.” The reply was simple as he stepped out onto the battlefield, surveying where human, elf, and gargoyle alike had fought and fallen. He picked up a broken sword, missing an insignia…and had no way to tell to which side it had belonged. The battle here had been fierce, and it was still being fought, and he knew it would continue to be fought…long after he had once again departed. It was one that had to be fought though; the forces of Vice and Evil must always be opposed, or else there would be nothing left.

“Sir, we should…”

Lord British sighed, standing and brushing off his cloak, turning back to begin the walk to the moongate. The guard had good intentions, but he had not wished to have him along at all…but King Blackthorn had insisted, and told him that it had been too long since he had been in these lands…and that even a King would not be likely to see mercy from those that roamed the old lands. He looked out one last time before he turned his back on Felucca once more, knowing it may be some time before he laid eyes upon them again.

“Sir Dupre, it is good to see you victorious…and better to see how little you have changed. Especially in your taste for excellent drink and companionship.” Lord British grinned to his friend across the table at the Keg and Anchor, who was celebrating with some of his knights, despite many of Minax and Anon’s forces escaping to lick their wounds and fight once again.

“There are many things inconstant in this world, M’lord, but Trinsic’s liquor will always be a safe haven.” The knight took a long drink before placing it down. “But it seems to me that you would ask to meet with me for more than to congratulate me…with as pressing as the business you tend to have usually is. So lay it on me, and let us not waste time, so that once the business is done we can return to our revelry.”

“It is good that you have never given up on Felucca…on the ways of old, and the lands that people hold dear. It seems that too many have taken the easy route, of simply avoiding strife and conflict, abandoning their beliefs because to support them means to fight…and fight we must.” Lord British paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts, and continued on. “These followers of Minax…and Anon, sad as it is to have confirmation now of his betrayal…must be opposed. The Vices they espouse cannot be allowed to hold sway over our lands, and Virtue must once again be upheld across Britannia. You have always been the most honorable man I have ever known, Sir Dupre…and I would ask of you to take a vow, an oath to the Kingdom and King and Virtue as you once did before…but now under your new King.”

Dupre had set down his glass by now, listening more soberly to Cantabrigian’s words, and spoke. “I have never given any reason for King Blackthorn to…”

Lord British interrupted him before he could go further. “Nor do I think you would…but it is a symbol, and vows have power. By officially pledging yourself to the cause of Virtue, many will flock to it’s banner under the power of your name; Many whom still view King Blackthorn with hesitancy, or distrust due to the machinations of Minax and Exodus. You are well respected and loved whether you admit it or not, and you have a responsibility to live up to it.”

Dupre looked down into his drink for a long time, before taking the cup and finishing it, going to answer Lord British.

The pack on his shoulders weighed heavily on him as he walked through the city of Britain, passing by the entrance to his castle and lingering for just a moment to stare at it longingly. It still sat, empty and waiting, eager to see life once more…but Lord British continued on, heading south. He passed the bank and overheard as the town criers were shouting out through the streets.

“Extra! Extra! Sir Dupre pledges to stamp out the forces of Vice and any who follow the traitoress, Minax! Volunteers are encouraged to assist with his efforts, and all able bodied citizens who wish to fight will be accepted!”

A smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he passed by, his large hooded cloak hiding his identity and preventing him from drawing attention…not that he might have drawn that much, with so many around him preparing armor, weaponry, and beast and spell alike to take up the cause. He could hear the fading voice of the town crier shouting something about strange things turning up in the dungeon of Doom in Malas, and he followed the old road to the moongate. While he could not lead the fight or take up the cause himself, with so much left to do elsewhere…he knew that King Blackthorn and Sir Dupre would not let the lands fall to Minax. And he knew he would return…even if he did not know how long the journey might be, or where else it might take him.

Producer Update

Good Afternoon everyone,

The UO team wants to wish everyone a Happy Labor Day on Monday, please be safe if you are driving!

We are excited to release an update to TC1 for Vice vs Virtue. In this update we have introduced the following,

  • At the beginning of each battle three altars will spawn within the City.
  • Shortly after the match begins, the action feed will display a message to “Fight for the Altar!”
  • An arrow will direct you towards the location of the altar.
  • The objective is to be the only guild or alliance on the altar and successfully prevent enemies from stepping onto the altar.
  • As time passes columns of fire will shoot up from the altar, igniting the four braziers surrounding the altar.
  • When all 4 braziers have been lit, the guild or alliance that successfully held the altar will receive points.
  • If at any time an enemy guild steps onto the altar progress will be reset.
  • After a short period of time the action feed will display a message to again, “Fight for the Altar!” and the process repeats.

    Please note there is a known issue with the EC and how the arrow is displayed pointing to the location of the altar, this will be fixed in the next publish to TC1.

We look forward to hearing your feedback on this new VvV mechanic!

Thanks everyone!

UO Herald - Game Updates

Patcher Maintenance

Greetings Everyone,

   You are going to notice a few client patches this week, these are due to patcher maintenance we are doing to upgrade the patcher.  If you have any issues please let us know.  Thank you in advance.

We hope you have a safe Halloween!!

UO Team

UO Herald - Support

Doom Artifact Issue

Greetings everyone,

We have discovered a conflict with the delivery of the old and new artifacts in Doom.  To resolve this conflict we are temporarly turning off the ability to get the old artifacts in Doom until after the Treasures of Doom Event.  We appoligize for any inconvience this may have caused anyone, they will return after the current event is over in December. This will be fixed tomorrow after normal maintenance cycles on all shards.

Thank you,

UO Team

87.1 Patch Notes

Greetings Everyone,

We have published the following adjustments to some issues with VvV and some client issues.  These were published this morning with your maintenance cycles and the Japanase shards will receive it during their normal maintenance cycle this evening.

  • VvV silver points awarded for kills, altar claims, and sigil returns has been increased by a factor of 5 for individuals and their guild mates, and a factor of 2 for non-guild mates.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the  hidden player to be revealed along with all players around them.
  • Japanese Clilocs
  • Fixed Enhanced Client Skill Tracker on Siege
  • Fixed Enhanced Client Issue when toggling between legacy grid containers and non legacy grid containers

UO Herald - Game Updates

Important Notice!!

Update 10/24 3:03 pm ET

Promotional Code system has been turned back on.  You can redeem codes in game again! 

Thank you for your patience.

UO Team

Update 10/24 1:13 pm ET

Vendor Search has been turned back on but we need an extended amount of time on the Promotional code system.  Until further notice this system will be down.  Please do not try to redeem any promotional coupons.

We will post as soon as the system is back up.

Thank you!

UO Team

Greetings Everyone,

    Vendor Search and the Promotional Code Data Base will be taken off line tomorrow from 11 am to 2 pm ET for maintenance.  Please do not attempt to redeem any promotional codes during this period of time.  If we are able to bring it back earlier we will keep you informed of our progress.

Thank you!

UO Team

Publish 87 To All Shards

Greetings Everyone,

We will be publishing all shards starting tomorrow morning, all shards will receive Publish 87 during your normal maintenance cycles, European shards will get this tomorrow afternoon during their normal maintenance cycles.  Since we have been so late this year with Halloween and Anniversary rewards we have turned them back on.  The 17th Anniversary Gifts will be turned back on and can be claimed until November 18, at 11:59 pm.  Halloween Trick or Treating will be available until server up on November 19, 2014.  Treasures of Doom will continue until server up on December 1, 2014.  Enjoy everyone!!!

Halloween – Treasures of Doom

  • Visit the Research Camp located outside of the Dungeon Doom in Malas to learn about an archeological investigation. You can also resurrect at the camp.
    • Slaying monsters inside Dungeon Doom gives a chance for an Artifact of Doom to drop in the players backpack. Luck and creature difficulty will positively influence the chance at receiving an artifact of doom, being hidden will decrease the chance at receiving an artifact of doom.
  • Artifacts of Doom can be turned into the NPC at the research camp in exchange for,
    • [Your Character’s Name]’s Lantern of Light
    • Tincture of Silver – can be applied to weapons, spellbooks, and certain instruments to give a slayer bonus against creatures within Doom, while becoming vulnerable to undead.
    • Antique Documents Kit – crafting ingredient required for the crating of “Prophetic Manuscripts”
    • Reward Title Deeds – Usable deed that will grant the users various titles
      • The Atoned
      • Defender of the Living
      • Preserver of the Faith
    • Crook of Humility – A Shepherd’s Crook
      • Veterinary +10
      • Wolf Slayer
      • Spell Channeling
      • Intelligence + 10
      • Damage Increase -20%
    • Scepter of Pride – Scepter
      • Demon Slayer
      • Undead Slayer
      • Hit Stamina Leech 70%
      • Hit Life Leech 70%
      • Hit Mana Leech 70%
      • Swing Speed Increase 30%
    • Cloak of Light – Cloak
      • Hit Point Regeneration 2
      • Night Sight
      • Hit Chance Increase 5%
    • Boots of Escaping
      • Dexterity Bonus 4
      • Stamina Regeneration 1
    • Sterling Silver Ring
      • Meditation +20
      • Hit Point Regeneration 3
      • Mana Regeneration 5
      • Damage Increase 75%
      • Additional +20 skill bonus applied by double clicking the ring and selecting from the available skills
  • Prophetic Manuscripts
    • Craftable via the Inscription menu under “Other”
    • Requires ancient parchments (10), wood pulp (10), antique documents kit (1), and beeswax (5).
    • Failure will only consume ancient parchments, wood pulp, and beeswax.
    • There are 5 different prophetic manuscript texts, randomly assigned when successfully crafted.
  • Treasures of Doom will be available for a limited time during the Halloween season, and recur with various tweaks in successive years.

Halloween – Trick or Treating

  • Three new monster skulls have been added to Trick or Treating! Trick or Treating will be available during the remainder of the month of October.

Enhanced Client Bug Fixes

  • Switching to legacy containers no longer makes the contents invisible
  • Fixed odd visible lines above the targeting window
  • Vendor Search Gump now functions properly
  • Container auto loot no longer breaks after you use it for awhile
  • Disabled icons no longer prevent users from using spells/skills/actions on hotbar
  • Advanced health bars are no longer locked by default
  • Bug report window once again closes when submitting issues
  • Advanced health bar properly changes hue based on health bar state
  • Borders can once again be placed on hotbar items
  • Buff/Debuff Icons now properly scale with bar
  • Buff/Debuff icons no longer display over all UI elements
  • Maneuvering the atlas around the world no longer will crash client
  • Fixed long pause when opening containers
  • Paperdoll window, target window, buff bars, and status bar can no longer go outside of the game window
  • Default UI Scale is now set to 1 from 0.85
  • Enable auto run is set on by default
  • Main menu action is now on the hotbar for newly created user profiles

Bug Fixes

  • All players who are currently flagged as Vice vs Virtue participants will have a one time reprieve and the flag will be removed.
  • Non Vice vs Virtue players that find themselves in a VvV battle city will have a new option on the warning gump to teleport them to the nearest moongate.
  • VvV participation flag for non-VvV players will now be removed after 8 hours, or the participant is killed by a VvV player, whichever comes first.
  • The “Unwieldy” (Items with higher than normal weights) will no longer have a chance to spawn in MIB chests.
  • The loot in MIB chests will now have a higher base budget for creating magic items.
  • Some situations where traps and locks were being applied to containers inside of City & Justice regions will no longer happen.
  • Trade Quest crates will now be able to hold up to 550 stones and have 75% weight reduction.
  • Silver points are no longer awarded to VvV players when occupying a city.
  • VvV Cannon Turret cost has been reduced from 5000 to 3000 silver points.
  • VvV Trap cost has been reduced from 500 to 250 silver points.
  • VvV Mana Spike cost has been reduced from 2500 to 1000 points.
  • VvV Mana Spike effect duration has been increased from 20 to 60 seconds.
  • Trader Quest participants will no longer be able to sacred journey to a ship rune.
  • Trade orders should no longer have a chance to include items with duplicate names
  • Items inside a trade order crate will no longer be purchased by shop keepers.
  • Spellweaving summons no longer cause a player to flag as a criminal when they are attacked by a VvV player
  • Ship cargo containers will no longer be locked or trapped.
  • Certain items that had missing default names will no longer be improperly placed inside of a trade crate when using “Fill from Backpack.”
  • The “Unwieldy” property will no longer spawn on items that can be stolen from various containers.
  • Claiming an Alter and Returning a Sigil in VvV matches have been equalized.
  • The cooldown between gaining VvV match and silver points from kills has been reduced from 5 minutes to 2 minutes.
  •  VvV Players who are hidden will not count towards occupying a city.

UO Herald - Game Updates

Publish 87 to Origin and Izumo

Good afternoon,

  We are publishing and patching a client out for Publish 87 to Origin and Izumo today, we look forward to your feedback.  This will go World Wide on the Tuesday 21st.  .

Pub 87 to Origin & Izumo

  • Treasures of Doom

    • The NPC at the Research Camp outside of Doom will now resurrect players.
    • The drop rate for artifacts of doom has been increased substantially. Luck and creature difficulty will positively influence the chance at receiving an artifact of doom, being hidden will decrease the chance at receiving an artifact of doom.
    • As a result of the increased drop rate, some turn in reward prices have been adjusted and are still subject to change based on feedback before WW release.
  • Ship cargo containers will no longer be locked or trapped.
  • Certain items that had missing default names will no longer be improperly placed inside of a trade crate when using “Fill from Backpack.”
  • The VvV participant flag will now be removed after 8 hours.

Enhanced Client Bug Fixes

  • User Setting “Block War on Guild” has been updated to “Block War on Friendly”
  • Save Journal Option is functional once again
  • Removed hotbar item disabling on player death, low mana, minimum skill requirements, and paralyzed
  • Hotbar context menu options for Polymorph, Spell Trigger, and Enchant Spell are now functional
  • Corrected issue where bank boxes do not show full contents in grid view. Known Issue bank boxes do not show grid view option when first opened
  • Corrected contents information when displaying weight
  • Improved performance of hotbars while they are hidden
  • Temporarily disabled heartbeat on low health

UO Herald - Game Updates

Publish 87 TC!

Happy Friday Everyone,

   Since we will be out of the office for Columbus Day on Monday we are publishing TC1 today.  We hope you enjoy our little tricks and treats we have for you this year. 



Halloween – Treasures of Doom

  • Visit the Research Camp located outside of the Dungeon Doom in Malas to learn about an archaeological investigation.

  • Slaying monsters inside Dungeon Doom gives a chance for an Artifact of Doom to drop in the players backpack. The more monsters a player kills, as well as a player’s luck influence the chance at getting and Artifact of Doom.

  • Artifacts of Doom can be turned into the NPC at the research camp in exchange for,

    • [Your Character’s Name]’s Lantern of Light

    • Tincture of Silver – can be applied to weapons, spellbooks, and certain instruments to give a slayer bonus against creatures within Doom, while becoming vulnerable to undead.

    • Antique Documents Kit – crafting ingredient required for the crating of “Prophetic Manuscripts”

    • Reward Title Deeds – Usable deed that will grant the users various titles

      • The Atoned

      • Defender of the Living

      • Preserver of the Faith

    • Crook of Humility – A Shepherd’s Crook

      • Veterinary +10

      • Wolf Slayer

      • Spell Channeling

      • Intelligence + 10

      • Damage Increase -20%

    • Scepter of Pride – Scepter

      • Demon Slayer

      • Undead Slayer

      • Hit Stamina Leech 70%

      • Hit Life Leech 70%

      • Hit Mana Leech 70%

      • Swing Speed Increase 30%

    • Cloak of Light – Cloak

      • Hit Point Regeneration 2

      • Night Sight

      • Hit Chance Increase 5%

    • Boots of Escaping

      • Dexterity Bonus 4

      • Stamina Regeneration 1

    • Sterling Silver Ring

      • Meditation +20

      • Hit Point Regeneration 3

      • Mana Regeneration 5

      • Damage Increase 75%

      • Additional +20 skill bonus applied by double clicking the ring and selecting from the available skills

  • Prophetic Manuscripts

    • Craftable via the Inscription menu under “Other”

    • Requires ancient parchments (10), wood pulp (10), antique documents kit (1), and beeswax (5).

    • Failure will only consume ancient parchments, wood pulp, and beeswax.

    • There are 5 different prophetic manuscript texts, randomly assigned when successfully crafted.

  • Treasures of Doom will be available for a limited time during the Halloween season, and recur with various tweaks in successive years.

Halloween – Trick or Treating

  • Three new monster skulls have been added to Trick or Treating! Trick or Treating will be available during the remainder of the month of October.

Enhanced Client Bug Fixes

  • Switching to legacy containers no longer makes the contents invisible
  • Fixed odd visible lines above the targeting window
  • Vendor Search Gump now functions properly
  • Container auto loot no longer breaks after you use it for awhile
  • Disabled icons no longer prevent users from using spells/skills/actions on hotbar
  • Advanced health bars are no longer locked by default
  • Bug report window once again closes when submitting issues
  • Advanced health bar properly changes hue based on health bar state
  • Borders can once again be placed on hotbar items
  • Buff/Debuff Icons now properly scale with bar
  • Buff/Debuff icons no longer display over all UI elements
  • Maneuvering the atlas around the world no longer will crash client
  • Fixed long pause when opening containers
  • Paperdoll window, target window, buff bars, and status bar can no longer go outside of the game window
  • Default UI Scale is now set to 1 from 0.85
  • Enable auto run is set on by default
  • Main menu action is now on the hotbar for newly created user profiles

Bug Fixes

  • All players who are currently flagged as Vice vs Virtue participants will have a one time reprieve and the flag will be removed.

  • Non Vice vs Virtue players that find themselves in a VvV battle city will have a new option on the warning gump to teleport them to the nearest moongate.

  • VvV participation flag for non-VvV players will now be removed after 2 hours, or the participant is killed by a VvV player, whichever comes first.

  • The “Unwieldy” (Items with higher than normal weights) will no longer have a chance to spawn in MIB chests.

  • The loot in MIB chests will now have a higher base budget for creating magic items.

  • Some situations where traps and locks were being applied to containers inside of City & Justice regions will no longer happen. ((existing trapped and locked containers will not be affected until their traps and/or locks have been removed)

  • Trade Quest crates will now be able to hold up to 550 stones and have 75% weight reduction.

  • Silver points are no longer awarded to VvV players when occupying a city.

  • VvV Cannon Turret cost has been reduced from 5000 to 3000 silver points.

  • VvV Trap cost has been reduced from 500 to 250 silver points.

  • VvV Mana Spike cost has been reduced from 2500 to 1000 points.

  • VvV Mana Spike effect duration has been increased from 20 to 60 seconds.

  • Trader Quest participants will no longer be able to sacred journey to a ship rune.

  • Trade orders should no longer have a chance to include items with duplicate names

  • Items inside a trade order crate will no longer be purchased by shop keepers.

  • Spellweaving summons no longer cause a player to flag as a criminal when they are attacked by a VvV player

UO Herald - Support

懐かしのブリタニア アカウントの問題

わたしはあなた方のうち何人かがReturn to Britanniaのためのアカウントにログイン出来ないという問題が発生している事を理解しています。

Thank you
UO Team