Ultima Online

07 – Silver and Blood

by EM Malachi, August 26th 2020 Candlelight flickered across dozens of polished silver triangles. The crowd was mostly Fellowship, with a few outsiders clustered along the edge. The sun had already set over the Serpent’s Spine, and the moon was obscured behind a cloud. It was going to be a dark night, one year after Feridwyn’s death. As Iolo made his way through the crowd to the people in his care, he bumped into a man in a Fellowship robe. There was an unexpected clink of chain mail. When Iolo gave a greeting, the man scowled and pushed deeper into […]

Ultima Online

06 – Dreams of Julia

By EM Malachi August 4th 2020 Many years ago…Halston Montil looked down the edge of his blade at the large troll in front of him. The Royal Guard investigator had chased the leader of the Followers of Armageddon across half the continent, only to arrive later than the angry troll who had been tricked into attacking Britannia. Montil knew that his warriors could deal with the creature, but not without risking the two innocents whom the cultist was hiding behind.  “Troll, if you threaten us no more, you are free to go.”“No! Brother Killer must die!” One of the hostages, […]

Ultima Online

05 – Descent

by EM Malachi May 29th 2020 “My meditations are not to be disturbed,” Batlin said to the sentry. Instead of the lordly garb and golden pendant Batlin usually wore, he was clothed only in a simple woolen robe.  The trapdoor creaked as the cult leader pulled it up by its iron latch. As he started down the stairs, Batlin responded to his follower’s confusion, “One must descend into darkness to rise up stronger.” The sentry pretended to understand. “Yes, Brother Batlin. Nobody will get past me.” The cellar was empty except for an object wrapped in cloth at the center […]

Ultima Online

04 – Walk Through Shadows

By EM Malachi April 28th 2020 The air was warm, and Shamino’s beloved beckoned him to step onto the balcony. The ranger king looked around the castle chamber, but could not remember how he had gotten there. Though he felt drawn to the light, Shamino turned back to the papers and responsibilities in front of him. Instead of the castle steward, a man in a robe of stars sat across the table. Even with the sunlight shining upon him, the being cast no shadow. The Time Lord smiled. “Shall we discuss what happens now?” “What is this?” “You have a […]

Ultima Online

The Silver Gate

Posted on May 21, 2015 by Mesanna By: EM Malachi The Stranger aligned the last gem in its place within the ritual circle. Mana began to pool between the four gems, pulled to the tower from each of the four continents. Pausing briefly to focus his mind, the Stranger whispered an ancient incantation, carefully shaping the mana into a delicate silver gate. When the moongate was stable enough for passage, the Stranger picked up his sword and stepped through. Hawkwind, the Time Lord, solemnly watched the Stranger’s actions. When the gate closed, he held his breath for what would come. […]

Ultima Online

Artemia’s Unicorn

Written by EM Malachi  Jan 11th 2017 Artemia spent her days exploring the fields and forests far from the ferry to Skara Brae. The little girl loved wandering through the woods, listening to birdsong and picking berries. The baker would trade her a handful of cookies for any berries she hadn’t eaten on the way back home. On one of her wanderings, Artemia heard what sounded like the anguished cries of a wild horse. Following the sound, she found the animal ensnared in a poacher’s trap. The creature was on his side and covered in dirt and blood from thrashing […]

Ultima Online

04) Whispers in the Dark

10/15/2018 To shepherd in the Treasures of Khaldun we have a series of short pieces of fiction to supplement the events in-game.  We present the final installment, Whispers in the Dark By EM Malachi There was the rattling caw of a crow in the distance, and an open window carried an acrid wind from the part of town that had been put to the torch. Even as exhaustion and grief pulled at him, the old sage couldn’t sleep. He could not forget the faces of the murdered innocents he had prepared for burial the next day. He forced his eyes […]