Death and Resurrection in the Enhanced Client

Revision for “Death and Resurrection in the Enhanced Client” created on October 1, 2015 @ 13:39:19

Death and Resurrection in the Enhanced Client
Your character has died. What to do now? First open your atlas using the green button. <a href="images/dead1.jpg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-6226 alignnone" src="" alt="dead1" width="300" height="218" /></a> You will see several small white ankhs and a skull and crossed bones. The skull marks the location of your corpse. One such ankh can be seen on the image below <a href=""><img class="size-medium wp-image-6227 alignnone" src="" alt="dead2" width="300" height="286" /></a> Mouse over on these points of light reveal them to be the source of your salvation, a wandering healer. <a href=""><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-6228" src="" alt="dead3" width="300" height="276" /></a> Once safely back in the land of the living these helpful locations become hidden again until further need arises. You are now able to return to your corpse, its location clearly marked on the map <a href=""><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-6230" src="" alt="dead4" width="300" height="233" /></a>

OldNewDate CreatedAuthorActions
October 1, 2015 @ 13:39:19 Mariah
October 1, 2015 @ 13:37:20 Mariah