01) The Dark Path

Revision for “01) The Dark Path” created on November 17, 2021 @ 11:05:10

01) The Dark Path
<p class="normal">Ancient magma pockets that birthed the Isle of Deeds smoldered under the ground, making the heat almost unbearable. Ash swirled around Reiya as she traced runes on the table with blood-stained hands. “We have lost the Path. Now we light a fire so the Guide can lead us back. <i>In Flam Lor Vas Ort Por</i>.”</p> <p class="normal">“By our blood, the Wildfire burns. By this fire, the Path is lit. By the Path, the Guide returns. <i>Por Grav Uus Flam</i>.” Two other monks chanted in unison, as mana-infused blood dripped from their hands onto lanterns marked with the same runes. Light from the lanterns made the bound wraith tremble and screech.</p> <p class="normal">Reiya frowned as one of the lantern flames wavered slightly. With her sisters gone, two lesser cultists had stepped into their roles. Their blood magic barely kept the spell going, and at least one of them would not survive the ritual. No matter the cost, the ritual needed to succeed.</p> <p class="normal">It was during the second offering of blood that the Order of the Silver Serpent arrived. Half a dozen knights, led by the Lord of Serpent’s Hold himself, stormed into the cavern. No words were exchanged before they attacked. A knight brought a battle axe down on a Dark Monk, not just severing the person but also the arcane beacon beside him. The mix of blood, Stoneheart, and Wildfire ignited into a tempest of chaotic magic. The other cultist fared as poorly.</p> <p class="normal">Reiya considered fleeing, but calmly rejected this option. She would complete what her sisters had died for. Placing both hands flat against the pentagram etched into the table, Reiya channeled the vortex of angry mana into the ritual. The remaining lantern split into dozens of phantom versions, and with a pop, each beacon entered the Ethereal Void.</p> <p class="normal">The sound spooked a squire who threw his pike into the ritual table. Reiya lost control of the channeling. The overload burned at the monk’s flesh but also the wraith’s chains.</p> <p class="normal">As the eldritch bonds fell away, the spirit reached out. Fingers of shadow wrapped around Reiya’s arm, and a skeletal mouth whispered to her, “Now you will know the horrors I’ve seen.”</p> <p class="normal">The Dark Monk screamed as she was pulled through the stone into the magma below.</p>

OldNewDate CreatedAuthorActions
November 17, 2021 @ 11:05:10 Mariah