The Manifestation of Evil has been vanquished and the undead driven from the cities, but the fight against evil forces continues and the need to push back Veylara and the Shadow Reavers continues in Ter Mur. Demonic forces have taken over an island, access to it has been created through a portal south of the west gate of Royal City.
In place of the usual altar, a corrupted Oak tree is surrounded by Runestones.
The 16 runestones represent the usual 16 red candles which surround the altar. As the spawn progresses the runestones will activate, beginning to glow. Flames will also appear on the front four candles, representing the usual inner, white, candles.
Spawn Waves will consist of:
- Greater Mongbats and Imps
- Arcane Daemons and Chaos Daemons
- Molochs and Enslaved Gargoyles
- Shadow Reavers (initiates, acolytes, berserkers) and Balron
The Champions, Moltrog the Void Seer and Vorothal the Mindflayer are protected by the runestones and invulnerable, but the runestones themselves now become vulnerable. Destroy the runestones to end the champions’ protection to enable them to be killed. During the spawn Shadowblight blooms will fall into fighter’s packs in a variety of different styles and in a number of common and rare hues.
Defeating the Champions can produce the following rewards:
- A Page of Lore (10 pages)
- Defiler’s Grasp
- Belt
- 150 Luck
- 5% Random Eater
- 10% Random Resist (matches eater)
- Paladin Shield
- Available in four Elemental Types (Air, Water, Earth, Fire)
- 20% Eater and 20% resist (matching)
- Air = Energy
- Water = Cold
- Earth = Physical/Kinetic
- Fire = Fire
- Chivalry + 10
- Parry +10
- Reactive Close Wounds 30%
- Chance to activate upon a successful parry
- Potency is based on wielder’s chivalry Skill
- Stamina Increase 5
- Mana Increase 5
- Hit Chance Increase 15%
- Lower Mana Cost 5%
- Poison Resist 1%
- Strength Requirement 20
- Durability 255/255
- Paladin Fork
- New Weapon Type
- Special Moves: Armor Ignore & Double Strike
- Available in four Elemental Types (Air, Water, Earth, Fire)
- 100% Elemental Damage
- Air = Energy
- Water = Cold
- Earth = Physical
- Fire = Fire
- Hit Spell 70%
- Air/Earth = Hit Lightning
- Water = Hit Harm
- Fire = Hit Fireball
- Weight 9 Stones
- Hit Stamina Leech 50%
- Hit Mana Leech 100%
- Hit Life Leech 100%
- Hit Lower Defense 50%
- Damage Increase 30%
- Weapon Damage 10 – 14
- Weapon Speed 2.5s
- Strength Requirement 45
- One-Handed Weapon
- Skill Required Fencing
- Durability 255/255
- New Weapon Type
- Paladin Hammer
- New Weapon Type
- Special Moves: Double Strike & Whirlwind Attack
- Available in four Elemental Types (Air, Water, Earth, Fire)
- 100% Elemental Damage
- Air = Energy
- Water = Cold
- Earth = Physical
- Fire = Fire
- Hit Area Spell 70%
- Air= Energy
- Water = Cold
- Earth = Physical
- Fire = Fire
- Weight 10 Stones
- Hit Stamina Leech 50%
- Hit Mana Leech 100%
- Hit Life Leech 100%
- Hit Lower Defense 50%
- Damage Increase 30%
- Weapon Damage 15 – 18
- Weapon Speed 3.25s
- Strength Requirement 65
- Two-Handed Weapon
- Skill Required Mace Fighting
- Durability 255/255
- New Weapon Type